How to Raise Your Skeletons

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: I Try My Best, Yet Look What Life Throws at Me

Rankers—the aspiration and idol of all hunters and those who have seized all the world’s honor, wealth, and power.

The way to become one is very simple. You must have your name engraved on the “World Ranking Board,” an enigmatic giant board that appeared in the eastern United States about ten years ago. Exactly 1,000 hunters can be listed on it in a ranked order.

Some might wonder, “Isn’t that a bit strange? I can accept that being listed on the board makes you a ranker. But who decides who gets listed?”

“Right, there is no clear criteria for becoming a ranker.”

“True… It’s quite vague. After all, skill can vary greatly depending on one’s condition on any given day, and some hunters have authorities related to support or daily life.”

These were the questions that many had when the board first appeared.

But their concerns were unfounded because the system that determines the rankings wasn’t “human.”

[The rankings have been updated.]

[Please refer to the World Ranking Board.]

At the beginning of each month, a status message appeared to all hunters worldwide, announcing the update.

Just that alone settled all disputes. No “human” could possibly do something like that.

“Okay, if the system determines the rankings automatically, that’s fair.”

“Yeah, as long as it’s not a human, there won’t be any corruption, right?”

Humanity accepted and understood the “ranker” system without much resistance. After all, they had already deeply accepted the concept of the “hunter” system.

—Step, step.

I continued walking along the trail.

After some time, I found a vast, empty open space.

“Time to get started.”

This wasn’t a space created by someone else but a space created naturally, mixed with my sweat and tears.

Whenever I finished work, I naturally headed here.

—Crack, crack.

As soon as I arrived, I began stretching, rotating my neck.

At the same time, I opened the skill window with one eye.

[Skill: Summon Ordinary Skeleton]

[Rank: E]

[Effect 1: Consumes 10 energy to summon a low-grade skeleton. A maximum of 10 can be summoned.]

[Effect 2: You can name each skeleton.]


The familiar content greeted my eyes. Content that always induced frustration and raised my blood pressure every time I saw it.

I sighed.

Of course, it wasn’t like this when I first got the skill.

I can name the skeletons. Perhaps this skill has a feature I’ve never heard of before. Maybe it’s a particular authority that’s different from others?

It was a thought anyone could have had. Typically, a necromancer’s undead are disposable. The summoned creature disappears after one use, never appearing again in subsequent summons.

But I was different. Every time, I consumed energy to summon them.

[Skill: ‘Summon Ordinary Skeleton’ (E-rank) activated.]

[10 energy consumed.]

[‘Bonehead 1’ summoned.]

[Skill: ‘Summon Ordinary Skeleton’ (E-rank) activated.]

[10 energy consumed.]

[‘Bonehead 2’ summoned.]

[Skill: ‘Summon Ordinary Skeleton’ (E-rank) activated.]

[10 energy consumed.]

[‘Bonehead 3’ summoned.]

—Creak, clatter!

With numbers attached to their names like “Bonehead,” these familiar skeletons appeared. They weren’t disposable skeletons but always the same ones.

“Good to see you again, all of you. Warm up and make sure to take care of your delicate joints.”

Of course, it wasn’t difficult to distinguish them, even without names, because their weapons differed.

“Number 1 has the big sword.”


It struck at a scarecrow set up in the corner.

“Number 2 has the long spear.”


Bonehead 2 also dashed toward the scarecrow on the opposite side as if not to be outdone.

“Number 3 has the bow.”


The last one drew its bowstring aiming at the target attached to a tree.

Yes. This was the effort I put into becoming a ranker: training.

For three years, I had been tirelessly drilling these skeletons alone. Based on the assumption that the memory and skills of the summoned skeletons were preserved, I trained them in hopes of enhancing my authority.

At first, there were some results. The skeletons that struggled to take down a single E-rank goblin could now easily handle three independently.


An E-rank is an E-rank. That’s all there was to it. No matter how intense the training got or how much time passed, there was a limit to their growth.

I even tried getting private tutors.

When I hired a C-rank hunter for expensive money, I experienced firsthand the fervor of a parent obsessed with education.

Moreover, the more tragic thing was…

I gave up on the rest, from Bonehead 4 to Bonehead 10.

Unlike Boneheads 1 to 3, the others didn’t even have weapons.

I tried various experiments, thinking they might be barehanded fighters or support types.


Watching them move like glitchy robots made me feel suffocated, like I would die from a fever.

I tried giving them hundreds of different weapons, teaching them the martial arts I had learned, and even reading books or playing videos for them. I even took them as porters in high-ranking dungeons as shock treatment.


But as expected, there was no response. I just wasted my precious energy.

One year passed, two years, and now this was the third year.

They were still just ordinary E-rank skeletons.

I sighed. As a human, I couldn’t help but feel exhausted. Am I really going to live this kind of life forever?

“Such a wretched life I live.”

But there was no other way.

Someone once said that living with an unattainable dream is better than living without a dream at all.

My dream is clear—to become a ranker.

So, I just keep moving forward steadily.

As I continued training, I felt something stirring in the dark forest.



I frowned.

Even though this was an unowned hill behind the village, this was my sacred place that no one had set foot in for the past three years.

Instinctively, I became wary.

“Grrrr! Squeal!”

What was that?

My eyes widened.

What was that sound like a pig being slaughtered?

One thing was sure—it wasn’t human. So, at best, it could be a wild boar, and at worst…

A monster?

—Creak, clatter!

Boneheads 1, 2, and 3 seemed to read my mind and instinctively stopped their training. They moved closer to me, ready for battle.


With a foul roar from up close, a monster appeared.

With green skin, large fangs, and bulging muscles, it was…

“An orc?”

A rather tricky monster registered as D-rank.

“What the—why is an orc here?”

I took a step back in shock.

A D-rank orc might be small fry to a ranker. But to me, it was nothing but sheer terror because my available forces were just three E-rank skeletons.

Moreover, the look in its blood-red eyes clearly conveyed one thing—its desire to devour. It drooled, seeming to be very hungry.

[‘Bonehead 1’ (E-rank) is suppressed by the presence of a stronger entity. All stats reduced by 20%!]

[‘Bonehead 2’ (E-rank) is suppressed by the presence of a stronger entity. All stats reduced by 20%!]

[‘Bonehead 3’ (E-rank) is suppressed by the presence of a stronger entity. All stats reduced by 20%!]

“Oh, you damned creatures!”

To make matters worse, despite three years of training, my beloved boneheads were immediately intimidated.

“It’s like the heavens are pushing me to die.”

The fact that an orc appeared here meant a Dungeon Break had occurred.

Dungeon Breaks aren’t rare phenomena.

But what are the odds of one occurring in this deserted place when I was alone?

Hmm, maybe about the odds of getting struck by lightning while walking.

“Haah.” A deep sigh escaped my lips.

How painful would it be to be crushed by those orc teeth? Will it start with my upper body or my lower body? Or will it just finish me off before eating me?


Of course, I didn’t intend to go down without a fight. Because I don’t want to die.

“Huff. Hruff!”

The orc, cautiously watching me, started charging while swinging its axe.

“Block it!” I immediately commanded the skeletons to form a barrier.

Despite being intimidated, the fearless boneheads moved without hesitation.


Bonehead 1, or ‘Boney 1’ for short, swung its sword to block the axe. Boney 2, with a spear, quickly joined to support Boney 1. However…


As the orc’s powerful muscles flexed, the skeletons’ bodies were quickly shattered.

—Crunch! Crack!

My mind went blank at the sight.

[‘Bonehead 1’ has been unsummoned.]

[‘Bonehead 2’ has been unsummoned.]

“Damned creatures!”

The only silver lining was that Boney 3, an archer, fought from a distance.


The skeleton’s bowstring snapped as it shot an arrow.

Yes, Boney 3! You’re my only hope. Please stay strong! Even though my life may be cursed, I still want to live.

[Hunter: Joo Donghoon]

[Energy: 70/100]

I checked my energy while retreating.

My remaining energy was at 70, meaning I could still summon seven more skeletons.

[Skill: ‘Summon Ordinary Skeleton’ (E-rank) activated.]

[10 energy consumed.]

[‘Bonehead 1’ summoned.]

[Skill: ‘Summon Ordinary Skeleton’ (E-rank) activated.]

[10 energy consumed.]

[‘Bonehead 2’ summoned.]

“You guys are the tanks!”

I quickly retreated and summoned the melee attackers again. In a life-or-death situation, I excluded summoning the useless Boneheads 4-10.

“Charge! Hold it off!”


Boney 1 and Boney 2 nodded and charged again.

The strength of skeletons lay in their ability to be endlessly revived as long as I had enough energy.

Right. I’m sorry for being a lousy master, but please buy me some time.


Angry at interrupting its meal, the orc roared loudly enough to shake the entire forest. It ruthlessly swung its axe at the two persistent skeletons.

—Ting! Ting!

Boney 3’s arrows bounced off the orc’s tough skin. The hits weren’t without impact, but they only seemed to enrage it more.

Damn it all.

My head felt like it was on fire. I was retreating but couldn’t get too far from the skeletons as the orc’s target was my soft flesh and sweet blood. I couldn’t escape it with human speed if it decided to ignore everything else and focus solely on me.

[‘Bonehead 1’ has been unsummoned.]

[‘Bonehead 2’ has been unsummoned.]

“Damn it!”

There wasn’t much I could do but run with all my might and resummon the skeletons when they were unsummoned. The attacks weren’t working against the D-rank orc because it was ranked high within the D-rank, but now wasn’t the time for such thoughts.

I fought desperately to stay alive like a frantic bug.

After a few minutes…

[Energy depleted.]

[Tip: Want to recover energy? Try resting.]

“Rest, my ass!”

I was out of energy.

I looked up at the sky and cursed at it. I’ve been trying hard to survive, but why has this happened to me?

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