How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 119: Punishment (4)

I couldn’t help but be surprised as I watched Arwen kneel and bow her head, begging for forgiveness. As a queen, it was a very humiliating position, not to mention as an individual.

Honestly, just by bowing her head, her sincerity would have been enough to convey to me. However, seeing her apologize to such an extent made me realize how significant Rain was to her.

“I will not ask for forgiveness. But I want to say that not all Elves and Dark Elves are like this.”

“… …”

Arwen had been quietly speaking while lying flat on the ground. Her beautiful silver hair was scattered on the ground, and her lowered head made it impossible to see her expression.

It was clear that she was repenting for her wrongdoing, whether through her atmosphere or her voice. The problem was that Arwen didn’t need to bow her head.

Arwen was responsible for her actions, but fundamentally, Rain was the one who committed the crime. So it meant that Rain should be the one to bow down, not Arwen.

With that in mind, I shifted my gaze away from Arwen’s back of the head to look at Rain. She was looking at Arwen with trembling eyes, probably experiencing emotions similar to when a young child’s parents apologize on their behalf.

For a young child to realize their wrongdoing, it is crucial that no one but their parents play the role. Therefore, Rain, who receives Arwen’s guardianship, would also take a significant impact.

I quietly waited to see what kind of reaction Rain would show next.

“Y-Your Majesty…”

“… …”

“Sob… Sniff…”

Tears began to well up in Rain’s eyes as she looked at Arwen with a mournful gaze. Siris, who was beside her, couldn’t bear to watch this scene and closed her eyes.

What kind of reaction will Rain show next? Will he roar at me, or will he beg for forgiveness like Arwen?

Whatever she chooses, Rain will not escape punishment. She may have already tasted the bitter consequences, but with a clear punishment added here, its effect will be doubled.

As I was contemplating what kind of punishment to give Rain in my mind, she closed her eyes tightly and quickly approached Arwen. And in less than a second, she fell to the ground, just like Arwen, lying flat on the ground.

“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

“… …”

“I was wrong! I was wrong, so please…”

As I watched the two elves lying on the ground, I glanced at Siris. It was a strange situation, and I was trying to be aware of what was happening, but she seemed to have taken it differently.

When she briefly opened her eyes and met my gaze, she nodded and slowly walked towards me. Finally, she stood next to Arwen and slowly lay down with a soft and graceful movement.

“I’m sorry.”

“… …”

“For not stopping Rain when I could have. I’m really sorry.”

No. What do I do if you apologize too? But why is this person lying down again? What did this person do wrong? It’s embarrassing to see all this happening, especially with the strange picture-like situation.

All three of them were beautiful elves, and Arwen was even the queen of a country. It made my heart itch like the last time, but I tried to endure it.


I sighed as I looked at the three people lying down and not planning to get up. It seemed better to stand them up than leave them like this.

“First of all, all three of you should get up. I can understand Rain, but the other two don’t need to act like this. It’s a bit surprising.”

“I wanted to convey my true feelings to you.”

Arwen replied as she stood up with a gloomy expression. I noticed her knees were dirty from lying on the ground, and her dress, which was close to white, had more noticeable stains.

As she got up, Rain and Siris also stood up one after the other. Rain was crying and sobbing, while Cyrus was expressionless but had a somewhat sad look in her eyes.

I looked at the three people waiting for my answer while rubbing the back of my neck and glanced at the adjacent Cecily. She had a watchful expression, trying to stick to the perspective of a third party.

It seemed that she wanted to leave the final decision to me. Then it would be better to resolve it as quickly as possible.

So I brought up the fact that I knew to the three people in front of me.

“I heard from Cecily earlier. The Dark Elves themselves decided on Rain’s sentence. She will be in prison for 500 years.”

“That’s right.”

“500 years… that’s certainly not a short period of time for an elf, right? After all, that’s half a lifetime spent in prison.”

Even mountains change in 10 years, and the world changes so much in 500 years that even words fall short to describe it. The reason why people who have been imprisoned for a long time cannot adapt to society even after their release is because of the vastly changed world and society.

Therefore, even if Rain is released from prison after 500 years, there is a high possibility that she will not be able to adapt at all. It’s too cruel of a fate for a young child who is just forming her personality.

However, stealing the manuscript was clearly wrong, and she even invaded my mansion. No matter how immature the child may be, these are unforgivable acts.

‘But putting her in prison for the rest of her life is also a problem…’

It should be okay for the next 500 years. If I enjoy a long life and die, I can leave the future to Cecily.

However, this alone cannot be a fundamental solution. It is a gamble what kind of monster will be born when she comes out of prison 500 years later.

In the worst case, she might even harm my descendants while avoiding Cecily’s eyes. While in prison, she will harbor all sorts of negative emotions, so it is not an impossible story.

So, we need to come up with a punishment for Rain that is not excessive but reasonable enough for everyone to understand.

Oh, of course, the same goes for Arwen and Siris. They are in a position where they need to take responsibility rather than face direct punishment, so it is embarrassing to call it punishment.

After organizing my thoughts as much as possible, I suddenly had a good idea and looked at Cecily, and she tilted her head.


“Yeah, what is it?”

“You said you could do anything for me, right?”

“That’s right. But why do you ask? Is it related to these people?”

As expected, she caught on quickly. Instead of answering, I gave her an ambiguous smile.

Cecily looked at my smile and couldn’t hold back, speaking quietly.

“Okay, I understand. So what are you planning to do?”

“Suspended sentence.”

“Suspended sentence?”


Cecily looked doubtful, as did the three people in front of us. In this world, there isn’t even a word for probation, let alone suspended sentence. There is only the saying that if someone commits a crime, they will be sentenced to a few years in prison, but even the law is not systematically organized.

I thought deeply about how the suspension of sentence is structured and began to explain it step by step.

“As everyone knows, I’m human. Compared to demons or elves, humans have a short lifespan. It’s natural that we can’t even live 100 years, let alone 500 years.”


“So, the management of Rain will be entirely up to Cecily. However, considering Rain’s sincere reflection and young age, I will give her some reduction. Maybe about 300 years, not 500?”

“Th, thank you! Thank you so much!!”

Rain was so moved that she fell back onto the ground. I never thought I would hear the word ‘suspended sentence’ come out of my mouth. Arwen, too, looked as though she had just narrowly escaped death, her mouth hanging open in disbelief.

However, my statement was not finished, contrary to what they may have thought. The real condition of the suspended sentence was about to be revealed.

“I haven’t finished explaining yet. There’s a condition attached.”

“When you say ‘condition’…”

“The Dark Elves have already confirmed a 500-year sentence, and I’m not going to change that. The 300-year sentence is a suspended sentence, which means it’s a kind of probation, isn’t it? If Rain commits a crime during those 300 years without any extenuating circumstances, she will serve the full 500-year sentence in prison. Additionally, depending on the severity of the crime, the 500-year sentence could be extended. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

I briefly considered making Rain a servant or maid in our household for the next 500 years, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Cecily had already declared that she would protect our household, so there was no need to involve Rain.

Therefore, I would give Rain another chance, but if she committed a similar crime again, she would be mercilessly imprisoned for 500 years.

At first glance, one might think that a suspended sentence is a good thing, but since it means being closely monitored for 300 years, there would inevitably be restrictions on her behavior.

“…So, if Rain lives quietly for 300 years without committing any special crimes, she will be acquitted?”

Siris, who had been listening silently, asked me in her unique low and husky voice. Not only she but also the other two elves seemed to be having trouble understanding.

To be put on probation is a novel punishment in this world, so it’s a natural reaction to find it unfamiliar.

“Don’t be mistaken. Rain has already received an appropriate punishment, and this will be an indelible stigma. I am granting clemency and giving her another chance, but that doesn’t mean she’s innocent. Do you want to be under surveillance for 300 years like her? Even worse, if she commits another crime during that time, she won’t even be able to make excuses and will rot in jail for 500 years.”

“…So, it’s not complete freedom, just being tied up in the spirit.”

“Right. It’s a difficult concept to understand because it’s so unfamiliar.”

Remember, Rain is guilty, not innocent. That’s why I entrusted him to Cecily, of all people.

“From now on, you can act as usual, but Rain will be under Cecily’s surveillance. Arwen probably won’t, but it’s a good idea to write a contract or treaty, just in case. Can magic be used for that?”

“It’s possible. It’s called a ‘pact,’ and it’s a magic that is almost impossible to break by force. It’s usually used in a master-servant relationship, but…”

“… …”

When Cecily looked at Arwen with a confused expression, Arwen smiled bitterly. A pact between the devil’s descendant, the demon, and the chosen elf of the gods. It’s a strange situation that can feel odd from the perspective of the elves.

“Let’s accept it willingly. It’s practically a formal punishment that grants us clemency.”

“Arwen, remember this. This is a verdict of guilt, not innocence. If Rain does anything like this again, there won’t be any clemency. It’ll be a 500-year sentence no matter what.”

“I’ll remember it. Rain should know this too.”

“I-I’ll never do it again! I really won’t!”

Rain nodded vigorously as if to show that she would remember, and spoke in a trembling voice. For her, it was a natural reaction, as she had barely escaped from the gates of hell.

Well, even if we do this, Arwen’s position as a guardian will inevitably be revoked. But that’s their situation, so I can’t do anything about it.

Above all, we have only decided on Rain’s situation for now, and Arwen and Siris were still left. I turned my head away from Rain and looked at Arwen.

“And Arwen, you’ll have to take responsibility too. Siris, you too.”

“… …”

Perhaps because it was their turn to face the consequences, both elves hardened their expressions. I had been thinking hard about it all this time.

They weren’t accomplices, but bystanders, so the punishment wouldn’t be too severe. In fact, it’s embarrassing to call it a punishment.

‘Hmm… this is what we’ll do.’

I came up with a good plan, which would satisfy my desires and also allow me to gain various knowledge. First of all, I spoke to Siris.

“Siris, please act as a messenger between Arwen and me. If I have anything to say or need anything from Arwen, I’ll be able to contact her through you.”

“A messenger… I understand. Do I need to stay by your side all the time?”

“Well… do you have a way for me to contact you whenever I need you? Or do I need to summon you?”

In a world where science has not advanced and there are no telephones or means of communication other than letters, I wondered if it was possible to use magic to bridge the gap. Luckily, Cecily taught me a good method.

“There’s something called a summoning scroll. If you tear it with the target’s hair or blood, you can summon them anytime, anywhere. However, the target must respond within a certain amount of time.”

“So, it means she can ignore calls too?”

“That will never happen. If it’s possible to pay back the debt, I’ll respond to the demand anytime, anywhere.”

Siris spoke firmly, with a strong sense of responsibility. Her fierce gaze had given the impression that she had been glaring at me since earlier, but that was just her usual expression.

Anyway, Siris’s decision was made, and finally, I looked at Arwen. When our eyes met, she had a tense expression. As Rain’s guardian, she also had a great responsibility, but it would be difficult to punish her severely since she was already deeply involved.

I thought about whether this was okay, and finally decided to speak up. If it’s too difficult, I have a plan to force it, but if it’s impossible, I’ll back down.

“Arwen. As a queen, you can freely come and go to the ‘Sanctuary’, right?”


“Then can you bring back some books from there?”

The Sanctuary of Alvenheim is not only the first constructed library, but it is history itself. It contains various knowledge to the extent that it can be said to hold all the history of this world. Even books critical of elves exist there and are kept intact, as the elves were stubborn in some strange aspects.

“W-will that be enough? If it’s that much, I can convey it to you through spatial teleportation without sending Siris.”

Arwen, after listening to my request, opened her eyes wide and asked with a slightly surprised voice. It seems like an easy request for her, as she is a queen.

“Then please do that. It doesn’t matter to me. If possible, I would like to ask for history books.”

“Okay. But are you sure that’s enough? It’s a very easy task for me, as a queen.”

Arwen asked again, still unable to believe it. She is a queen, so it may be easy for her, but not for me as a human. As Professor Elena explained, in order to enter the Sanctuary, strict and complicated procedures must be followed. Even entering Alvenheim itself requires a rigorous screening, but there is no need to mention the Sanctuary.

I shrugged my shoulders and pretended to write with a pen, then replied.

“Have you forgotten my job? What kind of thoughts do you think I will have after reading those books?”

“… …”

“As I said before, I’m asking for the books I want, not the books that you find interesting to read. Since it’s the sanctuary, there must be books I want. If you lie and say they don’t exist…you know, right?”

“Oh, I understand. I’ll be careful.”

Arwen’s complexion paled slightly, perhaps out of fear that I might write something unfavorable about the elves in Xenon’s Biography. While the perception of demons had been transformed from devils to humans, bringing the elves down was as easy as pie.

Of course, it was purely her misconception, as the story had already been set in stone. The collapse of Alvenheim in the book was a foregone conclusion, and the story of the elves and dark elves merging and restoring was still intact.

I didn’t care about what they would think after seeing it. After all, even the demons didn’t care, so what was the point of attaching meaning now?

“All right. The punishment is over now… Rain.”

“Yes, sir!”

Rain quickly assumed a rigid posture and replied in a fast-paced manner. Perhaps she thought I held the power of life and death over her.

In reality, I held the power, so if she slipped up, she would be confined for 500 years. Thanks to that, she seemed to have grown a bit more mature, but I did need to remind her of it again.

“I hate to say this, but you are guilty, not innocent. You will live under Cecily’s supervision for 300 years, and if you commit a crime during that time, you may receive a more severe punishment of 500 years. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I will keep that in mind! I will carry it in my heart even after you die!”

“Your phrasing is a bit strange… Anyway, I understand.”

“…May I ask a question?”

As the situation was coming to a close, Siris asked me a question in a low voice, drawing everyone’s attention to her.

Siris maintained her sharp expression even as the attention was focused on her. Curious about what she wanted to ask, I cleared my throat.

“Please speak.”

“When is the period of the messenger?”

“Oh, I haven’t been thinking about that. Should we do it until I die? It’ll be a short period for you anyway, since I’m human.”

It was a joke meant to lighten the mood. But then again, she was an elf.

“Then, about 80 years… Alright, I’ll accept it.”

“…Will you really accept it?”

“I think that’s an appropriate amount of time.”

Siris accepted it straightforwardly without any objection. Seeing her face, I could tell that she had already accepted it, which made me all the more surprised.

It felt like I had just gained a slave for life. I scratched my head in confusion and looked at Arwen.

“I, I also request that you do me a favor until you return to the embrace of the gods. Anyway, since I haven’t even read all the books in the sanctuary, 80 years will feel very short.”

“… …”

Let’s just move on. It’s a gain, not a loss. Even though it’s burdensome, they accepted it without any problem, so I’ll accept it too.

Anyway, everything was resolved after I received the manuscript back from Rain, and I checked to see if it was genuine and if there were any damaged parts. Fortunately, I had kept it well-preserved, and there was no damage anywhere. As I was scanning through the clean manuscript, I suddenly thought of something and looked at the three people in front of me before asking a question.

“Hmm… Oh, by the way, I have a question. How did you invade the mansion? There were knights dispatched from the palace on guard duty, and it seemed a little odd. Are Dark Elves that strong?”

“It’s not that they’re strong, but their abilities are exotic. It’s very difficult to detect them unless there is a wizard present.”

Answered Arwen, I turned to her and spoke.

“My father said that the knights dispatched from the palace were incredibly strong, but there’s no way they could be weak, right?”

“They might be able to see their silhouette, but it’s difficult to detect covert operations. That’s why reinforcement detection magic is installed in estates above the rank of a viscount by human standards. Below that, only detection magic that catches petty thieves is installed.”

So no matter how much a knight runs and crawls, they can’t beat a single dark elf. An observer(mage) must be a must. Listening to the explanation, the dark eves seemed to be a race specialized in ‘invisibility,’ as seen in various media of their past lives. They would be very suited for the profession of a rogue.

‘If even dark elves participated in the race war…

They would have been cutting the necks of human leaders in places unseen, and we would have had a 100% chance of losing. Elves always preferred open battles to backstabbing (assassination).

However, when the situation turned unfavorable, one elf warrior orchestrated a scheme to turn the tide and ended up tarnishing the honor of the elves, resulting in his arrest. Even though the warrior was the first to realize the decisive way to win the war.

If the elves had realized this fact a little earlier, wouldn’t the elf warrior have been revered as a hero? As I thought about that elf warrior, I happened to see Arwen in front of me and decided to ask about what happened to him.

The book only records that he was imprisoned, but there was nothing written about what happened to him after the war.

“Arwen, can I ask you one more thing? It’s about the elf warrior who was imprisoned for breaking the law during the racial war.”

“That warrior has been released and is currently residing in his mansion, probably because he was betrayed by Alvenheim and suffered greatly.”

“… …”

“Alvenheim has lost a patriot and a great warrior, so it is a great loss. I even requested his return, but it was easily dismissed.”

Certainly, the pain of a soldier betrayed by his own country is indescribable. And if he had come to realize that his choice was the right one, the resentment would have been even deeper.

In fact, in Xenon’s Biography, the elf in charge of “pride” is also experiencing a similar pain. He was enraged by the vile reality of Alvenheim and turned himself into a devil.

‘Still, thanks to this, I can weave a good story.’

It is a foregone conclusion that Alvenheim will be destroyed by the hands of devils, but it is natural for a hero to emerge in the process that follows.

For a moment, I loosely constructed a story in my head and then looked around at the three of them, who were still waiting with tense expressions for my next words.

Smiling wryly, I spoke nonchalantly.

“It’s over now, so there’s no need to look so serious. I don’t have anything else to say, really.”

“Is it really over?”

Rain asked in a trembling voice, full of anxiety. Without thinking, I nodded my head.



Maybe the release of tension caused it. As soon as Rain saw me nod, the strength seemed to leave her legs, and she fell to the ground.

With Siris’s urgent support, she managed to stand up, but her legs were trembling like a newborn fawn’s.

For a moment, I looked at the two dark elves, then met eyes with Arwen. There was a subtle mixture of emotions in her silver-gray irises.

It was definitely a friendly feeling, but I wasn’t sure if I should be grateful or merciful. Nevertheless, I was more concerned about her dirty knees. I was already uncomfortable with her apologizing while lying down, and now her dirty knees were making me even more uncomfortable.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

“Y-You? What are you doing now?”


I slightly bent over and brushed off her dirty knees with my hand, whether Arwen was embarrassed or not. It was a white or silver-grey dress that was almost pure white, so it needed to be washed, but for now, brushing off dirt and dust would do.

Fortunately, it seemed like it was treated with magic or made of good material because it became much cleaner just by brushing it with my hands than before. Although there were stains, it seemed like it would be enough to wash them off with water.

“Even so, it was a bit much for the Queen of Albenheim to kneel down. You may not think so, but I felt a little uncomfortable.”


“Although the situation has become a bit awkward, let’s try to get along as we did during the festival. Alright?”

After brushing off Arwen’s knees, I straightened up my previously bent waist. Arwen blushed slightly at my words, then lowered her head and answered softly.

“…I understand.”

“Now that everything is over…”

The result of the long and arduous theft case was that we were letting Rain off on probation.

“Let’s go now.”

Translators note:

Rain got a slap on a wrist, but I guess from a modern persons perspective(Isaac’s) he wouldn’t really want to punish a 10 year old. If it comforts you, Rain rarely appears later.

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