Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 130: Don't worry, I will use the Forgotten Curse!

The corners of Ivan’s mouth twitched. He had always thought that Mrs. Mu En's potion was so outstanding that he planned to purchase it. That's how it turned out...

Mrs. Mu En's acting skills are no longer there, even he hasn't seen it.

However, what Ivan didn’t know was that Mrs. Mu En was originally only thinking about purchasing one or two potions at random to deal with the matter, but after knowing that it was made by a potion master, she was moved to purchase a lot of thoughts. .

However, this wave of operations by the Executive Division also allowed Ivan to see the corruption and corruption of the Ministry of Magic.

No wonder the Ministry of Magic, as the official institution of the magical world, failed to serve the Death Eater legion that emerged in the later period. In the end, even the newly appointed minister was cast into an Imperius curse and became a puppet of Voldemort.

From this purchase, Ivan can see some clues...

The Ministry of Magic will be over sooner or later!

But Ivan didn't want to care about these messy things, but looked at Aysia and said.

"By the way, mom, what should the Ministry of Magic give us an order?"

"Didn't you think of a solution?" Aysia said in a puzzled way. She thought that Ivan had already had an idea when she proposed the store renovation plan.

How about thinking all day about what the Ministry of Magic's large order is doing?

Then the two were silent for a while, looking at the deposit on the table, they were dumbfounded.

Ivan had a headache. When signing the agreement, he promised to deliver everything in two weeks...

With the two of them alone, it would not be possible to finish it in ten days of exhaustion!

"Otherwise, how about we get a magic factory?" Ivan suggested with a thought.

"Magic Factory?" Aisia asked puzzled.

"It's like your magic kitchen..." The more Ivan thought about it, the more I realized it was possible, so he popularized the Muggles' technique of making bulk items for Asia.

As for the source of the news, Ivan directly said that he had heard it from some Muggle wizards at Hogwarts.

As Ivan's words got deeper and deeper, Aysia's eyes became brighter and brighter. She, who had worked out the magic kitchen, of course could understand what Ivan said.

Although the production of magic items is a delicate task, and magic is used when burning magic texts, but other cumbersome steps can be completed with the magic version of the machine.

"Where are the things you said? I'll get one for reference." Aysia asked enthusiastically.

"Generally speaking, Muggle gloves are made in factories, and you can buy them in the Muggle market." Ivan touched his chin. There were only ten rings in total. Mantra gloves need to be produced in large quantities.

But Ivan immediately realized something was wrong.

Get a machine for reference? how to do?

Seeing that Aysia was about to perform Apparition, Ivan hurriedly reminded.

"Muggles don't charge Jin Jialong!"

"Don't worry, if you really can't figure it out, I will use the Forgetting Curse!" Aysia added, and with a light wave of the magic wand, as the spell was read, the whole person disappeared.

Forgotten spell?

Ivan reluctantly held his forehead with his hand. This thing is not very expensive, and it is not a secret. You can buy it on the market with Jin Jialong for a little pound.

Can't you follow the process properly?

After Esiah left, Ivan put his gaze into the bag on the table and opened it to take a look. There was a lot of space inside. It should have been cast without a trace extension curse, and the deposit was about a thousand gold gallons.

But making a magic factory cost a lot of money, and various materials also need a lot of Jin Jialong, so it is estimated that there are not many that will be left in the end, let alone a part of the Weasley brothers.

Ivan couldn't help but smiled thinking about this, thinking that if George and Fred knew that their retractable ears and quill pens could sell so hot, they would probably be crazy.

"Shoo~" Ivan touched his right thumb with his index finger, placed it in front of his mouth and whistle.

After a while, a snow-white owl flew down from upstairs, with a quill in its beak and an envelope on its paw.

"Good job, Maca!" After Ivan took the quill and envelope from Maca's mouth and paws, he teased the little cutie with satisfaction.

He felt that he had become more and more talented as an animal trainer.

"Cuckoo~" Maca flapped his wings and flew to Ivan's shoulders, pecking Ivan's cheek with his beak to express closeness.

Unfolding the envelope, Ivan picked up the quill brush and wrote a reply. He wrote in the Ministry of Magic’s large purchase of telescopic ears and quill pens, and asked them to prepare the order within two weeks. Mail it together.

After writing the reply, Ivan took out another fifty gold gallons from the deposit. Without this money, George and Fred might not even be able to buy materials for making a large number of retractable ears and quill pens.

It's just that I was intercepted halfway, and Ivan didn't dare to give too much at once.

After fixing it, Ivan stuffed these things into the package together.

It was the package that George and Fred sent over last time, and the weight-reducing magic was solidified on it, and it just happened to be reused this time.

"I'm going to trouble you again, Maca..." Ivan tied something to Maca's feet.

The snow-white owl "cooed" twice in response, then fluttered its wings all the way to the sky, gradually turning into a white spot under Ivan's gaze.

Not long after being idle, the space in the center of the hall was distorted for a while, and Aysia's figure appeared in front of Ivan, bringing back nothing.

"Mom, where's the stuff?" Ivan asked strangely.

"There are too many equipment there, I don't know which one to take." Aysia blushed. She thought that the Muggle machines were all the same.

Ivan rolled his eyes, and he knew it would be so.

However, Aysia didn't give him a chance to complain ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ After waving the magic wand and closing the store, he performed Apparition again and led Ivan to disappear into the magic shop.

At the same time, I did not forget to hold the deposit on the table..


A few hours later, the Burrow, in the bedroom of George and Fred.

A pudgy middle-aged witch was thrusting her waist angrily, pointing at a large number of joke magic goods found on the ground, and roaring angrily.

"It's no wonder that your grades in the history of magic are so bad. You used to be doing these pranks all day long. If you can't pass the owLs exam in the fifth grade, I won't have any surprises!"

George and Fred were trembling under the splashing spit stars, and they were depressed. They had known that they would be more cautious, and they were doing research when they were waiting to go back to school.

They really didn't expect to be searched out when their mother cleaned...

George and Fred looked at each other, their faces looked uglier than crying...

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