How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 38 - Spirit Wolf

-Malia's POV-

Sweat, mixed with my dried blood, trickled down my forehead as I sat staring at the ugly rubies. My energy was sucked out of me, leaving me tired, panting. The faded screams of Soyeon's pleads and cries motivated me to stay awake because I knew that if I closed my eyes; I don't think I'd ever wake up.

"Malia." my drowsy eyes shot awake as I forced myself to get up. The wall I was facing slid open and Ranveer stood in front of me, smug and expecting me to comply. Soyeon's voice stopped screaming, meaning her torture had stopped because of Ranveer's voice. I heard her silently slide down to the floor, listening.

"Stand up. Time for dinner." he coaxed as if he didn't just torture me for what seemed like eternity. My feet wobbled under me like jelly before I found my footing. I coolly stepped out of the tube, trying to keep myself from ripping off his eyelids and scooping out his eyeballs to force feed them to him. I glared into his eyes, clenching my jaw.

"No." my voice still came out strong, despite my sore throat.

Ranveer looked taken aback by my answer. He knew I'd die if he put me back in and that would mean he loses what he wants. He didn't seem like the type of guy to give up. He towered over me, the frown evident in his ugly face. "What?" he gritted out every syllable.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You heard me."

Although he was taller and stronger than me, I made sure to stand my ground and exceed his threatening glare.

"No." I seethed through my teeth, gritting out each syllable just like he did.

He lifted his arm and brought it down in a quick motion but I caught it just in time. My fingers gripped around his wrist in an unforgiving hold. Because my mana wasn't turned on, the pain stung my skin burning into my muscles. I did the same as he did, swinging my palm down onto his cheek, making sure the friction was hot and unforgiving. The skin to skin contact echoed through the chambers.

"Daaaaamn…" Soyeon quietly whispered, shocked but still cheering me on, through the little gap that gave her a small view of what was happening.

Ranveer's beady eyes widened while he cradled his red cheek. I smirked, satisfied. "Okay. Let's go to dinner." I finally smiled, flashing him my innocent eyes. He grunted, gripping my wrist and leading me to the hall.


The doors opened and I forcefully shook my wrist out of his. There was a long red table with many big, Hench guys sitting and watching as I casually strolled in and took a chair. I sat in front of a big, cooked chicken. It was the only thing on the long table. I was assuming they were on a diet or something.

The guy next to me turned to me in disgust and confusion. He had a scar running down his eye which stopped just below his nose.

Everyone stared at me but my eyes were fixed on the voluptuous chicken as steam rose from it. I grabbed the whole chicken, body and legs and slid it in front of me. I quickly threw my small plate behind me, listening to the satisfying sound of it smashing. Grabbing the big plate with the chicken on it, I finally acknowledged everyone's eyes on me.

"Did you guys want some?" I asked, pouting. After all, I was a child. This should work.

Ranveer laughed, sitting at the head of the table. "Malia. Come here."

I ignored him, chomping into the impeccably seasoned chicken. Everyone's eyes were still on me.

"Yo... Mr Scarface. Can you just NOT breath? You're ruining my meal." I made an annoyed face, rolling my eyes.

The big dude stood up, growling and towering over me. The people around us tensed in their seats watching the scene unfold.

"MALIA!" Ranveer yelled this time, making everyone flinch around me. I continued to eat, intaking as much as I could but unfortunately, Ranveer grabbed my arm, picking me up.

My feet barely scraped the floor as Ranveer held me up by my arms, dragging me out of the room.

"HEY!" I tried to protest but the collar shocked me, sending electric waves through me. My vocal chords tensed, halting all movements. His crazy eyes glared at me with a ugly Grinch frown, pulling his facial muscles down.


He dragged me out of the room and into the room I had first woken up in. The jerk pushed me to the wall and chained me back in the shackles, tightening them impossibly tight.

"You WILL cooperate and you WILL be my bride!" he yelled at me but my unfazed stare frustrated him.

"Paedophile." I bluntly said, not giving him any emotion.

"UGHHHH!" he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him causing the walls to shake from the impact.

"YOU'RE LIKE 20 YEARS OLD!" I yelled after him, making sure the whole castle heard my bold statement.

After I knew he had gone, the feeling of dread slowly creeped its way into my heart. The aching feeling to scream overwhelmed my mind, pounding in my head. It choked me as I tried my best to hold it back, to sink it under my fake 'brave' mask. I squeezed my eyes shut, begging myself to hold on to the tiny bit of hope I had left. The traitorous sobs started out quiet and slow, escaping my lips. My bright light of hope left me, fading out. The dry, painful cries started to ascend in volume. It felt as if I was being suffocated under the crushing weight of my own despair.

Zeref, when are you coming?

I looked up at the ceiling, hoping the monarchs could see me. I never believed in them but knowing Zeref was a contestant restored my faith.

"Please… Please…" I cried, shaking. "If you can hear me...Help me. Please, SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" I cried, desperately.

No one could hear me. No one was coming. The hollow feeling of darkness settled in my heart. I gave up. My eyes went blank and I felt as if everything turned black and white.




"Malia," a soft voice cooed.


"Malia," it repeated as I looked up, following the noise.


A bright light floated around the room… an angel? I squinted my eyes and as I did, the ball of light flew into my head, banging me against the wall and reopening my wound from before. "Argh…" I hissed in pain and reopened my eyes in shock. The room was changed into nothing. I was standing in a completely white room and the chains faded away, releasing my sore wrists.

And in front of me stood a girl.

She had short brown hair which curled around her face, dark glowing skin. She was much older than me. Her calming gaze emitted peace and her black hair flowed as she opened her eyes.

A goddess???

"Malia Stronghold." she whispered, a tear rolling down the corner of her eyes in relief.

"Who are you?" I said, taking a step back, cautiously.

"Nina Sprolf." she smiled, knowingly.

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