How to Survive as a Genius Spy in the Game

Chapter 133: Pelia's Ghost Blade (2)

Before coming to Valien, I had sent a letter to Casmak. Originally, I had intended to meet him in person.

However, the situation in the southwest had become urgent, so my original plan changed slightly.

Cooperating to secure the smuggling routes and lands in the west was an important matter that couldn’t be conveyed by letter.

But now that I have received Ines’s prophecy, going to Casmak is not a good choice.

There is also the possibility that something may have already happened to Casmak, and I could unnecessarily get caught up in the situation because of me.

Going to check if he’s alright would be an insane act.

‘Even if the possibility is low, if something really did happen to Casmak……’

It would be like walking straight into the enemy’s den.

It would be a difficult battle for me in less than peak condition. Moreover, escaping on the seas around the archipelago would not be easy.

The best option was to send a letter.

It had already been agreed upon before leaving the archipelago that we would communicate through encrypted letters.

I said the situation was not good, so we would communicate by letter. Considering Casmak’s personality and the trust built up until now, he likely wouldn’t mind too much.

I had more or less finished consulting with Al Fahri, so the rest was up to the two of them.

‘There’s no need for me to act as a mediator.’

If I’ve set the table, they should eat on their own. Still, I made a request to both sides.

Since I’m an ally to both, I told them not to check each other and to come to an agreement within reasonable bounds.

Through this, I would be able to confirm Casmak’s safety.

Even if Casmak had spilled the encrypted message under harsh torture, I had described Al Fahri’s appearance and personality.

In any case, since I had come down from the west to the southwest, it was only natural that I came to Altre in the south.

There was only one thing I was worried about now.

‘It’s the kids.’

If I was alone, I could escape. I also had Death Avoidance’s warning. But if I had companions, the situation would be different.

If the opponent was dangerous enough for me, it meant Aron wouldn’t be able to escape either.

To achieve my goal, I needed to form an organization, but that could also become my weakness.

Of course, I was prepared to abandon them if necessary. That’s what I learned under Duke Brusek.

But the companions I had gathered were important figures, so it was tricky. That’s why I considered separating from them for a while.

After careful consideration, I decided to move together with them.

‘It’s dangerous, but……’

If I separated from them after not being together for long, there was a chance our current relationship could be shaken.

Ines said it would be soon, but the truth is, we don’t know when the prophecy will come to pass. How far apart should we be?

No matter how well I explained, my companions might think they were being abandoned.

Also, since I had to move quickly, I would have to spend time finding them again.

So I chose to move together while maintaining an appropriate distance. To appear like we didn’t know each other.

I set it up so my companions would look like mercenaries.

I had Aron and Osten’s hair cut short in a combat style, and changed their clothes.

I made them wear slightly worn clothes to appear experienced. Mary was still in the position of a client.

‘From the outside, there was nothing suspicious.’

They looked like a small group of mercenaries, with a young battle mage and a young but skilled swordsman. I followed behind my companions using winds within the detectable range.

Of course, we camped separately and I slept apart from them.

And before entering the city, I called Aron aside separately. It was for robbery.

Even though I was keeping my distance, there were still things I had to do.

With our funds almost depleted, I needed to secure funds, and I also needed to train Aron separately.

In any case, there was no difficulty in choosing who to rob.

‘Since most nobles are wealthy anyway.’

We wouldn’t be able to take everything with our own hands. There are banks in this world too, but they are only actively used near the imperial capital.

In other regions, they are hardly used. People keep their valuables in their own home vaults.

There was some hesitation. Because of Aron.

Like how Haisen had made me accustomed to killing, I wondered if I should have Aron start with targets who didn’t have great reputations.

But I decided to just proceed. Aron’s mentality wasn’t so fragile that he would be shaken that easily.

There was also a reasonable excuse.

The target we chose, Duke Valien, was actually an upright person. He is benevolent towards the people of his territory and has no controversies.

His character is good and tax rates are low, so the people here praise the Duke.

He is someone who took a national stance in the war against the devil worshippers. When I explained this, Aron expressed doubt.

“Huh? Based on what you said, he seems like a good person?”

“That’s right. Why? Do you feel reluctant?”

“Well, not really. If you tell me to do it, I’ll do it. But I thought it would be better to rob bad guys.”

Aron’s words didn’t seem false. It was just puzzlement. His feelings towards me hadn’t changed.

He was being true to my advice not to hesitate in expressing his thoughts.

“For our peace of mind, that might be better.”

“Is my thinking wrong?”

“Well, there’s no right answer when it comes to theft. But we need to consider what happens after we leave too. If it was an evil noble whose wealth was stolen, what would they do?”

“Torment people more to get money… Ah!”

Aron seemed to realize something and opened his mouth wide.

“It means harm will fall on ordinary people. People like us in our childhood.”

“That’s right! In Sorenson too, during the war, people cursed the nobles for taking even from those who had nothing.”

“We won’t be taking all of Duke Valien’s wealth anyway. We couldn’t carry it all.”

In fact, I’m not being malicious either. Duke Valien is devoting all his efforts to opposing the devil worshippers.

It’s a bit of a rationalization, but I have the same intention as him, so it’s no different from receiving support in advance.

“As expected of you, Brother! To think that far!”

He’s doing it again. We talked a bit on the way, but he just doesn’t seem to improve at all. I deliberately put on a stern expression.

But Aron quickly followed up.

“I remember your concerns, Brother. But don’t worry! I’m just saying it because I want to!”


I let out a small sigh. Since Aron was a bit like Denif, it didn’t seem like he would change no matter what I said.

I wonder what would happen if those two met? Just imagining it makes me feel dizzy. I felt like sighing again.

“Let’s go.”


We deliberately didn’t enter the city during the day to avoid suspicion. Valien is not a city with heavy traffic.

Thieves targeting the well-liked Duke. They would certainly investigate any outsiders.

My companions’ traits wouldn’t raise suspicion, but it’s better to be cautious. The same applies to storing the loot.

After today’s theft, it would be ideal to bury the loot nearby and retrieve it when leaving the city.


Near the Duke’s mansion, Aron took a deep breath while leaning against the wall. His facial muscles looked tense.

“You nervous?”

“A bit. I was thinking of doing it alone.”

I had decided to entrust this task to Aron. I would assist from the side, but let him do it alone.

It was to allow Aron to gain experience.

In case something happened to me and I was away, Aron had to be able to do things like this alone.

I intended to teach him everything I had learned.

“It’s natural to feel that way on your first real mission. Don’t reject it, accept it naturally. You have to face it squarely.”


He seemed more tense than when killing people. Aron had killed before, but this was his first theft.

Ah, of course, he had probably picked pockets and stolen goods from the market before too.

Since he was an orphan like me.

This meant it was his first time staking out and robbing a noble’s mansion like this. It’s absolutely not an easy task.

“Small mistakes are fine. Since I’m here with you, there won’t be any issues. Just stay calm.”


“Normally, for a job like this, you would do thorough reconnaissance first before going in. Vaults are usually hidden in the bedroom or study, but it’s too broad an area to search without information, since they can be scattered around or even inside a prison cell underground.”

Aron listened intently with shining eyes.

“Reconnaissance also takes quite a bit of time. They don’t reveal the vault’s location to the lower staff. But those who have worked there long enough can generally sense it.”

Here, there are usually two choices.

“Either bribe those long-serving staffs, or directly infiltrate and investigate. Neither is easy. The better the reputation, the harder the bribery, and you don’t know how long you’d have to infiltrate for.”

Since vaults are usually magic vaults too, robbing a noble’s mansion is quite a difficult task.

It’s easier to rob a traveling merchant caravan instead.

There’s a huge difference in the potential haul, but even the Intelligence Bureau doesn’t bother with nobles’ mansions just for money.

Of course, if it’s for an item, document, or information, then they’ll put in the effort.

Today, we decided to trim those small branches, so to speak. Since this is our first time here, and Aron’s first mission.

The important thing is to gain experience. As a fugitive, this is the best option. I’ve already confirmed the location using Winds.

“For this time, let’s assume we’ve already identified the vault’s location and guard placements.”


“There’s a hidden space in the study on the third floor. You need to find that.”

“Third floor study. Third floor study.”

Aron repeated it as if to prevent himself from forgetting. His eyes were shining. Instead of tension, a sense of determination was welling up.

“You’ll climb over the outer wall and enter through that window over there. Once inside the room, go left. The study is the second door at the end of the hallway.”

“Left, second door at the end is the study. Got it.”

“Alright, move out. Maintain silence from now on. As quietly, stealthily, and swiftly as possible.”

After nodding in reply, Aron immediately climbed over the outer wall, making scraping sounds against it.

There are two ways to teach. Either point out mistakes immediately, or give feedback afterward.

Each has its pros and cons. I chose the latter. Hearing about mistakes during the mission could make one more tense.

Moreover, Aron hasn’t properly learned yet, and this is his first real mission. He’s very conscious of me. This level is within the allowable range.

I also climbed over the wall after Aron. After briefly hiding in the bushes of the garden, I checked the guards and immediately moved.

Aron climbed the wall without making a sound.

This time was a passing grade.

It didn’t take 5 seconds for him to reach the third-floor window. He quietly opened the window and went inside.


Aron, now inside the room, silently caught his breath. A look of concentration. I simply observed.

This was a reception room. Where guests would be welcomed. In the quiet darkness, there was a neat tea table.

The footsteps of a patrolling guard could be heard from the hallway.

Aron waited while holding his breath until the footsteps faded away. After that, he slowly turned the doorknob, slightly opening the door and peeking through the narrow gap into the hallway.

‘He’s doing well?’

I had told him the methods and precautions, but I didn’t expect him to act so naturally without any prior practice.

Usually, people would forget amidst the bewilderment and tension.

After confirming it was clear, Aron quickly scanned his surroundings as he dashed across the hallway. He was doing well at this too.

I had told him that when entering an unfamiliar place, look for any usable passages or escape routes first.

Getting to the study went smoothly. Now he just had to find the hidden space.

After briefly looking around the room, Aron found the secret space on his third try.

‘Behind the bookcase. How classic.’

When the bookcase was slid aside, a magic vault was revealed. The method to disarm it wasn’t actually that difficult.

Since we also had a magic tool to disable the alarm spell.

The magic vault itself was originally an item made by the Innovation Magic Tower. Osten, who had been there, also made the disarming tool for us.

Aron attached the circular magic tool to the center of the vault. A faint ripple of magical power spread out. The alarm spell had been disabled.

All that was left was to open it. The vault had quite a complex structure.

Simple lock picking wouldn’t work. Four keys were needed, and the keyholes were also hidden.

Those holes could only be found by turning the protruding circular dials on the exterior.

“Good work.”

Aron’s role ended here. It would be asking too much for someone doing this for the first time to open such a vault as well.

It was also something that gave me quite a headache when I was learning under the duke.

Back then, they didn’t let me use Winds. I was told to learn the standard method first before using tricks.

There’s no issue with using Winds to open it, but I had to show Aron. Fortunately, it was a vault I was familiar with.

I turned the dial with my hand to locate the keyholes, then took out a magic key.

It was a precious item I’ve been carrying since my time with Haisen. Even Haisen didn’t have many of them.

The key part felt like a viscous liquid between solid and liquid, like slime, but it would become solid when injected with magical power.

Of course, it didn’t open with just one try. I had to form the key to fit each hole myself. I planned to teach Aron separately too.

‘It took about 2 minutes?’

It had been a while, but my skills hadn’t rusted yet. Click – the sound of the lock disengaging could be heard.

Aron let out a muffled exclamation.

“Ohh…! Amazing.”

“Want to open it yourself?”

“Can I?”

When I nodded, Aron gulped and opened the vault door. And at that moment, I momentarily froze in shock.

Among the piles of gold and jewels inside the vault, there was a dagger’s hilt.

Even with just the hilt there, anyone could sense that this was no ordinary item.

And this was something I was familiar with.

‘No way, why is Pelia’s Ghost Blade here…?’

It was only natural for me to be flustered. This was the weapon used by the named devil worshipper, Pelia.

Author's Thoughts

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