How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 51: Secret (1)

“Heheheung~ Heung~”

Marie, a white-haired girl, was walking down the street humming happily. Her gait was far from the dignified appearance of a noble that always had to be maintained.

She was also carefully holding a book in her arms, which was the newly published ninth volume of Xenon’s Biography.

‘I was really lucky.’

Whenever a new work of Xenon’s Biography was released, it boasted such an incredible popularity that it caused it to sell out within an hour. There were rumors that as soon as news spread that Xenon’s Biography was coming out from the publisher, it was like the start of a war.

There were various difficult situations that arose, such as hiring people to wait in front of the bookstore all day long, as well as incidents of hoarding and even fraud. Fortunately, each country recognized the seriousness of the situation and took strict measures to prevent such incidents from occurring, but the people who waited in front of the bookstore remained unchanged. Since this was not even illegal, there was no way to stop it.

Of course, it was strictly prohibited for one person to purchase more than two copies. Magical technology was even invented for identity verification purposes to prevent this. If Isaac were to hear about this, he would be dumbfounded, but he currently did not even care.

Nevertheless, Xenon’s Biography continued to sell out quickly. Unless Marie asked someone from her family to purchase it, it was almost impossible for her, even as the daughter of the Requilis family, to directly buy Xenon’s Biography.

‘I won’t have to ask Dad for a favor this time.’

But this time, the situation was different. It was because the publisher had made up their mind to capitalize on the enormous sales of Xenon’s Biography, which had exceeded their imagination.

Originally, they had already replaced all the printing presses with the ones solely for Xenon’s Biography, but even that had its limits. So they established a new large-scale printing factory and even introduced new technology.

Thanks to this, even commoners could easily obtain Xenon’s Biography, which even nobles found hard to purchase. And even if it was sold out on the first day of release, it would be restocked within three days.

‘I can’t believe I managed to buy the last copy. I’ll never be this lucky again.’

Marie held Xenon’s Biography tightly and smiled happily. She couldn’t buy it on the first day of release due to a mistake, but when she visited the bookstore three days later, there was one last copy left.

At that time, she was so nervous that she almost got it snatched away by someone else, but she managed to buy it just in time. Although her competitors gave her angry looks, Marie didn’t care.

Since then, she was walking back to her dorm with a light step. Although her assignments and tests were piling up like mountains, she planned to read Xenon’s Biography first to clear her head.

‘I wonder if Isaac bought it too.’

Marie was walking down the street with a happy heart when she suddenly thought of Isaac. Lately, his face has been frequently popping up in her mind.

Moreover, she has been staring at his profile more often during class. And if Isaac noticed her gaze and turned his head, she reflexively looked away.

Originally, she only thought of it as a simple crush, but as time passed, the meaning of her feelings became clearer. Marie hugged Xenon’s Biography more tightly and smiled warmly.

We talked about this at the last gathering, but Isaac is honest when it comes to dealing with others, even if he hides a secret. That alone was enough to win Marie’s favor, and she gradually became more and more attached to him.

At first, it was just as friends, but the moment she realized that talking to Isaac was the most comfortable thing, the situation changed. Whenever she was stressed for any reason and talked to Isaac, it was like the stress melted away. He would catch her expression and ask what was wrong before she even said anything.

‘By the way, hasn’t Rina’s behavior been weird lately?’

But that happy thought didn’t last long, because Rina’s recent behavior towards Isaac was worrisome. To Rina, Isaac was just an interesting subject. That’s why there haven’t been many occasions where she would play pranks on him or treat him kindly, like she does with her or Cecily.

However, in recent months, she has been approaching Isaac more frequently. And Marie, can’t help but pay attention to it.

‘…Because her mask is starting to come off.’

The fact that she had started taking off her mask and treating Isaac differently was a big problem. Originally, Rina only took off her mask when talking to Cecily, but lately, she had been taking it off more and more when talking to Isaac.

Marie couldn’t understand why she suddenly started behaving like this, as she had been wearing a mask since she was a child. But for Marie, it was definitely not a pleasant situation. Fortunately, Isaac was still wary of Rina, but people are unpredictable.

‘I don’t understand why she suddenly changed her attitude. Does she know something I don’t?’

Mary felt uneasy as she headed back to her dorm. Suddenly, she caught sight of some very familiar colored hair. Even though it was a time when all the classes had finished and there were many people coming and going, the bright red color stood out to her. Marie blinked her eyes a few times when she saw the color and then smiled to herself.

There was only one person at Halo Academy with red hair.

“Oh, Isa…!”

Just as she was about to call out the person’s name, she realized that there was someone else next to the student with the red hair and quickly shut her mouth.

Black hair was not uncommon in this world, but jet black hair was rare. Moreover, black hair was not the only distinctive feature. As if to prove that she was a demon, there were horns protruding from the sides of her head.

The girl next to Isaac was Helium’s princess, Cecily.

Marie blinked as she watched Isaac and Cecily walking side by side. She had felt the same way at the last gathering, but it made her feel very uncomfortable to see Isaac getting along so well with Cecily. Above all, Cecily was the kind of person who often played pranks on Isaac, so Marie couldn’t help but look at her with disdain.

‘Where are they both going?’

For a moment, Marie felt discomfort rising in her chest, but she quickly figured out where they were headed. Although she wanted to impulsively barge in, she decided to follow them for now.

Her white hair was quite noticeable, just like Isaac’s red hair, so she had to be careful as she followed them.

It feels like stalking for some reason, but it is actually tailing. Marie was being careful, just in case they caught her.

Eventually, the place they went into was none other than a cafe…

‘…A cafe?’

Marie looked blankly at the cafe where Isaac and Cecily had gone in.

She never visited this cafe except when she exchanged information about her family’s situation with her older brother.

It was also known for being a cafe where couples usually visit, although it was a bit expensive.

‘…It couldn’t be, right?’

Mari’s blue eyes began to tremble violently with anxiety.


As soon as I entered the cafe with Cecily, we were given a room first. There was a slight mishap when the cafe employee saw Cecily, but it was resolved smoothly.

After a while, we entered a soundproof room, which was perfect for having a secret conversation, despite being neither spacious nor narrow.

“I heard that this cafe is known for being for couples.”

Cecily, who had sat across from me, said with a subtle voice. I showed her my surprised expression as I had never heard of it before.

“Really? That’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”

I really didn’t know. The only reason I knew this cafe was because Nicole took me here once.

Cecily looked at my expression, giggled, and then gave me a gentle smile.

“You didn’t know? Well, you came here without knowing. But don’t worry, there won’t be any strange rumors about us. It’s just a place where couples often visit, not a place where they do anything weird.”

“Is there that kind of a place, then?”

“Well… there is such a place. But you don’t need to know if you’re a kid.”

At my question, Cecily gave a mischievous smile and pointed her index finger. Thanks to that, I had to bite my tongue, as I had a rough idea of what couples did at this cafe.

Although we came here to have a secret conversation, it felt like we came here unnecessarily. I felt uneasy and my neck stiffened.

“…Or should we switch seats?”

“No, it’s okay. Isaac isn’t going to do anything weird to me. It’s just a simple secret talk, right?”

“I’m worried that it might be the other way around, and that you might do something weird to me.”

“You’re such a joker.”

Cecily shook her hand, trying to ease the tension. I also tried to laugh it off as a joke.

“Did I get caught?”


Until she murmured in a small whisper. Her voice was barely audible, so it was hard to tell if she was serious or joking.

As I asked with a look of surprise, Cecily shook her head from side to side with her characteristic playful smile.

“Pretend you didn’t hear it. I wouldn’t do anything weird to you, right?”

“Um…Yes. That’s…right.”

I felt a sense of unease for some reason, but I dismissed it as an illusion. Although Cecily is definitely much stronger than me, she wouldn’t do such a thing because of her personality.

The situation almost went awry for a moment, but fortunately, it was resolved when the staff came to take our order. Cecily ordered an americano and I ordered a cappuccino.

After the staff left, we were left alone again. Cecily propped her chin up with both hands and began to stare at me intently.

I didn’t back down from her gaze. Since I came here to reveal my secret anyway, there was no reason for me to back down.


“Yes, noona?”

“Do you like writing?”

Cecily indirectly asked me instead of directly. I nodded without hesitation in response to her question.

“Yes, I like it.”

“Yeah. That’s right…”

Cecily lowered her gaze slightly as she listened to my answer, seeming to be organizing her thoughts for a moment.

Since I had intended to reveal all my secrets anyway, I was hardly nervous.



“Do you remember the story you told me two months ago? You explained what a demon was.”

I remembered it clearly. I also remembered having to revise my manuscript after that conversation.

When I nodded my head in agreement, Cecily smiled gently and began to recount what had happened.

“At that time, you described our demons as creatures who cannot become human, but who long to be human more than anyone else, and who are more human than anyone else.”

“… …”

“I won’t forget that story for the rest of my life. But a similar story also appeared in Xenon’s Biography. When Sakran died and Jin was struggling, Xenon said something to him. Do you know what it was?”

I nodded my head again. I had tried to write down what I had told Cecily in the Xenon’s Biography, but I had immediately deleted it.

However, since I had to convey the meaning somehow, there was no avoiding the similarity. Cecily may have noticed it when she saw that part.

“As soon as I saw that part, I thought of what you told me. It could be just a coincidence, but there were many suspicious circumstances.”

“For example?”

“First, the pen hook on your index finger.”

Cecily pointed to the callus with her finger.

“You said you have to hold a pen for a long time to get that callus, but that alone isn’t enough evidence, since Isaac has a habit of writing things down in his notebook.”

“… …”

“Second, your indifferent attitude in regard to Xenon’s Biography. I overheard the conversation you had with Jackson at the last meeting. For someone with such an indifferent attitude, you seemed to know the story almost inside out. Usually, that kind of knowledge comes from passion, but you seemed oddly indifferent every time Xenon’s Biography was brought up.”

Did she hear the conversation between Jackson and me at the gathering? As far as I know, Cecily was far away at the time, so I couldn’t understand how she heard it.

Maybe she used magic to enhance her hearing. At the academy, magic was prohibited, but there was no problem with enhancing one’s senses.

While I was thinking about that, Cecily presented the final piece of evidence.

“Finally, your opinion about the identity of the demons you told me about. How many people in this world would think of our demons, who are treated as demons, that way? Even though there are countless people in this world, it’s unlikely that many would have that opinion. It’s almost impossible to have such a thought even if you read the entire Xenon’s Biography. Especially considering the discrimination our demons have faced in the past.”

“… …”

“Even with these three pieces of evidence alone, there is enough reason to be suspicious. And you just said you like to write, right? Taking all these clues together leads to one conclusion.”

Cecily, who had been speaking without rest, looked straight into my eyes. I also met her gaze with a calm expression without avoiding it.

It seemed like it would be best for me to speak first here. After taking a deep breath, I slightly leaned forward and asked her in a quiet voice.

“Noona, can I ask you something that I’m curious about?”


“If you were to find the author of Xenon’s Biography, what would you do?

This was a crossroads. If Cecily answered my question honestly, I would gladly reveal my identity as well. If not, I would postpone it until later.

Of course, even if I postponed it, the secret wouldn’t be hidden for long, but if there was something that needed to be confirmed, then it had to be done.

We didn’t have to look far for an example, given what happened with Rina.

After hearing my question, Cecily smiled deeply and lowered the hand that was holding her chin, meeting my gaze. Her cheeks turned red, as if she was embarrassed.

As I felt that her reaction was out of ordinary, Cecily answered in a modest voice, like an innocent young lady.

“As you know, Xenon’s Biography author fulfilled our demon tribe’s long-cherished desire. It’s thanks to that person that I’m able to enjoy a happy life here.”

“… …”

“If I had to find that person… I would gladly sacrifice everything for them. It doesn’t matter if they’re a man or a woman, handsome or ugly, old or young. It’s still insufficient compared to the grace that person has shown me.”

It wasn’t lacking at all. I had no choice but to be greatly embarrassed by Cecily’s answer.

I thought all she would do is invite me to protect me in Helium, but sacrificing everything… It’s beyond my expectations, let alone imagination.

Who is Cecily? Isn’t she the princess of Helium and the next candidate for the Demon King? If such a person is willing to sacrifice everything, the ramifications will exceed anyone’s imagination.


My mind was jumbled and I couldn’t even think when Cecily gave her unexpected response. She smiled and took my hand, leading me somewhere slowly.

And where she led me was…


It was her chest, the part of her body that exuded an overwhelming presence. The soft, plump feeling that I felt in my hands instantly woke me up.

I was momentarily confused as to why she was behaving like this when I haven’t even revealed my secret. But Cecily, with a voice full of charm, asked me.

“How is it?”

“… …”

“Do you want to touch it more?”

Thump- Thump- Thump-

Cecily’s heart beating through her chest and my heart were both pounding at the same time. I stared at Cecily, forgetting what I was going to say.

She also seemed embarrassed by her own behavior as her face turned red as if it was about to burst. But compared to me, it was probably nothing. I felt like I was going to faint right away.

Cecily leaned forward and stretched her face towards mine, and then spoke with a soft voice that tickled my ear.

“If you reveal the secret yourself and show me the evidence, I could do more. I am always ready.”


“Is our Isaac not a genius?”

No way. My male ego was gaining strength from the voice that stimulated a man’s instincts.

I am trying hard to hold back as I feel that something disastrous could happen if I give in even a little bit. I’m not even sure what I might do if my reason breaks.

At that moment, when I was barely able to regain my composure and withdraw my hand, Cecily grabbed my arm even harder and pulled it towards her face.



She put my middle finger in her mouth, and then put it all the way in her mouth to where my callus was located. It was a very bold move.


I could vividly feel the sensation of Cecily’s tongue gently brushing against my cuticle. The soft feeling of her tongue spread through my hand and pierced through my brain.

As a result, even the remaining bit of my reason was completely gone. I took a deep breath.

‘Ah. Fuck.’

If I retreat here, I can’t call myself a man. It seems like I have to reveal my secret and be true to my instincts right now.

As I closed my eyes and was about to stand up from my seat.

Knock- Knock- Knock-

There was a sudden knocking sound that shattered the tense atmosphere. Instead of standing up, I looked towards the door in a dazed state.

Cecily was the same. As soon as she heard the knocking sound, she looked at the door with a blank expression, then her face twisted in annoyance.

“Of all times…!”

Cecily muttered as if chewing on her words. Thanks to that, my broken sense of reason was restored, and I quickly withdrew my arm. Cecily looked with regret as I withdrew my arm.

‘I don’t know if I should be relieved or not…’

In the awkward atmosphere, I smiled awkwardly at Cecily and walked towards the door. I thought it might be a server bringing coffee.

If things had gone as planned, I probably wouldn’t have had an accident. My instincts were disappointed, but my sense of reason was relieved.

Finally, after opening the door to greet the server with coffee, I saw a very familiar face.

White hair like snow, blue eyes, and beautiful features.


Marie was standing in front of me with a look of anxiety and anger mixed together.

Translators note:

Holy, Cecily is down bad. Tho she got blueballed by marie lol

Did I ever mention how much I appreciate all the comments? The dopamine shots I get whenever I see one are the shit. Thanks for all the support, love y’all.

We got 20 ratings so 1 more chapter coming.

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