His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How To Capture A Celebrity Husband?

Chapter 16: Begging me to date him

Chapter 16: Begging me to date him

In the private room of the restaurant, my family is sitting on the opposite side, facing me and Kang Si An with straight faces. My mother, who is the most excited one to see Kang Si An's face, winks at me to show support. I wink back at her. This doesn't escape my father's and brother's eyes.

"Since when?" My father asks me with a grave tone.

"Two months," Kang Si An Answers him before I can. I want to kill this guy.

"Since when have you been doing the part-time job?" My father ignores him. "Haven't I told you that you can't do it?"

"I didn't forget that," I reply with a whiny tone. I know that it will annoy him more. But, he also likes it when I act childish. "You say this because I am a girl. If I was a boy and your elder child, I would not have any restriction. I could go out at night and have fun like the elder brother."

"Not again." My elder brother groans in frustration. "Don't start that again. We are just worried about you. You know why!!!"

"I didn't take the night shift." I cross my fingers. "It was just because the night-shift employee took off because of his wife's pregnancy. I was going to do it for only two days. The store-owner didn't want me to do it, but he couldn't find anyone else. So, I volunteered."

"You are lying." My father sighs deeply. "Tell me about this boy. How did you meet him?"

"We -" Kang Si An opens his mouth to speak. I pinch Kang Si An's hand. He yells, "Ow! What are you doing?"

"Let me answer him, honey," I tell him through the clenched teeth. Don't overact, you stupid actor! "Father, we met a week ago. He fell for me at first sight. He was begging me to date him. So, I said yes."

Fake boyfriend. I am not lying. Fake boyfriend is a boyfriend. Technically, we met a week ago...in the future.

His manager is the one who got me to sign that stupid contract. Begging, it is.

"Just like that?" My brother raises his brow. "Father, she is up to something again."

"You are always suspicious." My mother chimes in to save me. "My child deserves happiness. She chose well. Look, he is handsome and serious about her."

"Kyuri's mother, if she had chosen because of her heart, I would have accepted it." My father turns toward her. "She is lying. I am interested in knowing why."

Why? If I start, it will be a big problem. I resort to my last option.


Kang Si An looks at each family member. He has never thought that someone's family would react like this. Usually, girls would like the idea of even holding his hand. Here, this girl's family is treating him like a fake.

It is a fake relationship. If her family can't believe it, what are the chances of the director believing?

He has no chemistry with this girl. None. Manager Jeong could easily see it. That's why she made them hold hands. This is a stupid idea. Should he take a risk and reveal everything to the director? What are the odds of everything turning right?

There is an odd silence in the room. All eyes are focussed on the girl. He is wondering what's going on. Are they talking with eyes? He is also in the room though.

"Dad, I am doing what I need to do." Kwon Kyuri breaks the tense silence. "You have to trust me. This is the matter... regarding my future."

Kang Si An narrows his eyes. Regarding her future? Does she want to use him to get something else? Temporary fame? Yes, that makes sense. All of her actions and words make sense to him now.

Her father and brother sigh loudly. Her mother looks sad. Kang Si An can't understand anything about this family. They look like they are deeply upset because he is her boyfriend.

"..." This girl and her family are crushing his pride mercilessly. Is he not good looking and famous enough?

"Can you give us a moment to talk?" Her father asks him solemnly.

He purses his lips. He doesn't trust this family, but he can't say no either. "I will wait outside."

Kang Si An walks out. The door is closed. He doesn't give up. He glues his ear on the door and tries to listen to their conversation.


"Speak." My father commands me in a low voice. My brother shakes his head at me. My mother gives me a small nod.

"You told me not to give you spoilers about the future." I grin at them. I don't want them to worry about me. My father won't take it easy since my aunt also disappeared a long time ago. If death comes, I will accept it. At least, I won't disappear. They will have closure if I am unable to change my future.

"I told you not to mess with the time." My father glares at me.

"I am not trying to." I scratch my head. "I can't ignore it either. I sort of... ended up... in this."

I would have never expected that Kang Si An would come to me before I go to him. It feels like fate.

I know that I am screwed up.

"Since it is like this, we won't interfere," My father tells me reluctantly. "You can't create troubles, alright. You can't end up like your aunt. Those timekeepers will come for you if you try to change this"

It's either them or getting stabbed in the gut. My choice is obvious.

"I will be good, Dad," I promise him. I will be good and do my best to change my future.

My brother gives me a look. That look. He knows. Anyway, I can't fool every member of my family.

"You are already old enough to know what is best for you." My father's voice holds a deep grudge. He is still mad and afraid. There is little what he can do. He brings out a notebook from his jacket's pocket. "I brought your aunt's notebook to give it to you."

"My aunt notebook?" I take a notebook. Purple cover with golden flowers with words in white: Laws of Time.

"She left this to my mother before she disappeared. On the first page, she wrote a warning." He looks slightly pale. "I was planning to read this if you were really kidnapped."

Eerie words. I look at the first page. Her handwriting is clear. I wonder what kind of person she was.

"Only open it if you are in a big problem," My father says in a warning tone. "I don't want you to disappear."

I don't want to disappear either.

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