His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How To Capture A Celebrity Husband?

Chapter 13: Familiar with his touches?

Chapter 13: Familiar with his touches?

"You have to date me because the movie director thinks that our love story is similar to his movie's story. Your fans also think that the movie is based on our love story. Now, everyone is looking forward to that tragic movie." I restate their reasons to understand clearly. "Until the movie is released, I have to act as your girlfriend. If I don't, that director will kick you out of the movie."

"You will be a fake contract girlfriend. In front of everyone, you have to act like a real girlfriend." Manager Jeong corrects me. "We will pay for your services."

I glance at the papers in her hands. "I don't want to do it."

Manager Jeong smiles and writes down something on the paper. She pushes it toward me. I see the digits and the dollar sign. "What is this?"

"The money you have to pay for breaking the contract," She tells me merrily. "You created this mess, Miss Kwon. If you hadn't done the things that you did, you wouldn't be here. We could have resolved everything in a civil manner. If you don't do this, Si An will lose the movie to someone else. Director Lee is quite gifted. It's a privilege to work with him. Si An has worked hard a lot to get this role. You have to pay for his lost chance, don't you?"

My bank balance is only three digits. Even if I sell my body organs in the black market, I can't pay him this much. "I can go to the cops and tell them that you threatened me to sign this."

"I knew that you would say that." She pulls the last paper from the document. "You already signed the confession that it was you who tried to seduce Kang Si An in the store. Kang Si An has been in love with you. He would never try to harm you even if the world comes to an end."

"So, I have signed something like that." That explains why nobody in the future would be suspicious of him for my murder. I have been blaming my future self for low IQ. Of course, I am already in the process of becoming my future self. What kind of fool signs something like this without reading?

I am doomed. It's my fault for my doomed future.

'The biggest conspirator is time itself,' My father told me after he found out that I had the ability to travel through time. When he found out that I was a time-traveler like his eldest missing sister, he wasn't surprised. He told me that he had an inkling that I would turn out like her. He warned me for a hundred times that I shouldn't misuse my abilities. Interfering with the time have grave consequences. In the past, my ancestors paid a grave price for messing with times. My aunt disappeared when she was a high school student. It's been nearly thirty years. She still hasn't come back.

The time-travelers are pawns of the time itself. A time-traveler changing the future or going against the will of time is like an ant changing the flow of a giant river. Every new decision or action has unseen consequences. If I make a new chess move against time itself, the entire chess board changes and squares are rearranged. If that happens, I no longer have the upper advantage. The course of actions results in the same reactions.

When I thought about getting close to him by taking advantage of the situation, I had the upper hand. I wanted to know the reason and take it away. Then, I was thrown in the future and found out some new information regarding Kang Si An and myself. I am back and I remade the decisions. This time, I don't want to be anywhere near him. If I had still acted like I wanted to date him after coming back to the present, there wouldn't have been a contract. Manager Jeong would have agreed happily after talking to the director.

I wouldn't be bound by law. I could escape later. But, I didn't know the new future.

To play this game, I need to know all the chess pieces and their movements. I don't want to be slaughtered like a pig. I want to live.


Kang Si An has been observing her ever since she has signed the documents. Even though he is in this mess, he is pleased to see her depressed expressions.

Earlier, she told him that she was his fan. Then, she made a scene in front of the journalists and the cops. She told him that she had a special means to know about him. She planned all this. She faked the loss of consciousness. Then, she pushed him to declare that they were dating. Now, she wants to throw him in this mess and leave.

She is a professional liar. She is a sly manipulating opportunity grabber, but she has lost in her own game.

He has a strong dislike for people like her.

"You can't touch me." After a long pause, she eyes him with a strange calmness. "In this fake relationship."

"Pfft." He looks at her from her head to the toes. Brown eyes. Messy brown hair. Skin with freckles on her nose. A few small pimples on her forehead. No sense of fashion. She doesn't take care of her appearance. People like her are just lazy. "You have some confidence."

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I don't care about what you think about my appearance. But, I don't want to have any sort of physical touch with you. Unless it is an absolute necessity, I don't want to hang out with you."

"I should be the one saying this." Kang Si An looks at her with anger. "You are the one at fault."

"Shut up." Manager Jeong narrows her eyes. "Both of you are at fault."

"What did I do?" He frowns deeply. "My only fault is that I crave chocolates when I am nervous. I was nervous before meeting Director Lee. Now, I am frustrated because of her."

"I doubt that there is anyone in this room who is more frustrated than me," Kwon Kyuri replies without opening her eyes. She leans back, resting her elbows on his bed.

"I don't let you eat chocolates because of your addiction," Manager Jeong tells him sternly. "And you, Miss Kwon. Touching is the absolute necessity to make people believe that you are dating. Si An can act that you are his girlfriend. I have a firm belief in his acting abilities. But, I don't trust you or your abilities. First, you must make an effort to look presentable. Second, you must be familiar with his touches and control your expressions. You should not look like you are forcing yourself. Third, you and Si An have to meet Director Lee."

"You are kidding me, right?" Kang Si An grabs his hair. "Why does he wants to meet her?"

"Why do I have to be familiar with his touches?" Kwon Kyuri sits up quickly. "Look, it sounds perverted. I can't be touched by this guy. That's unacceptable."

"It's written in the contract that you will hug, kiss, and do other necessary gestures to make it believable." Manager Jeong shakes her head. She feels like she is dealing with two kids here. Her BP is getting high whenever she looks at their faces.

"That's too much." Kwon Kyuri grimaces at her. "I am a traditional woman. I don't like kissing or hugging before marriage."

"Weren't you suggesting one night stand that day in the store?" Kang Si An chuckles.

"You aren't fluent in sarcasm, are you?" She rolls her eyes. "Why are you okay with touching?"

"If we have to be in a fake relationship, we have to touch and pretend." He states the truth. "Else, nobody would believe us. Besides, I am not keen on touching you. However, the situation calls for it."

"These two!" Manager Jeong rubs her forehead. If things go like this, nobody would ever believe that they are actually lovers. Director Lee is an experienced man. It will not be easy to fool him. What love? They look at each other like they want to shred each other to pieces.

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