How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 21: Steam Locomotive (3)

After hearing Marie’s information, I couldn’t help but raise my brows. Why did she bring up such a story when I was the author of Xenon’s Saga? I thought she was bluffing or lying for a moment.

But, if I think about it, it’s less likely to be a bluff, and if she truly intended to lie, she wouldn’t have discussed it privately with me as she did now. Marie thought it was vital information and asked me to hear her out.


In my previous life, there was a popular meme called ‘The Hongchul team without Hongchul.’ It referred to a situation in which everything was perfect except for the most essential piece. In other words, a red bean bread without red beans.

And that was exactly the situation right now. The author was right in front of her, and I’m still perplexed that she told a total stranger.

‘…Did her father make a mistake in telling her, even though he’s wrong about who the author is?’ I took a moment to collect my thoughts before facing Marie. She had a confident expression on her face, smirking as if I’ll never be able to deny her claim.

Putting aside other concerns, the first priority was confirmation. I kept my cool as much as I could and asked quietly, “…Really?”


“Is he the real author of Xenon’s Saga?”

“That’s right. Don’t you believe me?”

I can’t help but not believe it. You left the real author behind and invited the wrong person. Well, your father did. However, since I couldn’t tell the truth as it is, I thought it would be best to find out what happened as best I could.

“Of course. As you know, it’s been a year since Xenon’s Saga was first released as a serial novel. In that year, there were only rumors about who wrote Xenon’s Saga, with no concrete evidence. Even the Imperial Family is looking for the author, but they have no leads.”

“Yeah. That’s right.”

“But apparently your father found one. How?”

“I, too, am unaware of the details. His letter only stated that they had found the author and would be inviting him to our mansion. Maybe Father accidentally stepped on his tail?”

Hearing that story, I was reminded of the process of how I started getting my manuscript published. I am not sure about the specifics, but my father said he had someone deliver the manuscript directly to the publisher.

My father is the former captain of the Navy Knights, so he must have many connections that I was unaware of. Perhaps it was one of these that had their tail stepped on. Also, before coming to the academy, my father stated that he had been able to hide things well up until now, but that the truth would be discovered one day.

As I rubbed the pen-hook in my hand, another question came to mind. I asked rather bluntly, “Is there any possibility of impersonation?”

“Ah. What kind of madman would impersonate his identity in front of a nobleman, especially a high-ranking duke who is just below the rank of the emperor?”

“Um… that’s right.”

Did her father really make such an embarrassing mistake? It’s not like there’s no possibility at all, so I’m a little worried. However, the world was vast and full of insane people. As Marie said, no one would dare to cheat a powerful duke, but many people risk their lives to gamble from time to time in order to make a fortune. ‘It’s almost certainly an impersonation…’

I wouldn’t know if she just says they found the author, but since she said they were inviting the author to the mansion, the odds were on the impersonation side. As a result, the first step was to write a letter home, explaining the situation. It’s good to be mindful of the worst-case scenario.

After organizing all my thoughts, I took a long breath. I then turned to face Marie and spoke. “So…what?”


“What do you want me to do? Did you have anything you wanted to ask me?”

The subject turned around and returned to the starting point. If Marie was willing to give me such sensitive information, she must have wanted something from me. Marie looked puzzled for a moment at my question, then smiled mischievously. Her confident expression vanished, leaving only shyness.

“It’s just…I have an offer for you. Will you accept it?”

“What offer?”

“When the author comes to the mansion, I’ll bring you too. You’re a fan of Xenon’s Saga too. It’d be nice to get a handwritten autograph, don’t you think?”

It would be my own autograph…Come to think of it, I didn’t have my own special signature in my previous life. If there was anything at all, it was merely my scribbled signature when signing at book events.

But when I heard this offer from Marie, I seriously felt the need to have my own autograph. At the least, it will allow me to be able to prepare for the same situation as now…that is, dealing with impersonators. I think it would be best to include a handwritten autograph for my next manuscript. ‘You can’t trace a person with just one autograph.’

That was difficult even on Earth with its excellent scientific technology. Even if there is magic, it wouldn’t be used for such trivial things.

In any case, I decided to accept her offer. I’m not sure if it’s an impersonator or not, but I’d like to watch when the mask is removed. Should I bring popcorn?

“Okay then, I guess I’ll accept. What do you want in exchange?”

Marie answered my question in a low voice, keeping a shy face. “Can you teach me some…history?”



“Why all of a sudden? You hate history.”


Here’s what Mary eventually brought out as her explanation. As we all know, passing a grade requires a specific score in any school setting. So, Marie focused on the particular majors she was interested in while excluding others such as history.

The concept of reviewing knowledge learned from one’s own family, she says, is easy for her in her own way. However, after the letter came from her family, the situation changed drastically. It was her father, the Duke of Requilis, who imposed a condition on her.

A condition to score at least 90 points in history. If not, he told her not to even dream of reading Xenon’s Saga in the future.

I couldn’t understand why he picked only history when she was good at other majors, but after hearing Marie’s explanation, I sort of understood.

“Our Requilis family is one that values history. We believe that we can correct the present by reflecting on the mistakes of the past and take the lead in the future. That’s why we tend to study history from the old days.”

“Is this an ideology that has been passed down from generation to generation?”


“Hmm…” I was amazed. I knew from the beginning that the concept was well embedded in some cultures, but the Requilis family was even wiser and more fanatic than that. This was the reason why the family remained strong even after hundreds of years had passed since the founding of the Minerva Empire.

Instead, home education seems to be difficult to give a very good evaluation of. Perhaps the reason why Marie hates history is because of her natural rebelliousness. Even in my previous life, one of the reasons why children hate studying is because of their parents’ coercion.

So, I asked Marie if my guess was correct. “Is that the reason you hate history? It’s because the family pesters you all the time about it?”

“Uh! That’s right! How did you know?”

“Well, it’s a normal kind of thing.” I continued speaking half to myself regardless of whether Marie gave me a good look. “But can a student teach another student? Well, I don’t really care. A review concept is enough…”

“Maybe since it’s not cheating, it’ll be fine? If it’s a problem, we can do it secretly.”

“What are you doing secretly?”

As we were talking, a familiar voice chimed in; a scary voice that could shake the hearts of men. At that, I, as well as Marie, turned our heads toward the voice. We both saw Cecily sitting in the back seat, unaware of when she came.

Also, she was looking at us with a face full of playfulness, her eyes half-closed. I, who had no idea when she had arrived, spoke in a shaky tone to Cecily. “…when did you come?”

“A while ago. The seat behind you was unoccupied, so I moved right away.”

As soon as I heard Cecily’s reply, I checked where Rina was. Around Rina, the girls who had been chatting with her for a long time were still sitting there.

I’m sure there were quite a few students by Cecily’s side too, so I wonder how she escaped.

“Anyway, will you answer my question first? What are you doing secretly?”

“Huh…” I looked at Marie without answering right away. Marie was openly expressing feelings of discomfort. If it were Rina, I wouldn’t know, but since she usually got along well with Cecily, I couldn’t help but wonder.

When I couldn’t easily respond due to the strange change in atmosphere, Marie clenched her jaw and spoke curtly. “It’s nothing. Isaac has agreed to help me with my history studies.”

“History? Didn’t you say you hate history?” Cecily widened her eyes and expressed her doubts. She appears to be well aware that Marie despises history.

At that question, Marie took a deep breath and opened her mouth in a slightly lowered voice. “…My family told me to get a good score in history. If I don’t get over 90, I’m afraid I won’t be able to read Xenon’s Saga in the future.”

“Aha. That’s why you asked Isaac. Isaac knows a lot about history.”

Marie nodded, as if she had no intention of denying it. Confirming it, Cecily looked at me with curious eyes.

I flinched at her gleaming red eyes. Should I call it the eyes of a beast looking at its prey? Anyway, something was troubling me.

“Then can I join you too?”

Sure enough, my anxiety was well-founded. Just like how Marie had given up on trying to keep everything private, as if she had anticipated this development, she replied, “Do whatever you want. Because it’s Isaac who allows it, not me anyway.”

Cecily looked at me. “Then can I join you?”


I can’t say no because I’m afraid of the aftermath. Cecily thanked me and smiled softly when I gave permission. As soon as a beautiful girl like Cecily smiles, my face heated up instantly. To change the subject, I quickly cleared my throat to barely cool my face, which was starting to heat up.

“…Ms. Cecily? I have a question I want to ask, is that okay?”

“Why did I get in a fight with Rina?”


How did you know? Did you suddenly learn mind reading?

After I was momentarily taken aback, she giggled.

“Oh. Isaac doesn’t know, but your thoughts tend to show on your face. Doesn’t Marie agree?”

“To some extent.”

“…Is it so obvious?” I fumbled as I heard these words. I thought I was good at acting, but I guess I was wrong.

Marie smirked as I tried to settle my face, startled by their opinion of me.

“Did you give me a picture by mistake the other day? Do you know what your face was like back then?”

“Of course, I don’t know.”

“That pale face of yours turned blue in an instant, then returned to normal. Anyone could tell that you were embarrassed. Is there anyone who wouldn’t be able to notice?”

“No. That’s…hah.” Changing the color of one’s face is a thing that cannot be helped. No matter how good an actor is, one cannot change their face color freely. Unless they’re a chameleon, of course.

“…Let’s get over this for now, Ms. Cecily.”

“All right.”

“So why did Ms. Cecily get in a fight with Ms. Rina?”

“It’s nothing special. And we already made up.”

“Eh? Then why were you fighting?”

Cecily shrugged her shoulders and answered kindly, “Because Rina had revealed almost all of the contents of Volume 8 of Xenon’s Saga to me.”


“Rina must have thought that I had already read it. That made me a little angry. Although we reconciled, that’s why we sat apart. All I could hear were her stories and opinions about the eighth volume.”

It was an understandable reason, I guess.

{T/N:- that’s how I felt when I was spoiled about Mushoku Tensei in its entirety.}


Time passed, and another humanities lecture came to an end.

While Isaac was in the school restroom, Marie, the white-haired beauty, was staring intently at a picture. After finishing all her notes, Cecily got up from her seat and called out to Marie.

“Marie, don’t you want to go to the bathroom with me?”

“Huh? Not really?”

“Really? But what are you looking at now?”

Cecily was intrigued by the picture Marie was holding in her hand. In response, Marie glanced at Cecily and explained calmly.

“This is an illustration attached to the Eighth Volume of Xenon’s Saga. It’s a steam locomotive, and it plays a pretty important role in the story. Shall I tell you?”

“No. Don’t ever tell me. You know what I mean?”

“Okay then.”

Cecily also left the classroom. As soon as Cecily was gone, Marie focused more on the picture.

“Hmm…” The title of this picture, which was the core of the Eighth Volume of Xenon’s Saga, was the steam locomotive. It’s a rare masterpiece created by a geek dwarf who inherited his master’s will and changed the course of his life.

Currently, most readers were paying attention to the initial criticism regarding the story’s portrayal of the nobility, both good and bad, but interest in the steam locomotive was also high.

Many people said it was impossible to create such a mode of transportation, yet there were estimates by others that if it were invented, it would advance civilization by several stages.

But apart from everything else, it was the appearance of the steam locomotive that drew Marie’s attention. It had a cylindrical body with wheels and gears attached, and a steam-dispensing funnel that was mounted like a horn on its head.

And Marie had seen something similar to this picture.

“It may be similar, or it may not be…”

She scratched her cheek in confusion.

Editor and Proofreader:- In Valen’s Name

fellas, if you feel like the translation quality and readability have improved a bit compared to before, it’s coz of IVN. Don’t forget to show your support and appreciation in the comments.

– – – End of Chapter – – –

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