How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 117: Punishment (2)

Alvenheim, the land of elves, Makina, the land of dwarves, Animers, the land of beastmen, and so on. Just as there are various races in this world, there are many countries that represent each race.

As humans are the most populous, there are various countries such as the Minerva Empire, the Ters Kingdom, the Belua Republic, the Holy Kingdom Xavier, and so on, but most other races have only one country. This is because, like humans, people tend to group together with those of the same race.

However, Helium is somewhat different. As everyone knows, demons are a race that did not exist from the beginning, unlike other races, and only emerged after the Devil War.

They were heavily influenced by the Great Devil and suffered severe discrimination, and even a tragic history of being slaughtered by humans. As a result, until the founding of Helium, they were fugitives and had not even properly laid their foundations.

But patience always brings opportunities. When other races were keeping each other in check, the demons found suitable land and founded Helium. They transformed even the barren land into a fertile region through magic and achieved dazzling growth in no time.

As a result, the Kingdom “Helium” was founded in the land where the demons fled. In fact, the first king of Helium established the country for the sake of their safety, and had a willingness to give up the land if other races accepted them.

Of course, the hatred towards demons was not a joke, although over time, they became a major power. Even during the race wars, others made no secret of their contempt, so they were ignored by saying that the demons were trying to deceive them with sweet words.

As a result, Helium’s founding ideology was somewhat unusual compared to other races. It was created not for further development, but rather as a cradle for fugitives.

However, everything changed after the publication of Xenon’s Biography. Helium was now preparing to become a true nation.

“Our Helium is ready to move forward as a single species, not as a haven for refugees. That’s why we started ‘diplomacy’ in the manners of this world. A few days ago, Helium’s envoy visited the Ters Kingdom and presented them with a specialty product.”

“What is the specialty product?”

“It’s silk woven with magic. As we have honed our magic skills to survive as refugees, we can proudly say that we are better than anyone else in creating magic-related items.”

“Better than the Dwarves?”

“If Dwarves specialize in production, we specialize in magic items. For example, while Dwarves make even basic swords into masterpieces, we make enchanted swords using our limited production skills and magic. We can imbue enchantments on the sword to increase its cutting power or durability.”

It might seem like a cheat like race just by listening, but I looked at Gartz, who explained with sincere admiration.

“Then it’s much better than what Dwarves make, right?”

“Not necessarily. If a sword made by the Dwarves has excellent cutting power or durability on its own, we have to infuse mana to activate the same effect. Moreover, there is no race in this world that can keep up with the Dwarves in weapon production.”

“Still, it’s equally remarkable. Did others not know this fact because you haven’t been engaged in diplomacy?”

“Yes. They will soon realize it as the envoy and the gift have been sent. Moreover, now that it has been revealed that the director of the Matrics Theater Group is a demon, you can also see how skilled we are in art.”

Even as I listened to Gartz’s explanation, I didn’t forget to look around me. After Gartz’s visit to our mansion, a day had passed, and I was now wandering the streets of Helium. Just as humans imitated the civilization of elves, demons also imitated human lifestyles, so the streets I saw here were very similar to what I saw in the capital of the Minerva Empire.

The roads were filled with passing carriages and various colorful buildings were erected along the way, with building styles similar to those seen in the capital of the Minerva Empire.

The only difference was the people wandering the streets. They all had black hair and red eyes, and their horns were also slightly different, not the same as each other.

However, since it was a place where “humans” lived, the streets were lively, and the sight of children laughing and playing gave me enough sense of stability.

‘There’s really nothing different. What kind of ‘devils’ are they supposed to be?’

The reason I was able to arrive in Helium so quickly was, of course, thanks to Gartz’s magic. After all the preparations were made, I said goodbye to my parents and arrived at the border of Helium through teleportation. And of course, he went through the basic entry procedures to get inside.

When going through the entry procedures, the soldiers were surprised to find out I was human, but since Gartz said I was a tourist, I was able to pass through easily. However, he didn’t forget to give me a few warnings.

Firstly, if any discriminatory behavior towards demons was ‘intentionally’ exposed in Helium, even foreigners would be punished. Actually, it wasn’t a big deal since I didn’t like racial discrimination myself.

Secondly, it was recommended not to wander around at night or dawn, as there were quite a few demons who couldn’t withstand the evil cycle and wandered around after dark.

If they are discovered by others of the same demon race, they could provide assistance, but foreigners could be at risk of harm. As soon as I heard that story, I remembered Cecily, who had pushed me down with tremendous strength.

Finally, don’t approach the vicinity of Helium’s palace without special permission. There is a strong barrier active, so it is dangerous for humans who are not demons to approach.

You may wonder why immigration procedures are necessary in a place where teleportation can be used, but the outer wall of Helium is formed by a large barrier that makes teleportation impossible by default. It is almost impossible to penetrate through warping or teleportation unless the exact coordinates are entered.

When I asked Gartz about the principle behind it, he said it was to twist the flow of mana irregularly and increase the probability of failure. Of course, even for demons, it is a complicated magic that I would never understand.

“Mom! Mom! Look at that! Isn’t that a red-haired human man?”

“Shh! Come here. You can’t say that!”

Then, an innocent shout that dug into my ear came. I noticed a young woman, who was assumed to be a mother, hurriedly reprimanding her small child.

Perhaps it was because I walked confidently without even wearing a robe. Occasionally, some people glanced at me, and curious children openly shouted.

Since I am human and have uncommon red hair in this world, I would attract more attention. Moreover, since demons all have black hair, being different also adds to the conspicuousness.

‘Indeed, he’s young for a demon.’

The woman who was scolding the child looked young enough to be mistaken for an older sister. As expected of a race that lives long like the elves, their aging process must be slower.

Suddenly, I became curious about how demons distinguish their age. As the elves are a chosen race by the gods, they instinctively know the age of their counterpart. However, I wondered how it would be for demons.

“Mr. Gartz, can demons instinctively distinguish each other’s age like elves?”

“It’s difficult to instinctively distinguish, but they can usually guess by looking at the color of their horns. Young demons mostly have black horns, but elderly demons have lighter gray horns. As they get older, the period for the onset of evil cycles becomes longer, and their desires also become less.”

“Still, it seems difficult to distinguish.”

“That’s why many demons mark their age with tattoos or marks on their horns. Being old means that you have fought and won against your inner evil for a long time, so many demons admire the elderly.”

Well, demons are more likely to die as devils than to die a natural death. So it’s natural that the elderly demons are respected. It must be a common culture for them.

After that, I started to hear more stories about demons from Gartz. Maybe it was because I arrived in Helium, but my curiosity about demons has been growing.

When I was with Cecily, I was too busy thinking about other things, but now I can focus solely on demons and ask Gartz various questions.

“Is there anything difficult about using black mana? Does your inner evil go berserk if you use too much?”

“In the distant past, that was the case for first-generation demons, but it’s okay now. However, just in case, we are still prepared for such a situation.”

“There are hardly any first-generation demons left, right?”

“As of now, there are practically none left. Unless devils from other dimensions like the devil war cross over and take root, the birth of a first-generation demon is unlikely. But, Benefactor, can I ask you one question?”

“What is it?”

As Gartz, who had been answering earnestly, asked for a question, I looked straight at him and nodded my head. His red pupils were so indifferent that it was difficult to read his thoughts.

Then Gartz opened and closed his mouth repeatedly before asking me in a cautious tone.

“What kind of place is Helium in the eyes of outsiders?”




I looked around at his question. Helium, where demons lived, was nothing more than a refuge for fugitives in the early days, but it had evolved into an invincible great power that no one could ignore over the centuries.

Of course, diplomatically, it was no different from a frog in a well, but there was a high probability that it would soon gain a dominant position. So Helium would move forward as a country with boundless potential for development and strong influence.

But that was only when you looked at the strength of Helium. Inside, there was… no difference from any human country. The sky was just as blue and people were busy going about their own business.

Some people say that the sky is always red in Helium, that demons live there, and that murders happen frequently. All kinds of strange rumors have circulated, but once you set foot there, you start to wonder if they are true. Helium is a place that smells more of human life than anywhere else.

“I’m not thinking much?”

“To say that you’re not thinking much…”

“What I’ve seen so far is just like any other place. A nation is established, the king and nobles rule indifferently, and the people enjoy their lives according to the rules of the government. That’s it.”


“I don’t know what kind of answer you’re looking for, but this is what I think. It’s a place where people live.”


My response elicited a somewhat disappointed chuckle from Gartz. I had always thought of him as blunt and emotionless, but his laughter caught me off guard.

Gartz had been smiling contentedly all this time, but he suddenly spoke quietly.

“I apologize. It was such an obvious answer for a princess Cecily’s guest.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. ‘A place where people live’… It’s a phrase that resonates deeply within me.”

It was just a casual remark, but it seemed to touch Gartz deeply. I watched him as he seemed lost in thought.

After all, he was a soldier, and a knight of the Reapers at that. He must have completed many missions that posed a threat to Helium, given how strong he was.

It was enough reason to believe that he is protecting people and just demons.

“I think I know why the princess showed deep interest in the benefactor. Regardless of whether you are a writer or not, you deserve respect as a human being.”

“You are flattering me. As I said earlier, I have no special thoughts.”

“That’s the most important thing. It means that he has seen our demons as human beings without even realizing it.”

Is that so? As I looked at him skeptically, Gartz reached out into the air. Then a book appeared in his hand. While I was looking at it with an expression of wonder, Gartz carefully asked me as he held out the book to me.

“It’s hard to resist after hearing those words. I’ll ask you one more time.”

“What is this?”

“It’s Volume 5 of Xenon’s Biography. It’s a book that describes the downfall of Sakran and the one that caused a major shift in our demon’s awareness.”

“Why this…”

As I looked at him with a skeptical expression, Gartz opened his mouth with his usual stoic and indifferent expression.

“I’m asking for a signature.”

“… …”

“I originally planned to give it to the princess, but I don’t think I’ll be able to receive it if it’s not now.”

He seemed so sincere that I just gave it to him.

Anyway, after saying goodbye to Gartz, I moved to the villa where I had made an appointment with Cecily. As I couldn’t just enter the palace, we had made an appointment at Cecily’s private villa.

Her villa was located inside Helium, and surprisingly, there was a dense forest inside the city. When I asked Gartz, he explained that it was the Forest of Rest, a kind of sanctuary that only the Helium nobility could enter, and that there was a separate villa inside.

It could be used in various ways, such as practicing magic or calming the mind through meditation, and it was protected by a defensive barrier, so there was no danger of accidents.

Although I was worried if I could freely enter such a sanctuary, Gartz replied that it was okay as long as Cecily allowed it. Thanks to that, we could enter the forest without any worries.


Cecily was waiting at the entrance to the forest. She was wearing a black dress that exposed her shoulders and collarbones, not a red dress like at the festival.

I was momentarily surprised when she ran towards me, holding the hem of her dress, but since I had already made up my mind, I opened my arms and welcomed her. Cecily also smiled brightly like a blooming flower and hugged me when I welcomed her.

“Um… Are you really accepting me now?”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of if Marie allowed it.”

“I like it. Really…”

Although the feeling in my chest was fully transmitted when I hugged Cecily, I endured until the end. If there had been only the two of us, I wouldn’t have been able to bear it, but now Gartz was by my side.

Even if he had a liking towards me, it couldn’t compare to Cecily, who is a person he has to guard. There’s no way I could destroy the favor I’ve worked so hard to build up.

After embracing Cecily tightly, I slowly stepped back and looked at her face. Her reddish eyes were filled with affection and love.

Although I think this way myself, I couldn’t help but feel blessed. I have both Marie and Cecily, who are both exceptionally charming women.

But I can’t keep getting caught up in the emotions of a reunion forever. I came to Helium for a separate reason.

“Noona, where is the thief? If possible, let’s handle it quickly so we can go around Helium.”

“They’ve already arrived. Let’s go.”


It seems like Cecily also wanted to make a decision quickly. She linked arms with me and started walking slowly. Gartz followed us from behind.

For a moment, I admired the natural scenery of the forest that exuded a natural feeling. Then, Cecily opened her mouth.

“Oh, right. They’ve already decided what punishment to give internally. Isaac, you just need to make the final decision.”

“Really? What’s the punishment?”

Honestly, I expected them to go easy on them, but it was a problem between an elf and a human, not an elf against an elf.

Do we really need to make such a big deal out of a minor theft? It means that there is a high probability that they have to.

However, the intensity of the punishment that Cecily mentioned caught me off guard.

“500 years.”


“Imprisonment for 500 years. Since it’s a matter of serious concern, it seems that the Dark Elves have also issued a heavy punishment.”

“… …”

They are a truly fiery race. I shook my head and let out a hollow laugh. Honestly, as long as it wasn’t me, it didn’t matter, but I intended to determine the punishment based on their attitude of repentance.

So we arrived at the meeting place…


“… …”

“Why are you here?”

I was greeted by an unexpected guest. Arwen, a young elf maiden, let out a bitter smile when she saw me and spoke in a tired voice.

“…we meet again.”

Translators note:

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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