How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 42: Crisis (1)

After Aira ran away from the group, the group project progressed so smoothly that any concerns we had about it seemed pointless.

It was said that minnows naturally muddy the water, but when those minnows disappeared, the water that had been murky also became clear on its own.

As I always said, it was enough for me to do the task myself, but as it was a group task, I worked hard. If Benjamin and Leona came up with plausible hypotheses, I would refute or fleshed it out.”

As a result, we achieved a very satisfying outcome, but of course, since I only added substance to the hypotheses they organized, I took charge of the presentation myself.

“But didn’t you say that Xenon’s Biography wasn’t interesting? It seems like you read it very in depth though?”

“Everyone, shut up! I was just curious about what’s next!”

When Benjamin left, I was able to have various conversations with Leona. I realized that she was not just someone who talked a lot but also an enjoyer of Xenon’s Biography.

Her ears, which flinched above her head whenever she was excited, were a little annoying, but since Leona only showed her true self when she was with me, it wasn’t a big problem.

“Are you really confident in giving a good presentation? If it’s difficult, I can do it for you.”

Leona, who calmed down her excitement after a moment, asked me with her signature cynical tone. She crossed her arms and stared at her, but there was a mix of worry and concern in her eyes.

I wasn’t sure if she didn’t trust me or if she felt sorry for me for being in charge of the presentation. However, considering Leona’s personality, I assumed it was the latter.

“I can do it well. Trust me once. Or do you want to try it?”

“Alright then. Tomorrow is the day of the presentation, why bother changing anything now. Anyway, I’m leaving. See you tomorrow.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow.”

As Leona waved her hand and left, I also waved and saw her off. The place where Leona and I had been was a deserted place, so we could talk as much as we wanted without any disturbance.

A little later, I moved my feet after seeing Leona’s figure disappear. I have done the final check, and I planned to take it easy and write something during the remaining time.

‘I wish I could quickly become a third-year student. At that time, I would have more free time.’

As I returned to my dorm and threw myself onto the bed, I thought about the future. As Professor Beerus explained during the first class, we have to score above a certain point to advance to the next grade until the end of our second year.

However, once you become a third-year student, you only have to focus on the major you want to concentrate on. That’s it. I also learned this information when I went to see Professor Beerus separately last Monday and reported the situation of Aira.

If the first two years are like a combination of high school and university, starting from the third year, you become a university student who focuses only on one subject. You don’t need to worry about grades or other stuff, you just concentrate on your major to get good grades.

‘Me, on the other hand…’

Of course, my goal is to major in history. There’s no other subject that interests me as much as history in this world.

After becoming a 3rd year student, I wanted to quickly finish writing Xenon’s Biography and write my next work. I wanted to write a modern-day story that would be treated as a fantasy in this world.

Instead, as it deals with a tragic wartime story, there will be no heroic journey like in the Xenon’s Biography.

No, no. Instead of thinking about the next work, let’s focus on Xenon’s Biography for now.

If I touch it without good reason, I could end up becoming an octopus’s foot. There is a risk that the quality of the work may also deteriorate, so it is beneficial to concentrate on Xenon’s Biography for now.

Of course, if there are two volumes left until the completion, I plan to establish the settings slowly. It should be okay by then.

‘…I should make use of my time instead of thinking like this.’

It’s a waste of time to fool around like this. Recently, there have been not just one or two areas that require attention, such as the problem with Aira, but it is bearable even though it is a bit tiring.

Above all, if I keep my eyes closed now, I feel like I’ll wake up tomorrow morning. It might be better to finish at least one part and go to bed.

Leading my weary body, I sat down at his desk. Neatly stacked on the desk were manuscript papers that I had stopped writing just before leaving my room.

‘I wonder if they are doing okay?’

While imbuing mana into the magic pen, the thought of the crazy party suddenly came to my mind. The first day seemed good enough, but as time passed, it was clear that cracks were beginning to form.

Rina, who always had a relaxed expression, became expressionless, and the expression of Cecily, who used to brighten up when she saw me, also darkened suddenly. As for Marie, she seemed to have given up halfway and occasionally let out a sneer.

Above all, the most impressive person among them was undoubtedly Jackson. He was trying to cling to them somehow, but he was gradually becoming fed up with them.

Furthermore, he occasionally sent me jealous (!?) glances. I can roughly predict how serious it is.

I think it’s probably because we had to do a group project together. It’s a combination that couldn’t mix like water and oil from the beginning.

‘It’s a little pitiful. We only had one…’


While lost in thought, liquid dripped from my nose. I snapped out of my reverie and wiped my hand on my chin, feeling a slight stickiness.

With a feeling of disbelief, I took my hand away and found bright red blood on it. It was a nosebleed.

I felt sluggish today and it seemed like my body was sending me a warning.

drip- drip-

As I stared absent-mindedly at the blood on my hand, drops of blood started to fall onto my manuscript paper. I was startled and hastily cleared away the manuscript paper.

Fortunately, the blood was only on the edge and I was able to prevent a major disaster of rewriting the manuscript. Still, I need to quickly stop the nosebleed.

“Phew, tissue…”

It seemed that I should take a break from writing today.


As time passed, the day of the presentation arrived. It meant that the end of the group project, which had been filled with a lot of talk and trouble, was approaching.

“Hey. Are you sure you guys have everything ready?”

“We do.”

“Okay. Got it. Since I’m the team leader, if you apologize, I’m willing to accept you back on the team…”

“Fuck you.”

And just before the class started, Aira came to see me out of the blue and acted shamelessly, but I strongly cursed her once again.

Although Marie, who was sitting next to me, looked surprised when I cursed Aira, I didn’t pay attention to her reaction.

It was beyond my imagination that Aira would have the audacity to put a spoon on someone else’s table after she had overturned her own. I felt nauseous with her impudence and felt like I couldn’t bear it without cursing her.

“You…! Just wait and see! I’m really going to send a letter to my dad!”

“Do as you please.”

Anyway, Aira just left with a remark that I would regret it. I shook my head as I watched her quickly walk back to her seat on her short legs.

I wonder how far someone has to go astray in order to become like that. In other words, she’s a woman who is even more impressive than Jackson, in a different sense.

“Did you fight with her?”

As I sighed inwardly, Marie sitting next to me asked a question that was full of doubts.

I answered in a calm voice without even looking at her. No matter how much I thought about it, I was still furious at the audacity.

“We fought. She said something she shouldn’t have said.”

“What did she say to make you react like that?”

“A few weeks ago, my brother joined the Navy Knights. And she’s the daughter of Marquis Matheus. You know what I’m saying?”

“I think I know roughly.”

Even though I didn’t say much, Mari nodded her head as if she understood. After all, her family is so famous that it would be strange if there was anything she didn’t know.

While watching her nodding, I asked in a voice of concern, wondering if she was also criticizing the soldiers like Aira.

“Marie, what do you think of soldiers?”

“Huh? Why?”

“The reason I fought with Aira was because she treated soldiers like guard dogs, although there was also a problem with my brother. I wondered if all nobles were like that.”

Of course, I don’t think Mari has that kind of mindset. However, I was concerned that most nobles, not just Mari personally, might think that way.

I couldn’t even guess how other nobles would think, considering that the daughter of a military family could speak such rude words without hesitation.

Then Mari frowned and asked me in a serious tone if I was being sincere.

“…Are you crazy? If you say that kind of thing, they’ll forcibly enlist you, you know?”

“Forcibly enlist?”

“Yeah. It’s one of the famous punishments among nobles. If a noble’s child insults a soldier, the parents will forcibly enlist them as soldiers. Most of them can’t endure it for even a month and end up whining, but they have to serve for two years by law. It’s a legally defined punishment, so being a noble doesn’t make any difference.”

It’s a truly ingenious and effective punishment. If you were subjected to mandatory military service, you would know just how terrifying the punishment Marie mentioned is.

You will know how warm your home is, how good your family and society are, and finally, how fucked up the military is.

Furthermore, without smartphones or televisions in this world, there will be many absurdities that are no laughing matter. For the noble children who grew up in a greenhouse, there is no more effective punishment than this.

“What if the parent insults the soldier, not the child?”

“That kind of situation is almost unheard of, but it wouldn’t look good if it happened. And if a daughter of the Matheus family really insulted a soldier, the repercussions would be enormous. Enlistment would be confirmed, and in the worst case, she could even be expelled from the family.”

Enlistment… I think that would be quite fun. Won’t even Aira feel the harsh reality on the second day of training?

I exclaimed with anticipation, hoping for that moment to come soon. She needs to suffer once to wake up.

“Anyway, have you guys prepared everything for your team?”

While I was laughing out loud, Marie asked me in a cautious voice.

I responded to Marie, who was watching me carefully after asking that question.

“…I don’t feel the need to answer that, do I?”

“Everyone finished. How about you all?”

“…I don’t feel the need to answer.”

Judging from the way she’s smiling wryly, it seems they failed as expected.

Still, I was curious, so I dared to ask the question.

“Did you participate at least?”

“I only participated, but there was nothing substantial that I did. We just gathered and chatted, and that was it. It happened only twice as well.”

“What about researching and presenting the material?”

“Who do you think did everything? By the way, I didn’t do anything.”

“… …”

As Marie asked in return, I became speechless.

So that’s why Jackson’s expression was so dark. I felt sympathetic somehow.

“To be honest, I gave up from the moment the team was assigned like that. The grade might sting a bit, but it won’t be too harsh. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll focus on another major.”

“Speaking of major… What major will you enter when you become a third-year?”

I suddenly became curious and asked. I unhesitantly chose a major in history, but don’t know about others.

Of course, it might be a bit early to ask now, even though the first semester hasn’t ended yet. But she must have something in mind, right?

After hearing my question, Marie put her hand on her chin and thought for a moment before speaking quietly.

“About my major…well, I’m not sure. I’d like to major in political science, but since Rina is there, I’ll pass. Right now, I don’t have anything specific in mind. I just want to graduate and be done with it. What about you?”

“I’m obviously majoring in history.”

When I answered without any hesitation, Marie made a strange expression as if she heard something unexpected.

“Is history that interesting? I don’t understand.”

“Maybe you think that way, but not me. How isn’t history interesting?”

“Got it. Got it. That’s why you’re good at history. Are you planning to write a book about it? Didn’t you receive compliments from Professor Elena last time for writing well?”


The conversation suddenly paused for a moment. She may have said it as a joke, but it could not be regarded as a joke.

Then Marie observed my face and said with a strange expression.

“What’s with that expression? Are you really writing one?”



When I denied it, she stared at my face and then lowered her gaze. Marie’s gaze was precisely directed towards my right hand, where the pen hook was located.

I almost instinctively hid my hand, but I managed to control myself just in time to avoid arousing suspicion. Marie also opened her mouth, turning her eyes forward to see if she had no more suspicion.

“Well… if you say it’s no, then it’s not. But if you really write a book, show it to me. I’m curious.”

“That’s because I don’t write.”

“Who said anything? Oh, of course, I can ask my dad to support you financially if you need it.”

“Ah, thanks, I appreciate it.”

Even if I grumbled as if to stop, Marie only giggled. Fortunately, he seemed to have said it as a joke.

‘How long do I have to live anxiously?’

I really wanted to clarify, but I was afraid of the aftermath. I had to endure it, even if it meant watching my father suffer as he struggled to hide our true identity.

Anyway, class started and the presentation, the flower of the group assignment, began. As I expected, Jackson was the presenter for Mari’s group, and his exhausted appearance evoked sympathy from the audience.

‘You are suffering too.’

I think the incidents of being picked on might decrease after this. I looked at him with a sympathetic expression as he returned to his seat with exhaustion.

I wonder if he noticed my gaze. Jackson, who met my eyes, just gave a hollow laugh without any reaction.

With that, all the presentations were over and the humanities class came to an end, and the rest of the classes proceeded normally.

After all the classes were over, we had a meal with our teammates and returned to our dorm.


When I opened the door of the accommodation and went inside, I saw a letter envelope lying on the floor.

When I picked it up, it turned out to be a letter from home . I had no choice but to wonder if there was any mail I sent to my parents recently.

‘What’s going on?’

Then, I sat on the bed and tore open the envelope to take out the letter. And the identity of the letter was…

[The tail has been stepped on. Be careful for the time being.]

It was a warning written in my father’s handwriting.

“… …”

I blinked my eyes as I looked at the warning letter.

Translators note:

Cliffhanger! HaHA!

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