How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

The next day, Shen Yue felt semi-human again. After a long soak in the steaming hot pool and a full body massage with a happy ending from Mei, he had fallen into a deep revitalising sleep.

With his body feeling invincible from reaching the 4-star bronze rank, he was ready to catch up on some overdue business. First on the list was the Sacred Family. Shen Hong had been at the top of his list of people to kill since he was old enough to walk. Shen Fei lusting after Ning'er was just the final straw.

Walking to meet his girls for breakfast, Shen Yue started plotting on how to handle the Sacred Family. In the end, he just decided to replace Shen Hon and purge the members he felt would tarnish the Family name. Shen Xiu would be a perfect candidate for the new head of the Family.

Gathered around the table was only Su Mei and Ning'er, he had not seen Ziyun since she started cultivating. Sending a maid to fetch her he then greeted his two lovely women.

"Morning! How has everything been?"

"Great, not going to school has given me time to cultivate to the 5-star bronze rank! My new cultivating technique is even better than the last one! Replied an excited Ning'er. She had quit school at the same time he did after the scandal.

Shen Yue had compiled all the new Wind Lightning manuals compatible with her Winged Dragon soul form. The result was three times the progress for the same amount of effort. There was also the Tyrannical Dragon Aura that was cultivated along with her soul force, this would give her an advantage in battle.

"Wow, my Ning'er is getting strong! Don't forget to keep your strength hidden from outsiders, we don't want to draw the attention of the imposters. Yang Xin has dealt them a grievous blow that will have them lashing out at anything like a wounded animal." Shen Yue was quick to caution her as the results from the court case were better than he had hoped.

As they were eating and chatting idly, Ziyun came swooping into the room. She had grown much more comfortable with her new form it seems. "You wanted to see me?" Ziyun asked Shen Yue.

"Now that I have finished the delicate work in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, I was wondering if you would like to try and enter the realm. It would give you more time to cultivate and give you a chance to master the puppet's form."

"Really? Of course I want to, let's go!" Ziyun was excited to do anything that would hasten her recovering her body.

Even though only the owner of the pendant could enter the realm, there were a few exceptions. People were prohibited from entering unless they were already dead, or have a spiritual connection to Shen Yue! He was hoping to use these loophole to bring his inner circle into the realm for a head start on reaching the Heavenly Fate realm.

Because the laws of Tiny World did not allow one to reach the Heavenly Fate, breaking through in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal would bypass this. After all, this is what Nie Li did with the temporal book of cheats!

"This may not work, but if it does, you will have hundreds of hours to cultivate. I will only be staying for eight days at a time. But if you decide to stay, you will be stuck there for a hundred days." Explained Shen Yue.

With a nod from Ziyun's little bird head, he picked her up and entered the realm. Putting Ziyun on the ground next to the pond, he smiled at his success. When he developed his slave inscription at gold rank, he would be able to link his people's souls to his, bringing them here.

The Qi in the Violet Jade Immortal Realm was saturated, making the speed of cultivating maybe one and a half times faster. Even the water in the pool had a healing effect and assisted in cultivation. He would also be able to plant alchemy herbs in the surrounding land, but there was not much room at the moment.

It was then that Shen Yue remembered that he could upgrade the realm! Searching his memory of the story, it seemed to level up with each new woman he had sex with. Something about the merging of Ying and Yang to strengthen his spiritual energy. Damn, he should have taken the time to service Su Mei properly instead of just letting her give him a blowjob.

He would definitely be taking Ziyun with him now as he did not know what would happen if the realm advanced with her still here. Ning'er and Mei would be helping him enhance the space, but he better do it separately just in case one doesn't count.

After making his lewd plans, he settled in for a heavy cultivation session. Ziyun had already begun absorbing the Qi in the realm. Without the need to eat or sleep, she would be reaching legend rank pretty quickly. He would need to keep an eye on her mental state as a crazy woman was bad enough, let alone one that could destroy a city!

Shen Yue began chanting and absorbing the energy from heaven and earth. It was an intoxicating feeling, and he soon lost himself in it. Two days later and he came out of his trance as he advanced into the Silver rank. Shen Yue sensed his body's power increase with his soul force level.

Once again he was coated in black filth that scorched his nose hairs with its stench. Calling out to Ziyun, he told her that they were leaving. Even though she wanted to stay, he forced her to so the realm could be expanded with naughty activities.

With the promise of returning to the realm tomorrow, Ziyun went off to continue cultivating in her courtyard. Shen Yue went straight to the Bathing pool as he had already instructed his maids that it would be required.

After a bath and a large meal to fill the two days of not eating, an idea presented itself to solve two issues at once. He needed to expand the space inside the pendant and to deal with the Sacred Family. It was time to punish Shen Xiu for not believing in him, with immoral actions!

Shen Yue wrote an outrageous letter. It said if Shen Xiu was not at his mansion in two hours, then everyone in the Sacred Family will die. He gave it to a maid to deliver and waited for the result and left orders to lead Shen Xiu to his private courtyard when she arrived.

Not even an hour later and a fiery redhead barged in demanding that Shen Yue not do anything reckless. It was kind of cute how she still thought of him as a child to be protected. She was in for a surprise, he had quite the lustful thoughts about how this would play out.

"Shen Xiu, welcome to my home. It is six years overdue, but better late than never as they say."

"Little Yue, please don't do anything reckless. You do not know the power that Shen Hong commands! Please, I have tried to protect you as much as I can, coming here might even put you in danger!" An emotional Shen Xiu pleaded.

It was really touching how much she worried about him. Hopefully, it will transform into a different kind of love. Looking at the beautiful, sexy women, he reaffirmed his decision to make her his.

"Su Mei, show her your power."

Su Mei directly released her soul force and focused it on Shen Xiu. She was careful not to leak it out of the room, as they did not want to attract unwanted attention. Shen Xiu felt the pressure of a legend rank expert and the strength of it forced her to her knees.

Shen Xiu was only a 3-star silver rank demon spiritualist, an expert three realms higher could treat her like a child with aura alone. Shen Yue looked down at his panting aunt, her skimpy outfit allowing him a scenic view of luscious mountains. With a wave of his hand, Su Mei halted her soul force.

"Tell me, does that wrinkled old ball sack Shen Hong have legend experts?" Seeing Shen Xiu unable to answer as she was stupefied by Mei's power level, he continued.

"Shen Hong has not been able to touch me a month after I left that waste of a Family. Everyone he sent to retrieve me died at my peoples' hands. Even his Dark Guild flunkies have been wiped out from the City, not daring to enter anymore. Tell me aunt, what power does Shen Hong hold that could threaten me?"

Shen Yue had once again fallen into his evil overlord persona, talking down to Shen Xiu imperiously. For seven years his little aunt could have been by his side, but she had chosen to stay with the Sacred Family under some misguided sense of protecting him. He could have easily grabbed her like this, but he let things play out just in case he needed an 'in' to the Family.

Shen Xiu could not believe what her eyes were seeing, or her ears were hearing. Little Yue's maid was a legend rank expert! His maid! What about all his other men? She had heard he was close to Lord Voldemort recently because Shen Hong was jealous of the relationship. Maybe that was where he got them from?

He had even known about the Dark Guild! Shen Xiu was frightened of their strength as Shen Hong often bragged about their leader's power. She had also been privy to their designs to excite a beast horde attack against the City! She had wanted to warn Shen Yue, but it had become a moot point. The Celestial Brotherhood had decimated the beasts in under a week.

She started replaying Shen Hong's threats in her head, and they all started to sound hollow as if he was trying to convince her it was the right decision to stay. But before she could feel happy that her favourite nephew was no longer in mortal peril, his next words shocked her to her core!

"I'm afraid that you have to punished for your support of my enemies aunt Xiu. I had wanted you by my side since that day you took me to doctor Lu Wei, but instead, you folded to Shen Hong. You told him where I was allowing him to send a team to kidnap me! Yes, your crimes are great."

"No, I'm sorry Shen Yue! He told me that it was just a misunderstanding, that the doctor was out buying top grade medicine to treat you! I didn't know he was lying, he was my brother!" Shen Xiu started crying, remembering the feeling betrayal when Shen Hong revealed his duplicitous nature.

Gesturing to Su Mei, Shen Yue then gave his judgment to his now not so little aunt. "I realise that you were young and naive, but that doesn't excuse the next seven years. Your punishment is to drink this bottle of poison, if you can withstand the effects then you will be forgiven!"

Su Mei handed over a small vial of unknown liquid to Shen Xiu. Shen Xiu did not know what to think, she had not seen Shen Yue since he was an adorable little child. She could only pray that his character hadn't changed and that this was a simple test of faith!

Gathering her courage, she downed the contents of the vial with her closed eyes, as if trying to feel the efficacy of the poison. When no immediate corrosive essence was detected, she smiled, Shen Yue was just testing her resolve.

"I knew you wouldn't harm me! From now on I will support your Family, anything you need, I will try to help!" She said with a kind smile, relieved he didn't try to kill her.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken Shen Xiu. I want you to rule by my side as a wife, not a subordinate." Shen Yue was quick to let her know his real intentions.

"But we are family! I'm your aunt!" Shen Xiu was dumbstruck, she had no idea this was what he wanted. Suddenly, she felt her body heating, and strange urges rising.

"Are we? I never knew my mother, and I want my father dead, so where is the relation? No, I love you. You were the only good thing in the entire Sacred Family. So I decided you will become my wife and rule the Sacred Family as the new head. If you want to continue being my aunt, then all you have to do is resist the poison. If you want to be my wife, then give in and become mine!"

Shen Yue was being slightly evil. He had made this aphrodisiac himself, and there was no way a 3-star silver rank demon spiritualist could resist it. He had even added a sensitivity component to it, and judging from the slight moans she was making as she squeezed her legs together, it was working.

It was going to be a wild couple of hours before the potion lost its effects. Shen Yue wondered how she will react after regaining control of her lust? After all, her memory was not affected!

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