How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 183 How To Advice Your Lord.

The silence in the demon lord's castle was much more intense this morning than it has ever been before, thought Rosavellt. There wasn't a single sound from one end of the castle to the other end. Even the maids and the servants that usually work around the castle were nowhere to be found. If anyone said that this castle was abandoned then Rosavellt would have definitely believed them. The entire place was quiet as a graveyard.

Rosavellt walked silently down a corridor as she headed towards the demon lord's bathroom with a large bowl of hot water mixed with herbs and spices in her hands. She looked around at all the empty corners and she was suddenly reminded of how things used to be before the demon lord came to the demon castle. Before the demon lord came here, only the household lived in the demon castle and there were no other slaves or servants! The castle would always be silent and even the sound of your feet hitting the ground would echo like a gong in the silence. Rosavellt never liked living here when the demon lord wasn't around and now that things were like that again, Rosavellt was uncomfortable again.

Rosavellt knew that things became like this all because of what happened last night. Rosavellt heard about what happened during the fight between the demon lord and Elias from Dragonnel. Rosavellt couldn't believe that the demon lord lost that fight. The trick that Elias used was an underhanded one that shouldn't be commended at all, but it was a fight and an opponent is allowed to use any method to win in a fight. Rosavellt knows that it didn't matter that Elias was getting outside help from someone else, the only thing that mattered was that Elias won and the demon lord lost.

Floid has isolated himself ever since he came back from the fight and Rosavellt knew that he was simply trying his best to calm down. When Rosavellt and Alucard arrived at the volcanoes where the fight took place, they only saw Floid sitting on top of a mountain with an injured Dragonnel lying beside him. Floid told Rosavellt to heal Dragonnel before Floid simply left the battlefield and went back to the castle. Dragonnel was seriously injured in the final explosion from a mana bomb that Elias used to escape and Rosavellt just finished healing him according to Floid's orders. Rosavellt knew that Dragonnel wouldn't mind the small scars that would remain even after the healing. Dragonnel got the scars while protecting the demon lord so he would wear them proudly.

The person that Rosavellt was really worried about was the demon lord himself. Floid hasn't spoken to anyone ever since the fight and Rosavellt knew that the noise from the servants and maids would only make things worse, so she told all of them to leave and go back to their room for some time so that the demon lord would have the time he needs to calm down.

Right now, Floid was in the bathroom alone, and even though he didn't call on any of his maids, Rosavellt was still going to try to join him. Rosavellt knew that she was taking a risk by acting without the orders of her lord, but she had to try! The demon lord was currently very annoyed and angry, but just silently brooding was not going to help him! She knew that he couldn't work while he was in that state of mind! She needs to help him calm down and get past this in any way she could so that he can come back stronger.

Rosavellt once heard from her mother that a woman's touch was one of the best ways to heal a man and Rosavellt took those words to heart. Rosavellt was the head maid of the demon lord and it was her job to make sure he was always satisfied. if Rosavellt couldn't do even this much then she didn't deserve to call herself the head maid.

As Rosavellt got to the door of the bathroom and she took in a deep breath before she pushed forward and opened the door to step in. The steady sound of the mini waterfall on the opposite wall of the bathroom reached Rosavellt immediately as she bent slowly and took her shoes off at the entrance. She flexed her toes as her feet touched the cold floor and she started to walk deeper inside the bathroom. The floor was very cold, but Rosavellt had a low body temperature so she couldn't really feel much of a difference. She could only feel the smooth tiles.

The demon lord was sitting in one corner of the large bath in the center of the bathroom. He was resting both elbows on the edge of the bath and his head was leaned back so he could rest his head as well. Floid's eyes were closed, but Rosavellt could feel that he already knew she was there. Rosavellt took in another breath before she spoke.

"My Lord -"

"Did I not say that I am not to be disturbed?"

Rosavellt immediately froze as Floid spoke in a low, emotionless tone. He didn't even move a muscle and his bloodlust was not active, but Rosavellt knew that one wrong move would lead to grave punishment for her. Her coming here was directly disobeying the demon lord's orders. But Rosavellt knew she had it do this. She wanted to help her lord to get through this!

"I apologize for the intrusion, my Lord. But I believe it is the duty of a maid to serve their lord even when their lord does not know that he needs her service. Please, let me do my duty to you,"

Rosavellt stayed still and she waited silently for Floid to say something. She could feel her heart beating rapidly and she hoped that the demon lord couldn't feel her nervousness. After a moment of silence, Rosavellt took a tentative step forward and she watched to see if Floid would do anything. When he didn't stop her, she immediately started to walk faster toward the bath.

Rosavellt dropped the basin in her hand to one side and slowly took off her dress. She was wearing black underwear. There was a hook on her panties that was attached to her long black socks. Rosavellt bent low as she slowly took off her panties and bra before she finally removed both socks to reveal her pale white legs and she put the socks to the side as well.

Rosavellt picked up the basin again and she slowly entered the bath while holding the basin up. The water was cold and Rosavellt realized that Floid has been inside there for a long time. The demon lord always used hot water to take his bath, so for the water to be this cold, that means that he has been in here for almost two hours. The demon lord really needs my help. I took too long before coming!

Rosavellt finally entered the water up to her shoulders and her breasts floated on top of the water perfectly as Rosavellt move calmly towards Floid. Once Rosavellt got to Floid, she knelt between his legs reverently and allowed the basin of hot water to float at the side before she looked at him closely. There wasn't any indication of anger on Floid's face so Rosavellt started what she planned. She reached towards the floating basin and took a cloth out. She squeezed it and then she slowly started to apply the hot water to Floid's body.

The both of them were silent for a long time as the only sound in the bathroom was the waterfall in the background. Rosavellt ran the cloth across Floid's chest and arms before she washed his hair and face with the scented water. Her breasts were pressed to his chest but she tried not to go too far as she washed him. She had a plan that she needed to carry out and jumping right into sex would be detrimental to her plan. Once she was done, she finally spoke up calmly.

"My Lord, I wish you would speak to me,"


Floid was a little surprised by Rosavellt's words and he hummed while squeezing his face a little. What the hell is she talking about?

Rosavellt hurried to continue once she saw Floid frown. She didn't want to give him the wrong idea!

"I do not wish to overstep my bounds, but I feel like I have to say this. My Lord, failure is not a measure that demon lords judge themselves upon. From the very beginning of time, every demon lord has faced trials that were larger than themselves and they have all failed at least once. The true measure of a demon lord is not how they failed, but rather, how they recovered from failure. I am just a lowly servant and I do not truly understand what you might be thinking, but I wish you would talk to me, my lord. I was placed in my position so that I could serve you and I wish to do that,"

Rosavellt stared at Floid's face as she waited for a reaction from him. This was the first time that she was trying to advise the demon lord on anything and she knew that she has waited too long to say this. She was placed as a member of Floid's household so that she could advise and serve him. Floid has always seemed more than capable of doing everything on his own and that is why she forgot that he was someone that would also need advice.

Floid was the closest thing to perfection that Rosavellt has ever seen and everything Floid does somehow ends up exactly how he planned it. But even perfect people need advice sometimes. It was time for her to finally start acting like a true maid. If she cannot help her lord in a situation like this, then she is a failure as a maid.

Floid finally opened a single eye and looked towards Rosavellt and Rosavellt swallowed silently when she saw annoyance in his expression.

"Are you trying to give me advice, Rosavellt?"

Rosavellt steeled her nerves and forced herself to talk in a calm voice.

"Yes, my lord. If that is what you wish of me. I will advise you to the best of my abilities,"

Floid hummed again before he sat up slowly. This was new to him. He never thought that a member of his household would try to advise him like this. The members of his household have been following his orders and doing his bidding all this time and he didn't think they even had the thought of ever advising him! But it was even more shocking that it was Rosavellt of all people that is trying to advise him. Floid always thought that Alucard would be the first to try something like this.

Should I accept it? Floid immediately had this thought while looking at Rosavellt closely.

Rosavellt was once a member of a royal household and she could have also been a ruler if not for the fact that she joined my household. If there is anyone that would know about what it means to be a king, it is probably her.

Floid wanted to be angry. He wanted to tell Rosavellt that she had no right to even think about advising him, but he wasn't a fool. Floid knew that he needed help. This situation was a foreign one for Floid. This was the first time in his entire fucking life that he has ever failed.

For his whole life, things have always lined up perfectly for Floid. Floid has never tasted defeat at anyone's hand and he never even thought that one day he would fail at something. The failure that Floid faced at Elias' hands was his first. And the fact that Elias won with such an underhanded trick only made things worse! Floid hated it! Floid hated it so much that he wanted to arrange an army to track down and destroy Elias no matter where he fucking was! Floid wanted to tear this entire world apart to find that bastard!

And that would be a foolish thing to do. Instead, Floid decided that he would try his best to calm down on his own before facing his kingdom again. So seeing Rosavellt here to advise him was a little shocking. Floid reached out and traced a finger across Rosavellt's face. She was really beautiful and Floid felt like he was seeing her for the first time all over again. Floid was somehow attracted to the courage she showed by coming in front of him like this and so he spoke.

"Okay, Rosavellt. Tell me. What do I do about this anger in my heart? This burning sensation that won't go away no matter what I do? What advice would you give to someone that wishes to burn the world to the ground in order to find a single worm?"

A great amount of happiness soared through Rosavellt once her lord asked her this question and Rosavellt wanted to smile! This showed Rosavellt that Floid trusted her enough for him to ask her for her opinion. He truly believed that she could help him.

But Rosavellt tried her best to control her emotions and she killed the smile before it could come out. She has to show the demon lord that she is serious here or else she will never gain this sort of favor again.

And then Rosavellt began.

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