How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 133: Mixed Race (5)

It was a great relief for me that the accommodation was equipped with basic soundproofing. If it hadn’t been, not only would my laughter have been heard, but also Arwen’s shouts.

However, Arwen’s speech and that person’s speech overlapped in a subtle way, making it impossible for me to hold back my laughter. Moreover, the arrogance of the elves and the ruthless nature of the nazis strangely matched.

Arwen standing dressed in uniform, extending her arm forward and shouting a specific slogan. Furthermore, her radical speech inciting the citizens and pushing them into the flames of war.

The more I imagined each moment, the more it provided amusement to the point where my belly hurt.

‘I should write about it later, right?’

When I finish Xenon’s Biography, I plan to write a novel about World War II, whether to include only humans or other races as well. But watching Arwen’s speech, my heart was gradually drawn.

Of course, if I were to do that, the settings could become entangled in various ways, so it might be better to leave it for now. This setting could also be suitable for a sequel to Xenon’s Biography in the future.

While Xenon was alive, all races came together as one to defeat the demons, but after a long time passed, they once again became divided and fought among themselves.

The demons, who had been patiently waiting for an opportunity, began their invasion from within rather than from the outside. After that, the world expands its worldview.

(Tl note: Isaac is talking about possible plot of a sequel)


I looked at Arwen while sniffling and stopping my tears from laughing. She was puffing up her cheeks like a frog, wearing a full expression of dissatisfaction.

Moreover, her embarrassed and pale skin was also tinged with a blush. Seeing her gray eyes slightly filled with moisture, I felt like I should just laugh.

“…Did you laugh at me?”

Arwen asked me with a gruff voice. It was a low voice, but her expression was so cute that it didn’t pose any threat at all.

Really, who would think that this adorable girl was the Queen of Alvenheim? I couldn’t help but have such thoughts, knowing only that Queen Arwen, in her role as queen, had a strong sense of responsibility.

Still, an apology is necessary if I did something wrong. I wiped away the dew clinging to the corner of my eye and opened my mouth.

“I-I’m sorry. If I upset you, I apologize.”

“Hmm… It’s okay. What’s disappointing is not you, but my age. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Arwen replied, turning her head shyly. Right after that, she glanced at me and asked in a timid voice.

“…Is it really not suitable?”

“The speech earlier?”

“Yes. I’m curious if it really… doesn’t suit me at all.”

“If it did, I wouldn’t have laughed.”

It was a serious evaluation that wiped away all the mischief. I said it subtly suited her, but it was only to a certain extent, similar to an elementary school student giving a speech.


Arwen sighed deeply in frustration at my harsh evaluation, as if the ground would swallow her up. At the same time, a sense of concern appeared on her face.

I looked at her silently for a moment and then asked about the point that I didn’t understand.

“Don’t you have someone performing a role like an advisor? Can’t you ask them for help?”

“…That advisor is the Council of Elders. In Alvenheim, the king is at the top superficially, and the Council of Elders assists him.”

“This structure could easily turn into a puppet show.”

Arwen nodded her head in agreement with my sharp observation. If that was the case, the king of Alvenheim would be politically isolated.

You could question why they even established a monarchy, but it seems that it is inevitable, even if it is to keep the Council of Elders in check.

The ruler of Alvenheim is elected through voting by each prestigious family, so it appears there are complex secrets involved here. Perhaps the prestigious families choose the ruler to keep the Council of Elders in check.

‘No wonder the ruler changes frequently. This must be the reason.’

I should include this in Xenon’s Biography. I apologize to Arwen, but I have no knowledge of the political structure of Alvenheim.

I am merely an advisor, not a servant of Arwen. I intend to help with the speech and then leave the rest to her.

“In any case, don’t give a speech in that manner. Try a different approach that suits you.”

“What speech style do you think suits me, in your opinion?”


I stood with my arms crossed, gazing intensely at Arwen, lost in thought. Speeches often vary in style depending on the situation, and they also have a significant impact on people’s mood.

A bold and passionate style, much like Hitler’s, ignites a fire in the hearts, while Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech touches the audience with its genuine voice.

Currently, in the realm of Alvenheim, there is a growing rift among the elves due to the issue of mixed heritage. It is imperative to somehow mend this division and unite them as a single race called “elves.”

‘For now…’

I examined her closely, not as Arwen in her usual state, but from the perspective of a third party. Despite her youthful appearance, she exuded the elegance and nobility characteristic of elves. With just a smile, she emanated compassion. Even her subtle aura exuded the charisma of a leader.

Rather than delivering an impassioned speech in such an atmosphere, it would be more effective to speak in a calm yet powerful voice, amplifying the impact.

“Have you ever communicated with the people of Alvenheim besides giving national speeches?”

“A few times, I have urged them to enjoy themselves and be cautious during festivals.”

“Other than that?”

“I have rendered judgments in difficult trials, and on several occasions, I have gathered the people for audiences. Since I can’t trust the Council of Elders, I decided it would be better to directly listen to the stories of the people. By the way, why do you ask?”

Arwen asked with an adorable yet curious gaze. I shrugged my shoulders and replied as if it were someone else’s story.

“It’s nothing special, just an Elven acquaintance of mine spoke favorably of you. They described you as a compassionate and elegant queen. I was curious if others see you in the same light.”

“Hmm… I’ve heard that despite my youthful appearance, I have a mature demeanor.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“At the festival.”

“And you’re openly discussing it right in front of me?”

As kind as Arwen may be, it was indeed an act of insulting the queen. Well, back then at the exhibition, we didn’t know each other’s identities, and now we’re in a position where we can exploit each other’s weaknesses, so we can maintain a friendship.

Arwen averted her gaze upon hearing my question and hesitantly opened her mouth.

“…I was hiding my face just like during the exhibition. At that time, I bought some food or casually asked a few people I happened to encounter.”

“It seems like you enjoy having fun, Your Majesty.”

“Well, don’t I need to relieve some stress too? After all, I am ultimately just an ordinary person!”

(Tl note: I was a bit confused here, but basically Arwen admits she sneaked out to have fun at elven festival and asked people about herself, a different one than the exhibition)

As I called the facts, Arwen exclaimed in surprise. Her cheeks, once pale, turned as red as a ripe persimmon.

Well, I can understand that stress accumulates in a situation where she is politically isolated. In fact, the reason she has been able to endure so far is probably due to occasional escapades.

“Regardless, it would be a matter of adjusting your style based on how people perceive you. It might be good to maintain your usual merciful and dignified demeanor but deliver the speech with a powerful voice, don’t you think?”

“…It sounds difficult.”

“Everything is difficult at first. Now, try practicing as I told you.”

“Are you telling me to do it again?”

Arwen expressed her dissatisfaction with a slightly furrowed brow, seemingly not pleased with the provocative temporary speech. It appears that she considers it more of an incitement than a speech.

However, that’s because it’s too radical in action. If it’s done in a style that suits Arwen, the atmosphere will change completely. The content itself is specialized in stimulating the hearts of the people who are filled with a sense of defeat.

I gently teased Arwen, who revealed her reluctance with her lips pouting.

“Just give it a try once. I won’t laugh this time. I’m serious.”

“Sigh… Just this once, then.”

“Alright. You can modify the sentences to ones that you feel comfortable with.”

“In that case…”

Arwen stood up from the bed and then closed her eyes momentarily. It seemed like she was slowly recalling the content as I had mentioned, and soon she began delivering the speech in a gentle tone.

The voice that flowed out of her mouth was closer to a true “queen” rather than a girl who behaved like a tomboy.

“Our Alvenheim, chosen by the gods, established the first civilization on this land. And further, pioneered magic…”

“… …”

I quietly observed the distinct atmosphere and style, which were clearly different from before. If the previous speech ignited a spark of provocation within my heart, now it exuded a gentle sensation of soothing and healing the old scars.

Even though it was the same content of the speech, merely changing the style had drastically different effects. Indeed, a person should wear clothes that suit them.

“Alvenheim is no longer a loser. Rise once again, elves of Alvenheim. Let us show the world our power once more so that our voices can reach the distant homeland of the gods.”

“… …”

“Ahem. Well…”

The speech has come to an end. Arwen, perhaps feeling tense, immediately cleared her throat and glanced at me subtly.

Then, either feeling embarrassed or curious, she toyed with her gray hair with her fingers and asked for my evaluation.

“I-Is it all over? Did I do okay this time?”

“You were truly magnificent. If you continue like this, it will be perfect.”


Upon receiving my sincere praise, Arwen chuckled happily. The dignity of a queen had completely disappeared, leaving behind only a girl who enjoyed receiving compliments.

I had a second thought about whether it was okay after seeing it, but since she found her own style, I judged that there wouldn’t be any problem. After all, the remaining portion depended on her.

“It would be good if you not only speak but also use gestures and actions. I’ve heard that people who are good at speeches often look at themselves in the mirror to check their facial expressions and gestures. Take it as a reference.”

“Can you tell me who those people are? I’d like to look them up in books if possible.”

“I read about them a long time ago, and I forgot who they were. I’m just a human unlike you, after all.”

“Oh… that’s disappointing.”

Arwen expressed a hint of disappointment. He felt a bit sorry for telling a lie because he couldn’t reveal his past life.

“And when it comes to giving speeches, the most important thing is a confident tone and attitude. You can probably guess what will happen if you hesitate.”

“Well, I’m worried if I can do well.”

“As I mentioned earlier, beginnings are always difficult, regardless of what it is. Moreover, speeches are one of the most important qualities for leaders. Think of it as doing something you’ll have to do eventually.”

Even though I tried to encourage her, Arwen still had an anxious expression. Her lack of confidence was evident.

At this point, I made up my mind to give her some sharp advice. If she gets discouraged here, I can’t guarantee the results in the future.

“Arwen, even if I help you now, what will you do later if you continue like this? You know, I’m a human, and you’re an elf. Even if I can help you with writing or reviewing speeches while I’m alive, you’ll have to do it yourself afterward. I’m saying you have to fasten the first button properly.”


“Even if you’re in conflict with the Council now, remember that the people of Alvenheim should be your top priority. That powerful Council means nothing compared to the people of Alvenheim.”

In a nation, public sentiment is crucial. When public sentiment declines, naturally, people lose trust in the government, and it can escalate to a point where control becomes impossible. On the other hand, when public sentiment is high, leaders take action even without specific orders. There are numerous historical examples of small countries uniting and developing into major powers through public sentiment.

However, it is important to strictly distinguish between public sentiment and incitement. Once incitement takes hold, it reaches an uncontrollable realm when the brainwashing is released. Public sentiment, on the other hand, often stays united until the end.

“You have to captivate their hearts through this speech. It’s practically a stage that tests your crisis management abilities. It’s up to you whether you will remain as a great queen who unified purebloods and half-bloods in history or become an incompetent queen who fails to resolve rifts and causes divisions. Do you understand?”

“…Thank you. I feel energized because of your advice.”

Upon hearing my advice and counsel, Arwen smiled softly. It was a smile that seemed relieved.

At that moment, as I was about to speak, there was a sudden knock on the.

Knock- knock- knock-

Arwen and I instinctively turned our gaze towards the door.

“Isaac. Are you inside? It’s me, Marie.”

Surprisingly, the person who knocked on the door turned out to be my girlfriend, Marie.

While the accommodation was off-limits to anyone but me, knocking on the door wasn’t a problem. However, if the issue was that Arwen was in the accommodation with me, then it was indeed a problem. I looked at Arwen, feeling a shiver run down my spine.

Arwen blinked her silver-gray eyes, still not fully grasping the situation. Well, considering that she was unaware of the rules of the Academy, it was understandable for her to react like that.

“Hey, hey! Hide quickly!”

“Huh? Why should I hide?”

“Just do it! Use magic or concealment, whatever you can! It’s said that only the owner can access the accommodation, no one else!”

“Got it.”

Per my urgent request, Arwen looked puzzled but managed to hide her body using magic. I wasn’t sure if she used teleportation or concealed herself like a dark elf, but she vanished without a trace.

Seeing that, I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief and called out to Marie, who was beyond the door.

“I’ll go now! Just wait a moment!”

After confirming if there were any traces of Arwen, I walked towards the door. Along the way, I didn’t forget to check the time. There was still some time left for all the classes to end. I wondered if the professor had finished early or if there was another reason for the early visit.


As I opened the door, I came face to face with Marie, who had her characteristic mischievous smile. Thinking there was no one around, I looked around and asked her.

“Why did you come so early? What about the lecture?”

“I finished early because the professor had an urgent matter. Since I couldn’t find you in Professor Elena’s lab, I came to the dormitory.”

“Oh, I see. Then…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Marie forcefully pushed her hand against my chest. Her strength was far from weak, and I couldn’t help but be pushed back slightly.

Fortunately, she didn’t let go of the door handle, but she didn’t stop there. Taking advantage of my retreat, she pressed her body firmly against mine and continued pushing.

Naturally, I stumbled back from the door, and Marie had somehow managed to step all the way to the entrance. The door closed firmly with a thud.

“Uh, uh? Marie?”

“There’s no need to go all the way to the inn, right? I heard from Rina that the dormitory is soundproofed thoroughly. It’s as if you can’t hear anything that’s happening inside.”

Marie looked at me with a mischievous look in her sparkling eyes. Desire was bubbling inside them like boiling lava. It seemed like it had diminished recently, but it looks like another log has been added to the fire.

‘This is messed up…!’

If there were only Marie and Isaac, it wouldn’t matter, but Arwen is hiding here now. The moment we do it here, Arwen will see everything.

So, realizing that I had to stop it somehow, I hurriedly spoke to Marie. It would be beneficial to move somewhere other than the accommodation.

“Well… Mari? Even if it’s in the room…”

“So what? We can have a quick one here, then go on a date and do it again at the inn, right? Think of it as warming up.”

“What kind of warm-up is that? Get your hands off me!”

“Don’t you want to?”

Overwhelmed by Marie that had transformed into the embodiment of desire, I stumbled back and somehow ended up on the bed. I fell backward onto the bed, and Marie took the position to straddle me.

Why do I feel like there’s a heart-shaped glimmer in Marie’s blue eyes, even though shadows loom over? The desires of women are utterly elusive.

But that’s one thing, and as long as Arwen is watching, I absolutely cannot engage in anything here. I urgently pleaded with Marie.

“M-Marie? Can’t you endure it a little longer?”

“No. Way. Today’s classes were so difficult, and I’m under a lot of stress. I need to relieve it through Isaac’s body. For now… huh?”

Marie, speaking in a sultry voice, blinked her eyes a couple of times without continuing her words. Then, she suddenly raised her head and began sniffing.

“Sniff. Sniff.”


“Sniff. What is this smell?”

Did she really smell the scent coming from Arwen? I didn’t notice it at all, but women are indeed different.

While I was thinking such thoughts, Marie, who had been sniffing and smelling, began to smell my neck. Then, she squeezed her face slightly and mumbled softly.

“I can smell this scent even on the bed…”

“… …”


As she looked at me with suspicious eyes, I tensed up, feeling like something else was implied.

Did she really notice Arwen’s presence? I hope not, in a different sense.

And so, as the heavy silence settled in the room, Marie smiled mischievously, and with that, the tension eased as she spoke.

“Did you spray perfume on the bed or something?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“At first, I thought another woman had been in the room. But the scent only comes from the bed, not from your body.”


It was at that moment when I let out an awkward laugh. Marie, with the same teasing expression on her face, slowly lowered her head towards my neck and brought her lips closer.


“Ugh… Marie?”

“I will make sure my scent permeates Isaac’s body.”

Although we had overcome one crisis, another one remained. I urgently tried to separate Marie, but she remained indifferent, completely sticking to me without any intention of letting go.

In the end, it seemed like I had to deal with it like this.

[…I’ll be away for a moment.]

Arwen’s voice suddenly echoed in my head. Although there was a sense of embarrassment, it was undoubtedly Arwen’s voice.

It seemed like she had conveyed her thoughts through telepathy, as if she had been watching over everything from the sidelines.

‘Oh dear…’

For a moment, I covered my face with one hand and gave Marie a wry smile. She didn’t even consider distancing herself.

Feeling frustrated and slightly angry, I spoke in a voice that reflected my annoyance.



“You’re dying today.”

“What, what? Ahhh!”

I quickly recovered and went straight to the act, without any foreplay or anything.

Translators note:


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