How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 206 Just One More Step.

Arthur's eyes widened in shock once he heard what Elias said about Givalich and he immediately tried to return his face to its impassive look so that Elias wouldn't catch his slip, but he was too slow and Elias could already tell that he was interested. Arthur might be strong, but he was still a child mentally. He is a few years too early to try and hide his emotions from someone older than him.

This was a desperate play that Elias knew would end with his death if it was ever discovered. But Elias didn't care anymore. His entire life has only been for this moment and he would complete this mission even if it was the last thing he did.

Arthur's face changed into a curious one and Elias knew that he got him. No one would turn down the offer of having a dragon in their forces.

Elias would allow his future self to deal with the backlash that would eventually come from promising both the church and the devil the same thing. They'll both come for him, but that was not a problem for him right now.

Once Elias kills the demon lord, there won't be any more need for his life and he can die happily. But before then, he will use all of these people, he would lie to them all and play them all just so that he can get what he wants.

And now, it seems that time was catching up to Elias as he stared at the two devils standing in front of him. Elias didn't think that the devils would have the balls to come to Aradite and he had no idea if they would listen to what he had to say. He needed more time. He can't just hand Givalich over now. He still needs her.

And worst of all was the fact that Givalich had no intention of leaving with anyone. Givalich only had eyes for her brother and she wasn't interested in either the church or the devil's. How the hell do they think I can convince a dragon like that to leave and fight a war that is none of her business? She seems like she would rather burn this entire world to ashes than become someone's slave.

I'll allow the devil and the church to take care of trying to convince her themselves. If they can't convince her, then that is their problem, not mine. But first, I need to deal with these two.

"You're too early. It isn't time for the deal yet. Are you trying to expose me before I finish all this?"

Arex narrowed his eyes at Elias in annoyance. Arex never liked Elias. In fact, none of the devils that worked under the devil general liked Elias. Even though Elias wasn't a human or a demon, he was close enough to both of them to irritate the devils.

Dragon slayers weren't humans and they also weren't part of the demon race. Although it was easy for a demon or a human to become a dragon slayer, it was usually unheard of for dragons to sign a contract with anyone that wasn't a dragon slayer. The original dragon slayers were a special breed of people that lived in Volcanica and every dragon would only agree to sign a contract with the descendants of the original dragon slayers. This was one of the reasons why the dragon slayers refused to bend the knee to the demon lord a long time ago which forced them to start the dragon wars. The demon lord was trying to make the dragon slayers into one of his subjects and the pride of the dragon slayers refused to allow them to agree to this! They would never serve the demon lord as slaves and they would rather die in battle!

And although they might have lost the war, they still managed to prevent the demon lord from making them one of his people. Most of them died in the process, but as long as they got what they wanted, that was all that mattered to them.

Arex finally spoke to Elias.

"The general wants an update on your current situation. He's not just happy sitting around and waiting and he sent us to find out if you are actually keeping your word or not. And when I came here, I couldn't help but notice that you already found the dragon of fire. So tell me, Elias. What's keeping you from returning back to the general?"

Elias grew irritated with Arex's question and he answered him with a snarl.

"I seem to remember the General saying that he would allow me to carry out this mission however I see fit. Regardless of what I am doing here, You have no right to interfere. I'll bring the dragon when I bring the dragon,"

"Or perhaps we should just take it back with us right now,"

Fluguel spoke up for the first time from behind Arex and he rose his eyes from the book he was reading to give Elias a cold stare. He also didn't like Elias and he didn't appreciate the way Elias was talking to them right now.

Elias gained a small grin as he spoke.

"You want to force that Dragon to come with you? Ha! I don't think I've heard something funnier in a long time. Well okay then, go ahead and try. But I want you to remember that the dragons were willing to die instead of bending the knee to the demon lord. Why the hell do you think you'll be able to force a dragon to bend the knee to a devil instead? I have a plan and I'm working towards it. But you coming here to fucking question me throws my plan into disarray. What will happen if they begin to suspect my involvement with you because of this meeting!?"

Both Arex and Flugel could see the sense in what Elias was saying. It was not news that the dragons were the proudest race out of all the races in Rivalle and they would do anything to protect that pride of theirs. Even the devils know that much and they knew that it would not be possible to force the dragon to come unless they severely injure her and then dragged her with them.

But their general wants the dragon to be a part of his army and it won't the sense to antagonize someone that you want to fight for you. Givalich would definitely not fight for them if they give her too many reasons to hate them.

Arex turned towards Fluguel with a questioning look. Do you think we should retreat for now? That was what he was asking ad Fluguel closed his eyes and hummed quietly. He didn't enjoy the fact that Elias was speaking to them in this manner and he also hated retreating without achieving their goal. But maybe it would be best to retreat at this time and come back some other time.

After all, Elias wouldn't dare double-cross us. If he wants to keep his life then he will do exactly what he promised.

Fluguel nodded to Arex and Arex grumbled quietly. Arex also didn't like the fact that they had to retreat, but since Fluguel already agreed to it, he would also accept it. Arex turned back to Elias and spoke.

"Fine, we'll go back for now. But keep this in mind. We are right behind you and we're watching you. Nothing you do is hidden from us, and the moment I sense that you wish to derail from the plan, I'll come to kill you myself. Is that clear?"

Elias frowned in distaste and he simply stared back at Arex. Arex might think that he was superior to Elias because he is a devil and Elias is only a dragon slayer, but it would be a difficult fight for Arex to win if he was fighting Elias one on one. Elias knew this and Arex also knew this.

But the presence of Fluguel was a different matter altogether. Arex and Fluguel together would rip Elias to shreds if they ever fought him and that is the only reason why Elias showed no hostility even though he was being insulted.

Elias just watched as Fluguel created a magic circle under him and Arex before they disappeared into the magic circle.

Once they were gone, Elias growled before he lashed his hand to the side and slammed it into the wall of the cave.



A loud sound echoed throughout the cave as the wall Elias hit was obliterated into dust by the force of the punch! Elias squeezed his hands into fists before he let out a shaky breath. Fucking devils and their fucking superiority complex! If Elias had a choice, he would have erased those fucking devils from existence along with the demon lord! Both the devils and the demons, there is no difference between them! They are all fucking leeches that destroy everything wherever they go.

But just like he couldn't fight the demon lord, Elias knew it was not possible to fight against the devils right now.

This is the same feeling that drove Elias to go through this entire mission in the first place. Elias knows that he cannot defeat the demon lord so he was trying to find Asgorath to help him. But there was nothing that Elias could do to defeat the devils that have him in their pockets. He can only swallow his pride and continue moving forward for the sake of his people.

Just one more step. Elias thought this as he started to move out of the cave. He only had one more step and his goal would finally be complete.

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