How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Thats a shame, Grail spoke while licking his lips vainly.

Priscilla responded with a smile, Still, we arent making a loss since the terms of the contract are quite good. Besides, that sir knight apparently played a huge part in the dungeon opening at the Tywin estate.

How good could he be? Even if he is indeed quite capable, hes probably less than Sir Galfredik.

You know the materials that were brought in today? I heard he took care of more than half of the monsters.

Huh? Come on, dont joke around like that

Vice executive! Vice executive! The door burst open and a clerk ran in while shouting excitedly.

Whats going on?

The subjugation squad has returned from the east forest! That sir knight named Eugene, he saved Sir Madrica and killed two orc warriors by himself!



The area in front of the mercenary guilds headquarters was bustling. The bodies of fallen mercenaries were placed neatly to one side, and the corpses of goblins and orc warriors were placed on the other.

In honor of those who willingly raised their swords, spears, and shields for the free city of Maren, which is protected by faith

The guild leader and recruiter, Trevik, solemnly recited a tribute, and all the gathered residents of Maren took off their hats and bowed their heads with respect. Although mercenaries sold their services for money, they deserved respect for fighting in response to Marens recruitment notice.

The short joint funeral ended shortly after, and priests from the church transported the bodies of the dead with the help of other mercenaries. There were about 20 casualties. The bodies of those who were killed while fighting monsters could be tainted with evil energy, so a prayer was a necessity as well as a show of respect.

Anyways, where did Sir Eugene disappear off to? Trevik asked while looking around. Eugene, the protagonist of todays battle, was nowhere to be found.

He should be resting in his home right now.

Ah! Well, he did kill two orc warriors and dozens of goblins by himself. He must be exhausted. Anyways, I heard that Sir Eugenes skill with the javelin is incredible, is that true?

Phew! Theres no need to even mention it. I saw him lean back slightly after taking his hands off the reins, then he threw his javelin like lightning! It crossed 50 meters in the blink of an eye, pierced through the chest of the orc, then flew another 10 meters!

It was actually 30 meters instead of 50. The javelin also did not pierce through the orc, but was instead stuck in its body. Unfortunately, these mercenaries had been too occupied during the battle that they could only speculate based on the corpses of the monsters Eugene had killed. Furthermore, the rumors about Eugene were starting to get out of hand thanks to a particular persons testimony.

I, Ron Madrica, can say with certainty that it was the first time I saw a knight, so brave, honorable, and chivalrous, since my master, Sir Capran. Sir Eugene is truly one of the greatest knights Ive ever met. Madrica spoke in a rather cheesy voice.

Sir Eugenes spear attacks were like lightning bolts! When he wielded two battle axes in his hands, it was as if a legendary dwarven warrior had descended. As a man who lives by the sword and walks the path of a knight, I respect and admire Sir Eugene.

Madrica was well known for his arrogance and bad temper. When he spoke endless praise about Eugene, the people surrounding him burst into admiration. In addition, there was another person who told stories that ignited the curiosity of the crowd, though he was not as influential as Madrica.

Ah, Im telling you! He pulled out the head of a troll with his bare hands! Even though it was a dark, dim dungeon, I swear I saw a halo behind his head. And thats not all. After he killed the immature troll and its mother, he fought against a giant cave spider. He did all of that in a few hours!

By himself? He fought against intermediate-rank monsters in succession by himself?

A mercenary asked while gulping loudly, and Lavan responded with a sigh.

Ha! Of course, I was there as well when we ran into the giant cave spider. Back then, I was about to help Sir Eugene when

The stories of his past feats and todays performance, combined with an appropriate dose of exaggeration, spread throughout the city in no time at all. As such, Eugene became a celebrity on his first day in Maren.


Is that so? How many were killed?

Seventeen in total. St Valiants church will cremate and store the remains in the charnel house. By the way, about the knight I mentioned before.

Sir Jan Eugene, right? What about him?

Marens mayor showed curiosity at Terviks words. The stories regarding Eugene had already reached the mayor as well.

The mercenaries may have exaggerated a little, but we would have missed the orcs and the roamers from the Brandish Mountains without the knight.


Thats why I was thinking. Although there were only three orcs, its the first time weve achieved victory in two years, right? I dont think its a bad idea to promote it, what do you think?

Hmm. Didnt the knight say he was going back to the Tywin estate soon? Hes going back anyway, so is it really necessary?

Its not for Sir Eugene. Its because our city needs it. The royalists have been snooping around since last year, correct? At such a time, a knight from outside responded to our citys recruitment notice and wiped out the orcs from the Brandish Mountains.

Hooh! So youre saying we should send a message to some of the nearby royalist lords.

Thats exactly right. We should not limit ourselves to only the City of Maren, but also keep the security and stability of the surrounding areas. But what did our distinguished king and the royalists do? Theyre so greedy for money and mana stones that theyre only focused on plundering it!

Yes, yes!

Right? Doing that alone will have a significant effect. Why dont you put his feats into the city report and spread it to the nearby lords and nobles?

Even the king could not easily mess with a large commercial city like Maren, but that did not mean that Maren could rise against the monarchy and become independent like the cities of the Carls Baggins Peninsula. As such, the city sent quarterly reports to the royal castle, though it was mostly formality. The reports outlined mundane activities of the city, but for some reason, the reports always included military activities.

It was an underlying message and warning against the royal castle and the surrounding nobles, an open display of power and the level of combat ability that the city could mobilize at any time.

Its a brilliant idea. But will the guild leaders approve of this?

The mayor was just a representative of the city. The general intentions of the city stemmed from the guild leaders. If the majority of the leaders disapproved of their decision, their discussion here would be in vain.

I agree. The merchant guild will definitely agree as well.


Yes. The Palin Association is taking care of Sir Eugene right now. They have an established contract regarding the dungeon of the Tywin estate. It seems to be a rather large deal.

The current guild master of the merchants guild was the previous master of the Palin Association. Although he wasnt the kind of person to use his status for his own people, since the issue regarding Eugene would be helpful to the merchant guild and the City of Maren, he would surely agree.

Hooh. Thats great. Then lets get it going. Well provide him with more than enough compensation and give him sufficient treatment. Ah, yes, it would be nice if we could give him a gift while representing the city as a whole. What would be good?


Trevik pondered for a while, then spoke while snapping his fingers.

I saw that knight earlier and he was only wearing a chain mail. Why dont we give him a nice set of plate mail? We can also engrave the small symbol of our city on the armor as well.

That is an excellent idea. The more the knight is active and the more he performs brilliantly on the battlefield, the more popular our city would become. No, forget plate mail. Lets go bigger. We have our citys reputation to think about, right?


The commercial city was overflowing with money, and the mayor of such a city was quite generous in his thinking as well.


You want me to move?

Yes, Sir Eugene. Our vice executive rented a first-class room from a top-class inn that shares a strong relationship with our association, specifically for you! Naturally, the Palin Association will pay the fees.

Hmm. I would appreciate it. But what about the mercenaries who came with me? They will be accompanying me when I head back to the Tywin estate. It would be rather difficult if we were separated.

Grail was taken aback by Eugenes words, but he answered after quickly regaining his smile, N-naturally, they will be given rooms at the same inn.

And the Palin Association will pay for it as well?

Yes, Grail answered rather hesitantly. He looked slightly sullen as well.

Good. Lets go right away.

Eugene took off his helmet while answering. For some reason, he seemed to be getting lucky in many ways. When Grail saw Eugenes revealed face, his sullen expression transformed into a daze.

His appearance is truly

Do you have anything else to say?

Ah, no! Nothing! Then I will be waiting outside. Ah, our employees will move all of your equipment, so you only need to take what you need for now. Grail bowed before hurrying out.

Sir Eugene, I would be careful of that rat-like merchant if I were you. The way he was looking at you It was the same as those bastards who were sucking and biting each other butt naked in my pond

Shut up and take care of Silion in the stables.



Eugene moved to the new accommodations along with Partec and the rest of the group under the guidance of the Palin Associations employees. Befitting of its name The Heavenly Constellations, the first-class room from a top-class inn was truly grand. Not a speck of dust could be found on the maple furniture and the bed. The walls and floors were smooth and shiny as well.

We need to live in a place like this in the future. If we get a castle one day, we need to make it exactly the same as this. Glamorous, noble, and elegant! So that anyone will be struck with awe the moment they walk in! We can cover the whole place with gold! Hmm? Please? Mirian chattered with excitement and greed. Rather than the spirit of water, she sounded like the spirit of desire. Ignoring her, Eugene quickly unpacked before heading to the room of Partecs group.

Sir Eugene, youre here, Partec greeted Eugene with a bright smile. Even the general room was unbelievably spacious and pleasant compared to the room of the Rose Castle, where they had been squeezed together.

I never thought I would ever stay in a room that costs two silvers per night. It is all thanks to Sir Eugene.

The Palin Associations paying for it anyways. Anyway, we will be leaving as soon as I get my armor, right? Is there anything else we should do before we leave?

Hmm. Well, since theyve gifted you a horse and moved us here, dont you think it would be appropriate to meet with the vice executive of the Palin Association at least once?

Is that so?

Yes. I think the vice executive wants to establish a good relationship with Sir Eugene. Obviously, they must be treating you more generously after considering your relationship with the Tywin family, but I think it would be good to thank her for the gifts. And one more thing.

Lavan and Glade left the room as Partec gestured.

I think the results of todays battle will be reported to the mayor. Guild Leader Trevik hinted earlier today.

The mayor? Eugene responded with a frown. Even if a major was different from lords, he was rather reluctant to meet with those in power.

No matter what anyone says, Sir Eugene was the greatest contributor to todays battle. Besides, its been a while since we killed any of the orcs from the Brandish Mountains. They will praise your performance at the city level. It will make your identity even more perfect than before.

I see. Then should I meet with the mayor?

Probably not. They will send an agent to give you appropriate compensation, and perhaps even award you a medal. A medal has no real uses, so you could just put it away somewhere appropriate.

Hmm, so I shouldnt face anything bothersome, correct?

The celebrities of Maren could send you invitations starting tomorrow, Sir Eugene.


Eugene showed signs of discomfort, and Partec quickly continued, If you want to refuse, use your injuries as an excuse. If you say your broken wrist from the dungeons acting up again, they will understand. Ah, and you can say you have a couple of broken ribs as well, since it was a very fierce battle.

That sounds believable. Eugene nodded satisfactorily.

Partec was certainly skilled, but Eugene liked him because he was quick-witted.

Excuse me, Sir Eugene. You have a guest, Lavan spoke after carefully opening the door.

A guest?

Yes. From the Bestissark Armor Workshop.

Betissark Armor Workshop is

It was one of the places he stopped by earlier when he was shopping for weapons and armor. The Betissark Armor Workshop was the number one armor shop in Maren, and it was run by a pair of dwarf brothers. Of course, as soon as Eugene heard that a regular plate mail cost 80 silver coins, he immediately left.

Hello there, sir. It is an honor to meet the Orc Slayer of Bangle Forest! When Lavan opened the door, a sturdy dwarf spoke while entering the room.

Nice to meet you. You came to see me?

That is correct. I received a request for armor under your name, sir, so I came to see if there was anything you wanted to request specifically for the armor.

Hmm? But I never ordered armor from your workshop.

Huh? That cant be. You are Sir Jan Eugene, arent you? The knight who beat up the roamer goblins and the orcs at noon today.

Thats right, but

Eugene tilted his head in confusion. Partec stepped in.

There seems to be a mistake. Sir Eugene ordered a plate mail from the Lane Defense Shop located right next to the Betissark Armor Workshop, not the Betissark Workshop.

No way! The mayor personally placed the order not too long ago. Moreover, its not regular plate mail either, but plate armor. Thats why I am here to get the sirs dimensions and to see if he has any special requests.

T-the mayor? And what did you say!? Plate armor!?

Partec was not easily surprised, but his mouth went wide agape upon hearing the dwarfs words. Eugene did not fully comprehend the situation, so he stayed silent.

Well, how about this? Lane, hes probably just started tapping the iron plate. I'll cancel the order. Hes the student of us brothers, so he should listen to us. Unfortunately, you wont be able to get the deposit back" The dwarf spoke while stroking his beard, then continued with a shrug.

Lets just say you bought plate armor for the price of a down payment for a plate mail. What do you think, Sir Eugene? The mayors already paid the full price, so I cant cancel the order now.

Lets measure the dimensions.

A plate armor for only ten silver coins was a deal that anyone in their right mind would never refuse.

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