How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 88: Preparation (3)

Isaac was greeting guests in his territory, while in the palace, they were also receiving guests with hospitality. Those who visited the Michelle’s territory directly, without passing through the capital, were mostly commoners, artists, and nobles below the rank of a Marquis.

Those of higher ranks mostly held important government positions and were officially invited by the country they were visiting. Of course, they could also visit unofficially, but it was avoided because any mishap could have a significant diplomatic impact. In particular, the Minerva Empire and the Ters Kingdom had a relationship as fragile as that between enemies and thus even minor visits required complicated procedures.

Previously, the Ters Kingdom had planned to hold an exhibition in their capital, but they suddenly transferred the authority to the Minerva Empire. The Minerva Empire only expressed their appeal but ended up being busy receiving the authority.

They had to work hard every day to successfully hold the exhibition just over a month later. Even the nobles of high rank had to work overtime, and the same went for the palace.

Some people may think that the royal family, such as the Crown Prince and Princess, do not work, but it was quite the opposite.

The empire, aware that the country would collapse the moment the emperor’s attention was turned elsewhere, even if it was not regarding affairs of state, entrusted specific fields to the emperor’s children to take care of them.

This was the reason why, even with 500 years of history, the empire never had a scandal that could bring the country to ruin, despite the emperor’s various mistakes. Furthermore, Duke Requilis was always by their side, watching closely, so they had no choice but to work.

Thanks to the recent increase in workload, Prince Leort and Princess Rina couldn’t even get proper sleep and had to receive guests.

“You look very tired. Haven’t you been sleeping well lately?”

A handsome man with sky-blue hair, blue eyes, and a sharp nose opened his mouth with a cheerful tone.

Maybe it was his good looks and constant giggling that annoyed them. Leort, who was facing him, also smiled and replied.

“Thanks to whom? On the contrary, you look good.”

“We are here to enjoy, not to host, so we came with high expectations.”

Leort’s eyelids fluttered as he didn’t like the blue-haired man’s answer. Due to the overwhelming workload that had piled up like a tidal wave, dark circles were deeply etched under his eyes. Even his usually sharp blue eyes had lost their light due to exhaustion.

On the other hand, the blue-haired handsome man and Ters Kingdom’s Crown Prince, Laos Dukeard von Kurchers, was fine. He was full of energy and even had a carefree demeanor.

The reason for Laos’s visit to the Empire was only for the exhibition. However, there were complex politics involved internally, as it was merely an external reason.

For the Ters Kingdom, even if the exhibition was successful it would be good, but if it failed, it would be a grievous matter for Minerva Empire, so Laos could come with any worry.

Honestly, he wished the exhibition would fail grandly, but the likelihood of that happening was significantly low. As the Empire knows the intentions of the Ters Kingdom better than anyone else, they must have been well-prepared despite the urgent situation.

So Laos simply came to the Empire to enjoy the festival.

“But did the Empire have a reason to hold the exhibition this quickly, even if it meant putting a strain on themselves? I don’t understand.”

A cute girl sitting to the left of Laos spoke up in a clear voice. Like Laos, she had blue hair and eyes, and her long hair and neatly trimmed bangs were her distinguishing features. Her doll-like appearance and slender build also triggered protective instincts.

This girl’s name is Lara Dukeard von Kurchers, the third princess of the Ters Kingdom and the youngest among the four sisters.

The eldest sister, the first princess, had already married and headed to the Michelle Territory without issuing an official statement of attendance, and the second princess…

“Lara. That’s impolite to ask such a question, didn’t I tell you to refrain from doing so?”

She was sitting on the right of Laos in the center. Her low-pitched voice was a characteristic unusual for a woman. Her appearance also gave a stern impression, but her innate beauty couldn’t be hidden, and her ponytailed hair emphasized her mature charm. And the most unique thing about her was her attire. While normally one would wear a dress to such a formal occasion, she was the only one dressed in a military uniform that only knights could wear.

Her name is Hiliya Dukeard von Cutchers.

Even without her background, she was known for her outstanding abilities as a knight in the Ters Kingdom.

“Was it a question that I shouldn’t have asked?”

“Yes. We came here just to enjoy the exhibition, as we’ve said many times, right?”

“Then I’ll apologize. I’m sorry.”

After hearing Hiliya’s rebuke, Lara bowed her head towards the front.

Leort, of course, and even Rina, who was sitting next to him with a sullen expression, chuckled.

Lara was only 12 years old at the time, and at that age, she had to ask everything she was curious about in order to feel satisfied.

But as the breach of etiquette remained unchanged as Hiliya said, Laos also apologized solemnly…

“No, Lara doesn’t need to apologize. I was curious about the same thing.”

…which was the opposite of what they expected. Hiliya glared at Laos, who was trying to escalate the problem, and closed her eyes silently with her arms crossed.

This complicated and dirty political world was disgusting to her, but since she had a position to uphold, she had attended forcibly. She wanted to stay in the kingdom and devote herself to the training.

Meanwhile, Laos, with a grinning face, asked his siblings, perhaps with the intention of pressing them properly at this opportunity.

“Hosting an exhibition is something that can take a long time. But is there a need to prepare in a hurry like this?”

“There are circumstances. You don’t need to know. Anyway, isn’t it enough to just enjoy it?”

“Well, is it something big related to the author of Xenon’s Biography?”

Even the sharp-witted Laort intellectual, as well as Rina, who was pretending to be fine while drinking coffee, couldn’t help but be taken aback by Laos’s words.

Fortunately, the reaction was so minimal that Laos didn’t notice.

Leort continued to speak without changing his expression.

“You’re quick to catch on. You’re right. I’ve moved up the schedule of the exhibition because I want to show it to Xenon as soon as possible.”

“You’re good at lying.”

Sometimes, the truth sounded like a lie, and Leort’s truth sounded like a lie to Laos.

Laos believed it was impossible for the empire to find the person they were looking for just like the Ters Kingdom was. Moreover, as they were on their tail, they would soon know who they were.

Thanks to his confidence, Laos judged that Leort was lying. For Leort, it was a fortunate circumstance, but he couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

In fact, it was like gambling. Everything he had said so far was the truth, not a lie. He moved up the exhibition date to show it to Isaac no matter what. It was an effort to get forgiveness for the mistakes Leort and Rina had made to him.

‘I was too hasty…’

He could hold the exhibition in about a year, but if he did, there was a high chance that the Ters Kingdom would steal the opportunity. If that happened, Isaac would certainly be more likely to visit the Ters Kingdom, and even indulge in their culture.

According to Lina in particular, Isaac is someone who loves history, so he might go to the Ters Kingdom to conduct cultural research. There is a high chance that he will be taken away in the way that a talent responsible for the future of the Empire would be snatched away.

Strictly speaking, he is a historian who is dependent on the Empire, but that’s not important to Leort. Laos, who had no idea about Leort’s feelings, shrugged his shoulders and remained relaxed as if it didn’t matter.

“Anyway, I understand. We can relax and watch what your empire is preparing. Xenon is also attending, so if you’re lucky, you might find him.”

“What if we do find Xenon?”

Rina asked in a cautious tone, not Leort. Unlike Leort, she is well aware that Isaac is Xenon, so she had to react more sensitively. Laos briefly showed his doubts and then opened his mouth with a tone that it was no big deal.

“Of course, we’ll politely take him to our kingdom. And by the way, it’s not a metaphor, we’ll really take him politely. Before he gets caught in your empire, that is.”

“Xenon expressed his desire to live an ordinary life. What if he decides to stop publishing again?”

“Has our kingdom ever pressured artists? Did we ask the Lirus Band to compose our national anthem or the Matrics Theater Company to make a propaganda play? We even stayed quiet when Jayros Revolution was recreated as a play.”

I may have said it before, but there was a plan to use Isaac’s reputation until the protest. It wouldn’t matter how powerful the Empire’s might was if it collapsed from within.

The Ters Kingdom had to use all means necessary, especially since the Empire had already taken away countless talents. One of them was using Xenon’s reputation for propaganda.

However, after the so-called hiatus incident occurred, they had to abandon that plan completely. They had to prevent another event like the Jayros Revolution from happening again.

Instead, they changed their course of action. They allowed the book to be freely distributed but had make sure to tie Xenon to the kingdom somehow.

Just that alone would keep the Minerva Empire at bay. The Ters Kingdom could strengthen its foundation, which was already shaky due to the Jayros Revolution. It was a win-win situation.

‘And the most effective way to keep such a giant-sized artist in check is…’

Laos looked at Hiliya, who was sitting with her arms crossed, and Lara, who was snacking like a hamster. Both women boasted of their own unique beauty and held high positions as princesses of their respective countries.

They were the most suitable women for Xenon, who could influence the world. If he were just an ordinary artist, it would be an unthinkable story, but it was possible because he was Xenon.

However, Hiliya had already chosen the path of a knight, and Lara was too young. Even if it was a strategic marriage, she had to be at least an adult to be eligible.

Above all, Xenon is currently estimated to be an old philosopher, and it is questionable whether he has any interest in women. However, if they showed this much sincerity, Xenon would have no choice but to accept.

Moreover, it didn’t have to be Hiliya or Lara. Even if it was a child who had been abandoned, as long as there was someone with “royal blood.”

Laos opened his mouth, reminiscing about the bloodline he was forced to leave behind at the Halo Academy.

“Come to think of it, how is life at the academy?”

“It’s quite comfortable thanks to the talented individuals from various countries who have dedicated themselves to our empire. The culture and welfare here are beyond comparison.”

“Hahaha. I suppose that’s true.”

“But why do you ask… Ah, is it because of Adelia?”

(TL note: In earlier chapters I thought Adelia used a different name in academy, and her real name was Adele but it turns out it wasn’t and they actually call her princess Adelia. Sorry about that.)

Leort asked questioningly. Rina, who had also heard about it from him, remained expressionless.

Laos nodded, confirming Leort’s thoughts. However, there was a faint hint of displeasure on his face.

“You’re right about the person you’re thinking of. But I hope you won’t mention that name.”

“Well… did she really have to be discarded? Even if she became a knight like Hiliya, it wouldn’t have mattered. She’s currently serving as a martial arts assistant instructor at the academy.”

“… …”

Hiliya didn’t even bat an eye or respond to Leort’s mention of her name. She seemed to have no desire to answer. Despite her rude reaction, Leort didn’t care. He had seen her indifferent attitude many times before and knew how to overlook it.

“If she had abandoned her title and lived a normal life, then maybe that would’ve been the case. But it doesn’t look good to be striving for recognition as an illegitimate child. My father also said it was the biggest mistake of her life.”

“She has the surname ‘Cross’ at the academy though.”

“Since we threatened her not to use the surname of the royal family before sending her to the academy, then Cross might be the surname of her mother, a surname of a lowly prostitute.”

“… …”

It was a response that still retained the prejudice from pre-Jayros revolution. Leort thought of the personal life of Friedrich, the king of the Ters Kingdom.

To the people of the Ters Kingdom, Friedrich was known as a romanticist who loved only one woman without being a harsh king. In fact, Friedrich himself poured out his love only to one queen without having any concubines.

However, the problem arose when Friedrich had a relationship with a prostitute to relieve himself before meeting the queen. Unfortunately, the contraception failed at that time and a child was born.

If the prostitute had kept quiet, it might have been different. However, she became greedy due to her poor life and went to Friedrich openly.

It was inevitable that the palace would be in chaos due to that incident. Friedrich strongly denied it, but the blue eyes of the child, like the sky, confirmed that she was his daughter.

Fortunately, thanks to the thorough concealment of the incident, it did not leak out, but the mother disappeared without a trace.

‘Maybe the reason she plays pranks on Nicole often is because she was the first friend Adelia has made since she was born.’

In her always lively face, there was a deep loneliness. Of course, Leort wasn’t very interested, so he just passed it off.

“Anyway, why do you ask that? Do you want to know if Adelia is attending the exhibition?”

“As expected, you know my heart well.”

“Stop joking around before we start swearing.”

Such mischievousness is undoubtedly genetic. Adelia, as well as Laos, loved to play pranks whenever the opportunity arose. Laos, who was pleasantly tapping his fingers and playing around, shrugged his shoulders at Leort’s words and returned to the point.

“Well, you’re right to some extent. I’m curious if she’s living well and if she still wants to be recognized.”

“What if she abandons her surname?”

“You guys can handle that. Whether you use it for propaganda or not, it’s not a problem for our kingdom. That woman is just a “mistake” of my father.”

It was an attitude that considered one person’s birth and life as simply a “mistake.” If Isaac were listening, it would have been an attitude that would make him frown, but to these people, it was common sense. If a ruler makes a political mistake, the people will express their dissatisfaction, but they don’t really care about his personal life.

They just brush it off and say, ‘Oh well, that’s how it is,’ and say that a ruler’s personal life isn’t that important.

Leort nodded his head as if he understood and opened his mouth.

“Got it. It’s just my prediction, but she’ll attend the exhibition.”

“Thank you. Should we start preparing now, then? It’s better to rest now if we want to enjoy tomorrow.”

And so, the night before the exhibition approached little by little.

“I’ll introduce myself properly. I’m Princess Cecily Drat Eisilia Bin of Helium. Thank you so much for welcoming me despite the sudden visit.”

“No, it’s fine. Rather, it’s an honor for us to have a Princess with us. By the way, you are really beautiful.”

“Thank you. I was curious where Isaac got his looks from, but it seems he inherited them from the Baroness.”

“Oh my, are you saying our Isaac is pretty?”

Isaac was feeling embarrassed by Cecily’s sudden visit. At first, everyone was taken aback by her visit, but they were able to melt away naturally through Cecily’s brilliant eloquence. She even seemed to be able to communicate well with Isaac’s mother.

“Oh, and Isaac. Here’s the book you wanted.”

“Huh? What book is it?”

“It’s a book about the history of demons. A Helium scholar selected it, so it should be a great help to you.”

“Wow…! Thank you so much, Noona.”

“Thanks are unnecessary. I should be the one thanking you.”

Above all, even Isaac was briefly captivated by Cecily, who gave him a history book as a gift. However, there was one person who had the biggest complaint here, and that was Marie.

She was filled with thoughts of spending time with Isaac, but everything was ruined by Cecily’s visit. However, she couldn’t express it directly, so she felt frustrated.

In the end, she secretly called Isaac to a secluded place, and scolded him harshly.



“As your girlfriend, let me tell you now. You must stick with me throughout the exhibition. If you stray away or look at other girls, I won’t even let you hold my hand.”

“Can I at least kiss you then?”

“…You’re such a pervert.”

Feeling her face flush at Marie’s Isaac’s advance, she lowered her head. Isaac then asked in a teasing tone.

“So, can I get an answer? Can I kiss you?”

“…Not now, later. Cecily might see us. She might think we’re doing something if she catches us…”

“Are you shy?”

“Forget it! You’re such a red pervert! We can do it tomorrow without any restrictions!”

“What’s a ‘red pervert’?”

She had a feeling that the exhibition would be a tumultuous one in many ways.

Translators note:

Red pervert lol

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