How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 177 Vlad The Impaler.

Dragonnel was no longer pacing across the courtyard, he was now standing directly in front of the large farm while watching the slaves work. Andromeda was using her golem familiar to move a large bolder across the farm and Dragonnel could see the intense sadness that surrounded the lamia. She was still sad about failing the mission that the demon lord sent her on and Dragonnel knew that she wouldn't be fine until she makes it up to their lord. Dragonnel didn't feel any remorse for her because it was her own fault that she failed the mission. She and Pyra should have done better so they wouldn't disappoint master, but they were unable to finish such a simple mission. Dragonnel didn't like it when the demon lord was angry or disappointed at him, and now the demon lord was both of those things because of the maids!

Dragonnel heard footsteps coming from beside him and he turned to see Alucard walking towards him regally. Dragonnel immediately frowned as he saw the bastard. What the hell does this daywalker want?

"You seem restless, Dragonnel. Perhaps you should consider sitting down for a moment,"

Alucard said this with a calmness that never failed to piss Dragonnel off! Alucard's way of talking and acting always got on Dragonnel's nerves and Dragonnel found it unsettling that Alucard never showed any emotion when talking! At least try to smile once in a while, you bastard! You're like a fucking statue!

"How can I rest? The demon lord will soon call on me. I have to be ready to leave at a moment's notice,"

"Pacing won't aid your readiness in any way. The demon lord will still call on you even though you aren't pacing."

I hate the fact that he's right. Dragonnel sighed to the side as he thought this and he just ignored Alucard! Of course, Alucard was right! Pacing wouldn't help anyone at all! But Dragonnel had too much nervous energy to stay still so this was the best he could do to calm himself! The two men just stood side by side for a while without saying anything. After a few moments, Alucard spoke.

"I know I shouldn't have to say this, but make sure you protect the lord, Dragonnel. You will be the only one with him for a while so make sure you set your priorities straight,"

Dragonnel gave Alucard a long sideways look. Dragonnel knew that out of all the servants in the demon lord's household only Alucard knew about the relationship between him and Givalich. Alucard was present when Dragonnel told the demon lord about Givalich, and Alucard was also present seven hundred years ago when Dragonnel was sealed by the former demon lord.

Alucard was still a young boy back then and Alucard only came because Alucard's father, Mobius, was a servant to the former demon lord and he brought Alucard along.

Once they go on this mission, the only household member that will be with Floid was Dragonnel. Alucard and Rosavellt were fast but none of them was fast enough to outrun a dragon in flight. Dragonnel in his dragon form could fly from one end of the continent to the other end of the continent in less than two hours! It would be impossible for any of the other household members to keep up with that speed! That is why Alucard told Dragonnel to protect Floid! Dragonnel would be the only one with Floid so it was his responsibility to make sure no harm comes to the lord!

That part was alright by Dragonnel! But the part that got his entire body vibrating in anger was the second part of what Alucard said. Dragonnel turned to Alucard with a sneer.

"What the fuck do you mean by that? What priorities do I need to set straight?"

Alucard looked Dragonnel right in the eye. Anyone else would have been terrified by the dragon glaring at them, but not Alucard! Alucard glared at Dragonnel as well!

"You know exactly what I mean here, Dragonnel. Your job in this mission is not to find Givalich, it is to make sure no harm comes to the demon lord once he finds Givalich. So let me say it in a manner you will understand. Do not place your desire to find your sibling above the protection of our lord. If harm comes to our lord because of your negligence, that means we have failed our job as household members for the second time. Do you understand?"

Dragonnel knew that Alucard was right. The demon lord's safety was far more important than finding Givalich, but the way Alucard said it just pissed Dragonnel off like nothing else! Dragonnel already hated Alucard so this just made things worse! He turned to Alucard and spoke in a growl!

"Don't you fucking tell me where my priorities are supposed to be. I know what I have to do to protect our lord. You always speak like you are some sort of perfect being, Alucard. Acting like you are above all of us. Just imagine if it had been Vlad we were going after, tell me where your priorities would be then,"

Once Dragojnek said the name 'Vlad', there was immediate pressure in the air that made everyone around the two butlers freeze! The maids and servants outside the castle turned to Alucard and they could all see a red aura emanating from his body! It was the first time in their lives that they would see something like this!

Alucard was angry!

Andromeda also perked up to see what was happening and once she saw that it was Alucard and Dragonnel, she told the servants to go back to work. She and the other members of the household were already used to this. Everyone in the household knew that Dragonnel and Alucard did not see eye to eye, so they would sometimes argue. But Andromeda wasn't worried. She knew they would never fight because they knew it would be an insult to the demon lord for them to fight. The last thing those two would do was insult the demon lord.

Dragonnel continued talking while ignoring the bloodlust in the air.

"We are demons, Alucard. And even though our duty to our lord surpasses all other emotions inside us, you have no right to question my priorities -"

"I will only forgive this once, Dragonnel. The next time you speak the name of that man in front of me, it shall be the last time we have a civil conversation. I will seek permission from the lord and I will personally beat manners into you,"

Alucard cut off Dragonnel before the dragon could finish what he was saying and even though Dragonnel didn't like being cut off, he couldn't deny that he was enjoying this situation! Dragonnel smiled roguishly. This was the first time that he would see Alucard showing any emotion at all and it was no surprise that it was because of Vlad. The only thing that Dragonnel knew about Vlad was that Vlad was Alucard's younger brother and Vlad was the other vampire that was given a chance by the former demon lord to join the household. The two brothers had a fight over who would join the household and Alucard won at the end of it.

Alucard got both the membership and the vampire kingdom and Vlad was left with nothing.

"He is still your brother, Alucard. If there was a chance to go and find him, then wouldn't you also be nervous? Or would you be as stoic as you are right now?"


Alucard suddenly grabbed Dragonnel by the shirt and Dragonnel was so shocked by the action that he couldn't stop it! Dragonnel stared right into Alucard's eyes and he saw that Alucard's eyes were now blood red. Alucard was really in fight mode. Does he actually want to fight me over this?

"If I ever had a chance to find my brother, I would make sure that the only thing he receives is a stake through his fucking heart. Tell me, if Givalich killed your wife and raped your daughter to death, would you be so eager to save her?"

Dragonnel blinked in surprise. What the hell? This was the first time he was hearing about something like that! When the hell did Vlad do that!? Dragonnel stayed in seclusion for a long time while waiting for Floid to arrive in this world so he didn't know much of what happened with the other household members. He couldn't believe that it was Vlad that killed Alucard's wife! Dragonnel just thought she died while giving birth to Dracula! Was it because Vlad was angry that Alucard took everything? Vlad was a demon so Dragonnel wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason why Vlad did something like that. All demons had a nasty habit of revenge.

When Dragonnel didn't say anything, Akucard pushed him away and got himself back in order so that it looked like he was never even angry in the first place. He arranged his collar and put his hands behind him again as he spoke with that unnatural calmness that still pissed Dragonnel off.

"May your fangs and talons tear through all our enemies as you accompany our lord. But I beg of you, do not disappoint the demon lord, Dragonnel. The household has disappointed him once already and I do not know if he will forgive another transgression. We are meant to be his sword and shield in this world, but for now, all we are is a burden."

Dragonnel scowled as he fixed his shirt properly. He hated the fact that Alucard grabbed him like that but Dragonnel decided to let it go this once. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up Vlad at all. Dragonnel just nodded to Alucard and Alucard gave Dragonnel a small bow before he turned and walked away.

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