Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 20: Origin of Blood

   Ivan walked through the sea of ​​books holding his magic wand, without the slightest intention of staying in the normal area, and walked straight to the restricted area.

  "Advanced Transfiguration Guide"..."Ancient Magic Veins...".. "Contemplation-Peeping into Your Brain"...

   Ivan's gaze flicked across the rows of bookshelves, and a large number of banned books whose names were quite high-end made Ivan greedy, and there were even books he had been longing for in dementia and Occlumency.

   If possible, Ivan can’t wait to use hundreds of Xueba experience cards to watch here for ten days and a half, and then his strength will rise..

   But in the end Ivan resisted the temptation, because he didn't have so many academic points to redeem, and he didn't forget what he was here for today.

Following the sign number in the forbidden book zone, Ivan quickly found the seven-row and twelfth-column bookshelf, but it didn’t seem to be any different here. A large number of magic books were neatly arranged, and the bookshelves were piled up full. Leave a little gap.

   Ivan was unwilling to try to find out something like the secret tunnel, but found nothing. Instead, he accidentally bumped a book of black magic on the ground.

The book has no wind and automatically, as if you have your own consciousness. Pages are automatically turned up. After a few pages are turned, billowing black mist emerges from the pages of the book. You can faintly see a man's head with his mouth open. Screaming loudly!

   What frightened Ivan was that he obviously didn't hear any sound, but his eardrums began to swell, and his brain gradually became dizzy, as if someone was actually yelling in front of him.

  The thick black fog gathered more and more, and the head seemed to burst out of the book for a while...


   Ivan closed the book abruptly and flattened his black head on the page. As the book was closed, the black fog disappeared.

   "It's just a book, have you turned the sky upside down?" Ivan rubbed his ears and gritted his teeth.

   It took a long time before Ivan dared to pick it up. The cover of the book reads "The Decryption of Advanced Black Magic". The feel of the cover is obviously different from that of other books. It feels a bit like touching the skin.

   Isn’t it human skin?

   A thought flashed in Ivan's mind, and Ivan suddenly felt a bit chilly. Thinking of the painful appearance of the man's head just now, it is really possible.

   Ivan glanced at the reward task in the system, and there was no change in the slightest, indicating that it had nothing to do with the reward, so he really accidentally touched it.

   Ivan had to shove the "Cutting-edge Black Magic Decryption" back in depression, planning to look for the missing mechanism, and suddenly noticed that the bookshelf in front of him seemed to be a little different from just now.

one two three four five six?

   Every bookshelf in the forbidden book zone is exactly the same. Books are divided into six rows and seven columns according to their type. However, Ivan keenly noticed that the twelfth column of bookshelf cabinets was obviously missing by one.

   What makes Ivan feel a little awkward is that there is obviously a missing cabinet, but the entire column of bookshelves is still neat and tidy, as if the space here has been distorted.

   "Someone used the Confusion Curse here? Hid one of the cabinets."

Ivan squinted his eyes. He had checked this bookshelf many times just now. It was only possible that someone had set a confusion curse here, which affected his judgment, and then happened to be caught by the screaming sound just now. The confusion curse was broken.

Even if he knew where the anomaly was, Ivan was a little bit blind. After reading "Basic Charm Principles", he might be able to judge that this is a kind of hidden object curse, but he knows too little magic. , None of them can come in handy.

   Ivan had to use his brain to try to recall the books he had read, and accidentally remembered a magic that Snape used in the original book.

   "Aparecium (emergency manifestation)!" Ivan tried to put his wand on the bookshelf, and whispered the manifestation curse.

   The entire bookshelf began to shake slightly, and a trace was cracked in the middle of the twelfth column of bookshelves. After a while, it suddenly expanded, and a new bookcase appeared in front of Ivan's eyes.

The hidden bookcase looks no different from the others. They are filled with thick books. Ivan reached out and scanned these books one by one. When the last one was encountered, the system's prompt sound was truthful. Sounded.

  【Ding, the reward has been issued. 】

   Ivan’s mouth twitched, but his heart was already madly complaining.

   That's how rewards are distributed? If it wasn't for his luck, if it wasn't for his wit, God knows how long it will take!

   This broken system is not caring at all!

   Ivan can’t help but feel sad when thinking about what other people’s homes want and what kind of caring system. As a host, it’s really hard for him...

Even though thinking about this, Ivan was excited to pull the book out of the shelf. The cover of the book was slightly rough, with a few words "Origin of Blood" printed on it, and the paper pages were slightly yellowed for long-term preservation. As far as the magic book is concerned, the age can be seen.

   Ivan discovered that this was another magic book that was not mentioned in the original work. Since this was a reward given by the system, Ivan looked through it directly.

After reading a few pictures, Ivan was disappointed to find that "The Origin of Blood" was not a magic book that recorded powerful spells in his imagination. On the contrary, was a bit like a history book, and it recorded before the Wizarding War. History.

   At that time, the wizards did not dominate the entire magical world like they do now, and they were even able to enslave the house elves, which are magical creatures with strong ability to cast spells as adults.

   On the contrary, compared to these magical creatures that are born with powerful power, human wizards are really weak and pitiful. It can only be said that they rely on their number advantages to occupy a place in the magical world.

   Fortunately, humans have always been creatures that refuse to admit defeat.

  Some wizards choose to specialize in magic and create more powerful spells to enhance their strength. Others focus their attention on quick methods...such as taking the power of those powerful magical creatures!

   Some wizards have succeeded and their strength has been amazingly improved. What is even more terrifying is that the power of this bloodline can continue, so that the descendants of these wizards can also gain power.

   Although the power of the bloodline may be gradually weakened due to iteration, this discovery is enough to make more wizards crazy!

However, the risk of blood fusion is extremely high. Except for a few successful people, most wizards died miserably during the process of experimentation and fusion. Some lucky losers survived, but at the price they became monsters and cursed for generations. Such as werewolves, vampires, etc.

   There are even wizards who choose to cultivate more powerful and more suitable magical creatures to carry out blood fusion experiments to enhance their power.

  This reminds Ivan of the basilisk sleeping in the secret room and the eight-eyed giant spider in the forbidden forest...

  The most maddening thing is that some wizards find ways to choose the less unacceptable magical creatures and establish super-friendship relationships, hoping that their offspring can continue the blood of the other party...

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