How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 223 How To Drive A Queen Mad.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Very fitting for someone like you,"

Once Floid finished telling Priscilla what he was doing to her, Priscilla was stunned into silence. Floid was using a skill that allows me to feel death over and over again. Should something like that even exist!?

Priscilla has been studying magic ever since she could first read and write! She had covered the entire library of magic in her castle and she knows everything that humans are capable of achieving. She has never heard of something like this before! This is beyond her understanding of magic!

But Floid wasn't a human, was he? Even to Priscilla that understands and studies magic more than anyone else, Floid was still a strange occurrence! Priscilla couldn't even call Floid a demon! For someone to have enough mana to cover an entire city in an illusion is something outside the realm of mortals! And now that Priscilla had seen that Floid can also force people into illusions that seem like real life, she didn't know what to classify Floid as anymore.


Priscilla looked up in shock as she heard the sound of a knife being drawn and she flinched back when she saw Floid holding a knife loosely in one hand. He started to walk towards her and Priscilla rushed to move back!

"W-What are you doing!? Stay back! Stay back!!"

Floid rolled his eyes in annoyance and at the next moment, he stomped down on her ankle and a loud crack echoed through the room as Priscilla's ankle napped like a twig!


Priscilla grabbed her ankle and tears fell from her eyes as she screamed in pain.

Floid lashed out his hand and he grabbed her by the mouth o stop her from screaming immediately. He still had a bored look on his face and that look scared Priscilla more than the pain she was feeling from her broken ankle. Priscilla could tell that Floid wasn't feeling anything right now. He was putting her through all this and his eyes just looked like he was taking a walk in the park. He didn't feel anything at all! No regret. No pleasure. No hate. He just looked empty!

For the first time since she committed the crime of killing Floid, Priscilla could feel regret filling her heart.

She wished she had never met Floid.

"I've grown bored of talking, so how about we get back to our experiment? Try not to die too quickly now, Priscilla,"

"Mmph!! Mmmphh!!"

Priscilla tried to shout out, but Floid's grip on her mouth was ironclad! Her tears were staining Floid's hand and she was trying to make him stop but Floid only tightened his grip every time she struggled!

Floid rolled the knife around once before stabbing it right into Priscilla's eyes! A new wave of pain surged through Priscilla and she started to thrash about like a fish that came out of water! Floid put a knee on her stomach and held her down as he drew the knife out and put it against her neck with a grin before he slowly started moving it across her neck to cut a perfect line.

Blood pooled out from her neck and Priscilla's movement slowed down before she finally stopped moving altogether!

Priscilla was dead.


Priscilla groggily opened her eyes and moaned pitifully as she felt some phantom pain surge through her eye socket. Priscila subconsciously closed the eye that Floid stabbed and it was only after the phantom pain passed that she finally opened her eye again.

Priscilla swallowed softly to make sure that her throat was still intact, and when she didn't feel blood leaking from her throat anymore, she became sure that she was alive again.

But what it's this heat I'm feeling? And why can't I move my arms?

Priscilla opened her eyes wider and she looked up to see why she couldn't move her arms. She swallowed nervously as she saw that her hands were tied above her and she was hanging by a rope. Her legs were dangling freely but Priscilla could still feel a lot of heat coming from under her body!

Priscilla looked down and the first thing she noticed was that she was naked! She instinctively tried to cover her chest and pussy with her hands but she couldn't get her hands free and she could only grit her teeth as her entire body was exposed like this. She looked around to make sure there was no one in the area and she was glad that the building was empty.

The second thing she noticed was the large bath below her that was filled with a liquid that was boiling and releasing a lot of steam. Priscilla's heartbeat started to increase once more. She already had an idea of what sort of death this would be, but she didn't want to believe it. No one was this cruel. Not even Floid.

Priscilla had no idea just how cruel Floid could be.

"This time I want to see just how much heat you can withstand,"

A voice came from above Priscilla and she looked up to see Floid standing on the pipe that she was attached to and looking down at her. Priscilla was in a factory that had many equipment lying around. The place was barely lit and only an overhead light shining down on Priscilla allowed her to be visible.

"Floid. Floid, wait. Let's talk about this. You're a king and I'm a queen, we can be diplomatic. There is no need for you to go to such lengths,"

Priscilla tried her best to sound professional in the face of her impending death! She needed to appeal to Floid somehow! There has to be a way for her to get out of this! She didn't even care anymore that Floid was seeing her naked! If he wanted her body, she would give it to him! But from how Floid spoke about humans, Priscilla knew that Floid would find it insulting if she even suggested to him that he should take her body. Floid isn't attracted to humans at all so he wouldn't want her sexually.

But Floid is a demon, and Priscilla knew that all demons have the vice of greed. They will surely want something more than anything else. If only Priscilla can find out what that thing is, she will be able to make Floid stop this. She can save herself if she figures out what Floid desires.

Priscilla waited for Floid to say something, but what she didn't expect was for Floid to suddenly start laughing. What Priscilla just said was the funniest thing Floid had ever heard!

Priscilla was right that Floid wanted something more than anything else, but she was wrong to think that Floid would ever be diplomatic with his food. To Floid, Priscilla was nothing but livestock.

The only thing that Floid wanted more than anything else was to satisfy his curiosity. And right now, the only thing that would satisfy him was Priscilla's suffering.

Floid cut the rope holding Priscilla without another word and Priscilla's eyes widened in shock as she looked up at Floid with a look of betrayal. Floid didn't even care.



Priscilla's scream echoed through the factory as she splashed into the bath of hot oil! She immediately waved her hands around and started looking for a way out but there was nowhere to go! The hot oil peeled her skin off her bones, entered her body, and melted her down from the inside as she slowly drowned inside the bath.

Floid just watched on impassively as Priscilla died.


This was how things just kept going for many more deaths. Priscilla would open her eyes in a new place and she would find herself in a new trap that she cannot escape no matter what she does! She just keeps on dying and dying and dying and dying. And after all these deaths, Priscilla already started to show the beginning signs of mental fatigue.

Floid watched as Priscilla died by being sawed in half from the bottom up and he hummed as her cries started to sound more and more maniac. She was slowly losing her mind and Floid knew that if he leaves her to keep on dying like she is dying now, she will end up going mad from all the pain she has gone through.

Floid didn't want her to run mad just yet. Priscilla was his first test subject in a long time and he was enjoying the sort of deaths he was putting her through. Floid has impaled, vaporized, decapitated, melted, and even skinned Priscilla alive!

All these deaths happened one after the other and Floid could feel himself getting impressed. Not many humans would be able to survive this long without going absolutely mad from the pain, but, Priscilla's pride prevented her from letting go of who she really was and that means that she could hold onto her mind for longer than most other people.

Floid turned back to Priscilla as her screams finally died down as the saw split her stomach open and she finally died. It was time for him to end this. Priscilla might not be mad yet, but Floid can tell that Priscilla is lost in her mind and she will not know what is real and what is fake anymore

Even if Floid takes her back into the real world now, will Priscilla even know that she is in the real world, or will she still think that she is trapped in an illusion?


Priscilla frowned as she slowly opened her eyes and looked to the side groggily. After death number twenty, Priscilla stopped screaming as she woke up. The pain was still there and she is still traumatized each time she dies, but for some reason, she is now able to wake up without screaming. Does this mean that she was getting used to the pain?

Priscilla started to laugh slowly as she thought about this, and before long, her laugh changed into a loud and mad scream that sounded like the screech of a mad woman!

Even Priscilla could tell that she sounded like a mad person and she put her hand up to her mouth to try and stop herself from laughing, but she couldn't stop the laughter no matter what she did and she started to feel disgust growing inside her! She was really going mad!

"Ugh! Blergh~!!! Blergh~!!"

Priscilla suddenly turned around and started to vomit all the content in her stomach onto the floor! She kept on vomiting until there was nothing left and she was only retching!

What was that laugh!? Was that her!? That couldn't have been her!? She sounds mad!

Don't tell me that I'm losing my mind. Me? No, I refuse to lose my mind. I refuse to allow Floid to win. I'll survive this and I'll get out of there. I'll make sure I pay Floid back for everything that he is doing to me! Priscilla made this promise to herself as she felt more vomit coming up her throat and she turned to puke them out as well!

Once she was done, Priscilla groaned as she felt tears coming to her eyes as she cursed the days eh ever met Floid! Why does all this have to happen to her!? What did she ever do to deserve this!? What sort of monster would put a woman through all this?

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