How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

We arrived at the familiar store of the  Raccoon grandpa. 

As usual, the store was filled with the strong unique smell of herbs. 

Speranza stood next to me and diligently moved her eyes, wondering while looking at the herbs. 

As we entered the store, Racoon grandpa responded as if he knew we would come.

His voice was mixed with a little irritation. 

You are coming only now." 

"Hello, Grandpa. How did you know we would be here?" 

"How can I not know when the children are running around in all directions with excitement? I'm sure everyone in the neighborhood would have guessed." 

By any chance, did we bring disturbance to the village?" 

When I asked with an awkward look, Reville stepped up and quickly denied it. 

"No. Even though it's a little noisy, there's no one who hates to hear the laughter of the children. The old man is mean because he is afraid that he will not have enough candy to eat." 

"What? What do you mean by I was mean?" 

Don't be mean to a nice person? If you don't like the candy, then I'll take them.

"You punk! Why would you take that? Give it to me right now!

The raccoon grandpa and Reville quarrelled over the candy and snacks. 

But in the end, the raccoon grandpa lifted the white flag first. 

"Apologize for being mean to Sihyeon first." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Ha ha. You don't have to apologize. I brought something special for you separately. Here, take it." 

I handed over the candy and snacks I brought. 

Grandpa Racoon's face was full of smiles. 

Not only Reville but also Lia and Miru looked at it with a smile. 

The eyes of old raccoon who packed candy and snacks turned to Speranza, who was right next to me. 

OhhhYoure a child from Erul tribe." 

"How did you know?" 

Silver fur, fox ears and tail. It's race that's hard to meet, but not hard to recognize." 

"Have you met any Erul people in person?" 

"I've seen them a few times when I was wandering around a long time ago. I don't really know or have any personal acquaintances with them.

I was expecting information about the Erul tribe, but Grandpa didn't know much about it either.

"The more I see you, the more interesting you are. You are a human being, and tags along with a dragon race maid and now a Erul child;  when you go out to a big city, people will throw you a few pennies looking at your troop." 

Is our combination that weird? 

As a human being, I could be considered unusual, but Lia and Speranza are also seemed to be quite unusual beings in the demon world. 

You probably didnt come here to introduce me to that Erul girl.right.?, do you have anything you need again?

"Yes. Blue Star mushrooms and the things I needed last time

I mentioned the herbs that I needed to gather.

Grandpa took out the ledger and looked at it, saying.

"I can give you about half of what I took last time. There are only a few blue star mushrooms." 

"Is that all you have? How long should we wait to get more?" 

"Well, I don't think I can fill it up quickly." 

"If you don't have enough money then" 

"Money is not the problem. So 

Grandpa, who stopped talking for a while, turned to Miru.  

"Miru. Go to the chief and ask him to give me the things I asked for last time." 

"What? Why suddenly the chief uncle". 

Dont ask questions. If you tell him that I sent you, He will give it to you." 

Miru had a strange expression on her face, and then she walked out of the shop just as she said. 

As she left, he opened his mouth again with a dark expression.

"Haah. The situation in the village is not so good these days." 

"What's going on"? 

The beasts started running rampant around the village. Not only picking medicinal herbs, the road to the city itself became dangerous.

"We caught all the gray wolf with Reville, right?

When I asked back with a strange look, an answer flowed out of Reville's mouth. 

"At that time, the situation improved for a while with your help, but now the situation has worsened again. Not only gray wolves but also the numbers of other beasts are on the rise." 

Then we can help you this time, too?" 

"I'm grateful for your heart, but I don't think it'll be much help. You're not free enough to stay in the village to help us everyday.right? 

"If we can't help, can't you get mercenaries from the city's mercenary guild?" 

At Lia's question, the raccoon grandpa burst into a laughter. 

You are right, demon girl. Of course we've been thinking about it too. However, there were no mercenaries in the mercenary guild who could take on the quests of these villagers.

"As the Old man said, Not only the mercenary guild. We also visited Yoyogi Fortress for help, but was beaten before the door. These guys come with knife while collecting taxes, but refused to take knife, when we are in danger.

If we fail to solve this problem, merchants who come to the village will also stop coming. If we don't get daily necessities, well have to eventually leave this place our home. 

Hearing about the situation that seemed more serious than expected, Lia and I darkened our expressions at the same time.

Speranza, who was unaware of the situation, took my hand and looked at me blankly.

How was your trip?


"What about the little one?" 

"She fell asleep on our way back, so Lia took her to her to the room." 

Huh..? What's wrong with your expression?" Did you not get something you needed? 

When Kaneff asked, I told him the story I heard from Racoon Grandpa. 

He responded with a look as if it didn't matter much.

"Well, it's not like yesterday and today that mercenaries hated Beast-people. 

Why, is there a reason?" 

" Since ancient times, Beast-people, who has excellent physical features and combat capabilities, has been the subject of checks by mercenaries." 

In the middle of our conversation, Lia who took Speranza to the room returned. 

"You were talking about Beast-people Village." 


I thought about it a little bit. I thinks its odd. Usually, the number of beasts around an area doesnt suddenly increases like that. This is just my guess, but maybe our farm might be the reason.

"What? Our farm?" 

I was surprised by Lias assumption that I had never expected. 

Lia calmly expressed her thoughts. 

Normal Beasts clearly distinguish between themselves and other Beasts. Originally, the area around this region must have all been Yakums sphere of influence.

But things changed when the farm was built. Its an incredibly wide fence, but its narrow compared to the original area Yakums had been influencing.

"Lia, what you mean is.the other beasts might have expanded their influence because of Yakums narrowing their area?" 

Yes. But it's just a guess." 

"Hang on. Does that mean the Beast-people Village is suffering now because of our farm?" 

Kaneff nodded slightly at my urgent question. 

Its..just a possible guess." 

"What should we do?" 

"What do you mean? They have to figure it out on their own." 

"What? No. It happened because of us. Shouldn't we help them? 

I refuted Kaneff's irresponsible attitude with a ridiculous expression. 

However, he explained the situation in a calm manner. 

"We are not the owners of the Beast-people village. Who was the owner? 

"It's the Selberg family." 

"Right, Selberg! We had already reached an agreement with that family while planning the farm. Our side offered adequate compensation, and Selberg accepted. 

However, there was nothing about Beast-people Village in the agreement. So there's no reason for us to be held responsible." 

"But But" 

Clearly, Reville said that he was beaten at the doorstep even at the lord's castle where they went to ask for help.

The owner of Beast-people Village also gave up on their responsibility. 

Sihyeon, listen to me. You can get enough food to grow yakum from elsewhere. The Demon Lord will provide enough support for that.

But helping the beast village is a different matter altogether. Even the Demon Lord wouldn't want to get involved in this. Because this not a monetary issue, but a political issue.

I dropped my head when I heard that Demon Lord would never come forward. 

Although it was brief, I remembered many people I met in Beast-people Village.

Cute and lively Miru, cold-hearted but affectionate Reville, mean Raccoon grandpa, immature Heron and Greg. 

And even the innocent children who rejoice as if they have the whole world when they receive small candy from me.

Seeing my dismay, Kaneff scratched his frizzy hair with an annoyed expression on his face.

AhhhhYou really are a piece of work.! 


There you go again. Why do you always keep getting yourself involved in troublesome things?"

"Stop looking like the worlds going to end..Haaaah.Well it's not like there's no way at all." 

Is there a way to help them?" 

I looked up and stared straight at Kaneff. 

"It's hard for us to help them directly, but it is possible to help them indirectly." 


"I mean mercenary. You can help them find some mercenaries." 

"But how can we do that?" 

This time, Kaneff looked absurd. 

Its not we..its you.Did you forget who you are in the demon world.?


Youre a Ester. The mercenaries can ignore the beast-people, but they will not ignore you a person appointed by Demon Lord himself. Don't you think so?" 

At that moment Lia handed me a box as if she had been waiting. 

It was the box that the messenger of the Demon Lord delivered. 

Inside the box, there was the identification plaque and luxurious ornaments engraved with the patterns of the Demon Lord. 

I carefully pulled out the ID trinket that emits a subtle blue energy. 

"But is this enough? I've never met mercenaries in person. I don't think I'll be able to communicate easily." 

"There won't be anyone who opens their mouth even after seeing it. But still It would be better to be sure. Give it to me." 

Kaneff took the ID trinket and began to mutter something. 

Soon after, thin chains formed from his left hand and wrapped around the trinket. 

After a while, strangely, the chain that wrapped around the trinket got absorbed and disappeared, leaving only a small chain at the end. 

"Here. Take it. If there is someone in the mercenary guild who can't communicate, you can pull the chain. Then everything will be solved." 

Kaneff threw the trinket back to me. 

When I looked at the trinket.nothing seemed to have changed much except the small chain in the bottom. 

Lia, who sneaked up to the side, looked at the ID trinket and Kaneff with suspicion.

"What? Why do you both look like that?"" 

"Boss, did you do anything weird?" 

"What did you do Mr.Kaneff? 

Kaneff replied with a look of irritation. 

What.What do you take me for.Do you thinkIm some kind of devil.? 


"If its the Boss" 

At the prompt answer of me and Lia, Kaneff looked blank. 

After that, we had to soothe the sulky boss and for a while Lia had to suffer the bullying of Kaneff.

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