How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 94 - The Fall Of The Safe Zone

-Nina's POV-  2 days ago,

The safe zone wasn't that large, which meant the area was cramped and crowded. I was one of the first ones to arrive. Many nobles used their statuses to exploit the situation and get proper housing and larger rations. This created disparity between the rich and the poor. Typical.

Thanks to Allefin's family though, we were more on the fortunate side; we shared a small house and got decent rations.

I ran to safety but Malia was yelling at me to go back and help Zeref the whole time. Ofcourse I didn't listen. I didn't care if they died. What mattered was Malia and I were alive so Malia could heal.

"I-I can't believe that Zeref is a demon." Jace said, still shocked. It had already been a full day since he revealed it to us. Jace and Naz took it the hardest.

He always kept secrets. Of course, I wasn't that phased as I knew he was a demon from his smell. He always reeked of death - the smell of a demon.

'Well, we knew he'd tell us one day. That was just unprecedented. Do you think he'll be fine?' Malia asked. Her presence was weak but she spoke full sentences now.

'Yeah. I'm sure of it. I forgot that anti - demon barriers existed. That separated us, if only there was a way to disable the barrier just once. Anyhow, Zeref is the solo type of guy; he works better alone. He'll definitely survive.' I replied, mentally.

Naz comforted Jace, lying his head against his shoulder. Ew, you hormonal 13 year olds. Kids these days have no-

'Spoken like a true adult.' Malia mocked, still mad I didn't stay back and help Zeref.

'I forgot I was now also a 13 year old.' I mentally rolled my eyes.

I sipped my tea, looking at the young couple in front of me - Jace and Naz. I never thought those two would get together. They looked good together.

'You're missing Zeref already?' I teased, sensing Malia's sulking at the back of my head.

'No-' she tried to say but her voice faded so I didn't catch the last bit.

Maybe I could get my own body when Malia recovered but I knew it couldn't happen. It was still nice to dream.

'Nina, do you think it's possible for us to transfer your consciousness to another body? So you could have your own body instead of sharing mine.' 

'Nah, it's impossible. I'm linked with your wolf spirit; it's complicated. As you evolve and get stronger I will one day cease to exist. I will perish like I was never there.' I explained, leaving the atmosphere even more depressing than it already was.

We passed around the last bit of food. It was a quarter loaf of bread which I really could use to give me some energy. Naz took in a bite, Jace watching the bread tentatively, waiting for his turn. 

She passed the loaf to me and I gladly snatched it away from her, eating the bread whole. I hummed in satisfaction, the simple fluffy texture melting against my tongue. 

"WHA-" Jace gasped, watching me swallow all the bread. "Malia!!!" he whined sadly making me chuckle. "I was really hungry…" he whimpered.

'Wtf Nina. At least try to act like me!" Malia yelled but before I could answer, she blocked me from contact.

Oops. I guess I was used to being provided for. Mother always let me have all the food. I dont see why it should be any different now.

Naz laughed at Jace as they both sat down. I went and sat with Jace and Naz causing them both to sit upright.


A small tremor shook the ground and specks of dust started to fall from the ceiling. AGAIN?! My arms ached and my legs were shaking from exhaustion. 

'What was that?!' Malia said my exact same thoughts.

I got up from my chair and headed for the window. Cautiously, I moved the curtains to reveal a view of the cramped town. People ran hysterically, away from the gates screaming and shouting in distress. Were we under attack again? 

Why did we even come to this stupid kingdom?

"What's happening out there?" Jace appeared by my side looking through the window. 

"Oh my god…" Jace gasped looking at the chaos.

Knock! Knock!

Naz headed for the door hastily, turning the handle and letting Allefin and his parents in. They looked out of breath, huffing and puffing.

"The demons have somehow broken into the safe zone. We have to head further into the kingdom walls. We're not safe anymore." 

"We've stacked up on enough food and water. We're leaving straight away." Allefin's father announced, coughing.

We all started grabbing our things and putting on our gear. There was

"Let's go." I said, putting on my gloves. 

Heading out, we ran past the herds of people running in the opposite direction of the gates. Smoke filled the air and I was squinting to see past the dark fog, my hair flying against Jace's face. He held my wrist tightly, scared I'd get lost. Naz held onto Allefin and his family as they led us to the exit. People were tumbling over each other, stepping over fallen children and screaming their heads off.

Suddenly, black hands broke out of the ground and grabbed onto our feet. My ankle locked in someone's grip as I looked back at Jace to reassure him. I knew he was panicking, especially with all the tents around us on fire.

"What the hell are these?!" Jace shouted, severing the dark arms holding his feet down with water blades.

"I have some business with one of you." A demonic voice reverberated in layers from behind us.

We all turned around to see the figure shrouded in darkness mana standing in front of us. He clicked his fingers and undead shadow soldiers appeared from his shadow. It was the same magic, the darkness mage used back in the forest.


'Nina, stay sharp. This guy is strong. As strong as Zeref, maybe stronger.' Malia warned. I think we may be looking at a candidate… I smirked at the thought. 

"Which one of you is Malia Stronghold?" The demonic voice reverberated again in layers. Yup, definitely the shadow candidate or something. He is as strong as Zeref.

"I am." My eyes glowed orange to show my fire element and I released my mana pressure.

"Hoho. You're quite the feisty one. You see Ranveer has some unfinished business with you. I made a deal with him in return for you; he's taken quite a liking to you." The demon spoke.

'That paedophile again.' Malia scoffed in annoyance.

Everyone got into fighting poses including me. We knew we had to fight to get out of this place alive; we wouldn't be able to run from this guy but the thing is… I can't show I'm a spirit wolf. News will spread fast. 

I didn't want to expose anything to do with my spirit wolf side so I decided to use flames instead.

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