How to Live as an Illegal Healer

Chapter 403

415. Found 1


“Finally finished.”

Kang Seung-hyeon threw the clothes of Drex he was holding onto the floor.

‘I’m bothering people.’

Kang Seung-hyun likes strong opponents, but doesn’t like dull opponents.

I don’t want to see a guy who isn’t particularly strong and doesn’t have fun.

‘Well, it was kind of fun to suck [Delphinidin Elixir] and jump in at the last minute… But to do it with that much divine power is self-destruction.’

Kang Seung-hyun lightly brushed off the dust from his clothes.

After all, those who became stronger not by working hard but by taking medicine show signs of it.

‘…by the way.’

tuk tuk.

Seunghyun Kang touched the remains of Drex with his foot.

In the past, when [Delphinidin Elixir] users died, grain-like substances filled with divine power were found in the bodies, but this time nothing appeared.

‘Once you drink the potion, it seems certain that grains of divine power are formed in your body like a stone… Is it related to the side effects?’

Under the circumstances, Shin Yu-jun’s goal is the divine power grains found in the bodies of users of [Delphinidin Elixir].

It is unmistakable to see that even the corpses that were created in the arena were retrieved.

If the side effects of [Delphinidin Elixir] simply ended in body collapse, a guy like Shin Yu-jun wouldn’t care at all.

Rather, it would be beneficial if the test subject sucked up a lot of potion and spit out the pellets as they drank quickly.

‘But if the side effect of overdosing the potion is the extinction of the holy power pellets, I can’t help but care.’

It would be a waste to waste an expensive potion several times over, but if the target was not obtained, the damage would be insignificant.

‘It seems that it wasn’t an ordinary lump of holy power after all.’

Curiosity arises at this point.

[Delphinidin Elixir] If unknown grains (hereinafter referred to as delphinidin residues) are produced from the body when the user dies, why doesn’t Shin Yu-jun directly kill the potion user?

‘Is there a reason?’

For example, does it take time to create?

Or that if Shin Yu-jun kills himself, he can’t get the delphinidin residue.

‘Well, I’ll think about the details after joining the party members…’


Seunghyun Kang sat on the floor with his body much heavier than usual.

‘Let’s get some rest. It’s damn hard.’

Without even having to check the status window, the remaining stamina was on the verge of revealing the floor.

Kang Seung-hyun immediately took out several bottles of stamina potions and drank them.

‘I expected it, but it’s harder than I thought.’

Currently, Kang Seung-hyun uses the [Miracle of Teratoma] on his left arm to deform it.

Since his left arm was grotesquely larger than his height, even light movements inevitably consume a lot of stamina.

Furthermore, since Kang Seung-hyun has a bizarre constitution that uses stamina instead of magic to use skills, the speed of stamina consumption has increased several dozen times.


[A small amount of stamina was recovered due to the exhaustion effect!]

In the middle, the [Exhaustion] skill took away Drex’s stamina.

‘This is fun, but the stamina waste is too much. I’ll only use it for last-minute special moves.’

A man with no idea of not writing at all.

That is Kang Seung-hyun.

‘Let’s deal with the arm first.’

[Miracle of Teratoma] can restore deformed body organs to their normal form, but in this state, it is faster to create a new one.


Kang Seung-hyun picked up one of the knives that Drex had dropped and was in good condition.

[Out of focus]



Then, after concentrating his strength, he neatly cut off his grotesquely deformed left arm.

Originally, it wouldn’t be strange if blood poured out, but since Kang Seung-hyeon basically activated the [Hemostasis] skill on bodily injuries, not a single drop of blood flowed out.


When the huge chunk of meat that was close to 3M fell off, my body instantly felt relieved.

‘As expected, it was made by forcibly stretching the blood vessels and attaching bones and muscles at random… It’s not normal.’ After using

the [Observation Eye]

and [Observation Eye] to more carefully fix the shoulder area, I created the left arm to be transplanted into the body.

[Miracle of Teratoma]

Gurg, gurg.

‘Since I can’t use one arm, a way to regenerate my body would be nice, but the energy consumption is too much…’


Kang Seunghyun took out [Ho: Ruth’s hand], grabbed his left arm, and took a thread and a needle. pulled out

‘I like this way.’



The right hand holding the needle moved at a tremendous speed and began to connect the shoulder and left arm.

‘It’s comfortable to have [No: Ruth’s Hand]. Now, even if both arms are blown off, they can be sewn together.’

Of course, there are few people who can fly Kang Seung-hyun’s arms, so the possibility of that happening is low.

However, as long as a person named Kang Seung-hyeon could win and fool others, he was a person who could throw his arms around without any hesitation, so there was no possibility at all.

[Cure Judgment]

After attaching all of his arms together, he activated [Cure Judgment] as a finishing touch, and he began to recover completely.

‘As expected, it’s a [complete cure judgment]. The effect is certain.’

Kang Seung-hyun looked at his left arm and opened and closed his hand.

It was unbelievable that it was an arm that had been severed just before, and it had been completely repaired.

‘Even taking that into consideration, it seems that the resilience is too good.’

[Cure Judgment] is a skill that assists recovery, not a skill that directly recovers like Heal.

In a word, this terrifying resilience is Kang Seung-hyun’s own.

‘Maybe it has something to do with me using stamina instead of magical power.’

Since there is no other entity that uses stamina, it is impossible to ask.

‘Well, this side has been resolved… Now the remaining problems.’

Kang Seung-hyun grabbed his belly with his neatly made left hand.


I don’t have a reason to tell others, so I’m not talking, but in fact, one of the downsides of using skills with stamina is that I get hungry quickly.

The increase in stamina consumption meant that energy consumption… that is, calorie consumption increased.

‘I don’t have anything to eat…’

Kang Seung-hyeon is basically a person with a lot of things to keep in his inventory, and Kim Ho-jung is always a person with a lot of free space, so he always used it instead of a refrigerator when traveling with Kim Ho-jung.

‘The only thing there is the tasteless adventurer’s guild biscuits.’

Of course, Kang Seung-hyun also carries emergency food in case of an unexpected situation, but Kim Ho-jung has everything to eat in his inventory.


In the end, Kang Seung-hyeon soothed his hunger by munching on tasteless biscuits.

‘Next time, I’ll have to drag someone along.’

Kang Seung-hyun threw the biscuit shell on the floor and stood up.

In a way, this fight was a waste of energy on useless work, but it was not without benefits.

A new combat method using the [Teratoma Miracle].

The actual test of [Dementia – Oblivion].

‘And… that I felt the need to quickly create a [Disbelief] auxiliary item.’

Stamina has steadily increased in the meantime, and recovery methods are easy to obtain, so there is no big concern, but [Disbelief] is a stat that has just been acquired, so the value is low and it is not easy to obtain recovery means.

Earlier, thanks to [Oblivion], I was able to prevent Drex from self-destructing. Otherwise, I would have shot a first-person disaster movie.

‘Because [Disbelief] is slow to recover. It’s like overdoing it. I need a weapon to use it effectively.’

If you use an auxiliary tool to activate a skill by consuming energy such as mana or physical strength, you can achieve great efficiency with a smaller amount.

As an analogy, it is the same reason that it is easier and cleaner to use scissors than to tear paper with bare hands.

‘The problem is where to find people who can make weapons.’

A person who must have the skills to handle the special mineral ‘Pektosite’ and at the same time have the trust to trust and entrust [Distrust] information and Pektosite.

‘Choi Yi-han, you bastard… Anyway, Seon-ho Baek’s job overlaps with that of a swordsman.

However, among the blacksmiths Kang Seung-hyun knows, there is no such person.

There were quite a few skilled blacksmiths, but there was no one who could give information about [Disbelief].

‘The most convenient thing is to entrust the production of the weapon and silence it once the bastard completes it…’

No matter how you think about it, it’s not the idea of a healer, but Kang Seung-hyun was a person who thought it didn’t matter because he was a savage healer.

‘Well… Let’s finish this side for now.’

-“This is… the underground arena of a guy named Drex?”

“yes. I took care of Drex, so you can find your colleague slowly.”

After that, Kang Seung-hyun called the gwonsa.

Kwon-sa thanked her several times and looked for her colleague Shim So-eun among the people.

“To operate such a shabby building that is about to collapse at any moment as an arena. I thought Drex was garbage, but it was really dirty…”

“Oh, originally it wasn’t this far, but I smashed it to pieces.”


The guru looked around with a puzzled face and clicked his tongue.

Around it were strewn with grotesquely swollen and deformed members of the organization.

“By the way, the Drex bastard is a really heinous bastard. How can you put your men in such a terrible way!”

“Oh, I did that too.”


“I’m busy, but I’m going to bother you.”

The gwonsa kept his mouth shut and decided to find a colleague.

“Shim So-eun!”

“Gun! And on the side…”

And soon after, I was able to reunite with my old colleague.

“That monster that just came in.”

Among the members of the organization who were beaten by Kang Seung-hyun earlier and fell out due to body transformation.

“Oh, was that friend a colleague? I did not know. There is no distinction between ordinary gang members and slaves.”


“Well, I’ll treat you right away.”

Of course, Kang Seung-hyeon responded calmly with a guilt-free face and started treating Sim So-eun.

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