How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 145 Picking A Companion

Floid thought on it for a second and he finally decided that he would go to the restaurant. Right now, Floid thought that this might be a chance to find something interesting to do with his time before he goes to meet the king of Trad. Floid told Dragonnel to accept the invitation and Dragonnel was a little surprised. He didn't think th this lord would accept the invitation. Dragonnel also knew that the invitation was just a ruse that Raven was using to get closer to Floid, but why did his master still decide to go? Dragonnel wondered what Floid had planned now. Was Floid going to the restaurant because he wanted to use Raven for something or was he just trying to see what Raven has planned for him?

The restaurant where Floid was invited to was the largest in the entire hotel. The restaurant took up a staggering 10,000 square feet on all sides! It had a balcony as well a bar that had hundred of different drinks all arranged under golden light! The atmosphere in the restaurant was very high-class and only people who were accepted personally by Raven could even take a foot inside here. There were no reservations in this restaurant because the high class doesn't need reservations! To come to a place like this, you have to know someone that knows someone that knows someone! If you don't have a strong position in society or trade then you have no chance of ever coming into the restaurant!

So it is no surprise that the people in the restaurant were all high-ranking members of society! They were in fancy clothes and they spoke in hushed voices that wouldn't be heard from other tables. No one wants their secret conversation to be heard by another person in a place like this. Any secret that you accidentally spill here will be used as ammunition against you. High society was a dangerous game and only the careful survive.

This restaurant was so high class that even the staff were some of the most elegant people around Trad! The staff all wore full suits as they carried the food around to all the guests!

Floid entered the restaurant with Allucrd behind him and Floid could sense as the chattering stopped in the large room and everyone turned to look at him. There were a lot of whispers going around the place. Things like.

"Isn't that the young master that came in this morning?"

"The one that took Raven's penthouse key? I heard he is a new billionaire who recently made it into high society. No one knows anything about him,"

"I've been asking everywhere and he is like a ghost. Who is he?"

Things like these were floating around the room and Floid frowned in annoyance. he hated it when humans acted like pack animals. Don't they know the meaning of subtlety?

Floid told Alucard to find a suitable table and Alucard moved forward and guided Floid towards a good table on the balcony where there were very few people seated. Floid could sense that there were still a lot of people looking at him but he didn't even bother to give them any attention. He just grabbed the menu that Alucard handed him and waited. Floid was sure that he would be entertained here. He just has to wait and see how.


Quinn and a small entourage of soldiers arrived at the gates leading into the church in Uta while riding on horses. Quinn came down from her horse once she entered the gates and she greeted the soldier at the side with a nod. The soldier snapped a tense salute to greet her! It was a big honor for him to meet the hero and he was trying his best to make a good impression! Maybe the hero will see my dedication and allow me to join the army for her quest! It will be a hundred times better than guarding this damn church!

Quinn noticed how tense he was and she sighed internally as she passed him. She didn't want to be here. If only Priscilla had listened to her then they wouldn't have to do this! Today, Quinn was here to pick out a member of the church that would be in her party. Quinn has already picked all the other members of her party and Priscilla told Quinn that she has to pick out one person from the church to join her party as well!

Quinn was actually against it! Quinn had no love for the church and Quinn didn't think there was a need for her to choose someone from the church for anything! Many people around the kingdom knew how to use healing magic and Quinn has more holy Mana than any priest! So why should she pick someone from the church that would be completely useless to her!? She doesn't need a priest to pray for them! The priests can just stay in their cathedral and pray from there!

But Priscilla was adamant! This was a tradition that has never been broken in Uta from the very beginning! The hero must choose one person from the church and that person will join their party! It was a way for them to make the people accept the hero better! People in Uta were religious and they would be more accepting of the hero if they see the hero with a member of the church! It was just a good tactic to control the masses like sheep!

Quinn recognized the sense in what Priscilla said and that was the reason why Quinn finally accepted the decision. So today, Quinn would be choosing someone to join her party. The church was already informed of the hero's arrival and all the eligible priests have been gathered together in a room where they would meet the hero.

Quinn entered the room where she was meant to meet the priests and she immediately stopped in her tracks as she saw a room filled with old geezers! All of them were at least forty and above! There wasn't a single one of them that even looked remotely young! Quinn put her hand to her forehead in disappointment! What the fuck is this!? Do they want an old man to join me in my quest!? What can an old man do!?

Quinn turned to the head priest standing beside her.

"What is the meaning of this? I expected a younger person to be joining me. I don't know if you've heard but we are going to fight against demons. We don't have time to babysit the elderly,"

The other priests in the room felt insulted by her statement! How dare she call them old!? Most of the priests there didn't have a strand of white hair and they felt that they were still young enough to fight if they needed to! But Quinn didn't give a fuck about what they thought! If you are above forty then you become a liability instead of an asset! Why the hell will I choose someone that can't keep up with the rest of the party that are all young people!?

Quinn kept staring at the head priest for an explanation and he sheepishly looked away. These were the only people that he could bring for the hero to see! The priest didn't want to say this to Quinn because they were still investigating it, but there has been a recent case where a lot of young priests went missing in the church. Most of the church priests were young people and the head priest already had a list of young priests that he was meant to bring to the hero today, but before they could be presented to the hero, they suddenly went missing!

The young priests completely vanished and the church couldn't find a reason for them to suddenly disappear! Many of the church members said that the young priests ran away because they were scared to fight against demons but the head priest didn't know if that was the truth since it was just a rumor! He chose another batch of young people and they also disappeared! It was insane! He didn't know what the fuck was going on and he couldn't report it to the queen without finding out if they ran away or if they were kidnapped!

It would look bad for the church if they ran away! Why would a priest of the church run away from his responsibilities!? This is what the people of the kingdom will think and they will start criticizing the church! The head priest hid this incident and he wanted to choose another batch of young people. But no one volunteered this time! The young priests in the church realized that they might go missing as well if they volunteered so they decided not to volunteer at all! This is what made him so desperate that he had to choose old priests instead! He didn't have a choice!

The head priest couldn't say anything and he just looked away! Quinn sighed in annoyance! She wouldn't choose any of them no matter what. She will rather go on this mission without any help from a priest than choose a priest that will slow them down! Quinn was about to turn and leave the hall but the door to the hall suddenly opened and another priest walked in. Quinn stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened slightly when she saw the priest. He was young with black hair and eyes. He walked with a tall posture and Quinn could tell that he was built rigidly under his robes!

Quinn has seen many fighters since she came to this world and she knew that this man was a very good fighter! Who is this!?

"Head Priest, I wish to volunteer for the position,"

Dray spoke up calmly as he looked at the head priest and the head priest couldn't hide his shock at all! The head priest knew Dray was one of the newer priests! He didn't think that any young priests would volunteer after all those young priests went missing before so he was shocked to see Dray! But he didn't let that stop him from using this to his advantage! The head priest gave Dray a brilliant smile and he spoke up loudly!

"Oh, young Dray! Welcome! Welcome! Come and meet the hero!"

All the old priests that were there before were completely forgotten as the head priest quickly took Day by the shoulder and led him towards Quinn! The old men frowned and grumbled as they walked out. They knew they didn't stand a chance against someone like Dray. There is no way that the hero would choose them over Dray!

Quinn watched how Dray walked and she noticed that, unlike other priests, he was confident in his steps. Most of the priests that Quinn had met were clumsy and they never walked with a regular stride, but Dray's stride was perfect! It was the same as some of the soldiers that Quinn has seen in the military barracks and Quinn wondered what sort of training he must have done to become like that. Quinn already liked Dray far more than any other priest she has ever met!

The head priest spoke up once he got in front of Quinn.

"Hero, this here is Dray. He is one of our most devout priests and as you can see he is built like a stallion! A true man capable of helping you out in all your quests! I am sure you will see his usefulness if you give him a chance!"

Dray scoffed internally once he heard this! Most devout priest? What nonsense! This was the first time that Dray was ever meeting the head priest face to face and the head priest had probably only heard Dray's name once or twice before! There was nothing that would make the head priest say that Dray was devout at all! He is just trying to make me look good to the hero since there aren't any other volunteers!

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