How to Survive as a Genius Spy in the Game

Chapter 113: Kidnapping (2)

Chapter 113: Kidnapping (2)

There are limits to what one can do alone on this vast continent.

No matter how knowledgeable of the future or exceptional I may be, I’m just one person, so my capacity to respond is limited.

It would be the same even if I returned to Erendil’s side after clearing all these bad reputations and her becoming emperor.

It’s difficult for me to shape events in the shadows as I desire.

There’s the Imperial Intelligence Agency, and providing public explanations would be needed to wield official power like that.

Not to mention it would be near impossible for me to become the empire’s Chief of Intelligence within the next decade.

‘In other words, I need my own sub-organization.’

This was something I had thought about even while under Haisen. I would have created one regardless of staying.

For an intelligence agency, personnel are assets. Building a human network is what every agency does.

In any case, people are the most important factor in creating such an organization. It’s only natural.

Money isn’t really an issue.

I can earn it anytime by utilizing my future knowledge, and with people, I can acquire money.

Even if all of Haisen’s Intelligence Agency’s funds disappeared, I could quickly replenish them.

But acquiring people is a difficult problem. Especially so for the organization I intend to create, as the conditions are quite demanding.

Given the gravity of the situation, it will be closer to a secret society.

‘Ability is important, but trust is even more crucial.’

There must be no traitors in the organization I create.

Not just because we’ll be confronting the devil worshippers, but because I, the leader, am the empress’s killer.

In other words, I must recruit people I’m convinced won’t betray me.

It’s a tall order. Betraying even a life-savior is something humans do.

Right away, it means many of the named characters I know will be filtered out.

Later, as the organization grows, I may be able to recruit through front organizations, but…

For the decent-named characters, I only planned to offer aid or get acquainted for now.

In that sense, meeting Aron wasn’t a bad thing.

‘He’s no ordinary pitiful madman, after all.’

For the sake of rescuing his sibling, this fellow knowingly debased himself like a dog under the devil worshippers despite their wrongdoing.

I’ve never seen him betray anyone.

There were benefits from the other side too.

Though it deviated slightly from the original plan, heading west wasn’t a bad trajectory either.

The repeated wars and civil strife had made the West fertile ground for the devil worshippers to take root.

I intended to reveal myself going forward occasionally.

‘The empire’s eyes will be drawn this way too.’

It will also help keep the devil worshippers in check.

With that judgment, I had passed through one city and arrived in Gorivan in the empire’s western region.

[The Princess Inherits the Founding Emperor’s Legacy!]

[The Princess Drives Out Devil Worshippers with Teme’s Spear!]

[The Princess Had Sensed Devil Worshipper Anomalies Early On!]

The news circulating within the empire reported daily on my recent deeds.

The empire, which had initially focused more on the devil worshippers than me, was now concentrated on Teme’s Spear.

It’s only natural. There’s no better propaganda piece than me. The founding emperor is nearly sanctified in the empire.

Not to mention the emergence of a weapon that only existed in legends.

‘In Earth terms, it would be similar to Excalibur appearing in England.’

As such, this incident was progressing in a more positive direction than I had worried.

Of course, there are still negative views too.

The princess’s knight killed the empress. The princes’ faction must be gritting their teeth and publicizing this.

But Teme’s Spear was a subject that overshadowed it all.

The princess who led the empire to victory in the war with the West had now inherited the founding emperor’s spear to drive out the devil worshippers.

The empress died, but it was a story packaged well enough.

The princes who had been uniting their forces after the war with the West would be quite vexed.

They want to exploit the incident but can’t see an opening.

‘Haisen doesn’t even need to dig into the princes’ paternity issues.’

It’s a card to play if the political risk becomes significant.

But given the current atmosphere, it’s better to hold onto it as a move for when it’s truly important later.

Suddenly, I recalled something from a few days ago – the glowing Teme’s Spear. There was one strange point.

When I saw Erendil’s eyes, it didn’t seem like she had willingly transformed it into a spear.

Could it have been a reaction to the manifestation of Devil’s Blood? Since it hadn’t happened before, the possibility was high.

But it wasn’t certain. It could have been because of the empress too.

When I stabbed the empress’s heart, I felt devil’s seeds pulsating at the blade’s tip.

‘I wonder if the imperial side examined the body?’

The devil’s seeds might still be there. I’ve never actually seen those seeds before.

I just felt an ominous energy seeping out. It may have vanished from within her body.

If they remain, it would make my future return smoother. Well, I’ll find a way to return regardless.

The issue is what Erendil’s state of mind will be.

I checked the time. It had just passed 1 AM. Time to start moving soon.

I had to kidnap one of the apprentice mages from Gorivan.

In the western imperial city of Gorivan lies the Innovation Magic Tower. It’s more famous among gamers than other Magic Towers.

True to its name, the Innovation Magic Tower focuses more on magic devices than magic itself.

Unless you choose the mage class, there’s rarely a need to visit a Magic Tower.

But the Innovation Magic Tower is different, as it sells prototype magic devices in front of the tower. After verification, they spread across the continent.

If you know when an invention is created, you have to visit each time – to invest or mass purchase.

The apprentice mage I’m kidnapping is someone who will churn out amazing inventions right after the game starts.

They even created quite innovative weapons for the fight against the devil worshippers.

The reason I chose to kidnap them is to save time.

‘The problem is the magic snobs.’

Befitting its focus on magic devices, the Innovation Magic Tower has more commoner-born mages than nobles.

But rather counter-intuitively, the hierarchy is stricter, despite commoners being more accepted.

The relationship between apprentice mages and mages above is almost akin to master and slave.

Like grad students and professors, I suppose. They can hardly be called ‘mage’ without permission.

Osten, the apprentice I’m kidnapping, wouldn’t even start his own inventions for a few years.

When I played the game and offered to recruit him as a powerless noble, he thanked me profusely and joined.

‘He was practically a must-recruit talent.’

I never saw him betray anyone. He kept his word even when high nobles called for him.

In other words, my kidnapping is a good deal for both me and him. It’s not just empty words.

He’ll definitely receive better treatment than at the Magic Tower.

I had checked his location during the day.

Taking advantage of the night, I headed towards the Magic Tower’s vicinity. But I couldn’t proceed immediately.

Huh, they’re still working even now?

Despite it being past 1 AM, Osten and his colleague remained in the Magic Tower’s research lab.

‘It must be similar in other places too.’

Having just arrived in Gorivan today, I hadn’t known this. I thought they would certainly be asleep by now.

This isn’t the Earth where nights are illuminated. Indeed, kidnapping Osten is doing him a favor too.

“Osten, isn’t this enough for now?”

“Mr. Rangl ordered me to finish it all by tomorrow morning.”

“Damn it. I barely got 3 hours of sleep yesterday too…”

“But he did say we’d get some rest once we finish this invention.”

“Didn’t he say that last time too?”

Listening to their exchange, I became more convinced. Having people makes things difficult for now.

Hmm. Should I wait until dawn? My pondering didn’t last long.

“Ugh. My head’s not working. I should go out for 10 minutes for a smoke break and some fresh air. Want to join?”

“No. I’ll sleep while you’re out. Wake me up when you’re back.”

Osten came stumbling out to the Magic Tower’s garden, scratching his head.

He looked up at the sky and let out a deep sigh. Rather, it’s better this way. I don’t need to go inside either.

I was about to make a move when I decided to show some consideration.

He looked so exhausted, I should at least let him finish that one cigarette.

I waited for Osten to completely smoke one cigarette before manipulating the Winds.

Osten tilted his head as the wind enveloped his body.

“What the…”

Since the Innovation Magic Tower focuses on magic devices over magic itself, individual magical prowess isn’t very high.

In fact, it’s closer to a tower of inventors who can use magic a little.

“Aahhhh! A g-ghost!”

As such, Osten couldn’t resist. The Winds wrapped around his body and lifted him towards me.

The Winds muffled his screams.

In an instant, I firmly grabbed Osten’s body as it flew in front of me and slammed him to the ground.

After crossing a few buildings, I dragged him to an abandoned house I had checked earlier and released him.

“W-What is this… Who are you?”

The terrified Osten asked, his body trembling.

“Who am I? A kidnapper.”


“You’ve been kidnapped.”

Osten swallowed hard at my words.

“M-Me? But why?”

Osten’s eyes widened as he realized something.

“Ah! If it’s Mr. Rangl’s research you want, I’ll tell you everything!”

Does he think I’m a rival mage competing with this Rangl person?

Since I’m in disguise, he can’t recognize my face. I’ll have to explain eventually, but not now.

“That’s not really needed.”


“You and I are going to do a job together.”


“So, you’re saying… you’ll pay me a salary, guarantee rest time, and even help me become a proper mage later?”

“Of course.”

“And provide research funds and time as much as I need?”


The persuasion wasn’t too difficult.

He had been living like a slave, receiving barely enough pocket money to call it a wage.

Upon hearing my terms, Osten listened intently with a dumbfounded expression.

But he still seemed half-doubting. It was an understandable suspicion too.

“But why me…?”

“Well, it’s because I know you have talent.”

“Gasp! You knew Mr. Rangl’s inventions were actually mine!”

Osten found the answer himself. Not a bad thing. I just smiled lightly in response.

Osten studied me instead.

“By any chance, where are you from, sir?”

“Is that important?”

“N-No, I suppose not…”

Well, no need to hide it really. He’s bound to find out soon enough if we travel together for a bit.

“I’m creating a new organization, you see.”

“An organization?”

“Yes. For now, it’s just you and me, though.”

Distrust filled Osten’s eyes. He must be wondering if he can trust me.

I took out a pouch of jewels from my pocket and tossed it to Osten.

“What is this…?”

“A sort of down payment.”


Osten was startled after checking the pouch’s contents. He looked back and forth between the pouch and me.

I had gathered all my funds the moment I decided to escape the empire. It was an expenditure I could afford.

“Is this enough to earn your trust?”

“Y-Yes, of course.”

Osten nodded vigorously. Somehow, his gaze seemed firmer than I expected.

I had originally planned to take him first and build trust gradually.

Hmm. Could he be thinking there’s someone above me? It’s possible.

It wasn’t a bad misunderstanding to leave be. In the end, when it’s cleared up later, he’ll establish a trusting relationship with me.

“So, should I call you ‘boss’?”

Rather, he was being quite proactive.

“Whatever’s comfortable for you.”

“Then what should I do now…?”

“Of course, you’ll have to leave with me.”

“L-Leave to where?”

“The West for now.”

“The West?”

I silently looked at him until Osten nodded.

“Yes. I should go. I must go.”

“Anything to pack?”

“No, nothing.”

“Really? Then could you perhaps make something right away here?”

“If I have the materials…”

I handed him the bundle of cloth I had purchased earlier in the day.

“Could you make a wingsuit with this? Is it possible?”

“A wingsuit?”

“Like the wings of a flying squirrel.”

I added some explanation. It was something I had considered making for a while now.

I had no knowledge of clothing and no use for it, so I had put it off. After my explanation, Osten nodded.

“Ah, I can make it, but why that…?”

“You’ll find out later. What’s the time frame?”

Osten narrowed his brow as he made some calculations.

“For a simple prototype model, 15 minutes should be enough.”

“Okay? Then make 2 for now.”


Osten gave me a sidelong glance with narrowed eyes. That’s why I prefer sharp fellows.

Ignoring it, I continued.

“Yes. Hurry up. We also need to raid the Innovation Magic Tower’s shop.”


Author's Thoughts

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