How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Shen Yue was pleased with the smooth assimilation of Glory City into his Empire. As he watched the army march off with the boisterous support of the populous, he allowed a smile to grace his face. Everything was on track, his plans so far had not met any problems worth mentioning.

Though that could change with the upcoming battle for the Nether Realm. Even though Zhu Long alone could dominate the Nether Lord and his allied Spiritual Gods, they had survived for thousands of years and had to have a few tricks up their sleeves. He would have to make sure his minions did not rush into any traps.

When Su Qiang had finished making sure the city would continue running without his presence, they moved over to where Blaze had been perched beside the stage. She had been introduced as a gift from Zhu Long to foster good relations between the two races. Blaze had already been told not to expose the fact that she could speak or that she was his.

When she noticed Shen Yue walking over to her, she started to chirp cheerfully. She could finally fly freely in the world with her Master and was looking forward to battling at his side. Since they were not needed until the army reached the entrance to the underground realm, he gave her permission to let spread her wings and explore.

Hours later, when Shen Yue received a message that the army had arrived, he told Blaze to fly to their original destination. Letting out a trill of happiness, she flew at her fastest speed until the army came into view. Su Qiang could not help but chuckle at Shen Yue's exasperated look as he tried to smooth his clothes back into place and re-tie his hair.

Shen Yue had barely managed to hold his place on her back, let alone keep a regal appearance at Blaze's top speed. He never thought that a peak legend realm was still not strong enough to battle the wind as they sped through the skies. Looking at Su Qiang surrounded by his soul force and looking as if they had just taken a short stroll, and not a terrifying flight, pissed him off.

Shen Yue was starting to regret his decision to cultivate all the Laws before he advanced to the heavenly fate realm. He was unsure if it would affect his Fate Soul when it formed, plus he wanted to strengthen his soul as much as possible before advancing. Cultivation was all about having a sturdy foundation, to rush his advancement into the heavenly fate realm would only harm his future.

Besides, there was no benefit in reaching the next realm. With Blaze by his side, it was enough to protect him from anything this world could throw at him. You would have to be an idiot to surrender a strong foundation just to feel superior to everyone.

He had read many comments on fan fictions to this effect. Shen Yue could not understand why they would choose to ruin their future for a year of masturbating over how much more powerful they were than the people in the beginner village! He would not make that mistake, he wanted to dominate this universe, not limit his potential for a quick power boost.

When he had made himself presentable, he looked over the assembled army and the defences built around the cave that led to another realm. As soon as Nie Li and his troops had been defeated, Shen Yue had ordered extensive fortifications constructed on this side of the portal to the Nether Realm. There would be no way for another invasion to happen from this realm.

The mountain had been excavated so that the portal was exposed and turned into a death trap. A multitude of arrays had been laid around the gateway, any attackers would be vulnerable to the attackers behind the impenetrable barricades sealing any exit. There was even a flying/gravity array to stop anyone from jumping the barriers.

Pleased with his men's work, he made a mental note to have Su Qiang reward them. It was a surreal sight as Blaze flew down to the command section of the army. Only days ago they thought of demon beasts as their mortal enemy, now the leader of humanity was riding one to battle. That was why only Zhu Long was fighting in the upcoming battles, Shen Yue didn't want any problems to arise from thousands of years of racial hate.

Since they would be detected as soon as they enter the Nether Realm, the rest of the day was spent drilling the operation plan into the troops. The captives from Nie Li's men had now turned into guides for the army, mind control really was convenient.

The soldiers were assigned different roles in the invasion force, there would not be just a mob rushing into the city and killing everything in sight. No, they would be broken up into squads of fifty, and each has a role to play when they entered enemy territory.

From scouting and eliminating threats as the army marched, to securing a path for retreat and fortifying the portal from the Nether Realm side. Everything was planned for, the men were given clear instructions on how to proceed when they attacked.

There were officers to oversee the different squads and make sure everyone operated together smoothly, there would be no conflict between teams under threat of punishment. The legend rank experts were in charge of dealing with the masses while the heavenly fate experts would be responsible for dealing with any threats.

The majority of soldiers received instruction on how to operate when they breached the city's defences. There would be targets to eliminate and areas to isolate until infiltration squads could be organised. Some objectives were given priority, such as the Dark Guild headquarters, they would be suppressed with maximum effort.

Su Qiang, Zhu Long and Yu Yan would be spearheading the attack on the compound to make sure all of the hierarchy are captured. The Demon Lord was not allowed to escape! There would be a perimeter set up around the city to kill anyone fleeing if they did not heed the warnings for surrender. Hopefully, this would ensure all targets are captured, and the Dark Guild eliminated.

Shen Yue planned to have the hierarchy gathered after the city was subjugated. He planned to enslave them to keep the city from rioting when the threat of the army was not there to keep them in line. The last thing he needed was to have trouble behind him as he sieged the other cities. He was already outnumbered without having conquered cities adding to the mix.

With everything prepared, there was nothing left to do but sleep. The men would need all the sleep they could get because as soon as they initiate the invasion, there will be little time to rest. They would be attacking before first light to keep their eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Shen Yue made his way to the tent that Su Mei had set up in the command area. She was the only one of his wives that had been allowed to accompany him on this adventure into the Nether Realm. This was to keep his Family members strength secret from the Spiritual Gods in case they relayed it back to Nie Li when he was released into their care.

Su Mei had been by his side since he first left the Sacred Family so it would not raise any red flags if it got back to the two retards. She had been sent ahead on his behalf to oversee the defences and arrangement of the army when they arrived. As Lord Voldemort's student, he was expected to take a more authoritative role in this engagement. To Glory City, he was practically the City Lord's heir.

Flying in on Blaze only emphasised this position and would help explain away any awkward questions of why he was apart of the decision making. Hopefully, Nie Li and the slapper will think him a pawn of their real enemy and pay him little attention. The last thing he needed was unwanted attention in the Draconic Realm to disrupt his plans.

"Young Master, you have finally arrived! I have prepared a bath for you to relax in." Said Su Mei as he walked into his tent.

"I have only flown here with Blaze, there is really no need for a bath." He replied with a small smile at her behaviour.

"Please? I want to wash you, you haven't paid attention to me in so long!"

Thinking that it will be a few days until he could relax with his women, he gave in and started to undress. After all, tomorrow was going to be a long day, he might as well reward himself now for his hard work!

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