How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 181 How To Battle A Demon Lord

There was a sudden roar from the side and Floid noticed Dragonnel flying past him and slamming into something at Floid's other side! Elias had tried to blindside Floid when floid was distracted, but Dragonnel reacted quickly and he was able to get Elias away before he could get to Floid! Both Floid and Givalich didn't allow this to distract them and they continued their fight as Givalich roared toward Floid in anger!


She opened her mouth and released her largest blast of fire as Floid brought down his sword!



Givalich's Dragon fire blasted right into the arc of red Mana that Floid released and Givalich's fire won again the mana zone and flew toward's Floid! Floid glared in anger as he used [Rapid strike] to dodge to the side and he immediately ran in again before Givalich could take to the sky! He activated the [Dual Casting] skill and two skills came to life at the same time!

[Ice Lance] has been activated!

[Shower of Lightening] has been activated!

Givalich immediately flapped her wings when she felt a massive amount of Mana gathering beneath her! Dragons had a high affinity for Mana, so it was easy for her to guess where the ice Lance would come from! She immediately took off the ground, and just like she predicted, the ice lance shot out from the ground under her wing, and if she hadn't flown up, it would have pierced right into her wing and prevented her from flying! Givalich was a little shocked by the ruthlessness that Floid was showing! This was only the first time that they have ever met, but Givalich could already tell that Floid was not the sort of person to show anyone mercy. He didn't even care about how he would injure her in this fight, he just wanted to win this fight no matter what! Givalich could usually tell what people are willing to do in a fight. Some people are soft on the inside and they can never injure their opponent too much even though they want to win. But Floid was not like that at all! He was willing to break her neck or even tear her wings apart just to win. He is really like all the other Demon Lords. Ruthless without any morality.

Givalich used her tail to slap the Ice Lance and break it into a million pieces and she charged in for another clash with Floid, but Floid just grinned as his second skill came to life! Even in her dragon form, Floid could still see Givalich's eyes widen in shock as she noticed the intense mana that gathered around her! It was fucking hilarious seeing a dragon so shocked!

Givalich had no idea that Floid used Dual Casting! The Ice Lance was only a distraction that prevented her from sensing the [Shower OF Lightening]!!

Givalich immediately tried to get out of Floid's range but she wasn't able to fly far enough to escape the sudden bolt of electricity that blasted down from the sky!


The electricity slammed into her and she grunted as she struggled to stay in the sky! her wings started to smoke and she had to flap them even harder to prevent falling! The [Shower Of Lightning] was meant to only be an SS-class skill and it shouldn't have affected Givalich as much as it was! But Floid's ability to add as much mana as he wanted into any skill made things like Skill class irrelevant! Floid could add enough mana to an SS-class skill to make it an SSS-class skill if he wanted! An ordinary SS-class skill that shouldn't even hurt a dragon became a high-class SSS-class skill that almost burnt Givalich because of how much mana Floid added to it.


Floid ignored the notification that appeared in front of him. The notification was from the title that Floid received after he raided and invaded Aquinas. [Virtue of Content] gives Floid a +50 boost in HP if he deals +100 damage to his opponent. Since Floid caused a great amount of Damage to givalich, he received a large boost in his own HP immediately. Floid could already feel himself breathing easier and his steps were calmer than before. Regardless of how strong Floid is, it is never easy to fight a dragon. He was happy that his skills were helping him properly.

Once Floid saw that she has been hit, he immediately started to prepare his final hit! Floid didn't want to kill her, but Floid had nothing against crippling her. Floid was going to hurt her so much that she would never be able to escape from him. She was his property and Floid would be damned if he allowed that fucking Elias take what was his!

Givalich saw Floid preparing another skill and she got angry at the constant barrage of skills from him! She hasn't even had a moment to attack! She immediately activated a skill of her own and since she was in her element, the skill she activated caused the entire volcanoes to erupt!

[Lava Land] has been activated!


The entire area around Floid and Givalich erupted in lava and Floid had to stop his skill and jump back when a large amount of lava shot out from the ground under him!


He didn't even have time to get his feet back on the ground before Givalich slammed into him with her full force and blasted him toward the lava under them! Floid grit his teeth as his feet slammed into the lava and he had to struggle to prevent her from taking them both inside the lava! Floid could feel as his shoes melted and the lava started to heat up his feet, but thanks to the [Greater Hardening] skill that made his skin stronger than metal, he was able to stop the heat from cauterizing his skin!

Floid shouted in exertion as he tensed every muscle in his body and threw Givalich to the side using his full strength! The giant dragon was shocked at how much strength Floid was able to use but she didn't let that stop her! She immediately prepared a Dragons Breath and blasted it straight at him! Floid put his hand out and activated [Earth Wall] and a large mass of lava rose from the ground and blocked the fire in its path!

The heat from the Dragon's breath was enough to make Floid sweat but he didn't care about the discomfort as he started to prepare his next skill!

Floid has been training with his Demon Sword for a long time. The first time that Floid used the sword, he only had one skill that he could perform perfectly. [Mana Zone: Red]. It was a skill that allowed Floid to send out blasts of Mana that would hit the enemy from a distance. It was Floid's first self-made skill and he was proud that he made it. But he knew he could do better. And he didn't stop practicing until he finally created another skill!

Once Givalich stopped using her Dragon's Breath, Floid dropped the Earth Wall and Givalich saw Floid in a ready position! His sword was drawn back and he was giving her a look that promised death! An orange glow started to emanate from the sword and Givalich flapped her wings backward to try and get a little further! She didn't know what skill that was because she has never seen it before! But Givalich has learned to be cautious of Floid! The best thing she can do is to fly as far away as possible to avoid the skill! But she wasn't able to get far away fast enough as the orange glow expanded from the sword and covered the entire region around them in a large orange circle!


"Mana Zone: Orange"

Flood spoke in a low tone that echoed in the castle wasteland as he brought his sword down!

Givalich looked around in shock. She didn't know why, but she could feel that there was no escaping from that skill! The orange circle that covered the ground was also covering her and she immediately thought about attacking Floid to prevent him from doing whatever he wanted to do!

Mana Zone was a general term that Floid used to name all the skills he created himself. Every skill that Floid invented would be termed under Mana Zone. But [Orange] was the first skill that Floid could truly say was an actual Mana Zone. The [Orange] skill allowed Floid to extend his Mana across an entire region! It didn't matter how large the region was, as long as Floid had enough Mana, he would be able to cover that region! And within that region, his sword would never miss.

It didn't matter if the enemy could fly or run as fast as sound itself! Orange would tear apart the laws of fucking time and space and make sure that every strike from within that Mana Zone was a direct hit! The only downside of the skill was that Floid couldn't keep it active for more than five seconds right now. The strain would be too much on his sword and his body. But five seconds was more than enough time for Floid to clip those fucking wings from Givalich!


Once Floid brought his sword down, a massive explosion echoed from Givalich's side as the Orange wave of mana struck her right in the chest! Givalich gasped in shock as she was thrown back and she slammed into her own lava! She didn't think that the sword strike would hit her at all! She was high in the sky and Floid didn't even have a chance to get close! How did he hit her!?

Another sword slash!


Givalich used her tail to block her face from the slash but the slash wasn't aimed at her face! It clipped her wing and Givalich roared in pain as her right wing was almost cut in half!! She immediately got to her feet and stumbled back while nursing her broken wing! What the fuck was this!? Givalich was sure that Floid wasn't coming closer, but he was still hitting her in any position he wanted! She looked around at the orange ground and she immediately knew that the orange mana had something to do with this! She had to get out of here quickly! A demon lord was too much for her to fight in her current state!

Givalich roared and sent a blast of fire at Floid and Floid dashed to the side as he swung his sword at Givalich again! This time, she was hit in the face, and blood splashed into her right eye as a large cut formed above her brow! Givalich let out a pained growl as she felt her vision swimming because of the pain! She couldn't fight like this anymore! Fighting on Floid's terms was going to get her killed! Givalich could tell that Floid was getting stronger as the fight continued! His movement was getting sharper and his Mana level was getting higher with each hit he deals to her! Was there some sort of skill that allowed him to get stronger as he fights!?

Givalich immediately activated her [Healing] skill as she started to gather Mana around her! Her wing started to fix itself slowly and the wound over her eye started to close up. She knew she couldn't win if it was a normal fight! So the best thing she could do was hope that her Magic Resonance would be enough to stop Floid!


A shout from the side made both Floid and Givalich turn and Givalich saw Elias dash into the Orange mana zone with Dragonnel close behind him! Elias looked like he just walked through a frozen wasteland! There was ice all over his body and his clothes and hair were wet and torn! He had frostbite covering one of his legs, and if it wasn't healed soon, he might have to amputate it! Dragonnel didn't look any better. There were cuts all around his body from Elias' wind blade and the red blood was clashing against his blue skin. Givalich knew that Elias must've really hurt Dragonnel for Dragonnel to be bleeding so much. It was very difficult to cut a dragon's skin, so Elias must've delivered some very powerful blows to be able to cut into Dragonnel like that!

After Elias shouted, Givalich thought that Elias was coming towards her, but instead, Elias was going towards Floid! Elias formed a blast of wind in one hand and pulled it back like he was about to send it at Floid, but Floid just pulled back his sword and sent Elias flying with a massive hit to the stomach! Floid narrowed his eye at the telegraphed move. Was Elias a fool? Why would he just fly towards me like that?

Elias was thrown back by the hit and he slammed into the ground before rolling to a stop at Givalich's feet. He didn't move again and everyone just stared at him in shock at what he just did. That was the stupidest action that anyone has ever taken in a fight! Why the hell would you jump toward a ready opponent without a good plan?

But no one knew that this was exactly what Elias wanted. Because now, he had fulfilled the criteria for activating the Holy King's Magic Resonance!

The Holy King's Magic Resonance was named "King" and it allowed him to perform any chess-related action on either himself or any of his allies in a fight. This was why Elias went to meet the holy king and collect a gift a long time ago. By giving Elias one of his belongings, the holy king made Elias into his ally and so Elias is now able to use the King's Resonance once in this fight! Elias hasn't been able to use this Resonance since the beginning because he hadn't fulfilled all the criteria that he needed to before. But now he has fulfilled all of them! Elias stretched his hand out and touched Givalich on the foot and spoke.

"Magic Resonance: King - Castling,"

They vanished! And in the spot where they had just been before, a massive ball that glowed an ominous red landed on the floor with a 'Clang!'.

Floid's eyes widened in shock once they vanished and he shouted in anger as he rushed forward toward where Elias just disappeared from! But Dragonnel moved even faster as he charged straight for Floid!

"My Lord!!!!!"

Dragonnel recognized the ball that appeared as a Mana bomb and he could immediately tell that it was set to detonate in less than two seconds! Dragonnel flew towards Floid at breakneck speeds and just as he got to Floid, the mana bomb imploded!


A low whine of incomprehensible sound echoed within Floids ear as he was blown back from the volcanoes! Floid didn't know how far back he flew. But he only knew that after an unknown amount t of time, his back slammed into a wall behind him!


Floid's ears were ringing and his eyes were closed tightly as he groaned in pain. He forced his eyes open after a few seconds and he saw Dragonnel's burnt form lying unconscious at the side. Floid looked toward the volcanoes and he saw that the mana bomb had destroyed everything! There was only a huge crater where the volcano had once been! Floid grit his teeth in anger and he could feel his muscles tighten as a wave of great anger rose inside him!!


The mountain behind Floid cracked and exploded backward as a massive amount of Mana blew out from him and swirled around the entire space! This was the first time that Floid was feeling such great emotion and the anger clouded his head and made his entire body vibrate!

Floid forced himself out from where he landed and stared in anger at the crater as he tried to get his breath under control! He would never forget this humiliation in his entire life. Elias dared to use such a fucking underhanded trick to escape from him! Floid didn't know what skill Elias used, but Floid knew that it was not Elias' skill. The magic signature that Floid felt when Elias disappeared was from someone else entirely, so that means that Elias was getting outside help in this fight. Floid swore that he would find Elias and kill that bastard if it was the last thing he did!

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