How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Shen Yue was with Mei in a tea shop, currently waiting for updates on Nie Li and Ye Ziyun. He had her organise a tail for both of them, and although she had given him a weird look, she had followed his directions flawlessly.

He was rethinking his plans concerning the little ginger, seeing him rebuking his aunt had really pushed his buttons. Ye Ziyun had also not endeared herself with her foolhardy actions.

She had failed to pump God for information, even Shen Yue regretted not asking more questions. She obviously didn't think the storyline was different from canon, with her Sacred Family remarks.

"What if I just kill the wranga, and shove Ye Ziyun's soul into a puppet?" As soon as he thought this, a blue screen he had not seen since birth appeared in front of him!

[ Congratulations! You have drawn the attention of your God! With the emergence of your competitor, there will inevitably be conflict! With your foresight to reincarnate earlier and obvious stronger power base, Alastor has decided to deny some of your harsher plans of action.

Since your God has awarded her with Ye Ziyun's body for 2000 points, it will forever remain her body. You will not be able to replace her with the original's soul, Alastor was already benevolent enough to allow you to save it!

She has chosen Nie Li's faction as her power base, where you decided to create your own. Know that your god is pleased, but finds your intention to destroy him or enslave him as boring. How will you be able to amuse your God merely competing against a naive young girl?

As a result of a slight oversight in abruptly inserting the contestant without climatising her to the original Ye Ziyun's memories, Alastor has tweaked the world to make it impossible to believe she has been replaced. She will just be another moody teenager, prone to changing her mind. The only exception will be your inner circle subordinates.

As a reward for your highly entertaining actions already taken against your opponent, and compensation for not allowing your quite sensible response of killing future problems in the cradle, you receive a perk!

Cat-like Eyes- Cats have very high-speed eyes. They can see at approximately 100 frames per second where humans see about 20 fps.

Your night vision also improves. Slitted pupils are optional!

( Locked until cultivation can control the influx of information - Gold Rank )

Your God is pleased, keep up the good work! ]

Shen Yue's jaw was almost touching the floor in shock. Alastor was reading his thoughts! But that didn't really bother him as he had already admitted to the ability when they first met. What annoyed him was the fact that he couldn't follow through with his plans! At least he got a perk out of it, it will be very beneficial once he starts fighting.

He would have to fall back to his non - aggression plan with a few twists! He wouldn't make it easy for them, they had already blundered by such a radical personality switch. If he couldn't kill them physically, he would destroy their community sentiment, propaganda was a powerful weapon. Just as he drank the last of his tea, Su Mei received the signal they had been waiting for.

After leaving the classroom, Nie Li and Ye Ziyun had gone to the library to discuss their next move. With Ye Ziyun's backing, they would have no need to hunt sheep, but they still needed a place to train. Two hours later, they were in the middle of the schools training forest utilising their new techniques to absorb the energy from heaven and earth.

So absorbed in their training and trusting the countermeasure installed for demon beasts, they did not even react when two experts knocked them out. The experts quickly secured their targets and sent the signal to their leader.

Shen Yue walked into the clearing with a smile like that of a cat that ate the canary. The treasure that was Nie Li before him, ready to be plundered, he could barely contain his excitement. With a hand trembling in expectation, he reached out and placed it on Nie Lis head.

Just like the other instances he used this ability, a small, transparent, loading icon with a timer counting down from sixty minutes appeared. It was a long wait, and he knew God did it just to mess with him, but he had gained a lot of experience in waiting. With his men securing the area and Su Mei making sure his victims remained unconscious, there were no interruptions.

Finally, the timer released a chime sound only he could hear and his library expanded by more than fifteen times. Just over three million books had appeared on shelves creating an almost oppressive aura of wisdom.

If Nie Li comprehended all these books, then he clearly held the rest of the world in contempt for their ignorance. Maybe that was why he barely helped them, only ensuring their survival and heading off to greener pastures.

Now for the pice de rsistance! Using his pillage skill for the first time, he moved his hand to Nie Li's stomach and activated it. Unlike his library skill, his pillage ability caused a pulsing, bright pink glow. He had forgotten his God's favourite technique, Troll no Jutsu! An hour of brilliant pink pulses later and Shen Yue was cheering when it ended.

Unfortunately, instead of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book that he was expecting, he was holding a seed the size of his thumbnail. The little green seed was covered in unknown golden inscription patterns, that is until his cheat library activated.

[ Temporal Destiny Seed of Creation,

A seed created with the death of Nie Li. When receiving the attacks of the Sage-Emporer, the Temporal Demon Spirit Book was destroyed. By using his soul, flesh and blood as a fuel source and catalyst, the book activated an unknown defence mechanism creating a path to salvation. Sentient and constantly seeking its master.

Flaws and Abilities unknown! ]

Holy shit! His library couldn't read it! Could God be nerfing him? Although it was not the amalgamation of the knowledge in the entire universe, it was still a respectable second place prize. Examining Nie Li again with his pillage skill just in case, it came up negative, that left Ye Ziyun. Two hours later and he had another soul-bound ring, an overpowered pendant and an overdose on the colour pink.

Since he couldn't kill them, then he could only humiliate them enough for them to wish for death. Stripping Ye Ziyun's clothes, he then re-enacted his morning performance, not needing to hold back in fear of hurting her this time. He even used her mouth vigorously, depositing his manly essence over her face. No fucks were given as he threw his Earthly morals on the floor and proceeded to spit on them.

Su Mei had stripped Nie Li and was waiting for Shen Yue to work out his frustrations, he had been acting oddly ever since she met him at the school gate. She was confused by today's events, be it him standing over Nie Li for an hour or his pulsing pink ability. She would ask him what was going on when they returned home, as for now, they had a job to do. She did not know the reason for suddenly humiliating Ye Ziyun, as she quite liked the girl, but she wholeheartedly agreed with the method.

After Shen Yue was dressed, he gave Su Mei a nod to continue with the plan. She signalled to one of the maids waiting nearby, watching as she disappeared towards the school. Her mission was to anonymously let the authorities know that the City Lord's daughter had not returned to school, after venturing into the training grounds alone with a boy.

The scene was tidied up, and all traces of their group were removed. Although Shen Yue didn't want to touch Nie Li's junk, he used some of his newfound acupuncture knowledge to over stimulate the meridians responsible for his manhood. Coupled with the modified aphrodisiac Nie Li and Ye Ziyun were force-fed, he would be a one-hit wonder, turning him impotent.

Job done, they disappeared, heading home incognito so as not to come under suspicion. A maid was left behind to wake them just before they were found and to report the details of the success. Maybe the girl from Earth was right when she called him immature, but damn it felt good to get his revenge!

His library had compiled a book on her when he touched her. Shen Yue wondered how she would feel when she found out she was eating for two? If Nie Li found out, then after today he would believe it his and force her to carry it to term! Of course, Shen Yue would be taking the child, it was his and the original Ziyun's after all. He couldn't stop smiling when thinking about it, making him feel like a cuckoo bird.

He really had changed, today's acts would have never entered his mind when he was on Earth. But after his three years in the Abyss realm, his morality had been destroyed and rebuilt to survive this harsh universe. Watching people starve or fight to the death over a piece of mouldy bread he would never dream of eating, had changed his outlook on life. And that wasn't even touching on all the other messed up shit he had seen.

The number of people that would happily smile and swear allegiance, only for the seal stone to turn red, was in the thousands. Before his subjugation of the Abyss realm, he had started to think that maybe he had gone overboard with the whole slavery thing. Now he would put a loyalty mark on his own mother if he knew who she was and he would not even blink at killing his father, Shen Hong.

No, he had changed, but he didn't really care. The only person that could judge him, with Earth's morals or laws, had just been raped and all her valuable possessions stolen. He had come to this world with the intention to satisfy all his desires, accepting that his personality may change. It was her that clung to the belief that she would persist in upholding the moralistic high ground. He would like to see if she still does so after a year or two. He wasn't still salty at her comments on that fan-fiction, not at all...

As he noticed the emotional wreck that was Xiao Ning'er, still clinging to the puppet, he reaffirmed his new motto. Wealth and love to his people, destruction and pain to his enemies.

"Shen Yue, where were you? What are we going to do about Ziyun?" Xiao Ning'er called out with emotion, tears in her eyes. She had been waiting in his mansion clutching the soul puppet for five hours, it was quite understandable for her to be anxiousness. Su Mei was listening attentively, she also had many questions.

Shen Yue wished he could just lay the blame at God's feet and be done with it. Now he had to make up some bullshit reason why he couldn't just transfer Ziyun's soul back into her body.

"Su Mei, this puppet contains the soul of our Ziyun, the one controlling the body we just humiliated, is an imposter. The ability you saw me using is one I created to scan and remove a foreign object in one's soul. While examining her and Nie Li, there were a few inconsistencies. It looks like a Deity level expert is behind this mess, as when I was attempting to destroy their souls, I was contacted by him." Shen Yue bullshited, when in doubt blame a higher being for your troubles.

"Diety level expert?" Both Su Mei and Xiao Ning'er were confused at this unknown rank.

"It seems our world is governed by different laws than others. Here the highest rank we can achieve is a spiritual god, one for every law. The other ranks explained to me by this 'God' were like this." He then proceeded to draw a table of the different ranks.


- Bronze - Each level is 100 soul force.

- Silver - Each level is 1,000 soul force.

- Gold - Each level is 10,000 soul force.

- Black-Gold - Each level is 100,000 soul force.

- Legend - Each level is 1,000,000 soul force.

All of these ranks have 5 levels/stars.

Spiritual Gods are only found in the Divine Continent. They are at most equivalent to a 1 - 3 Heavenly Fate rank.

- Heavenly Fate - Each level is marked with the creation of a Fate Soul.

- Heavenly Star - Formation of a Fate Star within the Fate Souls.

- Heavenly Axis - Strengthening Fate Souls.

- Dao of Dragon - Their nine Fate Souls condense to become one.

- Martial Ancestor - The physical body rots away and unites with the spirit. This means that the soul and body are one and the same.

All of these ranks have 9 levels/stages.

The Diety refused to say more on the final ranks, only listing them.

- Deity

- Emperor

- Supreme


Su Mei and Xiao Ning'er were shocked. Especially, Su Mei, she thought that she stood at the top of the food chain, now it was revealed she had only qualified to take the first step on the path of cultivation.

"Why did this Diety allow us to humiliate and steal their soul items?" Asked Su Mei, annoyingly pointing out holes in his story.

"He said it would strengthen their temperament and resolve to cultivate if they received setbacks. Honestly, I have no idea what the Deity is planning, only that He allowed me to have my revenge and that I was not allowed to kill them. He said he had already allowed me to save Ziyun's soul so not to go too far, your guess is as good as mine. All I know is that we are allowed to harass Nie Li and the imposter but not kill them." Said Shen Yue, he was really clutching at straws for a decent reason for not destroying them.

After throwing enough bullshit at them to keeps them 'happy' with his excuses, it was time to wake up the mechanical bird of death, know affectionately as his wife.

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