How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

What do you mean by that, brother? Father is awake for less than an hour each day.

Then he can see this sir during that time, hmm? He is going to be meeting our new brother anyways, so we can say hello together.


What? Why?

Sparks seemed to fly as the two brothers glared at each other. Then Camara shrugged before speaking to Eugene.

I apologize for this, sir. I made a mistake in not recognizing your identity earlier on, so I was going to arrange a meeting with the lord for you, but it seems like it will be quite difficult. Because of a certain someone.

Camara glanced towards Bertel, as if screaming because of this bastard!, then continued.

Anyways, take a good rest today. If a certain someone changes their mind, then I will let you know right away. Then.

Camara quickly moved away with his servants after speaking.

He never had any intention of letting me see the lord in the first place. He merely used me to provoke his brother.

Camara simply took the chance to transfer the responsibility for the matter to his brother. Eugene gave up on the idea of meeting the lord through the Tywin brothers.

Do I have to go through Felid then?

It was then.

Oi! Sir Bertel! Are you busy?

A loud voice resonated from the side of the stairs built along the wall. Eugene was rather surprised to discover that the voice belonged to a man as big as Partec.

Its a knight.

The man was dressed in leather armor and a long sword hung from his belt. Such weapons were usually favored by knights. In addition, a rondel dagger, which was shaped like a large fang, was attached to the opposite side of his waist.

Not at all. I will be with you right away, Sir Galfredik.

After answering the large knights call, Bertel turned to Eugene.

The servants will guide you to your room, sir. You can either have your meal at the dining room located in the annex or ask any servant to bring it to you.

After speaking, Bertel headed towards the big knight along with two soldiers. He spoke with the knight while glancing towards Eugenes way, then the two of them headed into the main building together. In the meantime, Partec and the mercenaries finished unloading the carriage and approached Eugene.

Sir Galfredic placed third in last years tournament that was held by Count Evergrove.

Is that so? He certainly looked very big and strong.

They say his strength is unparalleled. Its just that Sir Lugates, who won the championship, is an overwhelmingly strong knight. I hear he is definitely a knight who would be recognized for his abilities anywhere he goes.

Eugene was rather glad he became acquainted with someone knowledgeable. He responded.

I see. But why did such a great knight come to this place?

Perhaps its true that the Tywin family is planning to open the dungeon soon. If the first expedition is successful, the knight who led the expedition will surely gain enormous fame and reputation.

So Sir Galfredik will become a knight of the Tywin family?

Lavan asked carefully while stealing a glance, and Partec shook his head. As the youngest member of the group, Lavan was still inexperienced and rather lacking in information.

I dont think so. I heard Sir Galfredik is an ambitious man. He probably wouldnt be satisfied with a little estate like Tywin. Hell leave when he receives his fair share and gains the reputation of successfully conquering a dungeon. Then he could be recruited to a noble family with a title on better terms.

Im jealous.

Save it. You have to risk your life to explore a newly discovered dungeon. Since no one has ever been inside, the way is unknown and you dont know what kinds of monsters might pop out.

I-is that so?

Thats right. He will have to slay at least 40 or 50 monsters in there. One or two intermediate monsters such as trolls or large dungeon spiders as well to boot. If he only kills a few weaker monsters in the dungeon, people will call him a coward. Its an unacceptable outcome for a knight. Isnt that right, Sir Eugene?

Well. Yes, thats about right.

Although it had nothing to do with himself, Eugene wondered what good fame and fortune were in exchange for ones life. But he agreed with Partec for now.

But no matter how great Sir Galfredik is, do you think having a single knight will be enough? I heard it takes at least 20 people, including the workers, to enter a maze or a dungeon.

Thats only true for dungeons that have already been opened and conquered once or twice. Since this dungeon is unexplored, they will need at least two times that number. Besides, its not like they can grab every Tom off the street, so they will be hiring men who already have a reputation or have proven themselves. To do that Bilmoa, how much money would they need?

If they hire about two or three knights on top of 30 mercenaries, it will be about 800 silver coins in advance. The pay for a successful expedition would have to be calculated afterward, depending on the number of mana stones they gain from killing monsters.


Lavan became speechless. The huge sum was way beyond his imagination.

But if they fail, they will have wasted 800 silver coins. That is why the Tywin family has no choice but to be cautious. Its not like they are very wealthy either. If they fail, they will go bankrupt. Well, although that is only if they manage to gather all of the required troops.

Partec stole a glance at Eugene after finishing his words. Naturally, the gaze of other mercenaries also headed towards him. Eugene was well aware that Partec and the mercenaries thought him to be a knight who was interested in the Tywin territorys dungeon. He remained silent.

Eugene was still busily pondering about ways to get an audience with Lord Tywin. Then, a servant of the castle carefully spoke. He had remained silent thus far while standing behind Eugene and the mercenaries.

Excuse me, Sir knight. My apologies for interrupting your conversation, but I can show you to your room. Why dont you continue the conversation over there?


R-right this way sir.

The servant was expecting to be scolded or even struck by Eugene. He was greatly surprised by the unexpectedly gentle response and quickly moved his steps.


That was so suffocating!

Mirian spoke with a large breath after finally being released from the leather pocket while flying circles around Eugenes head.

Huh? This is the room they put you in?

It was a small room with only one window and a few old hangers lying on a simple desk. It was said to have been originally used by the butler of the castle.

I asked for a room with the least amount of sun, and this is what they gave me. At least there are no fleas or lice. This is enough.

Of course, such pests would not bother a vampire in the least either.

Tsk tsk! You have a long way to go, mister. You have to get ahead and live your life to the fullest, tsk. Speaking of which, why dont you join the dungeon expedition?

Im not interested.

Why? You can score both money and honor.

My priority is to get a proper identity.

A knock interrupted the conversation between the two.

Come in.

Sir knight, the bath water is ready.

Thank you.

The servant bowed his head as if finding Eugenes answer generous, then poured in hot water into a large wooden barrel situated at the bathroom, which was attached to a corner of the room. Steam bloomed into the air, and the servant lowered his head after placing a clean cloth on the bathroom table.

Please let me know when you are done. I will clean it up right away. Ah, what will you do for dinner, sir?

Eugene thought for a moment before responding.

I would like to eat with the company I traveled with. Is it possible?

Yes. The mercenaries are using a large room, so I will have the food on the table as soon as it is ready.

When the servant left, Eugene took off his clothes and sank into the steaming bath.

Kyaah! This is the stuff!

Mirian quickly followed suit and splashed around in the water, then drifted across the water while groaning like an old man. Surprisingly, however, any trace of dirt or muck disappeared wherever she floated across. She definitely was a spirit of water.

Ah~ I know I said this before, but no matter how hard I think about it, not going into the dungeon seems like such a waste.

I told you before. Identity comes first.

That doofus said something about fame bestowed to the first knight who successfully conquers a dungeon, right? Then you wont need to be recognized by the lord here. Isnt that right?


Eugene paused amidst washing himself. She certainly had a point. As Partec said a while ago, those who successfully conquered an unexplored dungeon would gain both wealth and fame. The knight named Galfredik, who seemed rather famous in the nearby regions, was here for that exact purpose as well.

But there are too many unknown variables for me to enter the dungeon. I dont know if those two brothers would accept me, and above all else, I cannot reveal a vampires abilities in the presence of other knights and mercenaries. But

A dungeon was a dark place without sunlight. A vampire like himself would be much more advantageous in such a space compared to a regular human being.

What if he subtly used his abilities depending on the situation? He would use just enough to avoid any detection.

That is not a bad idea. You can be useful sometimes, hmm? And I thought you were only good for making water.

Muhahaha! Of course! I, Lord Mirian, am

Mirian was about to go off on her rant with enthusiasm and pride, then suddenly began to jump angrily with realization.

Are you looking down on me? Dont look down on me! Kieeeek!

Yeah, yeah.

Eugene answered half-heartedly, then lifted himself up from the wooden barrel. As he wiped himself dry, Eugene noticed his reflection in a copper mirror. He observed the well-balanced, muscular body, then narrowed his eyes at a peculiar sight.


His body was always full of mysterious tattoos. He did not know when they were carved in, or who had been responsible for them. But now, one of them, a tattoo that should have been on his right chest, was gone without a trace.

Why did it disappear? What happened?

Eugene was baffled by the sudden situation. Not realizing his concerns, Mirian continued to speak.

Ah, come to think of it, the dungeon should have a few high-ranking monsters. Like that crocodile bastard. Well, the crocodile bastard was still a little weak because he wasnt fully grown, but Kiek!?

Mirian had been leisurely floating around the bathwater as she blabbered on. She shouted with shock as Eugene picked her up with his fingers. He spoke quietly.

There are others like the wetland monster in the dungeon?

Well, thats what I was just saying. That crocodile bastard was a high-ranking monster. I know, shocker, right? But you killed it and ate the mana stone, right? The red one.

Do all high-ranking monsters have red mana stones?

Not all of them. Just a few special ones, I think? Im not sure why. But can you let me go now?

Eugene released his fingers while frowning.

I acquired Black Scales after consuming the red mana stone from the wetland monster. Thats when I started feeling pain in my right chest, right? If I can kill another high-ranking monster and eat their mana stone

He wasnt sure exactly what it would be, but he could gain the ability of a powerful monster. Above all, his tattoos could disappear - the tattoos he failed to remove or to erase until now.

Then what happens when all of my tattoos are erased?

He did not know. But there was only one choice to be made if he wanted to find a clue.

Lets go into the dungeon.

An excellent choice! Sir Eugene, Count of Blood! Kieek!


Ah, here you are, Sir Eugene.

Partec greeted Eugene. Even in the lords castle, he did not take off his leather armor. Various foods were prepared on the table, which was large enough to seat five or six people.

There was bread, some roasted ducks, and stew with big chunks of meat and vegetables. In addition, a large jug of beer and wine was present as well.

The Tywin family isnt treating us too shabby. It is all thanks to you, Sir Eugene.

Is that so?

Of course. The kitchen gave us all this food because Sir Eugene said you would eat with us. If it were just us, they would have told us to dip our bread in the stew.

We wouldnt have seen even a pigs tail in the stew either, never mind chunks of meat!

And could we even dream of alcohol? We would have been relieved if they didnt bring us water the maids used to wash their privates!

Wouldnt that be a reward for you? You little rascal!

The mercenaries burst out laughing at someones comment. They seemed to be slightly more comfortable in Eugenes presence after accompanying him for a few days. Naturally, they still knew him to be a knight from a noble family who could even read and write, so they never crossed the line. But unlike other knights, they found that Eugene had a gentle personality. He never mistreated them or looked down on them. Perhaps because of this, the mercenaries felt a sense of comradeship with Eugene.

Moreover, they were able to indulge in such a scrumptious dinner thanks to Eugene. They felt even more grateful.

Lets eat.


The mercenaries started eating while talking amongst themselves. The mercenaries were young and big, and the food quickly disappeared. Eugene put down a wooden mug of wine and spoke to Partec.

Are you finished with the request now?

We will have to take Bilmoa back to Maren for now.

And then?

If the Palin Association gives us another request, we will take it. Or else we will have to head to the guild. Unless you are participating in a battle or a war, its best to receive commissions from the guild. But why do you ask?

Its not a big deal, but I was wondering if you would like to conquer a dungeon with me if you had nothing lined up after this.


Partec and the mercenaries froze at Eugenes words.

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