How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 131: Mixed Race (3)

The twelfth volume of Xenon’s Biography resulted in the creation of numerous interracial couples, but interestingly, it also brought to light the emergence of mixed-blood offspring between elves and humans, which had been hidden until now. It became a social phenomenon with questions that no one had ever thought of, gradually surfacing and gaining attention.

While other races may not have been surprised by this phenomenon, the appearance of mixed-blood between elves and humans was a significant shock on a global scale, particularly causing intense reactions in Alvenheim. However, I personally didn’t find anything wrong with it and simply moved on. Furthermore, aside from excluding potential, half-elves inherit almost all the characteristics of elves.

They possess angelic beauty, an extended lifespan, magic, and even powerful physical abilities. In fact, half-elves have greater potential than regular elves and possess adaptability due to their experiences in human society.

I anticipate that the older generation, especially the Council of Elders, will make a fuss about this. I heard from Cindy that the Council of Elders is full of racial supremacists and will vehemently reject the existence of mixed-blood. Moreover, since Arwen is implementing an open policy, it will be an excellent opportunity for the Council of Elders to rein her in.

If they fail to mediate the chaos within Alvenheim, they will exert even more control over Arwen. Even if that’s not the case, occasionally poking at the issue of mixed-blood should suffice.

Politics, after all, is a game where one must be cunning and ruthless to achieve victory.

I feel slightly sorry for the unexpected situation, but it is ultimately Arwen’s personal problem, and I have no intention of interfering.

I have no intention of taking any action unless she makes the first move then we can talk about it. Just give and receive news, that’s all.

“Isaac, both Cindy and I will be absent for a few days, just so you know.”


Professor Elena’s research lab, where I visited to read books and papers.

As I leisurely read a book while sipping the tea Cindy had prepared, I widened my eyes upon hearing Elena’s words. It was not just Elena who would be absent, but Cindy as well. This was unprecedented.

The last time Cindy went back to Alvenheim was to submit a paper, but it was the first time Elena would be absent. Holding my teacup, I asked her.

“All of a sudden? Where are you going?”

“Alvenheim. The Queen is giving a speech to the nation. She expressed her desire for all citizens to gather if possible.”

“A speech to the nation?”

I raised my eyebrows upon Elena’s response. A speech to the nation out of the blue? Considering the current situation in Alvenheim, I doubted if it was a wise decision.

Elena must have read my thoughts as she pushed up her glasses slightly and spoke in her characteristic formal tone.

“As you know, Alvenheim is currently facing turmoil due to the half-blood issue. I suppose Her Majesty wants to resolve that problem as soon as possible. I can sense her impatience, but staying silent and doing nothing is also a problem.”

“Well… Is it going to be alright?”

“Well, I haven’t witnessed the Queen giving a speech either. This is her first nationwide address, after all.”

If it’s her first national address, does that mean the Queen didn’t do it when she was enthroned? When I raised that question in my mind and looked across, Cindy, who was sitting opposite me, explained instead.

“The Ruler of Alvenheim isn’t elected by the people but chosen through a voting process by each lineage, which means the nobles vote to elect. Anyone can attend, but it tends to be a tradition for the monarch to be chosen from among prestigious families… Although I’m not sure about the details, the ruler is usually selected from a prominent lineage before their ascension…”

Cindy’s explanation, despite her peculiarly melancholic tone, resonated with me. I turned my head towards Cindy, who was tapping her fingers on the table, and asked another question.

“Was the current Queen also chosen from a lineage?”

“No… The current Queen used to be a familiar face in society until her ascension… Besides, she was too young to become a queen… I don’t know the specifics of how she came to occupy the queen’s seat… There’s a rumor that she manipulated the prominent families with her political skills…”

Well, considering that Cindy was just an ordinary student or Elena’s assistant back then, it’s understandable that she wouldn’t know. If the opportunity arises, it would be best to ask Arwen separately.

“So, when do you plan to return? Are you only there to listen to the speech?”

“No… I’m visiting home after a long time… I forgot to drop by when I submitted my last paper…”

“I’m planning to discuss things with other scholars. I’m curious about their views on half-bloods.”

After Cindy, Elena responded bluntly. As I alternated my gaze between the two elves, a curious thought came to mind, and I spoke up.

“Come to think of it, Professor and Cindy are purebloods, right? Half-bloods may have slightly shorter ears than elves, but they’re not much different from regular elves.”

“I’m not sure about that either. Our parents never confirmed whether they are pureblood or half-blood. Maybe there’s a human ancestor somewhere in our distant lineage. I should ask them about it sometime.”

“Yeah, me too…”

Even the genetics of Mendel’s law seem to be a light topic for the elves to casually discuss, as they themselves are unaware of whether they are purebloods or half-bloods. It’s truly an intriguing situation.

As I looked at the two elves, who seemed to be indifferent to their existence as hybrids, I quietly asked,

“What do you both think about being half-bloods?”

“I don’t really think about it. In fact, scholars like me consider the existence of half-bloods to be natural. It’s been hundreds of years since elves and humans made contact, so it’s impossible for there not to be any half-bloods. Perhaps there are even hybrids between demons and elves?”

A child born between a demon’s descendant, the demon race, and an elf descended from angels…

‘Nephalem, perhaps?’

For a moment, I thought of the famous race from games in my past life, but soon another thought came to mind.

‘But aren’t there any hybrids born between demons and humans?’

Although the focus is currently on half-elves, it is possible for someone to be born between humans and demons. However, unlike elves, demons were not widely accepted until Xenon’s Biography, so the likelihood of such hybrids being present is low.

I should ask Cecily about this later, once the classes are over. While I was contemplating these thoughts, Cindy spoke up, following Elena.

“I too… If it’s for Alvenheim’s sake, I must accept it… If we tie the knot incorrectly like this, a major rift may form within Alvenheim… The current generation and the new generation are already in conflict, and now the issue of mixed-blood has emerged…”

“It’s getting really serious.”

“Yeah… The Queen needs to give a good speech…”

Cindy spoke with a gloomy expression, as if she was worried about the emerging conflicts. Not only her expression but also the drooping elongated ears showed her genuine concern for Alvenheim.

No matter how close to perfection the elves may be as a race, ultimately they are still just people. Conflict can arise at any time due to ideological differences, and it is extremely difficult to truly become one.

Moreover, most elves have deep-rooted convictions that are hard to change. They can be stubborn and unyielding.

If Arwen can change such minds through a nationwide speech, it would demonstrate her exceptional talent and ability. Throughout my past lives, I witnessed numerous cases where history was changed by a single speech.

‘But from the perspective of other countries, they might see it as an opportunity.’

A crumbling nation due to external pressure has a chance for reconstruction, but if it crumbles from within, there is no solution. The future of Alvenheim, as depicted in my upcoming book, Volume 13 of Xenon’s Biography, will collapse in a similar manner, as history has proven.

What will become of Alvenheim’s future? Will this incident be a catalyst for growth, or the opposite?

A person’s true ability always emerges in times of crisis, regardless of their background or circumstances.

“I hope everything goes well.”

“It would be nice if things go well… My child could also be born as a mixed-blood…”

“You want to marry a human?”

“Not necessarily… I don’t know much about human affairs… There could be humans who are handsome like you and have a good personality…”

“I’m considered attractive by elven standards?”

It was a clumsy joke. Cindy blinked her eyes, wearing a bewildered expression in response to my joke.


She even made a silly yet cute sound. It seemed like she realized what she had said belatedly, as her pale skin, which rarely saw the light, turned faintly red.

While Cindy’s thought process seemed to have come to a halt, I closed my book and stood up from my seat. There was still some time left until my acquaintances’ classes would end, but I planned to return to my dormitory and perhaps write something.

“It was just a joke. You don’t have to think too deeply about it.”

“Don’t tease me…”

“Who wouldn’t be easy to tease like you?”

Even though Cindy grumbled, Elena quietly intervened. Naturally, Cindy pouted with her characteristic gloomy expression.

Chuckling at that sight, I bid farewell to the two.

“I’ll go back to the dormitory for now. I’ll take this book with me too.”

“Do as you wish.”


After saying goodbye to the two elves, I came out of the research lab. It’s currently around 3 o’clock. There’s about an hour and thirty minutes left until all the classes are over. Until then, I can either wander around the dormitory or work on Volume 13. I’ve already sorted out the plot, so I expect Volume 13 to be released quickly, just like Volume 12.



As I was walking a long way back to the dormitory, someone called out to me timidly from behind. I turned my head, but I didn’t see anyone. Thinking that I might have misheard, I tilted my head in confusion, and then I heard the voice coming from below.

“Here, over here.”


It was a really familiar voice. I lowered my head, and there I saw the head of a small girl wearing a white robe flipped inside out, just like I had seen at the exhibition. Her silver-gray hair flowing from under the hood caught my attention.

Finally, the person who called me slowly lifted their head and revealed their face. Their silver-gray eyes shone brightly like a galaxy, and they had a cute and adorable appearance like that of a young girl.

Despite wearing a hood, she couldn’t hide her dazzling beauty. Looking at her with a slightly tense gaze, I asked.

“…Is it Arwen?”

It was Arwen, the queen of Alvenheim and the elf who would deliver a national speech in five days. Just as I was surprised by her sudden appearance, Arwen spoke with a slightly trembling voice.

“You, it’s really you. By any chance, your name is…”

“Isaac, right.”

“Well, you’ve grown a lot. It hasn’t even been six months since then… Your voice has changed too.”

Well, my height has certainly increased. People always comment on it, so it’s not really a big deal to me anymore.

By the way, looking at Arwen like this, she’s quite small. When we stood side by side at the exhibition, she barely reached my shoulder, but now she reaches my chest.

Elves are naturally gifted with physical abilities, but it doesn’t necessarily manifest in their physique. I know that even being that small, she possesses the strength to crush rocks with her bare hands.

“So, why did you come here? I heard you’ll be giving a speech soon.”

“Wh-who did you hear that from?”

“From another elf. Someone who has a connection with Alvenheim.”

“I see… Well, the reason I came is related to that.”

“Related to it?”

As I showed my curiosity, Arwen looked at me with a slightly nervous expression and cautiously opened her mouth.

“I hope you could help me with writing the speech…”

“… …”

“I can’t think of anyone else who writes well besides you.”

Somehow, the image of a president facing impeachment came to my mind.


Honestly, it was a bit strange, but I brought Arwen to the accommodation. As I mentioned before, the accommodation prohibits outsiders, but if I bring her in secretly, there shouldn’t be a problem.

Moreover, Arwen can conceal her body with magic, so there was no worry about being caught. As long as we don’t use mana-intensive magic like teleportation within the academy, where magic usage is prohibited, it should be fine.

“So, you want me to help with your speech?”

“Though it’s embarrassing… yes.”

Arwen, sitting on the bed, quietly answered my question. She took off her hood, revealing her beautiful appearance, but her expression was apologetic.

It’s understandable because she has a history of causing trouble for me. Of course, it was a problem caused by Rain’s hardcore trolling, but it’s a fact that she also bears responsibility.

Siris is currently fulfilling the role of a messenger without saying a word, and Arwen is delivering books from the sanctuary to me, so she shouldn’t be in a position to ask for favors. However, her taking direct action like this indicates that the situation is urgent.

I sat at a desk seat and looked at Arwen, who seemed to be lost in thought, and suddenly there was something I couldn’t understand, so I spoke up.

“You didn’t give a speech even when you ascended to the throne, right?”

“That’s correct.”

“How is a ruler chosen in Alvenheim if they never give a speech? I heard from a friend that prestigious families vote and elect someone.”

“This is the first time I am giving a speech in front of the people. Before ascending to the throne as queen, I expressed my aspirations in front of the Council of Elders and prominent families of Alvenheim. However, that was not considered a speech per se, it was simply an expression of my aspirations.”

“So, you essentially took the queen’s position on your own?”

“That is not entirely accurate. As you may or may not know, the owner of the throne has changed several times over the past few decades. When I came forward, there was hardly any candidate, and even within prestigious families, there was hesitancy.”


It seems that the political situation in Alvenheim is complicated. Considering the existence of the Council of Elders, it is likely that Arwen succumbed to their pressure rather than voluntarily stepping up.

Moreover, she reached the queen’s position without the support of her family and relied on her own capabilities, which demonstrates Arwen’s remarkable political prowess. Through that ability, she has been able to confront the Council of Elders up to this point.

The recent issue of the stolen manuscript is a result of judgment errors and Rain’s trolling, not a reflection of Arwen’s incompetence. Although individuals may have their flaws, Arwen is being evaluated by the public as an excellent leader.

“Naturally, the content of the speech will be related to the matter of mixed heritage, right?”

“You are correct. We have to find a way to resolve the current situation… Honestly, it’s incredibly challenging. Throughout history, it has been difficult to find speeches that truly move people’s hearts…”

Actually, you can understand the importance of speeches without going far, just by looking at Lincoln and Martin Luther King. Of course, this is a story of when they played a positive role, but there are negative examples like Hitler and Goebbels as well.

The ability to move people’s hearts with a speech requires personal effort, but talent is also crucial. Speaking with a powerful voice that appeals to others, rather than rigidly reading like a language textbook, makes a clear difference between the two approaches.

However, the most important aspect is the content of the speech. Even as time passes, we can see why Lincoln’s and Martin Luther King’s speeches are still widely discussed, as well as how Hitler managed to sway Germany. The fact that they are subjects of research demonstrates this well enough.

I glanced at Arwen, who looked gloomy, and opened my mouth.

“Wait a moment.”

Suddenly, an amusing joke came to mind, and I began writing it down on a note. Arwen initially expressed doubt, but when she saw me sitting at the desk and starting to write something, she quietly waited.

About five minutes later, I handed Arwen a temporary speech that filled about half a page. Arwen looked at me with a bewildered expression as I presented her with the speech.

“It’s a speech I wrote out of boredom. Read it once and judge for yourself.”

“Well then…”

Since it was a temporary speech, she accepted it without any hesitation. Her gray eyes then turned towards the notebook page. After about a minute, Arwen widened her eyes and sincerely exclaimed.

“It’s truly an impressive speech! It’s the sentence craftsmanship befitting a Xenon’s Biography writer. However…”

However, the admiration was short-lived as she tilted her head and mumbled as if something was strange.

“Why does it feel like it’s inciting something…?”


I couldn’t help but laugh. The true identity of the speech I gave to Arwen was none other than…

“Isaac? This is definitely strange… Even just reading it, there’s a strong accent…”


It was a famous speech that Hitler delivered, which helped him seize power.

Translators note:


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