How to Survive as a Genius Spy in the Game

Chapter 121: The Western Archipelago (3)

Chapter 121: The Western Archipelago (3)

Elves do not like humans. It’s not because humans destroy forests or kill animals.

The elves of this world have a similar way of life to humans. They enjoy eating meat and can also lie. They just live in the forest.

The reason is simple. Humans oppressed the elves first. They took away the land where the elves lived and enslaved them for hundreds of years.

Since the Empire was the origin of oppressing other races, the humans that elves dislike the most are the imperials.

The Empire is also the only place on the continent where it is officially permitted to have slaves of other races.

The reason other humans want to capture non-humans is because they can be sold at high prices to the Empire. In fact, I don’t know exactly why relations between humans and elves deteriorated.

‘It’s not even mentioned in the historical records.’

When the founding emperor fought against the devils, elves and dwarves also helped with all their might. Until then, the relationship was good.

However, the problem was after that.

Although humans also suffered great losses, the damage to non-human races, which had smaller populations to begin with, was relatively greater.

In other words, the surviving non-humans were easy targets for conquest by humans. The Empire set its sights on the non-humans.

After the great battle against the devils, it was a fight between the Empire and the non-human races. The surrounding kingdoms remained silent as the chaos on the continent settled.

They did not realize that they would be the next targets.

Next came a war for the Empire to dominate the continent, so the kingdoms that had remained silent became part of the Empire’s territory.

In any case, my view stems from the elves’ resentment. I am the one who killed the Empress of the Empire.

Whatever the reason, to that crazy elf, I am a successful terrorist.

‘There may be room for cooperation.’

Shahri is an elf who attacks the Empire as soon as it falls into chaos.

And at that time, she did not particularly discriminate between races. Whether dwarves or humans, she joined hands if they were a threat to the Empire.

If I could establish a good relationship, I might be able to use Shahri for my own purposes.

To attack the hostile forces against Erendil within the Empire. For example, assassinating the Crown Prince.

Even if not that, I could set a trap for Shahri before she becomes a problem later.

In fact, the latter appeals to me more. I can deal with the Crown Prince myself, but Shahri would be difficult.

It’s risky, but it’s worth a try. Even if negotiations break down, I won’t die.

I’m the Empress’ slayer, after all. Shahri won’t kill me, who has caused harm to the Empire.

“Let me meet Shahri first.”

“You? Will you be okay?”

“You know elves hate the Empire.”

“That’s right.”

“I’m the Empress’ Slayer.”


Casmak tilted his head slightly and fell silent. His expression didn’t even change.

He was so surprised that his body froze. It was like he had hit the pause button. His dilated pupils showed his bewilderment.

“It means I’m Carl Schurtafen, the princess’ guard.”

“…It’s hard to understand.”

“It makes sense. I’m in disguise now.”

Casmak’s eyes carefully scanned my face.

“You do look a bit similar.”

“I can take off the disguise if you want.”

Even though it was Casmak, who trusted his friend, his face was guarded. Still, he shook his head.

“It’s okay. I don’t disbelieve you. I was just surprised.”

“Aren’t you too quick to believe?”

“Because you’re my friend.”

“As a friend, let me give you some advice.”

Casmak chuckled at my words.

“But did you really survive the combat against Rudehrn, the Sword Master?”

“I did survive, but the rumors are a bit distorted. It wasn’t with a sword, but with my mouth.”

“You’re being too modest. Still, it’s an impressive feat.”

“I won’t deny it.”

Casmak drained his glass with a slightly excited expression. The combat excitement was showing. He wants to fight me. He’s a bit like Denif.

Seeing a similar person made me miss Denif again. I wonder what he’s up to.

“But what exactly happened? It’s surprising enough that you, a Haisen member, became the princess’ guard, but then you tried to kill her?”

It’s known that I tried to kill Erendil. The Empress died trying to protect Erendil.

Casmak was genuinely curious.

“It’s a bit complicated.”

I gave him a rough explanation of the situation. He might suspect me of being a devil worshipper if I don’t.

About Haisen, the Empire, and the devil worshippers.

I didn’t conceal anything intentionally.

Although it was complicated, Casmak quickly understood once I explained the overall situation. He’s not dumb.

“As I thought, there’s no way you’d believe such nonsense.”

It seems he did suspect I might be a devil worshipper. In any case, he was satisfied seeing the outcome.

The news has reached even this archipelago at the westernmost end of the continent.

It means my plan to expose the identities of the stealthy operatives and make them eat crow was an enormous success.

“They may seem like fools, but be careful. They say even sane people get possessed when they hear the devil’s voice.”

“Is that really true?”

“Of course. It has already descended onto the continent, somewhere in the northwest.”

Casmak nodded his head with a somewhat gloomy expression.

“In any case, you must have suffered a lot.”

“I did suffer.”

To be honest, I was worried whether Casmak would fully believe my story when I came to meet him.

But he’s accepting it much more easily than I imagined. He doesn’t show any signs of doubt. He’s demonstrating his trust.

Is this Casmak Rodri?

When playing the game, I didn’t quite understand the blind loyalty of Casmak’s subordinates.

Objectively, Casmak may be impressive, but he gave off that vibe. But seeing him in person is different.

This is another point I need to learn. When dealing with my own subordinates, I should do the same.

“In any case, you’re not at odds with Haisen.”

“That’s right. Though I don’t plan to go back under them.”

“Then what do you plan to do?”

“Eliminate the devil worshippers.”

Casmak gave me a puzzled look and asked why.

“Why you, of all people?”

“They’re trying to destroy this continent, aren’t they? My dream is to live a peaceful life.”

“But by saying that, it seems like you’re choosing a perilous path again?”

I wanted to say that he would be on that perilous path with me, friend, but I just smiled.

“Think of it as a sacrifice for a peaceful life.”

“Well, according to you, it doesn’t seem like that elf will be hostile towards you.”

“Right? I think it’ll be okay to meet her.”

“Thank you.”

Casmak raised his glass. We lightly toasted.

“Thanks, you’re my friend after all.”

“Hmm. For some reason, it feels like you’re paying off a debt in advance for my perilous path.”

He’s sharper than he looks. I gave a hearty laugh.

“Of course, that’s one of the reasons. You don’t like it?”

“No. Friends should help each other.”

Casmak chuckled.

“By the way, would you be up for a match? Just wondering.”

His sudden challenge for a duel wasn’t unexpected – I had been anticipating it from his earlier hints.

“I’d be fine with it, but not now.”

“Avoiding it?”


I exposed my shoulder. The hole from being penetrated by Teme’s Spear was still there.


“The princess’s spear hit me. Didn’t you hear? Teme’s Spear appeared.”

“Tsk. It’d be too much right now. We should enjoy it at our best.”

Casmak accepted with a disappointed expression. His face showed some frustration.

I’d also prefer to cross swords with Casmak. I might learn something.

However, there’s no holding back in a duel with this sea dog. It would definitely strain my shoulder.

Casmak also doesn’t welcome duels against opponents who are not at full strength.

“Let’s just enjoy ourselves today then.”

I wasn’t much of a drinker. It weakens you physically and mentally.

Intelligence operatives should stay away from alcohol. I hadn’t really drank much since coming to this world.

I didn’t feel like it, but for Casmak’s sake, I should join in a bit. I raised my glass.

“By the way, aren’t you going to eat? You have no appetite?”

“I’m full.”

“What did you eat?”

I wasn’t actually full.

The food presentation was excellent. But I just didn’t want to eat food made by the archipelago’s pirates.

I was enduring the unpleasant feeling from the glass I had rinsed with alcohol earlier. The same went for the chair and table. This was my limit.

Even if I had received training in endurance under Duke, it doesn’t make the aversion go away. If I can avoid it, it’s better to do so. Casmak clicked his tongue.

“That’s why your body isn’t recovering. You still look tired.”

He remembered me saying I was sick the last time we met. I’m not managing my expression now.

To be honest, I was quite content at the moment.

When I was in the palace, even if I looked tired, I always had to manage my expression so I wouldn’t appear that way.

It was an ordeal. I had to act all day. Not having to do that now was quite convenient.

“This is an incurable disease.”

“I see. If even the war hero of the Empire can’t cure it, I suppose it makes sense.”

The rest of the drinking session was about our life stories. There’s no better way to become closer.

I was also able to learn about Casmak’s teacher, though I couldn’t pin down specifics.

Just from the descriptions, I couldn’t visualize the person’s face. Since Rodri spoke first, I also shared snippets of my past.

The slowly progressing atmosphere of the drinking session wasn’t bad at all.

The next evening.

Casmak and I were crossing the sea on a small boat, leaving Osten and the others behind.

I was worried they might be tense since it was an unfamiliar and notoriously dangerous archipelago, but it seemed quite alright.

The archipelago’s pirates were quite friendly thanks to Casmak’s connections.

Osten and Aron even asked how Casmak and I knew each other.

Since I wasn’t ready to explain about myself in detail yet, I just said we had a past acquaintance.

The small boat passed between the islands. It wasn’t visible to the eye. I could only gauge it by the Winds.

The moonlight was bright, but the thick fog limited visibility, so there was no risk of encountering Shahri’s forces.

“This should be far enough.”

“I hope you’re sure.”

“We can only hope for that.”

The pirates of the Western Archipelago often join forces to raid the West, so even different factions tend to be well-acquainted.

That’s why knowing the location of the island where Shahri resides wasn’t too difficult.

The reverse was also true. Casmak and Shahri both knew each other’s whereabouts. But neither of them moved their bases.

‘Among pirates, that would be seen as fleeing.’

They can’t show any sign of avoidance. Of course, the current balance exists because neither side bothers the other.

For Casmak, it’s about knowing the extent of the gap by fighting once. As for Shahri, her goal from the start was to find something.

I removed my disguise in Casmak’s presence.

This meeting would be as Carl Schurtafen. To gain Shahri’s trust, I needed to show my real face.

“You really do resemble the wanted poster. Is that your true face?”


“The real thing is better.”

“Is that so?”


Smiling, Casmak extended his hand. As our hands clasped, he bumped my shoulder.

A wordless gesture of gratitude.

From Casmak’s perspective, I am currently making a sacrifice by revealing my identity.

Of course, it is certainly beneficial for me.

Improving my relationship with Casmak aside, I now have an opportunity to utilize Shahri.

There was only one risk.

If Shahri already has connections with the devil worshippers, he could realize that I’m actually with Haisen.

But that possibility is extremely low.

‘Less than 1%.’

It’s not yet time for the devil worshippers to contact Shahri.

No matter how much the future has changed and they are moving faster than I expected, it’s still too early for them to pay attention to non-humans.

Why would non-humans believe and join hands with the devil worshippers in the first place? Non-humans don’t believe in the devil.

They simply wish for the downfall of the Empire.

For the devil worshippers to gain the goodwill of non-humans, they would have to demonstrate something.

In reality, the non-humans didn’t make a move until after the devil worshippers’ uprising caused chaos in the Empire and they achieved tangible results.

‘It’s too much to worry about right now.’

The chances of the devil worshippers being aware of Shahri were also low. The minor risk is worth taking.

You can’t gain something big without any risk, after all.

I jumped into the water. Even before my body hit the surface, the Winds enveloped me.

A barrier of air formed by the Winds. Not a drop of seawater touched my body.

Next, I created a pathway of Winds leading above the surface. This allowed me to breathe underwater.

I headed towards the island where Shahri resides.

The night sea. Nothing was visible underwater, but I substituted it with my wind senses.

As I approached the island’s shore, I expanded the Winds to survey the surroundings.

Coincidentally, there was someone on the sandy beach. I realized it was Shahri.

‘Oh no.’

Sensing the Winds, she swiftly turned her head. Not in the exact direction, but she had detected the Winds.

As expected of an Archmage.

I had anticipated this, but it didn’t sit well. The opponent possessed senses on par with a Sword Master.

I quietly revealed myself above the surface.

Calmly, without showing any hostility, I approached slowly – a gesture of having no ill intent.

Shahri was frowning as she looked at me. An expression of ‘What’s this guy?’

‘If she didn’t recognize me, she wouldn’t have noticed.’

The 270-year-old elf had taken on a human form. Even knowing it was a magical transformation, there were no visible tells.

A muscular female warrior’s body. Perhaps to captivate the pirates.

“Greetings, Shahri. I come bearing good tidings.”

Shahri furrowed her brows, seemingly wondering how I knew her name.

“Good tidings?”

“Do you believe in the downfall of the Empire?”

Author's Thoughts

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