How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 30: Gathering (5)

Wearing a suit makes you look many times better. I rarely wore a suit in my past life, but I definitely looked classier when I did. But what if you have a handsome face and a good body, and your clothes and shoes fit perfectly?

You overflow with confidence to the point that you feel like you can do anything beyond normal satisfaction. I remembered a handsome actor from my past life who embodied the same air of smug confidence. As I said, the importance of appearance goes without saying.

“Good.” I stood in front of a full-length mirror, looking at myself in a suit, or formal dress in the local parlance. The mirror reflected an image of a handsome young man with bright red hair, who was smiling while adjusting his bright-red formal dress.

The formal-dress suit was plain, with no ornamental decorations, filigree, or patterns used by other nobles to flaunt their wealth and fame. Other nobles may mock it as plain, but the cost of such attire is prohibitively expensive for the majority of people. It’s similar to the suit I wore in my previous life, so I’m satisfied with myself.

Not only that, but I’m also wearing a white scarf around my neck. The scarf was embroidered in pure gold with a falcon design, symbolizing the Minervan Empire. It’s a simple style that fully expresses one’s individuality. Even without it, my striking red hair and matching outfit would draw attention.

‘The style… I’ll keep it like this. There’s nothing to touch.’ It’s not like I know how to apply makeup, and it would look strange if I did, so I’d rather not touch anything in the first place. I’m already attractive with just this much and there’s nothing else to add.

Instead, I recently visited a beauty salon to have my hair neatly managed. When I arrived at the salon, it was packed with students preparing for today’s Freshman Gathering, and among them were familiar faces.

Rina, Cecily, and finally Marie. Unlike the other customers, these three had a group of four or five employees clinging to them as if undergoing surgery. ‘The Princess, the Duke’s Daughter, and the Demon Princess. They must be busy.’

I finished it quickly because I only had to have the salon staff style my hair neatly. Originally, the staff was focused on only three people, but Rina, who noticed my presence, was considerate and let them take care of me first. Even so, just a little haircut was enough, so one person sufficed. Before leaving the hair salon, I was looking forward to what they would look like afterward.

‘Because the gathering officially starts at 5:30…’ I took my eyes off the mirror and checked the time. The current time is exactly 5 o’clock. It was time for me to depart for the auditorium. The distance between the dorm and the auditorium was less than ten minutes, so I could walk there slowly.

Then, after putting on the shoes required for formal attire, I walked outside and toward the main auditorium. The sun was setting and it was getting dark outside.

‘I’m a little nervous.’ There was a freshman welcome party in my past life, but now it’s a similar yet different gathering for freshmen. I’m not sure who will happily laugh and talk without struggling, but some people, they will have to work hard to build a network.

Fortunately, I am closer to the former, but the world does not always revolve as you wish. Furthermore, Jackson is the most important uncertain variable. I’m not sure what he’ll do to get me in trouble, but it’s better to be prepared. ‘Rina and Marie will be there, so he won’t be able to openly insult me…’

I took a look around on my way to the auditorium. It’s only natural that there are a lot of passers-by since it’s the weekend, but today people in stylish suits or pretty dresses caught my eye everywhere.

Like the others said, the gathering will be attended by both academics students and non-academics students (ie. the martial arts students). Seniors or assistants representing various majors may also attend, so the number of people must be quite large.

‘Wow… That person is really cool.’ I occasionally came across people who looked so cool that I was in awe of them. Judging from their tall height, straight stature, and well-built physique, they are no different from athletes.

I don’t know the details of their appearance because I don’t have good eyesight, but even though they are far away, their coolness was exploding. I’m sure none of the students are out of shape, so whatever they wear will look great.

‘I, too, want to grow taller.’ After coming to the academy, I grew 1 cm taller but it’s sad that I’m not even 173 cm at all. The only solace I can find is that I’m still growing. I was 175 cm tall in my previous life, so I’m grateful even if I grow up to that height.


“Huh?” Just as I was about to enter the auditorium, a familiar voice called my name. The face that caught my eye startled me as soon as I turned my head.

Leort, the Crown Prince of the Minerva Empire and a handsome young man with a form like that of a tiger, was looking at me with curiosity in his eyes. The key point to consider here is whether Leort was also dressed formally.

Unlike me, Leort was dressed in a regal robe befitting a crown prince. Overall, the white background and golden color scheme worked well together, and it looked much better than the formal dress Jackson purchased last week.

I surveyed his appearance quickly and then spoke in a puzzled voice. “Sir Leort?”

“As expected, it’s Isaac. I saw red from afar, so I followed you, but I didn’t think it was real.”

“So what brings you here?”

That’s what I said, but I think I know roughly. Perhaps Leort had come to the freshman meeting as well because he is a student representing the political science major.

And Leort gave me the expected response. “You must have guessed by looking at these clothes that I have come to attend the gathering. It seems that you are also heading to the auditorium to do so?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Well…” After hearing my simple answer, Leort looked me up and down, stroking his chin,. Compared to his extravagant regal dress, mine was plain and unappealing.

However, Leort smiled kindly and praised me in a pleasant voice. “It really suits you. It’s unusual to come across someone who looks good in red.”

“I’m flattered. But I pale in comparison to Mr. Leort.”

“No. In my eyes, you look much nicer than nobles who use expensive clothes to radiate wealth.”

“That…um, thank you.” It was more embarrassing because it was genuine rather than just hollow words. As I scratched my cheek, Leort let out a chuckle.

“Since it’s come to this, let’s go together.”

I blinked in surprise. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

“Who cares what anyone else says? If anyone bothers you, I’ll take care of it.”

“That…I see.” If I continued to refuse, I might offend Leort. So when I agreed reluctantly, Leort moved his legs forward first.

I followed him, looking around as he walked ahead. Walking alongside him may undermine his royal authority. It was one of the manners taught at home.

“Isaac. Have you read the 8th volume of Xenon’s Saga that was recently published?”

Leort, who was leading the way, asked me a question. To be honest, I was perplexed as to why this question wasn’t raised before.

It was a question I had anticipated, so I answered without hesitation, “No. Although I have not read it yet, I did read the newspaper critique. They said that in Volume 8, there was a story element criticizing the nobility. There was also mention of a new means of faster transportation called a steam locomotive.”

“Yes. It’s fine to criticize the nobility, but the steam locomotive surprised me. If a mode of transportation such as the steam locomotive is truly invented, the world will change dramatically.”

“Do you think we can build one, Mr. Leort?”

The steam locomotive was one of the inventions that symbolized the ‘industrial revolution’ in my previous life. Furthermore, the ‘Industrial Revolution’ did not happen out of nowhere, but was the result of science and technology that had accumulated gradually since ancient times.

As a result, for the Industrial Revolution to occur, technology beyond a certain level is required, but in this world, there is a subtle imbalance between science and magic.

A simple example, such as a refrigerator, can be replaced with a magic icebox, but a complex machine, such as a steam locomotive, cannot. Furthermore, even that is like magic to the people here, not engineering.

Leort also expressed his somewhat negative viewpoint, as if he were aware of it. “Well… It’s unfortunate, but novels should be treated as such. The novel explained the basic concept, but that alone is not enough. We need a more complicated theory than that because we have to move that massive block of iron and steel without the use of magic. And if we have the technology to build a steam locomotive, we can use it to create a variety of inventions.”

“That means it’s hard.”

“Yes. However, the idea itself is amazing. How much knowledge and experience does a person have to imagine something like this? I don’t even have a clue.”

It’s not that I have a lot of knowledge and experience, it’s just that I came from another world. Since I have completely different knowledge from the people of this world, there must be many people who think like Leort.

Still, it was somewhat disappointing that they thought it was too difficult to make a steam locomotive. Even in the newspapers, most of the reviews said that it would be better to do magic research than to do such ‘stupid things.’

“I’d like to peer inside the author’s mind at least once. I sometimes wonder if he’s from another world—the whole story of Xenon and this steam locomotive, for example.”


Although said in a flowing manner, it struck me as a very dangerous statement. Fortunately, Leort was looking ahead, because if he saw my face right now, I’d be in big trouble. I tried everything I could to restore my lost sense of calm. I could tell my face must have turned pale by now, even without checking in a mirror.

‘I didn’t expect those words at all…” I thought that with a nervous feeling.

Soon after, as the entrance to the auditorium began to appear, Leort said, “We’d better part ways now. I have other matters to attend to.”

“I understand.”

“Then I hope you have a good time at the gathering. Oh, by the way, will Nicole be attending?”

“No. My sister hates gatherings so she won’t be attending.”

“Hmmm… I see. I guess she still has that incident on her mind…” Leort heard my answer and muttered this in hushed tones. It was barely audible, but it piqued my interest.

Nicole apparently had a reason for not attending gatherings. If it was an incident that Leort, who arrived at school later than Nicole, was aware of, it had to be well-known within the academy.

“Anyway, I understand. Then we’ll see you later.”

“I hope you have a good time too, Mr. Leort.” I made my goodbye as I was taught at home, and Leort waved and walked away. I followed his back as he walked away, then turned my gaze to the auditorium.

It wasn’t as big as the gymnasium, but it was still quite large. It’s a place I haven’t been to since the entrance ceremony, but it’s novel to see it like this. ‘I wonder how the inside is decorated?’ The inside was very spacious as if two gyms were joined together. I walked towards the entrance with anticipation.

The main event started at 5:30, yet there was no one guarding the entrance. Eventually, it was time to pass through the doors and enter the auditorium itself.

“…that’s amazing,” I couldn’t help but admire the interior of the auditorium as soon as I saw it.

A chandelier was installed on the ceiling to light up the interior, and beneath it were long stretched tables with delicious food placed on them.

Because the middle section was empty, it was assumed that it was a space for dancing, similar to a ballroom. Rather than a gathering, I felt like I was at a party hosted by a high-ranking aristocrat.

‘The people here are… quite a lot.’ It was crowded, possibly because it was a gathering of both academic and non-academic students. I know it was free to attend, but there were a lot of students there. Not only freshmen but also seniors and teaching assistants from their majors.

I moved my legs as I gulped at the immense pressure I was already feeling.

“Ho-ho-ho. Really? That is a fascinating story.”

“Thank you. Lady, you have such a lovely smile.”


As I approached the main podium, I could hear conversation from time to time, but nothing stood out. The most important thing now was to find a familiar face. Of course, I have no intention of blindly approaching someone I know. If they are the ones I know, they must be surrounded by a lot of people.

It’s far better to be skeptical and keep some distance than to pretend to know someone for no reason, otherwise the atmosphere will flow strangely as a result. ‘Should I just eat something? I’m hungry right now…’

It happened just as I was considering a snack and sneaking toward the table.



“Isaac! Here! Here!”

My damn red hair, I lamented inwardly as soon as I heard the familiar voice. Given how far away the voice is, it was certain that the person was quite a distance away, but it seems they have seen and recognized me.

Hah, I have red hair and a red suit, so they can’t help but see me. I gave up halfway and turned to face the source of the voice. When I turned in the right direction, I noticed someone coming this way.

It was Cecily, with her hair as black as the night sky and horns, the symbol of the devil, protruding like a crown. It’s as if she just finished her makeup at a salon…


But my thoughts come to an end there. It was because the closer Cecily got, the more her outlandish outfit drew my attention. I couldn’t help but rub my eyes for a moment, wondering if I was seeing things wrongly. But Cecily’s dress as she approached me didn’t change. I slightly opened my mouth and took in her beautiful appearance.

If my hair was a lighter shade of crimson, her dress was a darker cherry color. It was a color that complemented her, but her dress itself was the issue.

Normally, in case of a revealing dress, the back and shoulders would be completely exposed, or the chest would be barely visible, but Cecily’s dress was even worse than that. From the waistline, the dress split in a V shape, partially covering Cecily’s breasts, but due to the overwhelming presence of her chest, her bosom was almost completely exposed.

And that’s not all. Each time she came closer, her breasts fluttered a little, stimulating my unconscious desire.

“You are here later than I thought. I thought for sure you left the salon earlier than we did.”


“Come to think of it, isn’t Isaac also wearing red like me? It suits you well.”

Cecily approached me before I realized it and, as usual, treated me in a friendly manner. Even with her warm welcome, I couldn’t bring myself back to reality. Aside from her dress, the scent of roses stimulated my sense of smell and the seductiveness that emanated indistinctly tried to bring my buried shady desires to the surface.

Is this how it feels to be confronted by a succubus? I couldn’t figure out if I should keep myself from reacting after getting her attention.

“How do I look? Do I look good? Other people complimented me saying that I look good, but what about Isaac?” Cecily asked, pulling up the ends of her dress if she didn’t know how I felt. Her voice was full of anticipation and her trademark playfulness.

I closed my eyes tightly in response to the question, then returned my gaze to Cecily. And…


Instead of answering verbally, I gulped down my saliva. Was this alone a sufficient answer?



Cecily covered her mouth with one hand and smiled wryly. Then she said teasingly. “Isaac’s face is bright red.”

“………” If there’s a man who doesn’t even blush when he sees a beautiful girl like this, he’s definitely a eunuch or gay.

Editor and Proofreader:- In Valen’s Name

– – – End of Chapter – – –

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