How To Live As A Genius Knight In A Fantasy World

Chapter 30

How To Live As A Genius Knight In A Fantasy World 30


“Uh… slept well.”

Enjoying the almost restored condition, he stretched his body once and then got up.

As soon as his mind cleared, hunger swept over him.

Normally, there might have been some reluctance to leave the bed, but today was different.

He got out of bed, without looking back, and ran downstairs.

Ordering a hearty meal towards the surprised owner, he organized what he needed to do today until the meal arrived.

After lying down for several days, there were many things he needed to take care of.

Especially the awards ceremony on the last day of the festival.

As the winner of a tournament, he had to step onto the stage himself.

Originally, it wouldn’t be a big deal for a user like Rohan, who hadn’t even become a knight yet, to wear armor and go up, but Rohan was undoubtedly a nobleman’s disciple.

Even for the sake of his master, Viscount Ezel’s dignity, he had to avoid showing a shabby appearance.

Although the expenses were said to be covered entirely by the master, due to the need for adjustments after trying on clothes that fit his body measurements, time was tight.

After fitting the clothes, he had to buy decent items for his colleagues staying at Ezel Castle, and he also had to pack his belongings that he had purchased or used in Arden during that time.

“It’s going to be a busy day.”

Thinking about what items to buy while recalling the shops he had seen around Ezel Castle, Rohan found the meal he had ordered placed in front of him.

A hearty meal with bread, bacon, beans, meat, and vegetable pieces mixed together.

While Koreans might find it heavy, over ten years was enough time to adapt to unfamiliar dining cultures.

Any reluctance had long vanished like a lie, and thoughts of simply enjoying the meal dominated Rohan’s mind.

Accompanied by a glass of beer, even the remaining greasiness in his mouth disappeared cleanly, and a deep sense of satisfaction washed over him.

After finishing the meal with a contented face, he quickly washed up and put on his outing clothes.

The first place he visited after leaving the inn was a clothing store.

After trying on several clothes following measurements, his well-trained physique showed a decent fit regardless of the garment.

Of course, the clothes themselves were far from Rohan’s aesthetic standards, but since it wasn’t his money and he reluctantly followed the shop owner’s recommendations.

The tops were not too tight or overly large, and they weren’t too flashy either, so he could try on several without much resistance.

However, he felt burdened as he had to wear pants that clung too tightly, almost like wearing tights.

He just let himself be pushed into them by the shop owner, who looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Well, everyone else wears these clothes, not just me…”

Convincing himself in this way, the thought of appearing in such attire in front of people made him instinctively want to cover his face.

“Thank goodness for these pants.”

Still in the prime of his life and possessing physical abilities worthy of even modern athletes, Rohan couldn’t help but worry about the embarrassment of wearing tights, a symbol of masculinity, in front of others.

Fortunately for Rohan, having a garment like tights to wear over them was a great comfort.

“By the way, modern technology is truly amazing.”

Although he wasn’t the one paying, Rohan, driven by curiosity, was greatly surprised when he inquired about the prices.

The clothes he often wore in his daily life cost around 5 to 6 silver.

Even at this price, they were considered expensive items, about 1.5 to 2 times more costly than the clothes worn by ordinary peasants.

However, the clothes Rohan purchased today boasted a price tag of at least 40 silver or more.

For a family of four, this amount of money could sustain them for almost half a year.

Despite the high price, the clothes Rohan chose still retained a rough texture of the fabric.

Even though they were of much lower quality compared to the comfortable clothing from spa brands in modern times, in the medieval era where the concept of mass production didn’t exist, this level of quality was considered luxurious.

Given the circumstances, it was impossible not to marvel at the development of synthetic fibers and the power of mass production.

After selecting his clothes and promising to return tomorrow, his next destination was the market.

He stopped by to purchase gifts for acquaintances in Ezel and consumables to use on the way back to Ezel.

Compared to Seoul, let alone the provinces, the market was modest in size, but it was undoubtedly the largest and most prominent market in the kingdom.

Moreover, there were places in this market that sold magical items, solidifying its unique advantage.

Even though Rohan, as a mere soldier, had deep pockets, he had no intention of buying such expensive items.

First, he bought pemmican, jerky, salted meat, and grain flour.

He briefly considered buying pickled vegetables, but no matter how much he thought about it, carrying food containing liquid for long distances seemed like a risky choice.

After purchasing provisions, he strolled around looking for items that could serve as souvenirs for Ezel Castle’s acquaintances.

“I wish it had some practicality.”

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Simple souvenirs were not enough to satisfy Rohan.

He wanted something hard to find, with a good shape, and practicality.

It was the reason why Rohan, with his eyes scanning the market, looked exhausted.

Nevertheless, it was worth wandering around as he managed to find items suitable for a few rare acquaintances.

Perfume for Chris’s sister Ellie, wrist guards for Charles, a tunic for Freddy, all carefully packed in the bag Rohan brought back.

Though there was still time before night fell, he had exhausted his mental energy with shopping and had an early schedule the next day, so he returned to his lodging early.

There was much to do even after entering the lodging.

He discarded dirty or damaged clothes, and neatly packed the items bought at the market into his backpack.

The large backpack was quickly filled, and it was only after struggling to pull the straps tight that he could fit everything in.

While Rohan was still packing, the Viscount of Ezel was once again facing the sorcerer.

“So, any results? I received a message before leaving Arden.”

“Yes. The researchers were actively involved. Dark magic emanated from the bead, so it was expected.”

“What? Didn’t they say there were no traces when it was brought last time?”

“Yes. It seemed that way on the surface. In fact, I had the bead split open.”

“Wait, you broke it? Shouldn’t you have asked the owner at least?”

“There are a few spares, so it should be fine.”

“Lloyd… you…”

“Sorry. I reduced the commission a bit. Still, thanks to you, we discovered dark magic, so don’t be too hard on yourself.”

“It’s already broken, but…”

The Viscount sighed, prompting further explanation.

“Anyway, an unbelievable amount of dark magic flowed out of this small bead. Of course, we can’t determine whose magic it is. However, it’s clear that the purpose of this bead is extremely sinister. It’s an item designed to commit evil deeds without being caught.”


“First of all, this bead has been touched by human hands. It’s made through grinding bones of various monsters and crafting it with dark magic. That’s why it had a white color.”


“Hiding dark magic itself serves a sinister purpose, don’t you think? When you first took out this bead, there was no mana felt here. Considering the bead was clearly artificially made, it can only be thought of as intentional. Moreover, the purpose of the bead is not just to conceal magic. Look at this.”

Lloyd suddenly took out a piece of fresh meat from the drawer and presented it next to the intact bead.

A moment of doubt flickered on the Viscount’s face, then quickly turned into astonishment.

“…It’s emitting magic.”

“Yes. The dark magic inside the bead flows out when it meets a monster’s body. Through this bead, their aggressiveness can be enhanced, or in the worst case, they can even be controlled.”


The Viscount sighed deeply.

As far as he knew, there was only one kind of people who would engage in such activities.

“Yes, dark magic has resurfaced. And through the hands of a powerful dark sorcerer who has reached a significant level of mastery.”

With a grave tone, Lloyd declared the return of the ancient evil that was thought to have disappeared.


As the Viscount’s sigh ended, a silence settled in for a while.

Dark magic.

The original sin of sorcerers, the magic that serves as the origin of all magic.

The principle of manipulating mana to create phenomena is no different from other magics, but due to the characteristic of not hesitating to use any means for efficiency, it had produced numerous atrocities and victims, now being regarded as wicked sorcery.

Those who practice such dark magic are called dark sorcerers, and because they were treated no differently than a threat to the entire continent, they had almost been wiped out by now.

In such a situation, the revelation of traces of dark magic was by no means a trivial matter.

It was clear that a dark sorcerer, already confident in their power, was taking action to ascend to the next level.

A dark sorcerer who had reached the level of controlling trolls would surely become a great menace if left unchecked.

Both individuals held significant social and magical positions, yet the existence of a dark sorcerer placed an unbearable burden on them.

It was Viscount Eizel who broke the silence first.

“…It seems unavoidable. We must report this.”

“The temple? The kingdom? Which side?”


As if surprised by the unexpected decision, Lloyd’s eyes widened slightly, but soon nodded in agreement.

“Alright. This is no longer just a matter for the Holy Order.”

The decision was made due to the enormity of the threat at hand.

The night deepened as the two struggled with their thoughts.

The next day.

Rohan stood in front of the palace with a hint of nervousness.

Handing his sword, which he always carried at his waist, to a companion and donning a new set of elegant clothes, he felt somewhat dignified.

“Rohan, you’re early.”

“Oh, Master!”

Fortunately for Rohan, Viscount Eizel had agreed to accompany him to his award ceremony.

As it was his first visit to the palace, and likely within the palace walls Rohan’s status was considered the lowest, having Eizel by his side provided some comfort in potentially reducing any mistakes.

“Oh, Viscount. Heading back today?”

“Eizel, next time you must visit our territory. I’ll have my best wine ready.”

As it was the last day of the founding festival, they exchanged farewell greetings as if preparing to part ways.

Though the words were polite, Eizel’s response was lukewarm.

As if his mind was preoccupied with something else.

Those who bid farewell seemed to notice, but it wasn’t something they paid much attention to.

‘It’s quite magnificent.’

Rohan observed the scenery inside the palace, the nobles passing by, the jewelry adorning them, with interest.

Of course, staring directly was considered rude, so he only glanced briefly, but there were enough fascinating and splendid items to evoke admiration.

‘What’s this, an escalator?’

There were even items that one might see in modern times, leading him to doubt if electricity was used in the capital.

Passing by numerous people in a daze of excitement, the two soon arrived at their destination.

Unlike a ball, there were no grand introductions.

Viscount Eizel entered without any proof of identity, while Rohan had to present the token he received as the prize winner before being allowed into the hall.


As the massive doors opened, Rohan, stepping into the grandest hall in the palace, known as the Golden Chamber, couldn’t help but let out a sound of admiration.

The ceiling, towering ten times the height of an average adult male, was adorned with a majestic painting, and the walls of the hall were lavishly decorated with gold, mirrors, and blue stones, exuding a beauty that could be considered an artwork in itself.

‘Wouldn’t even the Palace of Versailles fail to compare to this place?’

At the very least, it seemed certain that this hall alone, even if transplanted intact to any place on Earth, would become a remarkable cultural heritage.

In this beautiful and grand hall, numerous people were already standing, awaiting various ceremonies to decorate the climax of the festival.

Whether it was the overwhelming and splendid atmosphere unique to the building, the hall was surprisingly quiet, to the point where it was hard to believe so many people had gathered.

Rohan and Viscount Ezel also spent their time quietly in one corner.

Time passed slowly but surely, and the number of people filling the hall gradually increased.

Just as Rohan, who was diligently observing the people, began to feel a hint of boredom.

The door of the inner chamber opened, and a thunderous voice filled the hall.

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