How to Raise Your Skeletons

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Growth

The Grand Technique of the Celestial Artisan was the technique developed by the old man who once ruled as the absolute power in his world, created during the twilight of his life. The name might sound grand, but its principle was simple.

Inflict pain. And through that pain, you grow.

Honestly, it’s frustrating.

No matter how effective the old man claimed it to be, it was nothing more than a feeling. There were no noticeable upgrades in my skills nor did I earn a new power like in a Wuxia novel. Nothing visibly changed.

But this time…

The old man assured me that I would shed a layer and emerge stronger after this treatment. When he spoke, his words carried weight. He wasn’t one to sweet-talk or fabricate.

“You’ve endured well for a long time. You’ve faced pain of varying degrees countless times from many injuries.”


“So let me ask you something. Do you know the greatest physical pain a human can endure?”

The greatest pain?

I thought for a moment before responding. “Excluding mental and other trivial pains… Hmm, isn’t it burning pain? I think I read that somewhere.”

“Hoho, exactly.”

“Right?” I nodded.

The pain of being burned. Just thinking about it was horrifying. Even a minor burn could make every nerve scream. So, yeah, I’d say burning pain is the worst.

But wait—hold on.

“W-Wait a minute, elder.”


“Wh-Why are you asking me this? Don’t tell me, you’re…”

I looked at the old man with a perplexed expression, and he grinned widely. It was, without a doubt, the happiest expression I had ever seen on his face.

“Don’t worry, my disciple. Your senses have become as tough as iron after all the training. I’m sure you’ll be able to endure it.”

“…What does that even mean?”

Tough as iron? Was he talking about my pain resistance skill?

[Skill: Pain Resistance]

[Rank: A]

[Effect 1: Resist pain.]

[Effect 2: The more pain, the more numb your senses become.]

It’s A-rank, but still. It’s not like he can just burn me for fun after beating the crap out of me for this long.

“Elder, I’ve been deeply immersed in blacksmithing lately, and one thing I’ve realized… is that iron melts when heated.”

“Haha, true. But doesn’t it become a stronger alloy afterward?”


As my discomfort became more evident, the old man continued.

“Don’t worry. This method will be entirely different from the usual one.”

“…What kind of method is it?”

I was anxious, but I wanted to hear him out.

“Until now, the training has been forcibly carried out, hasn’t it? You trained for 30 minutes without showing any sign of surrender.”

“Training, huh… More like you beat the living crap out of me.”

“Hah! Listen. Calling it ‘forced’ might need to be corrected! The choice was always yours to make, wasn’t it?”


He was right. I could’ve just refused the old man’s massage by not summoning him if I had wanted. However, I clearly summoned him daily and received his massage. The reason for that was simple: to become stronger. It was the most certain measure I could take to achieve my goal.

“Just from that, you’re already different from ordinary people. This isn’t about whether you’re ordinary or a genius. Frankly, even geniuses feel pain when they get hit. Haha.”

True. Even geniuses like Einstein or Alan Turing, while intelligent, probably weren’t any better at enduring pain.


“Want to know something that’ll give you chills?”

“…What is it?”

“Take a look at your mouth right now.”

My mouth? Why should I look at my mouth?

Tilting my head in confusion, I suddenly froze as a chill ran down my spine.


There was a smile.

Even though we were talking about excruciating pain and burning people alive, and I was tense about it, the corners of my mouth were slightly raised.

This wasn’t joyful at all. It was sad. Had I, an ordinary person, become a masochist who enjoys pain?

“That’s why I say you’re extraordinary. My quest for a genius was wrong. It was fortunate that I found a freak like you.”

No, elder. I don’t think that’s it.

“They say a genius can’t beat a hardworking person, and a hardworking person can’t beat an enjoyer. And that’s exactly what you are.”

“Well, that’s a nice saying, but…”

Why does it sound so sad to me?

Anyway. The old man was right about everything he said.

He’s right.

I wanted to become stronger.

The world had changed over the past decade. From a world where money and power were paramount to a world where only strength mattered. A world where value was judged by the ranks displayed in messages or rankings posted on boards.

This was about survival. And to survive, one had to become stronger.

Frankly, we live in an era where the current legal system cannot correctly punish a ranker for violating the law. We hunters were like beasts thrown into a cruel, wild world—like lambs. And amidst all this, an unparalleled opportunity had come. A chance to become a predator had emerged.

I have to endure.

What other choice did I have?

Yes, I must endure no matter what.

I clenched my teeth tightly. Without realizing it, I was also clenching my fists.

“So what’s the method this time?”

“This time, it will not be forced. Everything will depend on your will.”

The old man smiled, and I frowned.

“My will…?”

“Yes, your will. For about 30 minutes, this technique will rely solely on your own effort. If you push the intensity, the pain will increase, and time will slow. On the other hand, if you don’t raise the intensity yourself, it won’t hurt much, and it’ll be over quickly.”

“Eh, doesn’t that make it easier?”

“Haha, you think so?”


“Listen closely. This intermediate stage can be completed in one go if done correctly. However, it could take a lifetime to overcome if not done right. Experience it for yourself, and you’ll understand.”


Flames erupted from the old man’s hands. As expected of the Master of All Techniques, he could also use fire magic.

“Will you take it like a man and finish it in one go? Or will you cower and suffer for a long time?”

“…Well, I’ll have to try it to find out.”

“Nonsense. Heh, I know you too well.”

“You do?”

“Yes, you’re a persistent one. The kind of person who will survive no matter where they’re thrown.”


“Now bring it out.”

The old man’s flames approached me.

“Your desire for power that’s hidden deep within…”


As his hands moved, the flames encircled my body.

The technique had begun.


The sensation hit immediately.

This is…

Hot? Yeah, it was hot. It was burning. The flames encircling me seemed to sear every nerve ending in my body. But even so…

It’s bearable.

I recalled the first time the old man beat me. I had screamed and struggled like a madman. But now, this wasn’t so bad.

It’s weak, I thought to myself.

Not consciously, but my body was whispering it to me.

Because I know it’ll get more intense.

The old man had said it: everything depends on my will. Time is more precious than gold. I could go to a sauna instead if this was just the warm-up.

“Heh, your spirit is strong!” The old man’s faint voice echoed in my ears as I grimaced because a sound like an explosion inside me signaled the true beginning.



I bit my lip as the pain intensified, taking over my mind.

I can do this. I can do it.

I closed my eyes and focused. Pain is just the nerves crying. I’ve felt it every day, so it’s a familiar sensation.

Bring it on.

Most people shrink away from pain. They try to avoid it, retreating in fear.


I didn’t back down. Instead, I embraced the familiar heat I felt from Boney 5’s flames, opening myself up to it.

Do as you wish. However, just promise me one thing: make me stronger and grow…!


The fire blazed. It wasn’t just burning meaninglessly.

This is…

The fire moved through my body, tracing a familiar path.

The Great Blue Heart Technique?

Yes, indeed. The fire followed the energy pathways of the Great Blue Heart Technique, burning through the blockages that even the old man’s massages couldn’t clear.

—Boom! Boom! Boom!

The blockages burst like fireworks.


My eyes flew open as a sharp pain hit me. The real pain had begun.

“Grk, grrk!”

Foam bubbled from my mouth as yellowish fluid oozed from the pores of my skin.


The fluid evaporated in the intense heat almost instantly.

“It’s the impurities. The primordial filth accumulated in your body from the polluted air of the world. Normally, no human could ever cleanse this through natural means, but you’re enduring well.”

It was a process of cleansing and purifying.


The pain continued. Indescribable agony coursed through me at least a hundred times.

I was drained. Not because it was over but because the muscles had quite literally burned out. I couldn’t even scream anymore. An overwhelming sense of loss consumed me.

Am I going to die at this rate?

Honestly, I wanted to give up if I could.

He said it was up to my will.

That was a lie. The flame had tasted my body and wouldn’t leave me alone. It roamed inside me against my will, ravaging my body like a dog reunited with its owner after a long absence.

—Boom! Boom! Boom!

It moved violently, rampaging through my body for what felt like an hour.

“Give up if you have to. But know that it’s only been five minutes since we started.”

What the hell?

I wanted to curse.

“You can stop if you’d like. Heh, it’s not like this is your only chance. And removing the impurities alone is already a good result.”

The old man’s voice was soft and sweet.

Finally, I understood why he said this wouldn’t be easy. It was always harder to resist temptation than to endure something forced upon you.

Don’t be ridiculous!

I steeled my resolve. I decided to consider the old man a devil, and this was nothing but a devil’s whisper. Only one chance, my ass!

It felt like almost an hour, and if I quit now, all that effort would be wasted.

“Haha, you sure are persistent. You truly are my disciple!”

The old man laughed heartily. But why did that sound so incredibly annoying today?


The pain grew more intense. It felt like carpet bombs were being dropped inside my body.

[Skill ‘Pain Resistance’ (A-rank) has been upgraded.]

[You have acquired the skill ‘Pain Resistance’ (S-rank)!]

[This skill has the potential for further growth.]

After what felt like five more hours, this message appeared.

But I felt nothing; my mind and body were too worn out.

Just eat me alive.

I flipped over. I had long since passed the point of what any ordinary human could endure. Pain was pain whether I was struck with a 1,000-ton hammer or a 900-ton hammer. I had no thoughts. I just cried and endured.

And after god knows how many hours had passed…

“You’re a tough one… You’ve managed to endure the full 30 minutes.”

The old man’s voice sounded faintly in my ears.

Ah. Was it finally over? Really?

Honestly, I had no sensation left. I couldn’t tell where I was or how long I’d held out.

I could see Dagnar’s worried face and the old man’s satisfied expression through my blurred vision.

Ha, damn it.

Well done, well done, me!

And with that, I slowly lost consciousness.


[Your rank has upgraded to B-rank!]

I didn’t have time to register the new message floating above my vision.

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