How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 128: Hidden Sincerity (2)

Adelia has been a friend to Nicole since their freshman year. Friends can become so close that they are considered a new family, and that was true for Nicole and Adelia. They first met at a freshman welcome party, which was also the event which Isaac had experienced a few months prior.

At that time, Nicole wholeheartedly believed in Bryce’s words and dressed up in a glamorous dress, which naturally attracted all sorts of attention.

With her dark blue hair reminiscent of an evening sky and rare golden eyes, Nicole possessed a striking appearance. She was considerably tall for a girl and had a well-maintained figure, likely the result of rigorous training from her family.

Nicole, exuding a mysterious aura and resembling a strong warrior, captivated many from the freshman event onwards. Even Nicole herself was taken aback by the unexpected attention, and there were even instances where some guys made advances.

However, the person who caught Nicole’s attention the most was Adelia, who stood alone in a secluded corner.

Adelia, being a commoner, couldn’t afford a dress and was wearing the school uniform alone. There was no obligation for her to attend, but if she was going to wear the uniform, it would have been better for her not to come at all. Moreover, Adelia’s noticeable beauty as a commoner attracted Nicole’s interest.

From that moment on, Nicole and Adelia’s bond began. While their other classmates were all graduating, Adelia and Nicole remained as Martial Arts instructors assistants, teaching their juniors and waiting for an opportunity to be scouted by the knights’ order.

In this regard, Nicole had the chance to closely observe Adelia’s personality and true intentions. Knowing that sometimes Adelia played mean pranks just to grab attention, Nicole usually overlooked them. But this time, it couldn’t be ignored. It was not only deeply connected to Nicole’s own sibling but could also potentially affect their family.

Up until now, Nicole had let Adelia do as she pleased, flowing with the current regardless of her adventures. However, this matter turned out to be more serious than anticipated.


“… …”

Leaving Isaac behind and moving to a secluded corner of the training ground, Nicole and Adelia stood facing each other. Nicole crossed her arms, her expression complex and subtle, while Adelia lowered her head as if burdened with guilt. Her hands fidgeted nervously, showing signs of anxiety.

Her face was obscured by the curtain-like bangs, making it difficult to discern her expression. This deeply troubled Nicole as she gazed at Adelia, who only looked down at the ground without a word.

If Adelia truly had romantic feelings for Isaac, rather than seeing him as a little brother… the situation would become complicated. And not just a little.

Isaac is currently in a formal relationship with Marie, the only daughter of the Duke of Minerva Empire. Moreover, their engagement has already been finalized, having taken place on their mansion night.

‘Recently, even the Demon Princess seemed unusual…’

Not only that, but his relationship with the Princess of Helium, Cecily, also appeared suspicious. From the visit to the mansion during the exhibition to the fact that she always seemed to be close to Isaac, it was impossible to dispel the doubts.

Nicole didn’t know that Isaac had accepted Cecily as his lover, but being perceptive, she could make some educated guesses. And if Cecily truly saw through Isaac’s true identity, it would be a story that made perfect sense and could be easily overlooked.

However, the same couldn’t be said for Adelia. Although she possessed exceptional beauty, she lacked something compared to the other two, and above all, the difference in social status was clear.

In this world, the gap between commoners and nobles couldn’t be bridged. Even if some nobles played with commoners like toys, without leaving any evidence most cases ended up being swept under the rug.

Nicole had lived with Hawk even before he officially became a noble, so Adelia could smoothly fit into their family life, but she was not like the other nobles. The story of commoners loving nobles and nobles loving commoners and living happily together mostly existed in novels.

As the class difference was evident, nobles could only regard commoners as their “toys,” and there was no need to explain how they would be treated. Unless they had an exceptional relationship, like a mistress and a master, the story would be different, but the chances of that were extremely slim.

‘Marie, that girl doesn’t seem to have any sense of authority…’

Nicole noticed that Marie, despite not appearing aristocratic, lacked a sense of authority but occasionally showed a firm side. No matter how good her personality was, Nicole couldn’t predict what would happen once Adelia’s feelings toward Isaac became known.

There were many reasons why Nicole’s mind became complicated, but amidst all that, there was one part that she couldn’t understand.

Nicole glanced at Adelia while rubbing her face with one hand.

‘After rejecting so many confessions, why now? And why Isaac of all people?’

Adelia had received numerous confessions from countless male students. Many were captivated by her confident and bold personality, and it wasn’t limited to just students from high-ranking noble families. Even female students were involved, highlighting how amazing her popularity was. However, Adelia firmly rejected all these confessions.

At first, it was simply because she didn’t like them, but Nicole, who had been with Adelia for several years, could sense that there was something blocking her decisions.

Adelia never revealed what it was, not even to her close friend Nicole. However, it seemed to be deeply intertwined with her personal life, so Nicole tried her best to ignore it.



Adelia responded softly with a subdued voice when Nicole called her. Not knowing how to proceed, Nicole decided to get straight to the point.

“…I’m asking just in case, but do you happen to like our Isaac? Not as a person, but romantically.”

“… …”

“I hope you can answer. If not, at least nod your head.”

Adelia looked up at Nicole, who was full of consideration. Finally, their gazes met the golden eyes filled with complex emotions, and Adelia slowly nodded, showing a sign of approval.

Thanks to that, Nicole’s feelings became even more complicated. If Adelia were a noble and Isaac had not been engaged, she would have enthusiastically supported them. However, the situation was completely the opposite.

Isaac had a formally engaged lover, and furthermore, Adelia was a commoner. She was a character reminiscent of a tragic heroine from a novel.

This was the first time Nicole had encountered such a situation, so she was perplexed about what to do. She gently touched her forehead and cautiously spoke up.

“Since when?”

“…During the exhibition.”

“What happened then?”

This time it was Adelia’s turn to ponder. Nicole was a friend and a precious connection that should never be absent in Adelia’s life. She made Adelia feel the warm affection she had once felt from her mother and formed a relationship closer than her other blood relatives.

Even if she played a mischievous prank, Nicole would only get annoyed but still accept everything and help her avoid crossing the line. Moreover, whenever they worked together as a team during their practical training, they never lost a single time.

The reason Adelia became a martial arts assistant with Nicole was because there were hardly any people who could defeat them in practical training.

However, now I have to address her not as a ‘friend’ but as ‘Isaac’s sister.’ Since my affection for Isaac has been revealed to Nicole, there’s nowhere to run anymore.

‘Should I… say it?’

Adelia agonized over whether she should reveal her painful past, which she wanted to hide so desperately. At the same time, she recalled Isaac’s words that he had spoken for her.

His words about her beautiful smile. His consideration of being there for her, even though he couldn’t do anything.

His delicate touch, wiping away her tears with a handkerchief, without caring about getting dirty.

There is nothing as impressive as the comfort one receives when she’s most sorrowful, and if it is genuine, it deeply resonates in her heart.

For Adelia, Isaac is like a ray of light. Despite being openly abandoned by her own family and revealing her humble origins in front of Isaac, he treats her as usual, unlike anyone else.

His caring nature, treating everyone equally regardless of their status, was as sweet as rain pouring on a drought-stricken land.

‘But will Nicole… really be like that?’

Adelia stared intently at Nicole, waiting for her own answer. She is a noble, but she mingles with commoners and lacks any sense of authority.

However, Adelia was not an ordinary abandoned child. She’s a discarded bastard, and being a noble-born is enough to carry unfavorable rumors, not only among the nobility but also among the commoners.

In this world, bastards are mostly abandoned even by their own families and tend to cause various incidents in unfortunate environments. Therefore, there is a kind of prejudice that if one gets close to a bastard, accidents will occur.

As a result, Adelia couldn’t help but worry repeatedly. Her affection towards Isaac was certain, but she doubted whether she could tell her closest friend the reason behind it.

‘…There’s nothing I can do about it.’

Eventually, the truth would have to be revealed someday. Adelia wasn’t sure if she could be by Isaac’s side, but at the very least, she had to tell Nicole the truth without hiding anything. Even if it meant being rejected as an illegitimate child, it didn’t matter. She had already made up my mind.

With a determined gaze, Adelia opened her mouth, her voice trembling slightly.

“…I met my family back then.”


Nicole was confused upon hearing the answer. As far as she knew, Adelia’s family lived in a remote area far from the capital city, in the countryside.

The reason Adelia was admitted to Halo Academy was because a knight happened to patrol that area and recognized Adelia’s talent, recommending her by writing a letter of recommendation. However, Nicole couldn’t quite comprehend why Adelia’s family had traveled such a long distance just to attend an exhibition.

“They came all the way from that distant place?”


“So what? You’ve always been happy whenever you talked about your family in the past.”

Adelia had always been thrilled whenever she received news from her family, as she was living far away from them. She eagerly awaited even a single letter.

But this time, something felt off. It was difficult to determine if it was a sense of unease or if her aversion was visibly showing.

As Nicole pondered over such doubts, Adelia quietly contemplated how to explain and then responded. She thought it would be better to make it easily understandable in a straightforward manner rather than rambling on with explanations.

“…Actually, I’m a noble.”


Initially, Nicole was surprised by Adelia’s confession of being of noble descent.

“…Only half, though.”

“… …”

At the mention of being half, in other words, the implication of being a bastard child from a commoner, Nicole sealed her lips shut.

Adelia didn’t reveal which noble family or from which place she came, but Nicole had a vague understanding of how society treated children of commoner parentage. Thanks to that, she could infer a little about the life Adelia had lived.

‘She’s such a bright person…’

Crossing her arms, Nicole pinched her nose and looked directly into Adelia’s face. It’s said that people with deep inner wounds try to hide those wounds by having a bright personality.

Nicole had no idea if that theory was true. During their time at the academy, she couldn’t find any signs of sadness in Adelia.

On the other hand, it was highly likely that Adelia would swallow her sadness in places where others couldn’t see it. While being lively with Nicole, she would probably be overwhelmed by melancholy when alone in her dormitory.

Nicole saw a resemblance between the current Adelia and the Adelia she saw wandering alone in her school uniform during the freshman event.

“My existence was completely ignored at that time. I was treated as a complete stranger…”

“… …”

“And I ran away. I ran away and cried alone… Isaac comforted me. He even gave me a handkerchief.”

Adelia poured out everything that happened back then, and Nicole clearly understood why she fell for Isaac.

Honestly, it was a situation that anyone could fall for. When she was alone, grieving from being abandoned by her family, a handsome man approached her and not only handed her a handkerchief but also comforted her.

Moreover, if that man happened to be the younger brother of a friend she already had feelings for, there was no need to say more.

While Nicole understood the whole situation, on the other hand, she couldn’t help but feel a bit bitter.

‘Of all people…’

Why did it have to be Isaac, her own brother? If it had been someone else, she would have wholeheartedly cheered them on, but because it was Isaac, it became a problem.

He was officially engaged, and furthermore, the princess of Helium showed great interest in Isaac, her cute and lovely younger brother. And although Adelia had no idea, Isaac was also the author of the popular Xenon’s Biography, which could sway the world.

As Nicole tried to sort out her increasingly complicated thoughts, Adelia became slightly uneasy when she saw Nicole’s unresponsive expression and asked in a quiet voice.

“Um… Are you okay with it?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I mean… about me being a half-blood bastard. You know it too. How half-bloods are treated…”

Nicole blinked in response to Adelia’s question. On the other hand, Adelia lowered her gaze with a subdued expression on her face.

As an awkward atmosphere lingered for a moment, Nicole made a bewildered expression and smirked. Adelia slowly raised her head in response.

“What does it matter? I’ve been friends with you, a commoner, from the beginning. Do you think being a bastard makes any difference?”

“Well, still…”

“What do you mean ‘still’? It’s been years since I’ve been with you. I’ve even accepted your strange personality. It’s long past the time to care about your background. Besides, my father told me that knighthood is a meritocracy that distinguishes based on skill alone. So, whether you’re a bastard or a noble, I don’t care. Got it?”

“… …”

Upon hearing those words, Adelia’s expression became complex. It was a remark that washed away her anxiety and worries, as if all her concerns were baseless.

Compassionate nobles are rare. They are inherently prone to arrogance, deeply rooted in their belief of being the chosen one’s. You can tell by how they treat commoners.

However, Nicole and Isaac were different. They were genuinely considerate, to the extent that one couldn’t even think of them as nobles. They treated everyone fairly, whether they were commoners or bastards.

‘If I were to become a part of this family…’

Wouldn’t I be happy even if I became a mistress? Even if I became an escort knight, I would be happy, wouldn’t I?

As Adelia, who had suffered severe emotional abuse in the Ters Kingdom, being part of a happy family was nothing short of a lifelong wish. Even if it meant watching from a distance.

With her characteristic bright smile instead of a sad expression, Adelia looked at Nicole. Nicole, upon seeing her radiant smile, felt somewhat uneasy.

“I’ve made up my mind.”

“W-What, what is it?”

“I will stay by Cutie’s side.”

“Oh, no. Adelia? Listen to me. This isn’t as easy as you think. As you know, Isaac is already…”

“I know too.”

Adelia cut off Nicole’s words. She then hesitated for a moment before slowly approaching Nicole.

“I don’t necessarily have to become a mistress. What if I become an escort knight? I could learn from your father as well.”

“Well… Our family doesn’t have separate escort knights…”

“I’ll go and beg your father. Since you and your brother are knights, you don’t need an escort knight, and Isaac does, right?”

“… …”

It’s not going well, she seemed determined already.

Adelia, who usually listened to Nicole’s words, held an unyielding determination this time that couldn’t be swayed.

After a while, when Adelia stood right in front of Nicole, she let go of her reserve. She slowly extended her arms and embraced Nicole.


A heartfelt hug given by her precious friend. Nicole was taken aback when Adelia suddenly hugged her, but without realizing it, she embraced her back.

“Thank you.”


“Really… thank you…”

Perhaps to hide her crying face, Adelia spoke with a trembling voice as she held onto Nicole.

Her trembling body indicated that she couldn’t control the rising emotions.

“If I become a part of your family… I think I’ll be truly happy.”

“… …”

“So, I’m asking you. Just once… can you help me just once?”

Could she bear to refuse her friend’s request? Nicole wiped away her surprised expression and smiled wryly.

While using one hand to stroke Adelia’s head and the other to gently pat her back, she comforted her.

We don’t know what lies ahead, but it wouldn’t be right to refuse when a friend asks for help like this. At least we should give it a try, don’t you think?

“Alright. Just this one time, okay?”

“Sob. Mm-hmm… thank you…”

“Phew. How old are you that you’re acting all teary-eyed? Did you lie about your age too?”

“Oh, no… I’m 22, really…”

“Then stop crying. Stop. You’ll ruin your pretty face.”

As Nicole comforted the now even more sobbing Adelia, she thought to herself.

‘How many girls does Isaac actually flirt with?’

As an older sister, she was concerned about the possibility of a major incident happening because of Isaac’s relationships with women.


The 12th volume of Xenon’s Biography was released earlier than Isaac had anticipated. The content of the 12th volume included Mary confessing her feelings to Xenon, along with their training and, finally, the invasion of Alvenheim.

When Mary confessed to Xenon, her words naturally caused a tremendous impact. However, what caught Isaac’s attention the most was the news that appeared.

[If a story about the invasion of Alvenheim comes out, we will immediately halt sales.]

It was an “official” statement released by Alvenheim. To issue such a statement, it was not necessary to obtain the Queen’s consent, but it was customary to seek her opinion at least, as Arwen had informed Isaac. Therefore, this act was something that the Council of Elders had carried out independently. Upon reading this statement, Isaac had only one thought.

“What kind of nonsense is this, communist propaganda?”

He wished he could confiscate a century’s worth of dentures.


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