How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 109 - Star Weapons & Armour

I yawned, getting up and rubbing my eyes. That was probably one of the nicest sleeps I ever had.

'What's on our schedule today?' I asked mentally.


'Getting rid of competitors.' Voad replied, before going back to meditating. His work rate was extremely efficient and he was building the secondary mana pool at a great speed.

I never knew something like that could be possible until he told me about it. Everyone would freak out if they found out I would have 2 mana pools. It just sounded absurd.

It was still 7am in the morning so the Morwen Family weren't awake yet. I quickly had a shower and went to the kitchen to have breakfast. It was surprisingly quiet in the house, I thought It would have been much more hectic but that wasn't the case.

I left a written note on the counter before leaving the house. It had a couple thanks and the usual kind words of a grateful guest.

The streets were still quiet but people had started moving already; market stalls were being set up and the bustling of passing by wanderers had brought the area to life.

"Sir! Would you like to buy some fresh bread? I'll even give you a special offer." A man pointed at me, winging the bread in the air.

"Sorry. I've already had breakfast." I denied his generous offer and continued walking through the growing crowd.

"Aarghh!" I heard a shout coming from an alleyway. For some reason I felt like I knew whose voice it was.

"Stop You're killing him-"

Pow! Pow!

The sound of smacking flesh echoed and I didn't hesitate to find out what was happening. I flash stepped towards the alleyway.

What I saw made my blood boil. Rae piste and Hue G. rection were both on the ground beaten to a pulp. Blood seeped through their clothes and their old wrinkly faces were all busted up. 

The figures in black robes looked back at me, before snickering. Did they think this was funny?

"Who's this punk? We can't have witnesses now can we? You. Go kill him." The one furthest to the back pointed to one of his men, not even calling him by his name.

I took a deep breath in and exhaled. This helped to calm down my mind; the masked man charged towards me with a dagger in his right hand. He stabbed down towards my chest but missed, as I dodged to the side.

I grabbed his arm and snapped it like a glow stick. 

"Aaaaaarghh!!!" The man let out a shriek and made the other men flinch and step back. I didn't stop there and broke both his legs, leaving him disabled for life.

"M-Men Get him!" The one at the back yelled in frustration.

Suddenly, the heads of the 7 other blacked out men were decapitated and they all rolled off from their bodies to the ground, leaving squirting blood to redden the alley walls. 

I flicked my wrist, getting rid of their disgusting blood and slowly approached the lone survivor. I glared at him, my killing intent dropping the temperature in octaves.

He panicked, falling down on the ground struggling to crawl back. 

This scene was similar to the time I saved Sara. These guys better not be Umbra members.

My hand moved like a fishing line as I gripped his neck in an instant and lifted him up. 

"Who are you?" I asked, coldly.

"I'll- I'll tell you e-everything. Please let me down." he replied, stuttering.

I threw him against the wall, leaving him grovelling on the ground in pain. I then used Ice magic to immobilise his feet and hands, making temporary handcuffs.

"We-We're just regular bandits. We were hired to take those two old guys out. I don't know anything else I promise!" The voice came out muffled through his black mask.

I ripped the mask off his face revealing a young kid underneath, maybe the age of 19 or so. He had a large birthmark on his left cheek and multiple scars on his face.

"Who hired you?" I shot him another glare making him gulp. He looked at the pile of headless bodies behind him before closing his eyes in fear.

"Star weapons and Armour. That company that sells weapons; they gave us 500 Silver coins to kill them off." He replied, his voice shaky.

"I thought so." I sliced with my hand in a blitz, chopping off his head. 

Turning around I knelt down and checked for both of the beaten old mens' pulses. Good, they were alive but one of their pulses was extremely weak. They needed medical care as soon as possible.


"Rae Piste. Rae Piste. Wake up." I took them both out of the alleyway, dragging their bodies to a safe building.

I sprinkled some water on his face and wiped the blood from his head with a towel. These poor guys were my workers, I wasn't going to let that company go freely for their crimes. 

Rae Piste finally opened his eyes, "S-Sir what are you doing here?" He had finally come to his senses and looked around. He tried to get up but he stumbled back down.

"Hey. Take it easy. You're still not well. I want you guys to rest well at the hospital for today. I'll get back at those b*stards for doing this to you guys. They've messed with us enough." I said, reassuring him.

"Sir. You don't understand how much they beat us. I thought we were going to die and all I could think about was my children. What would they do without me?" The old man wept, covering his face with his hands. 

I looked away and gave him some space as he gathered himself.

"Sir, Sir I came as fast as possible. The Elven Police force informed me about everything. Are you hurt?" Ben Dover huffed and puffed, trying to catch his breath. He arrived with a couple of the Elven Guards assigned to protect the store.

"Has the store opened up yet?" I asked.

"No sir." He replied.

"Good. Firstly, take these 2 to a good hospital and pay the expenses with the Company's cost. Secondly, Tell everyone to take the day off and focus on studying and going over the business plan and other things. We will open up again tomorrow."

"Yes sir!"


'Star Weapons & Armour'.

The shop name was written in bold letters and the entrance to the shop had extravagant carvings and designs on its walls. 

The building was definitely one of the nicer and more modern ones I saw in this world. It was probably about 5 storeys high. 

I took a deep breath before entering the shop. A hand popped up in front of me straight away and a 6 ft 8 giant stopped me in my tracks.

"Please leave. You are not permitted to enter." The large giant's voice came out deep and threatening.

"Get out of my way. I'm in no mood to play games." I jumped up and flicked his forehead with my middle finger.


His body flew backwards crashing through a wall, leaving a large hole into the next room. He laid unconscious on the ground, not even flinching.

Loud sirens started to go off and the rushing of footsteps started to descend from the 2 stairs on the sides. Something was odd. Why weren't there any personnel like receptionists etc?

"Get your hands up now!" A man clad in heavy armour jumped in front of me holding an axe in his right hand. 

1...2..30… There seemed to be at least 300 security guards surrounding me. 

The main reception of the building was spacious enough for all of them to descend to the ground floor.

"Didn't you hear me?! Hands where I can see them!" He shouted again like a barbarian. This man reminded me of a Viking. He had a long and messy hazelnut beard and wore a battle hardened face filled with scars and unpleasant spots.

He even towered over me at 6 ft 5. What was with this place inhabiting all the giants?

"You guys messed with us first so you brought this upon yourselves. Under the order of Prince Landon IV I will hereby kill every life form here and dissolve this shitty company." I said coldly.

"Ahahahahaha!" The large giant in front of me laughed causing the other soldiers to join in with his hysterical laughter.

'Voad, Cambio Forma.'


The short sword in my right hand cut through the air cleanly severing the stupid fool's head from his body. The movement was swift and fast.

His body toppled over a couple seconds later and blood oozed out from the severed arteries and veins. The rest of the guards stopped laughing when they saw the sight and charged at me like barbaric maniacs.

A fit of lunges and swings were aimed towards me with the intent to kill but I dodged swiftly evading all of their blows. With one swing of my short swords arcs of flames and streaks of lightning cut over half of their numbers down to a mere 160.

Lightning bounced around like snakes ricocheting off one body to the other zapping them to death with a million volts.

The last few began running, leaving their dead bredrin and trying to escape the same fate. 

Death. A miserable death.

I sped up the walls and leapt in front of the escaping group, before executing them one by one. 

'Nice Job. Nothing beats a mass genocide.' Voad remarked but I ignored him.

'Oh shut up. There's no good in killing.'

I swatted my blades, removing the blood before they dematerialised into mana particles again.

"Wh-What the h*ll happened here?! Father, come look at this!!" A panicked voice echoed from the ground floor.

I looked down from the first floor at the new people that had entered the building. There seemed to be a young kid, maybe around my age, an extremely obese man (maybe in his 40's) and another man.

"As I was say-" The fat man's speech stopped mid-sentence as his beady eyes caught vision of the countless piles of dead bodies stacked over each other like useless baggage. His face paled and he gaped in shock at the bloodshed.

I flash stepped in front of them, making them jump in fear.

"Who-Who are you?" The fat man asked in fear. 

"I work under Prince Landon IV. I have received reports that you have committed illegal crimes against another company and due to this you will be revoked of your trading license, all your assets will be seized and this company will dissolve." I said with a poker face.

The scent of blood and splattered red on my clothes spoke volumes for who caused this mass killing, so they all gulped in fear, unable to speak.

"Have a nice day. You filthy animals." I walked past them and exited the building.

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