How to Raise Your Skeletons

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: The Ancient Desert (2)

In a desert where rain falls, a child standing blankly looked pitiful.

It was hideous. Its eyes were wounded as if they had been gouged, and its whole body was covered in scars. With black wings attached to its back, the child’s appearance was befitting the title of ‘monster.’


A growling sound came from its throat.

It was holding something with both hands—a long, hard object. It had sharp metal at the end. The child instinctively knew the beings in front of it were afraid of this object. They called it a spear.

“You hideous monster! Get lost!”

“Lowly, dirty creature!”

“How dare a half-human, half-beast think it can fit in with us? Just die already!”


The child remained silent.

It only felt the people shouting in front of it. It couldn’t see.

From the moment it opened its eyes to the world, it had forcibly lost its sight. It had had to give its eyes to the people who rejected it.


The child could not see the world. But it thought it might be better. Because it didn’t have to look at those noisy people. Because it didn’t have to face the malice directed at it.


The torrential rain evaporated as soon as it poured.


At the same time, the child thrust the spear out.

The people who had been shouting before it could no longer speak.


Because the metal pierced their hearts in an instant.

Its movements were clean and precise. In moments, its actions tore into dozens of bodies.

—Drip, drip, drip!

Blood gushed out, and bodies were slashed.

The pouring rain washed them all away cleanly.

The noisy space fell into silence.

The quiet was good.


The child thought, What am I? What kind of being am I? Am I really the ‘monster’ they say I am? Am I a being that cannot be loved?

Tears welled up in the child’s eyes. The tears evaporated as soon as they fell.

* * *

Reaper Scans

Translator – Dawn

Proofreader – BringTheRayn

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* * *

“Damn,” I cursed at the hopeless situation.

But I couldn’t just stand there blankly. I had to make a quick decision.


The ground shook, and the walls trembled.

The sight of a hundred skeletons charging at me was nothing short of terrifying.

[Warning! Warning! Warning!]

[A hundred D-rank ancient skeleton spearmen are approaching!]

“First off, Boney 4! Move forward!”

—Creak! Thud!

In a hurry, I sent the shieldman to the front.

Fortunately, there were no enemies behind us, only before us.

I have to hold the line as best as I can.

The terrain was decent.

If it had been an open field, we would have been surrounded in an instant, but this was a narrow corridor. The enemy’s entry path was fixed, and we could deal with just a few at a time.

“Get ready, everyone.”

I controlled them. I positioned Boney 1 and Boney 2 next to Boney 4. Boney 3 and Bone y5 were placed at the rear.

No need to rush. I have to take them out one by one.

Was it because the dungeon transformed into one related to my profession?

Originally, skeletons would be E-rank or F-rank at best, but these were all D-rank, meaning they might be special skeletons similar to mine.

Of course, that’s just a possibility.

I firmly believed that my skeletons were aces and that these were just monsters. It was a baseless confidence.

I don’t think all D-ranks are the same.

My skeletons were special ones trained by the Master of All Techniques.

Furthermore, the other ones all wielded spears, but my skeletons formed a ‘team’ with their respective weapons, balanced in attack and defense.


The tremors grew closer.

Come at me.

I swallowed.


The enemy skeletons began to flood the corridor.

The ones that entered first thrust their spears at Boney 4’s shield.

Boney 1 and Boney 2, flanking Boney 4, slashed and stabbed at their neck joints.

The skulls of the fallen skeletons rolled on the floor.

[‘Bonehead 4’ used the skill ‘Low-Level Taunt’ (Lv.6).]

Thanks to Boney 4’s taunt, Boney 1 and Boney 2 hadn’t taken direct hits yet.


I couldn’t let my guard down.

Boney 4’s durability had its limits and the pressure from the gathering enemies was growing stronger.

“Fall back slowly!”

—Thunk! Bang! Crash!

Boney 4 grabbed the shaking shield and slowly retreated.

[‘Bonehead 4’ consumed 10 energy.]

[‘Bonehead 4’ consumed 10 energy.]

The more intense the impact, the faster Boney 4’s energy depleted.

Boney 1 and Boney 2 clashed with the enemies’ weapons as well.

—Swish! Swish!

Boney 3 busily fired arrows from the rear.

“Take them down one by one! Destroy one before moving to the next!” I shouted.

The concept was to focus fire. Simply put, gang up on them. In a narrow space, taking them down one by one in a 5:1 fight would allow us to defeat more with less energy.



A spear flew at me through the gap in Boney 4’s shield.

I would have been surprised in the past, but now…

I can dodge it.

I tilted my head and body slightly, dodging the spear.

—Swish! Thud!

It hit the ground behind me with a loud whoosh.


The skeleton that lost its weapon tried to retreat.

“Tsk, you think there’s room to escape?”

As expected of an undead, it lacked intelligence.


As if avenging the attack on me, Boney 1’s greatsword crushed the skeleton’s skull.

“Well done, Boney 1!”

—Click, clack!

Was it my imagination that Boney 1 seemed to smile at my compliment?

Boney 5’s eyes shone as if not wanting to lose.

[‘Bonehead 5’ used the skill ‘Fireball’ (Lv.8).]

—Whoosh! Boom!

After two weeks of training, Boney 5’s fireball had reached a high level.

Being the only splash damage magic we had, it was especially effective in situations like this.

The tightly packed skeletons were smashed by the powerful fireball.

Bones piled up into a mountain.

Of course, more new skeletons kept pouring in over the pile.

—Crunch! Crack!

The chaotic battle dragged on. We blocked their attacks. Then we slashed, stabbed, and smashed them.

I also wielded the weapons I took from them. Using the skills taught by the old man, I found they were indeed effective.

But not as strong as I thought.

But there were just too many of them. My skeletons’ durability was gradually decreasing.

[Bonehead 4’s energy has reached 0.]

[‘Bonehead 4’has been unsummoned.]

The most reliable tank was unsummoned. But…

[Using skill, ‘Summon Awakened Skeleton’ (D-rank).]

[10 energy consumed.]

[‘Bonehead 4’ summoned.]

I summoned Boney 4 again.

I need to focus my energy on Boney 4.

I had 60 energy left. As long as I could keep summoning the tank back, this fight was winnable.

As their numbers decreased, my burden of using energy would lessen.

“Keep coming, you bastards!”

I swung the spear with all my might, constantly using my muscles.

When the bone spear broke, I picked up another.

I used the skill taught by the old man, ‘Pierce’ (C-rank). Grabbing the spear with both hands, I pushed with all my strength in my unique way, in my unique stance.

My whole body trembled. The veins in my wrists and ankles swelled and the muscles in my thighs and calves screamed.

As time passed, my strength waned. But I gritted my teeth and pushed harder.

“Just die already!”

My heart pounded like crazy with every move.

Come to think of it, had I ever fought so fiercely before?

Honestly, this was fun.

I might seem like a madman, but it was enjoyable. This was a moment where I could lose my life, but even in this hopeless situation, I felt alive.

[The ‘Sun Spear’ sleeping in the ‘Pyramid’ has awakened.]

[The ‘Sun Spear’ is watching you.]

“What now?”

I paused.

The Sun Spear. The being I had to face in this stage.

The warrior and absolute ruler of the ancient desert empire.

[The ‘Sun Spear’ sneers at you.]

[The ‘Sun Spear’ asks if you think you can face it with such skills.]

“What are you saying?”

Mocking me after sending just a few D-rank skeletons?

Sun Spear or whatever.

I’ll show you what I’m made of.


I gripped the spear tighter.

I didn’t know who the Sun Spear was, but I had cleared tougher dungeons. I was the one who persuaded the Master of All Techniques, an absolute being even the rankers couldn’t defeat!

“Boney 4, we will advance with no more retreats,” I spoke with determined eyes.


Boney 4 tilted its head as if wondering why the sudden change.

“The Sun Spear up ahead is taunting me.”

The goal of this dungeon was to meet it anyway.

Not knowing what monsters awaited, I couldn’t keep retreating. I didn’t have infinite energy.

“Whatever is ahead, we have to face it now.”

I abandoned caution and took a bold step forward.

Like when I obtained the Master of All Techniques, sometimes, you have to charge without looking back.

I advanced with determination.

* * *

The battle lasted longer than expected. And it was even more grueling.

It was then when I had almost taken down a hundred skeleton spearmen…

[Warning! Warning! Warning!]

[A hundred D-rank ancient skeleton spearmen are approaching!]

Another hundred came charging.

“You sons of bitches.”

I was right after all.

This dungeon had a trick to spawn infinite skeletons until I reached the destination.

The problem was…

“When will the Sun Spear show up?”


I swung my spear.

—Swish! Crush!

Boney 1 and Boney 2 smashed the skulls of the incoming skeletons.

I was already breathing heavily, muscles fatigued.

And still, about forty skeletons remained.

I only had 20 energy left.

[The ‘Sun Spear’ looks at you with unexpected eyes.]

[It thinks you’ve held out well.]

[But it still thinks your skills are trash.]

Damn you for calling me trash again.

It was a word I was sick of hearing from the Master of All Techniques.

Well, I had nothing to say since it wasn’t wrong. Compared to my future goals, I was indeed ‘trash’ now.

[The ‘Sun Spear’ says it’s almost over.]

[It tells you to hang in there a little longer.]

Almost over?

I looked around but only found a long corridor. The only difference was it was getting wider, which made it even more disadvantageous for me.

The skeletons started to surround us from the flanks.

I checked the state of my skeletons, Boney 1 to Boney 5.

None were intact. Their energy was almost depleted, and they seemed on the verge of breaking.

I can summon two more.

The fight was endless.

I needed to end this quickly.

“Boney 4.”


“Give me the shield.”

I took the shield from it. It was a bit heavy but manageable as I had trained with it.

“Next, Boney 5.”


Boney 5, parrying an enemy spear with its staff, looked at me.

“From now on, we’re breaking through. Replenish the air shield whenever it breaks. And the rest…”

I lowered my stance with the shield in front.

“Cover my rear at all costs.”

The skeletons formed a defensive line with their backs to me.

This was a life-risking dash toward the Sun Spear’s lair. Whether I would reach the destination first or fall before that, it was time to roll the dice.

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