How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 249 A Group With No Trust.

Once they were gone, Elias finally went back to seat down and Barnabas stood straight ad he faced him. Elias tapped his finger against the seat chair for a second before he finally asked the question that has been bothering him since he came back to Volcanica. Elias was worried about his sister and how she was doing since he left. Elias had to leave to complete this mission and he hasn't spoken to Eliss since he left so he decided to ask Barnabas about her. Elias didn't feel like asking about this when Ria was with him because he knew that she would keep talking about it once they get to their room and that is why he decided to ask about it when she wasn't there.

[How is Eliss? I haven't had time to call her lately. Have you spoken to her recently?]

Barnabas smiled knowingly. What the hell does Elias mean by he didn't have time to call her? Elias knew Eliss' magic signature and he can call her through the communication circle and talk to her anytime he wants! Elias was just acting like a child at this moment! Barnabas knew that Elias came here simply because he didn't want to meet with Eliss. Elias was the sort of person that would rather avoid any situations that would turn out to be too emotional if he can help it. But Barnabas understood that Elias was asking about Eliss simply because he cared about his sister. Elias might find it difficult to go and speak to Eliss, but that didn't mean that he doesn't care about her. So, Barnabas just told Elias that Eliss was doing fine.

[She moved out from the castle after you left and now she still lives in an area close to the castle. She built a town there and she is ruler over a loyal group. She got married to a warrior just ten years ago and they even ae children]

Elias' eyes widened when he heard that. So she was married with children? Elias felt happy for her. At least, even though he left, her life didn't stop moving forward. He thought of his sister having children reminded Elias of his own son that died a long time ago. His son didn't even get to live for ten years before he was killed. That was one of the things that broke up Elias and Ria and Elias shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. He didn't like remembering the fucking past.

Barnabas saw the smile on Elias' face and he also smiled. Things have always been difficult among the two siblings. Elias had a lot of hate for the former demon lord and he still carried that hate even now. Ever since their parents were murdered, Elias has hated everything about the demon lord and the demon world. But Eliss was different. Shen just didn't care about revenge and she wanted to keep living a normal life.

When Elias left, he didn't bother asking Eliss if she would come with him because he knew that she would say yes. Elias didn't feel like dragging her along when she just wanted to live a normal life and that is why he just left without telling Eliss.

The two of them didn't agree on a lot of things and when Elias left, Eliss wasn't even worried and she only said that she knew she would see him again. That was about a hundred years ago and Barnabas now knew that Eliss was right. But there was one thing that Barnabas couldn't get out of his head. Did Elias succeed?

Elias left to find a dragon to help him in his mission, and Barnabas wondered if one of the people that came here with Elias was the dragon that he went to look for.

Barnabas asked this question and Elias' answer stunned him!

[I've brought back a dragon and a new dragon slayer. I found the dragon of fire Givalich,]

Barnabas' eyes opened wide and he looked towards the door in shock! Immediately Elias said it, he knew who he was talking about! That woman with red hair was a dragon!? Barnabas just had a dragon sitting in his office and he didn't even know!? And it wasn't just any dragon, it was the dragon of fire! Barnabas has heard about her before! Every single person in Volcanica knew about her and her brother Dragonnel. They were legends to the Dragon Slayers and Barnabas never thought that he would actually get to meet her like this!

Elias chuckled at the look on Barnabas' face and he just stood up to leave.

[Thanks for all your help, Barnabas. My father... He would be proud of what you have done for us. You didn't abandon us after everything that happened, even when everyone else left us behind. I won't ever forget that kindness,]

Barnabas smiled and bowed his head.

[You are always welcome, my king]

Elias headed towards the rooms and he saw Ria, Dray, and Givalich walking out of their rooms. They were heading towards the bar to have a drink and Ria immediately asked Elias if he wanted to come with them. Elias thought about it for a few seconds before he just relented. It didn't sound too bad to have a drink right now and they also needed to plan for what they would be doing anyway. Elias dropped his bags and then he led all of them back into the bar that they came from and they all took a seat on a table with no one else on it. The female attendant from before came to ask Elias if there was anything that he wanted but Elias simply waved her away.

The attendant nodded and then turned to ask Ria the same question. The attendant was now very respectful to Elias after she saw the old man bowing to him. She didn't know exactly who Elias was, but for that old man to call him king is not a small thing. The guild master is known to be a very strict person who never cowers in front of anyone and always put people in their place. And now that this mysterious man came, that same guild master suddenly acted so respectfully towards him!? The attendant would be a fool to act rude towards Elias or his guests.

[I'll have two glasses of wine, dear. And bring a glass of water for the boy as well,]

Elias glanced at Ria as Ria asked the attendant to bring the drinks for them. She smiled at the girl and the girl beamed before she bowed and left to do as she was told. Ria turned back to Elias and she shrugged at the curious look on his face. Just because he didn't want anything doesn't mean that they didn't want anything either! He should be a little more considerate!

The girl returned after a while with the order and she dropped them and left again. Deay looked at the glass of water in front of him and he gave Ria a nasty glare. What the fuck is she playing at here? Dray was already old enough to drink, so why the hell did she give him water?

It was almost like Ria could read exactly what was on Dray's mind because she smiled and spoke.

"You're too tense for wine at the moment, drink a little water and relax.. you've been frowning ever since we came here! You men and your egos, you're just like Elias. You need to learn how to take life at a more relaxed pace sometimes."

Dray pushed the glass of water away with a frown and Ria pouted at him. How could he ignore her whole speech like that? At the side, Elias scoffed when he heard Ria say that he and Dray were alike. Eliass know that that idiot was nothing like him.

Givalich pushed the glass back at Dray with a blank look and she told him to drink it.

"What -?"

"I said, drink it. She's right, you're too tense and you need to relax. If you take wine when you're like this, you're more likely to do something stupid."

Givalich gave Dray a long side-eye stare as she cut him off and he finally relented as he drank the water. Ria smiled at him and she turned back to Elias who has just been watching all of this silently.

After he was sure that he had their attention back, he finally spoke up. Elias told them that he had a plan for what they would be doing over the next week. Since they need to get to the Duruvian mountains as quickly as possible, then it would be best if he and Givalich went there on their own. They would fly towards the other side of the continent and then, once they get there, they will open a portal and allow Dray and Ria to come and join them.

Ria was immediately against the idea and she frowned.

"I can't let you do that Elias. You heard the king's orders. I am meant to watch over Givalich. If you take her to go and find the mountains on your own then I have no idea if you'll even come back. It will be very embarrassing if I failed my mission like that. What if you leave us here and we would never see you again? I have to come with you,"

Elias frowned in annoyance once Ria said this! He couldn't believe that she was taking what that bastard said seriously! That fucking child that doesn't even know how to fucking do anything but pray was constantly getting on Elias' nerves! He told Ria that they couldn't take her with them. It would be slower for Givalich to carry two people while they were traveling.

"I can carry two people easily. But the thing is that I would rather not carry the two of you at the same time. I have a feeling of disgust whenever I think of the two of you flirting on my back,"

Ria blushed and Elias just narrowed his eyes in annoyance! He couldn't even tell if Givalich was telling the truth or if she was joking and this was not helping them at all!

He then spoke about Dray next. They need Dray for the ritual that would release Asgorath and if they leave Dray here alone, he could easily just try to escape and they would never see him again.

All three of them looked toward the black-haired boy and he gave them a small smile in return. Oh yeah, they were definitely right. He would fucking kill anyone that got in his way and make a run for it once he is left alone.

Dray knew he would do exactly that if he ever got a chance! Dray didn't like any one of these fuckers and if he had a chance to leave them behind and start a new life on this continent by himself then he would gladly take it!

"Then why don't you stay with him?"

Dray's eyes widened as Ria suddenly said this to Elias! What the fuck is wrong with this woman!? It felt like Ria was out to target Dray specifically! Dray just put his forehead on his palm and he listened as Ria told Elias that Elias should stay with Dray while she and Givalich go and find the mountains.

Elias shook his head. That would not make any sense. Ria wouldn't even know what to look for. But Givalich suddenly spoke up as well and said that she knew what the mountains looked like. Givalich has lived on this continent for a long time since she was born here and she has once flown over the Duruvian mountains to go from her territory towards Dragonnel's territory in order to bother him.

Elias asked her why she didn't say anything all this time! If she already knew where the mountain was, then couldn't she just open a portal for them and take them there?

Givalich shook her head.

"I said I flew over the mountains. The distance I flew was very far from the mountains and I never landed close to the mountains before. I wouldn't be able o open a portal directly to the mountains, the closest place would be my territory. It would be more efficient if we just flew there. So why don't you just stay with the boy and teach him or something? I can locate the mountains and Ria can watch over me as I do that. Everybody wins, right?"

Dray groaned. No. No. No. This will definitely be a loss for him. He didn't want to stay with this sadistic fucker.

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