How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Its been long since we visited last time. 

"Yes. Its already been about a month.

Lia and I were at the entrance of Beast Village.

"Shall we go in?" 

"Yes. Mr. Sihyeon.

When I first visited, I was a little nervous because I was treated harshly. 

But this time, I really needed help, so I made up my mind and stepped into the entrance.

We didn't expect to be welcomed again this time, but unexpectedly, a very enthusiastic welcome was waiting for us.

"Huh?! Candy uncle! Demon sister!" 

Do do do do do!

As soon as I entered the village, with a lively voice, a cat girl ran into my arms. 


"Yes. Yes. Hehe. You remember me.

Of course I remembered. How have you been?" 

With a sad expression on her face at my question, she clasped her hands together and wiggled.

I thought you had forgotten me. That's why I thought you wouldn't keep your promise to come back."


Hehehe. But, since you came. I will trust you.

With a sad expression, she made my chest flutter, and at the end, she made a smile on her lips. 

Miru poked her face over my right shoulder and greeted Lia, who was standing behind me.

Its been a long time Demon Sister. 

Yes. Its been a while.

Miru rummaged through her arms and pulled out the handkerchief she had received the other day. 

"Here you go. Thank you for your treatment last time. My mum told me to wash it clean and return it to you because it is a valuable item. 

Lia smiled softly as she looked at her cleanly washed handkerchief.

"Thanks. But the handkerchief was given to Miru as a gift, so you don't have to return it."

"Really? But mum told, this is precious. 

Its okay because I wish Miru to have it.

Ok. Thank you very much. Demon Sister! 


Miru jumped over my shoulder and gently slipped herself into Lias arms.

Lia was taken aback by Miru's daring skin-ship and was flustered. 

But she soon gave her a relaxed expression and gently stroked the girl's back. 

It was a very warm smile. 

While we were losing our heart to Miru, the black cat Beast, we saw last time approached us.

Youre here again. 

Thank you for the help last time?

I dont know if I helped, but I do remember scolding two idiots for you.

"Ahhh! Uncle Reville."

He looked a little surprised as he looked at Miru in Lia's arms. 

But he quickly returned to his usual expression and asked me.

Are you planning to visit the raccoons shop again?

"Yes. We need help, but I think we know the place."

Then I will go with you. 

"Do not worry. I have no intention of disturbing or harming anyone. 

Having said that, Reville went out first.

I followed him a little late with a bewildered expression on my face, and Lia followed me with Miru.

While I was curious about the change in his attitude from the time when we first met, Reville opened his mouth first and spoke. 

I heard, you looked after Miru, who was injured last time.

It was nothing. It was us who got help in the first place."  

"Is that so? Apparently, you and the demon behind you are a little different from the demons we knew.

What happened with the other demons. 

In the midst of a short conversation, we arrived at the Rackoon Beastman's shop. 

As soon as we entered the store, we heard a loud noise.

"Ahhhhhh! You!" 

"Hello. How are you?" 

You swindler!

The raccoon beast was so angry that his beard wrinkled. 

It was a somewhat expected reaction, so I casually greeted him.

Why did the scammer come to my store? 

Why am I a scammer? I don't remember doing anything wrong." 

You secretly ran away when you promised to give me the candy! 

I definitely did. The cute Miru here ate instead."


Raccoon grandpa frowned at my logical answer.

Then, when he found Reville next to us, he screamed.

Riville.Why did you bring these guys to my shop.?

I didnt bring them. I just followed. I'm trying to watch you, so that you dont do another strange thing."


"Didn't you send Miru into the forest just because of candy or something? What would you do if something dangerous had happened?" 

In response to the radical reaction, the raccoon grandpa showed a stern and subdued posture.

Oh, thats not It didn't look like they were going to do anything that bad, and I also had work here, so I sent her instead." 

I dont need excuses. If you make Miru do such a dangerous thing one more time, I know how to turn everything upside down." 

"Okay. Okay. Stop calm down. 

As Reville growled and shouted, the old raccoon looked at him and calmed him down. 

After screaming once, he was hit by the cat beast and he looked at me with eyes full of resentment.

About the time the atmosphere was clearing up, I handed over the items I had prepared to the raccoon spirit.

It was a candy bag full of colourful things. 

The resentment melted from the eyes of the raccoon grandpa, and happy emotions began to fill up. 

But he quickly came to his senses, pretended not to be interested and asked a bit.

Hmmmm. What's this?" 

I got some help last time, and I thought you might like it a lot, so I prepared it.

With a soft voice, he held out his hand to the candy bag, trying to get the candy, but finally withdrew his hand.

Hey, be honest. Are you doing this because you have something else to ask me?"

Ah. As expected of sly grandpa. 

The sharp raccoon did not easily fall into the gift trap.

Do you know how many years I have been in business here? I don't fall for jokes like this." 

"Haha. It's true that I came here for a request, but I'm really just giving it to you with no intentions. Please accept it."

Hmmm. Lets hear the story first. 

Still, he did not want to give up the candy, and he did not refuse to the end. 

I took out the paper I had prepared and handed it to the raccoon grandpa.

Why so many? Red Crescent Mushroom, Goblin Fruit, Ghost Grass

These were the favourite things of Yakum that was found in the book Andras had translated.

As well as flower types like purple forget-me-not.

It calms the excitement of the Demon beast, or makes them feel good like a drug. 

They were plants with several properties.

The raccoon spirit seriously looked at the writing on the paper. 

"Except for a few that can't be found in this area, I think we can get the rest."

Lia's expression brightened at the good news.

How long does it take to collect them all?

It depends on how much you need. 

I explained the planned quantity to the raccoon spirit.

That would take two weeks. 

No.. Two weeks is too long. Three days! We have to get them all in three days."

Three days? Nonsense. 

Isnt there any way? 

The old raccoon patted his beard, thinking for a moment, then turned his gaze to Lia.

"Hey. There's the demon girl. I heard rumours that the last time you came, you did a little show of your strength.  

We got attacked first and I only threatened. No harm was done.

Anyway, there is a way to get them quickly, but for that you have to take a little risk.

He rummaged through drawers inside the store and laid out a map in front of us.

He then started explaining by pointing to the circled place on the map.

This is our village marked here. Next to it is Indigo Mirror Lake. 

The raccoon grandpa's finger went all the way down to the right side of the map.

This is the forest southeast of the village. A group of grey wolves has established their base here few months ago. It used to be a place I often went to gather medicinal herbs, but now I cant.


"That's right. You'll be able to find what you're looking for quickly here. But it's so dangerous. Grey wolves are so clever, and the surrounding area has so many trees that it's hard to find your way." 

My expression hardened a little at the word "dangerous."


Okay. Lets do that. 


In the midst of deliberation, Lia took the first step and accepted the offer. 

She looked at me who was in confusion and said.

I can manage this much. Do not worry.

But I don't think I'll be of any help 

Mr. Sihyeon can do what Mr. Sihyeon can do. Leave this to me.

Ahhh. Lia.! 

I was slightly moved by her cool bravado.

It even made my heart flutter a little bit.

Great. The contract has been made, and now we just need to find someone to lead the way.

At the words of the raccoon grandpa, Miru, who had been quiet for a while, slowly stepped forward. 

Uncle Reville. Can't you help them?"


Doesnt uncle often goes there by himself.

It is, but 


"okay. okay."

When Miru's glaring gaze attacked Reville, he couldn't stand a chance.

If you want, I will guide you along the way. It's not something I can brag about, but I won't be a burden

Are you really okay with it? 

"Instead, I'll take the wolf's by-products. Is there any complaints.? 

Liane and I exchanged glances briefly, and then immediately accepted Reville's offer.

You can. 

"Okay. Then we'll prepare right away." 

"Hehe. Uncle Reville is the best..?! 

"Hahaha. Of course."

Miru immediately hugged Reville and gave him a kiss. 

He coughed for no reason and gently hugged Miru. 

While Reville was distracted by the fatal charm, Miru looked at me and blinked one eye of hers slightly.

It's like, shes asking Did I do well?'. 

I burst out laughing on the inside at the cleverness that I couldn't hate.


We didn't have much time left, so we headed straight for the forest. 

Me, Lia, Reville and additional two more people were added. 

They were the Pig and Deer beast we had arguments during out first visit to the village.

Pig beast named Greg and deer beast Heron followed us.

Reville forcibly brought them with him as a form of punishment for troubling us. 

Of course, they said they would not go, saying, We will not help with the affairs of the demons.' 

This is the devil tree. Didnt you say you need that fruit? 

I saw a tree with blue fruits, where Reville was pointing, 

The sprawling branch felt like a ghost's arm. 

"Thank you. But I think I can see why the trees name is Goblin Ghost.

If you come across this tree on a dark night, you can feel what it feels like to meet a ghost.

In this way, with the help of Reville, we headed into the forest while gathering necessary things. 

The more we went inside the border of the forest, the more gloomy energy flowed.

Even though the sun was clearly in the sky, the trees were so dense that the surroundings felt dark. 

Dont be too far apart. If you are not vigilant, you will get lost. 

At Reville's warning, tension arose in my face as well as the two prisoners pig and deer.

Only Lia kept her usual calm expression.

I was walking slowly through the forest.

I suddenly felt a very cold sensation, as if something was stabbing my skin.

I stopped reflexively. 


Sihyeon, what happened? 

I have a strange feeling. How can I explain Oh! It feels like a Bighorn looking at me? Some kind of irksome.

Ugh. Did you feel a hostile energy?

Is that really true?

After listening to my words, Reville and Lia looked at me with disbelief. 

The sharp feeling grew stronger even during conversation, so I nodded confidently.

Even Uncle Reville didn't feel anything. What does this human coward know?

Pig and Deer beasts started laughing.

Then suddenly Reville's expression hardened. 

Lia also moved immediately. 

Its coming!" 



A pack of grey-haired wolves appeared. 

The wolves took their place in a semicircle as if encircling us. 

Greg and Heron began to tremble at the vicious momentum of the wolves.

A lot more than I thought. 

Ah, uncle?! 

"Calm down. Never leave this place..! Demon girl, Please take care of these guys."

"All right." 

Lia said, changing her right hand the same way as last time.

Mr.Sihyeon. Stay close to me. 



Menacing claws and red scales appeared in an instant.

The red energy emanating from Lia was enough to stimulate the alertness of the wolves.


The first to move was the pack of grey wolves. 

Sharp claws flashed towards the deer, heron. 


Lia appeared in front of Heron, who had slumped down in fear.

Lias large right hand moved quickly. 

Kwajijijik! !

The destructive energy contained in her right hand tore the wolf's body to pieces in an instant.

The wolf lay down on the ground, leaving behind a scream of death.

While the wolves' eyes were focused on Lia, Reville began to deal with the wolf pack with agile movements.



The agile and flexible movement that does not match his size showed that he was not a beast for nothing.

Lia and Reville.

Thanks to the two of them, the pack of wolves fell to the ground one by one.

As expected, Uncle Reville! 

Large! Its no big deal.

Watching the group of wolves being organized quickly, Heron and Greg's expressions began to soften.

And is it because of the tension? They forgot Reville's warning and ran out of reach of Lia and Reville.


A cold sensation in the skin once again.

By the time I turned my head, a wolf had already jumped towards Heron and Greg's back.


Without time to think, I flew towards the two of them.

Although entangled with the two beasts and rolling on the ground relentlessly, I succeeded in pushing them away from the wolf's. 

When I woke up quickly, it was already after Lia had killed that wolf.

Sihyeon! Are you okay?" 

..I.Im fine. I just rolled a little.

Why did you suddenly move alone like that!

"I'm sorry. I was so rushed that I didnt even know

I apologized to Lia with a shy expression. 

When I glanced to the side, Heron and Greg were still seated with blank expressions on their faces.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no injuries. 


"Ah! It hurts. Uncle Reville!" 

You cant remember a single thing I told you.

The two of them burst into tears at the words of Reville. 

Even when I saw it, it looked pathetic. 

But Reville drove the two together without blinking an eye. 

Get up quickly. If you get in the way again, I'll leave you two here."

Heron and Greg stood up quickly, looking frightened.  

Seeing that, Reville turned his head toward us. 

His eyes had become softer.

Both of you help me a little. Its good to finish the processing before the other guys come.

"All right."

When we returned to the village, the sun had already went down and it got dark.

Our luggage was full of fruits, mushrooms, and various medicinal herbs. 

It was still not enough, but it seemed that we could collect enough in the remaining time.

Thank You for your hark work Lia. 

"You're welcome." 

It was so cool when you beat those wolves to pulp."

When I praised Lia, she got shy just like the last time.

Her face flushed as if she was crying. 

Still, as if she wasn't in a bad mood, there was a slight smile on her lips. 

Didnt you call me my name Sihyeon instead of Mr.Sihyeon.? 

ThatsIm sor..

Its okay, Call me like that from now onCalling Mr. Sihyeon feels a little awkward even after all these days of being together.

Lia just looked down the ground and nodded her head.

Good job everyone.

While we were speaking Reville approached us and spoke with a lighter expression on his face.

I greeted him with a smile too. 

No. Good job, Mr.Reville, since you did most of the stuff. 

Not at all. If you hadn't noticed the approach of the wolves earlier, it would have been very annoying situation." 

Looking back on the circumstances at that time, I am still very surprised.

I read the wolf's presence and acted strangely calm in a threatening situation.

Is this also the ability of the Demon Beast Guardian? 

For now, I can't think of any other reason.

Reville paused for a moment, then clapped his hand.

Then Heron and Greg approached this way. 



"Thank you for helping me earlier Thank you."

".thank you."

They thanked us with an awkward expression and tone of voice.

They were terrified because of what happened today.

Uh . 

I also nodded awkwardly. 

Then, following Reville's gesture, the two took the wolf's by-products and headed back into the village.

Reville bowed his head deeply toward us.

They only make accidents in the village, so I took them to calm down, but it didnt go the way I wanted. If it werent for you, a bigger problem would have happened. Thank you very much."

I was surprised to see a completely different look from the cold attitude he showed us the first time. 

He screamed and got angry at Heron and Greg, but I knew that he cared about them inside. 

Reville raised his head and said while looking at the things he had gathered today. 

You havent gathered all the things you need. Right?


Worry not. I'll guide you through the forest if you want." 

He showed me a smile, which I had never seen on his face along with reliable words.

So I said with a bright smile on my face. 

ThenIll be in your care for some more time.

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