How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 166 God's Judgment


Hmm? Rosavellt hummed as she suddenly received a message from Pyra while she was waiting outside the bathroom for Rizi. Pyra's stoic voice and personality were able to reflect easily even through the communication circle. Sometimes, Rosavellt wondered if Pyra behaved like this in front of the demon lord as well. Or does her tough exterior melt in his presence? Rosavellt is always a lot more vulnerable in front of the demon lord and she could never behave so frigid, so she wouldn't be surprised if Pyra was also more expressive in front of their lord.

Rosavellt put her hand to her ear and spoke up in response to the message.

"Yes, Pyra. What seems to be the issue? Have you finished with your mission already?"

Pyra's monotone came back in response.

[No, we ran into a small issue. We think the hero might be moving along with a large cavalry of soldiers that arrived from Uta. We tracked them to their camping site but their numbers and strength are too much for only myself and Andromeda to handle so we require assistance. Since you are not capable of aiding us, we would appreciate some help from Rizi]

Immediately Pyra said this, Rosavellt knew what she meant. There was no way that Rosavellt could leave this caslte because the demon lord told her to stay there and she will never disobey the instructions from her lord, so the best person to help them was Rizi. And Rizi would be even better because she could help them without ever leaving the castle.

Rosavellt confirmed the message and she gave Pyra permission to ask Rizi for assistance. Pyra thanked her and then she cut the communication circle.


The door to the bathroom opened and Rizi came out naked with a scowl on her face. Rosavellt looked at Rizi from top to bottom and she nodded in satisfaction once she saw that Rizi was clean enough. Rizi looked far better than before so this should be enough. Rizi thought that Rosavellt would drag her to the dining room again, but what Rosavellt told her shocked her.

"Pyra and Andromeda require your assistance with the demon lord's mission to capture the human hero. You may forgo your meal because this is more important. Once you are properly dressed, you may go and help them."

Rizi's eyes lit up like Christmas lights and she pumped her fists with an excited shout and ran towards the door to her right to get dressed. Rosavellt just sighed at the childish act. Rosavellt would have preferred to feed Rizi first but the demon lord's mission was far more important than Rizi's meal.

Rosavellt just turned around and started to walk back to the dining hall to oversee the other maids and servants.

Rizi made her way toward her lab with an ecstatic look on her face. She was already dressed in a simple tank top and a pair of long baggy trousers that had a lot of pockets at the sides. There was a communication circle opened on her ear as she spoke to Pyra excitedly.

"Tell me the coordinates again? Make sure they are precise so there aren't any mistakes. Remember the demon lord's orders weren't to kill the hero,"

On the other end of the call, Pyra nodded. She could still remember that the demon lord told them not to kill the hero or even injure her. He told them to bring her to him in good health and that was what they would do. But for them to complete their mission, they need to cut down the number of soldiers in this camp by at least half. Pyra and Andromeda cannot fight this number of people on their own and it will be almost impossible to find the hero if a fight breaks out.

And so Rizi suggested that they use one of her weapons to reduce the number. The place where Pyra and Andromeda were was almost a hundred kilometers away from the demon castle, but even with this distance, it was still possible for Rizi's weapon to reach them! As long as she aims properly, Rizi can get her weapon to cover that distance with ease! The force from Rizi's weapon would be decreased because of the distance but it could still destroy a thousand soldiers with one or two well-positioned blasts. Maybe I should send two blasts instead so the second one will power the first one forward?

Pyra sent Rizi an exact location and Rizi hummed as she thought about the coordinates she received. The coordinates were close to Noir, but if Rizi is really careful she should be able to destroy the soldiers without any collateral damage to Noir. Rizi asked Pyra if she was sure that the hero wouldn't be killed by the blast as well. If the hero is anywhere near the coordinates then the hero will be gravely injured by the blast.

Pyra confirmed that there is no way the hero would be neat the blast. Pyra scouted out the region and she couldn't feel any soldier above S-class in the blast radius. The hero is definitely above S-class so that means the hero should be safe. Even if the hero is near the blast, she will only be slightly injured by the blast and any healer can easily fix the injuries. Rizi confirmed that information and then she sped up as she made her way toward her lab.

The weapon that Rizi had in mind was the same one that she first showed Floid when he came to the demon world. The weapon that helped her to destroy the army that tried to attack the castle. Rizi and Floid managed to make many improvements to the weapon since Floid first saw it and the weapon was now far stronger than before! Rizi knew that with the new upgrades, the cannon was more than capable of destroying anything within a two-hundred-kilometer radius!

The little girl sat on the commanding seat and grabbed control of the large machine. She calculated the coordinates in her head and she turned the machine toward the direction that Pyra pointed out. Rizi could have used the machine to do the calculation, but Rizi knew that no machine would be as accurate as her in the calculations. Rizi needed to account for wind directions, gravity, distance, and even the amount of force needed for the attack. All these calculations would be too much for the technology of this world to calculate so Rizi had to use her head to make sure everything was perfect.

But even with all these difficult calculations, Rizi was more than smart enough to get the exact position that she needed and she locked on to her target. A small magic circle that allowed her to see further appeared over her right eye as she stared into

the horizon. She couldn't see the army from here but she could see the trajectory better now. Rizi needed to make sure that everything was aligned perfectly before she fires.

"I have a lock on. Are your coordinates still correct, Pyra?"

Rizi spoke into the magic circle in her ear and she heard Pyra confirm from the other side of the magic circle. Once she received confirmation, she clicked the button! The machine hummed and a bright light suddenly lit up the night and made all the servants around the castle look up in shock!

All the servants knew exactly what that gun was because they remembered how Rizi used the cannon to destroy the army that was trying to save them before and they wondered who was getting shot at this time!!

"Is someone coming to save us again?"

"Of course not! After the last time, do you think we're ever getting out of here? They probably forgot all about us!"

"Hey, don't be so negative! They'll come to save us - Shit, madam Rosavellt is coming!"

All the servants stopped talking once they saw Rosavellt coming out from the castle gates and they dropped their heads and started working on the soil again.

The machine charged itself for more than five seconds before it finally released a deep sound that shook the grounds all over the castle!


A large blast of pure energy shot out from the machine and flew into the horizon and Rizi grinned in excitement as she waited for the attack to land.

On the other side of the continent, the unsuspecting army was still going about their duties as usual. most of them were asleep, but some of them were just moving around aimlessly while trying to take their minds off the war. Pyra and Andromeda stood on top of a mountain overlooking the army below them. Pyra closed her communication circle once she heard Rizi release the blast and then she turned to Andromeda and asked her to get ready.

Andromeda nodded and turned back to the army below. Andromeda and Pyra had been thinking of a way to take on the army below them for a long time and Andromeda was surprised when Pyra eventually decided to ask for help from Rizi. Andromeda knew that the only reason Pyra asked for help was that Pyra was worried about the Grand Commander that arrived along with the army. It usually wouldn't be a problem for them because Pyra already faced a Grand Commander before and won against her, but this Grand Commander was not like that woman that Pyra fought before. Both Pyra and Andromeda could tell that the man was strong. He would be able to go toe to toe with Pyra if he goes all out.

The two women decided that it wasn't worth the trouble to fight the Grand Commander along with all the S-class and SS-class soldiers that came with him. Instead, they would cull the herd using Rizi's blast and then Pyra and Andromeda would destroy the small strays that manage to survive. Even if the Grand Commander won't be killed by the blast, it should still be easy for Pyra to kill him if they don't have anyone else to worry about.

A light suddenly lit up the sky from the north and Pyra looked up curiously to see if it was the cannon that Rizi sent that was on its way here. There wasn't any noise at all from the blast, but the light was intense and Pyra had to put her hand up to shield her eyes as she stared at it.

Down on the grounds, soldiers started to come out from their tents one after the other as they were shocked by the sudden bright light that was illuminating the sky! What the hell was that? The light was very far away so the soldiers couldn't tell what it was so they could only stand and stare. But before long, their eyes started to widen one after the other as they saw that the light was only getting brighter and brighter! And it was also heading straight for them!!

"What the fuck is that!!?"

One of the soldiers shouted this out while taking many steps back and he didn't wait for anyone to tell him before he turned and started to run! He didn't know what that was but he knew that there is no way it is good news! Just like that, all the soldiers turned around and they all began to run! But even with their sudden burst of intelligence, they weren't able to go anywhere before the blast hit! It was like God's judgment!


Both Pyra and Andromeda put their hands up to their faces as they felt the wind from the aftershock blast reaching them from all the way over there! There were fires and explosions spread everywhere and bodies flew around like ragdolls as Rizi's cannon destroyed more than half of the army immediately!! Andromeda coughed a little before she brought her hand down and looked down again with wide eyes.

"Wow. I didn't know Rizi's weapon was this destructive,"

Yeah, me neither.

Pyra didn't say anything, but the look on her face told Andromeda all she needed to know. Pyra had no idea that Rizi's weapon was this destructive either! Pura still remember's when Rizi used her weapon to destroy the army that came with that female Grand Commander a long time ago and it was nowhere near this strong!

Pyra and Andromeda were right in thinking that the weapon was not supposed to be this strong. And if it was a few months ago, then the weapon would not have been able to do this much damage. But after Floid started helping Rizi with some ideas for her weapons, she was able to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of almost every single invention she had! This cannon was one of the inventions that she and Floid worked on a lot because Floid really liked the cannon so they were able to make a lot of improvements to it.

Pyra and Andromeda watched the destruction happening for a few more moments before Pyra finally hefted her mace and started to walk forward. Pyra didn't say anything but Andromeda knew that Pyra was now confident that they could handle the remaining soldiers themselves! Andromeda just slithered forward to follow Pyra!

Down in the army camp, everywhere was chaos as people were running around like headless chickens! There was complete confusion as everyone wondered what the hell was going on! Who was attacking them and where were they being attacked from!? None of the soldiers could see anyone from the direction where the cannon came so they wondered what shot at them!

"Prepare fer' immediate evacuation! Gather your things nd' prepare fer' immediate evacuation!!"

The Grand Commander was shouting this in an extremely loud voice as he looked around at all the soldiers running! He could tell that everyone was confused and so was he! But they couldn't stay here and wait for whoever attacked them to attack again! They needed to get out of here as quickly as possible! And where the hell is the hero!?

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