How To Live As A Genius Knight In A Fantasy World

Chapter 21

How To Live As A Genius Knight In A Fantasy World 21


The group started climbing the mountain with great tension, but the road conditions were not as bad as they had feared.

In fact, the road conditions were much better than those leading to Talun Viscount’s territory.

While the road was not paved, at least there was no need to cut grass to move the carriage.

There were certainly more bugs, but that was to be expected once they entered the mountains.

Although the road was said to be dangerous, many people had reasons to use it.

There were three main roads connecting the capital to the southern kingdom, and the road through the Talun Mountains offered a significantly shorter travel time compared to the other two.

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The other two roads detoured widely around the east and west, so it was natural.

Time was money for merchants, and even for non-merchants, a difference of ten days in the schedule was an essential factor.

The reason why the Isel Viscount chose this path was for the same reason.

He wanted to reduce the travel time, even if it meant taking a slight risk.

In truth, even if they bypassed Talun, it did not mean there was no risk at all.

As the road crossed the mountains, the slope was not consistently gentle.

Although they chose sturdy horses, it was still an environment where riding in a carriage would not feel comfortable at all.

Whether Rohan’s thoughts were correct or not, it wasn’t long before the carriage door opened.

The maids got down first, and holding their hands, Sophia revealed herself.

Instead of the delicate clothes she had worn before, she was now dressed in practical attire with a wide-brimmed hat.

‘I wonder if she can walk properly.’

Rohan sent a suspicious glance discreetly, but Sophia’s pace was not as slow as he had thought.

In fact, it seemed that the group had to adjust their speed to match the pace of the pack animals more than Sophia’s.

‘Does she exercise regularly?’

She seemed like someone who wouldn’t lift a finger, but it was quite unexpected.

Due to the tension or perhaps the steep slopes, there was a slightly roughened breathing among the group, rather than the usual calmness.

How long had they been walking?

Certainly, more trees had thickened since they first entered the mountains, and the sounds of birds and insects echoed from all directions.

The sunlight filtered through the branches, illuminating the path.

Whether it was due to the uneventful passage of time or the peaceful atmosphere, the soldiers, gradually easing their tension, began to engage in small talk.

As even Rohan began to relax slightly,

an unfamiliar sound reached his ears.


A cracking sound, as if something was breaking.

The soldiers, as well as the knights, showed no particular reaction.

“Did I mishear?”

A louder sound caught Rohan’s ear as he tilted his head in confusion.

“A sound like something breaking… could it be?”

Sensing danger, Rohan quickly raised his head and warned his companions.

“I hear a strange sound from the left! Everyone, get ready!”

At Rohan’s warning, the warm atmosphere among the group quickly turned cold.

The soldiers reached for their weapons, and a knight who was leading swiftly joined Rohan’s side.

Crack –

Thanks to a moment of silence, the now unmistakably close sound was heard clearly.

“Get ready for battle, everyone! It’s a troll!”

Confident of the enemy’s identity, the knight loudly warned of the danger once again, and a lightly armored troll lord appeared before the soldiers.

Seeing the users stepping forward, the soldiers’ morale noticeably rose.

Meanwhile, the roar grew louder, indicating the presence of a dangerous being approaching very close.

In front of the fully prepared troll army, a green figure finally revealed itself.


Thicker than an adult man’s waist, a tree-like club burst out, striking the ground with its rudimentary yet massive form still resembling a tree.

“A troll…”

The name of the creature flowed from the viscount’s lips.

‘Not good.’

Even in the Talun Mountains where all sorts of monsters dwelled, this predator standing out among the large species.

With its unique strength and overwhelming regenerative power, it was a formidable predator that even made knights uneasy.

The creature that appeared now was quite large even among adults.

Undoubtedly a powerful troll dominating among its kind.

It had the physique to raid dozens of humans.

‘But it’s not an unbeatable opponent.’

The greatest weapon of humans is intelligence, and that is no different in this world completely different from Earth.

No matter how skilled a knight is, winning a strength battle against a troll is no easy feat, but any knight knows at least some ways to face a troll through knowledge.


As the viscount was about to relax upon realizing the creature was alone, it suddenly turned its head and howled.

The viscount’s expression changed drastically upon hearing the roar.

“It’s a howling! The creature has allies nearby! Knights, follow me!”

Although the plan was to slowly exploit the creature’s weakness, there was no time to waste once the howling erupted.

Even if it meant taking on some risk, they had to cut off the creature’s breath before its allies joined in.

Upon the viscount’s command, the knights drew their weapons.

When facing a troll, attacking its ankles is the standard tactic.

Standing nearly three times taller than a human, it was challenging to target the upper body for an attack, and even for a large species like trolls, they couldn’t utilize their strength properly when their lower body was under attack due to their body structure being similar to humans.

When facing a troll alone, aiming for the vulnerable spot on the upper body could actually make the fight more difficult.

To strike at the creature’s vital organs, one had to elevate their body into the air, but in mid-air, even the most skilled knight couldn’t move as freely as they desired.

If one were to be struck by a heavy club in that state, they would undoubtedly find themselves in dire straits.

However, at this moment, there were three knights in total.

The situation was entirely different.

While two knights focused on attacking the lower body, the count, who had subdued the troll’s momentum, seized the opportunity.

When the troll’s attention momentarily wavered due to the stinging legs, the count swiftly kicked off the ground and leaped forward.

Although the creature hastily twisted its body upon noticing the count’s movement, the count’s hand, driven by a sense of urgency, was relentless.

Before the club-wielding hand could even move, the count’s sword, shrouded in aura, was swiftly brought down on the creature’s neck.

Like a fountain, green blood gushed out and splattered around.

The count’s expression brightened with certainty of the creature’s demise.

As a being larger than most others, the troll’s bones were surprisingly sturdy.

One might think that if the sword hadn’t been pushed in with force, it would have been stuck in the creature’s neck bones.

Of course, even a human would have succumbed to such a wound in an instant, but for trolls, known for exceptional regenerative abilities among creatures, it was merely a wound that could be healed.

Yet, even if it was a troll, there was no way to reattach a head that was 90% severed from the body.

While the troll’s blood flowed profusely onto the ground, no one dared to approach it.

A brief moment of joy was shown when the troll fell, but the count, the master of these beings, remained vigilant, scanning the surroundings.

And his judgment was correct.

When the amount of blood pouring from the troll’s severed neck noticeably decreased, a rumbling sound began to echo from between the trees on either side.

“It’s not just one.”

At least two, or maybe more entities were undoubtedly gathering.

As if anticipating something like Rohan did, the count’s face hardened a bit more.

It wasn’t fear of mere trolls that gripped him.

In fact, if he were alone, even if a few trolls appeared, it wouldn’t be a problem.

What truly instilled fear in the count was the fact that his only daughter was among the soldiers.

Though he had taught her combat skills since she was young, this was her first time facing a real battle.

It would be her first time wielding a real weapon, her first time seeing someone’s blood.

Even now, she seemed shaken among the maids after witnessing the troll’s death.

Looking at his daughter, whose face had turned pale, the count regretted bringing Sophia on this journey for the first time.

She may have reached adulthood, but she still seemed like a child, and he wondered if he had thought leaving Izelle too lightly.

But regret always comes too late.

What was crucial now was overcoming the current crisis.

“Rohan, stand with Rowe!”


Though not the strongest, Rohan was also an aura user.

Among the group, excluding the three knights, he was undoubtedly the most powerful.

Seeing Rohan move to stand beside Rowe, the count moved to the opposite side, assuming a defensive stance.

The ground shook, and even a mere soldier noticed that monsters were approaching.

There was no room for fear.

The soldiers on the journey were all elite warriors, battle-hardened and fiercely loyal.

No matter how colossal the monsters were, the baron and knights were not ones to flee recklessly from a battle.

Everyone standing there hoped for a miracle, but the trolls, hearing the cries of their kin, showed no sign of backing down.

The sound of breaking trees filled the forest, and finally, the creatures appeared before the soldiers.


Three creatures leaped out from the sides.

Rohan and Rowe faced one, while the baron and knight Adam each faced one.


Confronting the sudden appearance of monsters on the narrow path, the lack of space to evade was a natural progression.

The knights easily dodged the clubs, but the soldiers behind found themselves with no room, no ability to escape.

A few soldiers turned into prey, their bodies hitting the ground after a brief struggle.

Though their spears were stuck in the monsters’ arms, it was a fleeting inconvenience.

The spears hanging loosely from the creatures’ arms fell off, and their overwhelming regenerative abilities quickly healed the wounds.

At that eerie sight, the soldiers’ morale plummeted.

They realized their attacks barely scratched the monsters.

Unable to shoot arrows for fear of hindering the knights fighting the trolls, they felt helpless, with no options left.

Then, the baron, sensing the soldiers’ wavering, shouted loudly.

“Hold your ground! Protect Sophia at all costs!”

At his words, the soldiers, who had unknowingly begun to retreat, snapped back to attention.

The baron was right.

They had someone to protect.

The soldiers who had formed a line around Sophia planted their spears in the ground and gripped them firmly.

Those inside drew their bows, ready to shoot at a moment’s notice when the monsters approached.

Meanwhile, the soldiers inside the carriage began rummaging through their belongings.

Although it was unclear where they had placed it, they remembered bringing a net to deal with larger creatures.

While the soldiers were busy, the knights continued their difficult battle.

As if to prove the infamous reputation of the Talun Mountains, the newly appeared trolls were larger and more aggressive than those from other regions, making it hard for even seasoned veteran knights to defeat them easily.

Despite Rohan and Rowe’s numerical advantage and the baron’s exceptional swordsmanship honed over the years, the situation was tough. However, Adam, with average knightly skills, struggled as he felt he could be struck by the heavy club at any moment.

‘The longer this drags on, the worse it gets.’

Although he could eventually kill the troll in front of him regardless of how long it took, the issue was the location.

Even if things seemed fine now, in the heart of the Talun Mountains, surrounded by the scent of blood, they couldn’t hope that monsters wouldn’t keep appearing.

Or perhaps, there might be creatures lurking in the shadows between the trees, waiting for an opportunity.

‘I need to create an opportunity.’

Although he lacked the skill to deal a fatal blow to the troll, Rohan had a secret move unknown to others.

‘The Warrior King’s Strike.’

Even if it drained all his energy, if it could create an opening for Rowe, it was worth the gamble.

Moreover, with the ability to somewhat recover his strength through the Blessing of Breath, it wasn’t a completely hopeless situation.

Alongside Rowe, Rohan, who shared the troll’s gaze, gradually began to decrease the intensity of his attacks.

Rowe sent a puzzled look, but Rohan continued to diminish his presence little by little, regardless.

Though it might seem strange, the troll, consumed by savagery, paid no attention to Rohan’s transformation.

Instead, as if approving, it relentlessly unleashed fierce attacks toward Rowe.

It was not merely due to the troll’s intelligence being inferior to humans.

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Through just a few clashes, the troll clearly realized that Rowe was a far more threatening foe than Rohan, and thus, it was focusing intensely on restraining him.

From the troll’s perspective, it couldn’t fathom that Rohan possessed potent claws.

If that were the case, it would have struck at the troll long ago.

Like a leopard lurking in the shadows, Rohan’s eyes keenly targeted the troll’s vulnerabilities.

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