How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 208 A Brother's Love Is Never Simple.

Quinn glared up at Floid. He was using one hand to hold both her hands above her head and no matter how much she struggled, she couldn't get him off.

What the hell is wrong with this bastard? Why is he always putting us in situations like this!? Did he forget what we are!?

"F-Floid! Floid, you have to stop this. It's going too - Nghh!! - far!!"

Before Quinn could even finish what she was saying, Floid pressed his knee deeper into her crotch and she felt her knees go weak! She released a shaky breath and she cursed when she saw Floid smile wider at her discomfort! This bastard was enjoying every moment of this!

"You're my brother! What the hell do you think you're doing? What do you think our parents would say if they saw us!?"

Once Quinn mentioned their parents, Floid's eyes narrowed dangerously and Quinn immediately regretted mentioning them. She thought for a moment that Floid would hit her but after some time, Floid smiled again and leaned in deeper to speak to her.

"I don't think you understand something, Quinn. Do you think it ever mattered to me what our parents thought of me? Or perhaps you think they can ever control my life like you let them control yours? How stupid."

This time, it was Quinn that frowned in anger once Floid insulted her but she suddenly groaned as Floid's other hand groped her right breast.


Quinn hated the slight moan she let out as Floid pressed down on her nipple. She couldn't do anything to stop Floid since he was so much stronger than her and she had to bite her lip to stop the sound she was releasing.

Floid continued speaking with a smile. He was so close to Quinn that she could count the individual lashes above his eyes. Just a slight tilt of the head would join their lips together!

"I heard from Andromeda that you managed to achieve the task I set for you, and I also heard the message you had for me. So you consider this to be a victory of some sort? Do you think that gaining an S-Class skill was some sort of achievement? Don't make me laugh. The only thing you did with that silly display of yours was showing me how low your standards are, both for yourself and for those around you. What you achieved was nothing but a mere drop of water in the ocean of expectations I have for you. Even a child would not dare celebrate such a paltry achievement,"

Quinn's blush increased more and more as Floid spoke until her whole face was red from embarrassment and anger! How dare Floid insult what she did! Does he know how much effort I put into gaining that skill!?

"The obstacles I will be putting you against are far beyond your wildest imagination. If you believe yourself to be strong now, then do you think you will have a chance against ten giants? Or perhaps twenty? Do you think that hardening your skin will be enough to stop the crushing force of hundreds of thousands of tons? A mountain falling on your head?"

Quinn looked to the side and Floid glared at her in anger and commanded her to answer him! Quinn's entire body shook a little as she heard Floid shout at her. She wasn't used to hearing Floid shout at all. Even when they were still children living with their parents, she has never heard Floid shouting before. He was always so calm in every situation and the coldness that he showed everything was what scared her the most.

But this was a new side that she has never seen. Floid was terrifying even if he was shouting! Quinn slowly shook her head from side to side and spoke up.

"No, I don't,"

"That is what I thought. So let that be the last time I hear such nonsense come from your mouth. If you wish for my approval, then do something worth my approval. Stop thinking that these minor stepping stones are worth any sort of praise,"

Quinn nodded her head once.

"Y-Yes - Ah!!"

Quinn suddenly exclaimed in pain as Floid's hand tightened against her breast and he leaned forward with a snarl.

"Yes... What?"

"Y-Yes, sir!!"

"That's a good girl,"

Floid finally leaned back and released her and Quinn immediately fell to her knees while breathing heavily. She swallowed dryly and tried her best to fight the blush that was rising on her face. This was already getting too much. What sort of monster would do this to his own sister? Her heart was beating so fast that Quinn didn't know if she could ever calm it down again!

She looked up and stared at Floid with a glare as she saw him leaning back against the edge of his table and looking down at her. She didn't like being looked down on, so she forced herself to stand to her feet slowly. There was a wetness in her crotch region and she didn't know if it was from arousal or fear. She hoped that it was fear. Quinn didn't need this whole thing to become even more complicated by her body actually enjoying it!

Floid tilted his head to the side as he watched Quinn raise herself slowly. Once she stood up, she wobbled a little before finally finding her legs under her. It was too funny to him and he couldn't help but laugh a bit. Quinn glared even harder and he just found it even funnier. It was like a baby lion snarling at its father to try and assert dominance.

Floid ignored the glare she was giving him as he just continued talking. Floid didn't hate her glaring at him, and in fact, he liked it. It showed him that her fighting spirit was still as strong as ever. Quinn was a Demonheart and Floid knew it was not possible to break the spirit of a Demonheart with just this much.

"You'll be with me for the duration of the invasion in Uta. You will my personal maid during that period. You should be grateful that I am giving you some purpose for that pointless life of yours,"

Quinn snarled and for one childish second, she felt like stomping her foot in anger! She wasn't some mere maid! Why would Floid keep treating her like a maid!? She was the heir to the Demonheart dynasty for crying out loud!

But she would never dare stomp her foot like a child. She was too proud to lower herself to that level and she felt like it was exactly what Floid wanted her to do. It would probably make him happier to watch me break down, so instead, I'll just take this calmly. If Floid wants to take me with him to Uta, then I'll go to Uta with him. And if he wants to make me a maid, then that is fine too... Wait...

Quinn's eyes suddenly opened wide as she remembered something and her entire face darkened in anger. She turned towards Floid and Floid rose a curious brow at her. What could have made her so angry all of a sudden?

"If you're going to force me to be your slave, then I have a request for you,"

Floid hummed.

"And what gives you the impression that you deserve to make any request from me? Have you gone senile from all the pain?"

Quinn bristled in shock before she glared and stood her ground. This time, she was even more serious than before as she asked for the request once again. Floid couldn't help but become curious. What could make this girl so desperate that she would risk my anger for the sake of a request?

Floid narrowed his eyes at Quinn for a moment, and when Quinn didn't look away at all, he finally decided to listen to her.

"Very well, what request do you have?"

Quinn's voice came out as a growl.

"The priest boy. The back-haired one from Uta that betrayed me and stole my mana. He is mine. I don't care who else has a grudge against him, I want him. He is mine to find, mine to hunt and mine to kill. No one else can go near him,"

Quinn would never forget what Dray did to her for the rest of her life. Every single moment that she has spent in this castle with her brother has been because of Dray and he was the reason why she was easily captured by Pyra and Andromeda. Quinn knows that even though she wasn't betrayed, she would still not have stood a chance against those two, they were just too strong! But that doesn't mean she didn't hate Dray for what he did. She hated him more than anyone else in this world at this moment.

Floid just stood and watched Quinn silently for more than a minute. His eyes filtered across her entire body and he noticed how tense she was.

It seemed like she was one moment away from jumping out of his window and running to Uta to find Dray right now! The amount of pride Floid felt at that moment was so intense that he didn't even care that Quinn shouted at him rudely. He just threw his head back and laughed!

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