HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 11: Reunion

Chapter 11: Reunion

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2815

Arriving at the gas station, Nagi efficiently loaded his belongings into the truck and proceeded to fill the tank. Taking stock of the items that remained untouched and in good condition, he carefully packed the food into his bag.

With a swift motion, he hopped into the truck and set off, navigating the desolate city streets on his way to Onbetsu Bridge. As he drove through the city, Nagi pondered the woman's words. "Find love and people to trust, huh?"

His mind flashed to his recent group. While each member possessed their own flaws, Nagi acknowledged that they were not a bad group by any means. In fact, they were quite capable in terms of abilities and intelligence, surpassing most adults in this new world.

However, is pursuing love in this new world truly the optimal path? The matter remains subjective. Love itself is a double-edged sword.

On one side, love can bring immense joy, satisfaction, and a profound sense of belonging. It offers emotional support, companionship, and intimacy, fostering personal growth and well-being.

Yet, on the other side, love can also be accompanied by challenges and the potential for heartbreak. Relationships may involve conflicts, misunderstandings, and the need for compromises.

The vulnerability and emotional investment inherent in love can sometimes lead to pain, disappointment, or even loss. Moreover, in a world where death can strike at any moment, the collapse of one lover can potentially leave the other shattered, unable to function.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, Nagi muttered to himself, "I'll consider it another time. In a world like this, anything is possible. If it happens, it happens. Dwelling on such matters at this moment won't serve any purpose."

Spotting a nearby General Merchandise store, Nagi considered making a pit stop. It was an opportunity to freshen up, change his clothes, and tend to his injuries. Parking the truck, Nagi switched off the engine and exited the vehicle.

With his knife in hand, he pushed open the door to the General Merchandise store and entered. The store was surprisingly spacious, devoid of any immediate signs of undead presence. However, the absence of danger could be deceptive, given the sight of bloodstains and the flickering on-and-off lights.

Nagi proceeded with utmost caution, methodically scanning the store's aisles for appropriate clothing and cleaning supplies to tend to his hygiene. Once he found what he needed, he made his way to a secluded area where he had a clear view of his surroundings.

Carefully, he began the task of wiping away the blood from his body and tending to his wounds using available bandages. Although his patchwork needed some improvement, he planned to have Shizuka help him with that later.

Nagi changed into a set of clean clothes he had found at the storea simple black-colored t-shirt and a pair of sturdy jeans. He also managed to locate a rather stylish and sturdy leather jacket that offered some protection against the biting winds that often swept through the desolate streets.

Completing his attire, Nagi secured his feet with a pair of sturdy, lightweight boots that allowed for swift movement and agility. To provide some protection, he fashioned makeshift forearm guards using strips of leather from discarded shoes, belts, and durable twine.

Continuing his search, Nagi found leather garters that would serve as reliable sheaths for his blades and any other small weapons he might acquire in the future. With his preparations complete, he stepped out of the store and unwrapped a lollipop.

"It's been a while since I last had one," Nagi muttered to himself, savoring the taste as he got into the car and turned it on, driving away from the impending horde of undead that loomed in the distance.



"Take pride in the fact that we will not be forgotten like the rest of Fujimi High School," Shido declared, extending his arms and addressing the students. "We were the ones who had the ingenuity to secure a bus. Miyamoto, Komuro, and Tshiro were all unfit compared to us!"

"Let us unite for our mutual survival," he proposed, and the students eagerly fell under his spell, their faces filled with reverence. "Through collaboration, we shall prevail over this crisis!"

"This is becoming increasingly concerning," Saya remarked, her gaze fixed on Shido. Saeko nodded in agreement and added, "Indeed. He's behaving as if he wants to recruit us into a new religious sect."

"It's not a mere resemblance. That's precisely what he's attempting," Saya emphasized, aligning with Saeko's observation. "A new religious sect... Father Shido desires to claim us as his initial disciples. Just look at the others, hanging onto his every word as if he were a deity to be worshiped."

Letting out a sigh, she leaned back in her seat and stated, "We must find a way to escape from this situation."

"With the road in this state, it might be wise to abandon the bus," Saeko remarked, her hand supporting her chin in contemplation. "However, if we manage to cross Onbetsu Bridge, we would be heading in the opposite direction of Higashi Police Station... I made a promise to Nagi."

Adjusting her glasses, Saya gazed at Saeko before remarking, "You seem really concerned about Nagi, don't you? What about your own family?" Smiling in response, Saeko met Saya's gaze and replied, "Yes, I am worried," she emphasized.

"But as for your second question, my father is the only one in my family, and he is currently overseas for a martial arts tournament. To put it simply, I am more focused on fulfilling my promise to Nagi."

Saeko smiled as she explained, "My father instilled in me the importance of valuing promises as much as I value my own life. So, at the moment, the only people I need to be concerned about are myself and Nagi. I don't really care much about anyone else."

"I mean, just look at me. If anyone is going to survive all this, it's going to be me, right?" Saya, caught off guard by Saeko's straightforwardness, averted her eyes with a light blush, not expecting such directness from her.

As the group continued their conversation about their residences and the current status of their families, they collectively reached a decision to leave and make their way towards Onbetsu Bridge.

"Um, what's the matter, everyone?" Shido asked, turning towards Shizuka and the others. "We need to work together; otherwise, none of us are ever going to"

"Sorry, but we'll have to decline your offer, Shido-sensei," Saya firmly interjected, her gaze fixed on Shido. "We have our own plans, and just to clarify, this isn't some kind of field trip. We are under no obligation to be with you. Besides, I never had any classes with you to begin with."

"I see," Shido replied, his gaze fixed on the group. "If that's what you've decided to do, go right ahead. I won't stop you, Takagi. How could I? This is a free country, not some stronghold under the iron fist of a dictator. However..." Deviously licking his lips, he shifted his focus to Shizuka and continued.

"I'm afraid you will have to stay, Nurse Marikawa. Losing the doctor is a significant blow to our current situation. Will you please consider staying? What do you say? There are students who are relying on you," he reasoned, slowly approaching her.

Suddenly, a small cut appeared on Shido's cheek, causing him to come to a halt and stare in wide-eyed disbelief. "You... You shot at me!" he stammered in fear, his hand instinctively reaching up to touch his wounded cheek.

"I missed you on purpose, you douchebag," Kohta commented, his voice filled with anger and determination. Shido, stuttering in an attempt to reason with him, said, "But you... You're not a violent student like that"

Cutting him off abruptly, Kohta retorted, "How many of my fellow students do you think I killed in school yesterday? And I can kill you too for all the ways you've always made fun of me!" His grip tightened on his Nail Gun, his rage evident in his eyes.

"I was holding back. Holding back for a long time! I kept it all inside because I wanted to live a normal life. But there's no reason for that anymore. Nothing we know is normal now," Kohta's voice was filled with a mix of desperation and madness.

A crazed grin stretched across his face as he aimed the Nail Gun at Shido. "That's why I can kill now. I can even kill the living. Maybe I should start with those who made fun of me!"

Stepping back in fear, Shido responded, "I made fun? You've misunderstood. I always held you in such high esteem." Ignoring Shido's desperate pleas, Kohta turned towards Saeko and the others and said, "If you want to go, now's the time to do it. I'll make sure he doesn't stop you."

Sliding open the door, they swiftly exited the vehicle and closed it behind them. Hurriedly ascending the stairs, they pressed on towards Onbetsu Bridge. As they reached Onbetsu Bridge, their hopes of crossing were shattered.

The opposite end of the bridge was obstructed by a barricade of abandoned cars, effectively trapping them. "Now what are we supposed to do?" Saya exclaimed in frustration, expressing her dissatisfaction with their unfortunate situation.

"I believe we have more pressing concerns, Takagi," Saeko responded calmly, her sharp gaze scanning the approaching undead from both sides of the bridge.

Taking charge, both Kohta and Saeko started reducing the number of approaching undead. As the zombies drew closer, Saeko swiftly engaged, swinging her bokken in a powerful overhead strike, crushing the skull of one of them.

She seamlessly spun around, countering another zombie's attempt to grapple her, delivering a precise strike to the back of its neck, swiftly ending its unlife.

Meanwhile, Kohta utilized his trusty nail gun, aiming with precision and firing nails into the skulls of the oncoming undead. Each shot was met with a satisfying thud as the nails penetrated their targets, causing immediate incapacitation.

With steady aim and a calculated strategy, Kohta efficiently dispatched several zombies, effectively thinning their ranks. The sound of the nail gun echoed through the air, intermingling with the moans and growls of the approaching horde.

"Just to let you know, I'm running out of nails!" Kohta informed, his nail gun steadily depleting its ammunition. Observing Kohta's predicament, Saeko swiftly dispatched a nearby zombie, its lifeless body collapsing to the ground.

Extending her hand, she offered her bokken to Kohta, "Do you want to borrow this?" she asked, her voice calm and composed.

Kohta hesitated for a moment, considering the offer. "I don't do well with hand-to-hand combat," he admitted.

"I can't say the same. I'm actually quite fond of it," she remarked, a smirk adorning her face. Without hesitation, she swiftly returned to the heart of the battle, unaware of the revving motorcycle that drew closer to the bridge below.

The duo continued their relentless assault on the approaching horde, their synchronized movements keeping the undead at bay. However, amidst the chaos, one of the zombies managed to break through their defenses, closing in on Saya and Shizuka.

In a state of fear, Saya took a step back, her heart pounding with trepidation, as the undead approached. Sensing the danger, Shizuka swiftly rushed over, throwing herself at Saya and tackling her to the ground, acting as a shield of protection.

"TAKAGI!!" Kohta shouted in realization.

With a sudden surge of power, the motorcycle accelerated towards the ramp, launching itself into the air above the bridge, catching the attention of Kohta and Saeko.

As it landed with precision on the ground, it continued its forward momentum, forcefully plowing through a group of zombies, sending them flying in all directions. In a swift motion, Rei leaped from the motorcycle, her makeshift broom spear gripped tightly in her hand.

Utilizing her kinetic energy and momentum, she drove the spear into the nearest zombie, piercing through its decaying flesh. Without hesitation, she pressed on, unleashing a wide, horizontal slash that brought swift death to the approaching trio of undead.

Remaining on the bike, Takashi swiftly approached Kohta and called out to him, "Hirano!" With precision and purpose, Takashi tossed a Smith & Wesson M37 AirWeight revolver toward Kohta.

In a seemingly entranced state, Kohta effortlessly caught the revolver, a grin spreading across his face. Without missing a beat, Kohta swiftly fired two shots in rapid succession, dispatching the two zombies that lurked behind Takashi with lethal precision.

"Double tap, baby," Kohta muttered triumphantly. Meanwhile, Takashi swiftly maneuvered the motorcycle toward Saya and Shizuka.

Applying the brakes and steadying himself with a foot on the ground, Takashi skillfully drifted the motorcycle, using the back of its shell to strike the approaching zombies.

The impact launched the undead over the bridge's edge, sending them plummeting into the water below. Wasting no time, Takashi drove towards Saeko and shouted, "Give me your hand!" Without hesitation, Saeko extended her hand towards him.

With a swift motion, Takashi's motorcycle propelled her into the air, allowing her to unleash a powerful horizontal strike on the three zombies before her. As her attack connected, the undead creatures fell lifeless to the ground.

"Amazing," Shizuka muttered in awe.

"Looks like it's all clear for now," Saeko commented, her gaze scanning the surroundings. However, her eyes widened with concern as she noticed a missing person. "Where's Nagi? Wasn't he with you guys when we separated?"

Breaking free from her embrace with Shizuka, Rei responded to Saeko's inquiry. "When we reached the other side of the tunnel, there was only this bike available, and it could only accommodate two people."

"With the undead closing in due to the explosion, Nagi instructed us to leave without him... and that he would catch up later." Her voice faltered under the intense scrutiny of Saya and Saeko's gazes.

"So you simply left him behind?!" Saya exclaimed. "Did he mention where he was heading or where he planned to meet us? We have no idea what might have happened to him, and we're completely unaware of his current situation!"

Coming to Rei's defense, Takashi interjected, "Hold on, don't place all the blame on Rei. She clearly stated that Nagi instructed us to leave without him. And let's not forget, based on what we've seen of his abilities at the school, he should be more than capable of making it here."

Growing increasingly angered, annoyed, and worried for Nagi, Saya pressed on, "But that doesn't change the fact that he's all alone in the city! We have no idea what's happening there!"

"With the undead roaming and people losing their minds, do you honestly believe he can make it here without encountering any trouble?"

Saya's sharp words struck a nerve, causing Takashi to clench his fists and avert his gaze. Deep down, he knew she was speaking the truth.

He and Rei had already experienced the dangers firsthand when they encountered a hostile man at the gas station. As they traveled through the city, they witnessed the sheer devastation and chaos it held.

Saeko's voice joined the conversation, her tone filled with concern. "I have to agree with Saya. Considering how the bridges are fortified, it's unlikely that many people managed to escape to the other side."

"This means there could be a substantial population of the undead still wandering within the city." Her words hung heavy in the air, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. And then the sound of an approaching vehicle broke through the silence.

It rolled up a few feet from the group, its engine rumbling before coming to a halt. They remained on guard, their weapons at the ready, their eyes locked on the red pick-up truck.

Silence enveloped them as they awaited a response. Seconds stretched into eternity as anticipation filled the air. Takashi's voice, laced with caution, sliced through the stillness once more. "Who's there?! Show yourself!"

The tension in the air reached its peak as the door of the truck swung open. Nagi, with his characteristic nonchalance, jumped out, scratching his head lazily. He glanced at the group and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Quiet down, will you? You're too damn loud," Nagi remarked, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance.

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.

Sorry for having using the original story for most of this chapter. I was in a rush. Though next chapters will be back to normal. Also, this is important as there are two factions regarding this decision.


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