How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 12: Fantastical Cat

Chapter 12: Fantastical Cat

Fantastical cat, "Cheshire"

This enigmatic feline was a rarity among summons, possessing such overwhelming power that players could only access it in the latter half of Act 3 even if you have Alice in your party.

Cheshire wasn't just any ordinary summon; it was a boss-like entity capable of bestowing players with immense stat boosts merely by being in its vicinity.

But what truly set Cheshire apart was its formidable skill known as "Wonderland."

With this ability, the cat could ensnare players within a fantastical world entirely under its control, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blurred.

Within this surreal realm, Cheshire held dominion, and the only barrier preventing it from instantly dispatching players was the whims of its own imagination.

Like literally it was so op that even Liyana in her final form took some time before she broke free from it.

Which was why I always had Alice in almost all of my playthrough's even if I wasn't going for her route alone.

This cat was just that useful.

Yet, despite its overwhelming strength, it wasn't Cheshire's power that made me fear him right now it was the unpredictable nature of its personality.

He was a variable that I really wanted to avoid at all cost.

In the game this cat possessed a capriciousness that kept players on edge, never knowing what antics it might indulge in next.

Even during critical moments, such as facing the final boss in the game, Cheshire's insouciance knew no bounds.

In one instance, during my seventh playthrough, this fucking cat outright refused to join the fray, citing a desire to simply slumber instead.

I even thought he was bugged at some point but after reading the forums, that was just entirely his thing.

I found myself in a situation I'd hoped to avoid: face to face with the infamous troublemaker, Cheshire.

This cat had a knack for sniffing out trouble and reveling in it, and trust me, I had no desire to attract its attention, especially not without Alice by my side.

But fate had other plans, and now, not only had I crossed paths with the darn cat, but I had also managed to pique its insatiable curiosity.

Is my luck stat fucking with me again?

"How do you know me, young man? Tell me, I'm really, really curious~~~"Cheshire purred with its trademark wide grin, its eyes gleaming with mischief.

Crap.... Should I spill the beans?

'Nah, that would be foolish.'

I was suspicious enough as it was; I didn't need to add "crazy" to the list, especially not in front of this damn cat.

But seriously, why was Cheshire here in the first place? And where exactly am i?

Surveying the dimly lit room with its pristine white curtains, my eyes settled on the golden cross adorning the ceiling above me. It hit me like a ton of bricks - I was in the academy infirmary.

Had someone brought me here after I blacked out from Alice's attack?

The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, but one question lingered: What did Cheshire have to do with any of this?

'Is Alice around?' but she wasn't here whatsoever...

It was strange.

As far as I knew, Cheshire never made appearances on his own unless something truly piqued his interest.

And I couldn't fathom any reason why he would be here, waiting for me to wake up, just out of curiosity.

Then, like a chilling whisper in the wind, it spoke, close enough to make my skin crawl. "Hello, darling-" it murmured in my ear.

My heart skipped a beat, and I swear, for a split second, my entire body froze.

The way he spoke, the voice he mimicked - it was her. It was Liyana, my fiancée.

What the actual hell?

"Ah, I finally got your attention," Cheshire continued, its words dripping with a bizarre mix of amusement and mischief. "Alice mentioned you don't talk much and that you have quite an aloof personality. Now I can finally see that. Or is it just because you're shy-?" it mused, propping its cloudy hands underneath its wide, grinning chin.

I felt a surge of panic rising within me. Did he... did he use his skill on me?

Among Cheshire's many tricks was a skill called

[Weakness Mimicry] - the ability to mimic the very weaknesses of its opponents.

Another reason as to why this guy was such a great asset in game, as you basically get a guaranteed critical hit onto any opponent your facing as long as this cat was motivated enough.

But that wasn't important right now.... Just then the way my body reacted; it clearly wasn't normal.

To realize that my weakness, my Achilles' heel, was Liyana... although I didn't think much of


'How deeply traumatized was I by her?' I wondered if this is what I truly felt inside for Liyana.

As Cheshire continued to smile, patiently awaiting my response, it floated around me with an eerie grace.

Questions raced through my mind like a whirlwind.

Did Alice really talk to him about me?

Did she send him here?

But that couldn't be it.

Despite their master-servant relationship, Cheshire wasn't the type to simply follow orders.

No, he operated on his own whims, his own mysterious agenda. So why was he here now, hovering around me with that unnerving grin?

"Hello, young man, aren't you going to answer me?" Cheshire's voice rang out, pulling me back to the present moment.

With a heavy sigh, I attempted to conjure up the biggest lie I could muster. But deep down, I knew it was futile.

Cheshire's intuition was uncanny, and with its arsenal of skills, it was practically impossible

to deceive.

Having delved into the game countless times, I possessed insights into Cheshire's

weaknesses that eluded the average player.

With that knowledge tucked away in the recesses of my mind, I braced myself for the

interaction ahead.

"No, I don't know you," I began cautiously, "but I am aware of you."


"Senior Alice is quite famous within and outside the academy," I continued, carefully crafting

my words. "So naturally, rumors and news about her beloved and strongest summon are quite

popular as well."


"Wait... I'm popular?" Cheshire's eyes lit up with childlike delight, its curiosity piqued by the

prospect of fame.

"Yes, Fantastical Cat Cheshire," I confirmed, watching as its excitement grew. "That is the moniker people have given you."

"Really!?" Cheshire's enthusiasm was palpable, eagerly soaking in the praise.

"Yes, they say you are a very powerful and magnificent being," I added, feeding its ego with

calculated precision.

And just like that, I had him right where I wanted him.

You see, this guy's weakness?

Compliments. Shower him with praise, and his curiosity would always be distracted, his focus

diverted from whatever mischief he had in mind.

It was a trick I had learned through countless encounters, a loophole in his mischievous

nature that I was more than willing to exploit.

Encountering Cheshire was always a precarious situation, a dance with danger where one

misstep could lead to disaster.

But armed with the knowledge of his weaknesses, I braved the encounter, knowing that my survival hinged on a delicate balance of flattery and caution.

"So I'm very popular, huh? Ehehe~" Cheshire's voice floated above me, its tone dripping with self-satisfaction. In the game, compliments merely triggered a happy CG face effect, but seeing him now, all bubbly and bouncy, I couldn't help but marvel at how unexpectedly endearing he seemed.

"That's very interesting news. Can you please tell me more? I'm starting to like you, young man," Cheshire continued, its curiosity piqued and its interest dangerously focused on me.

'Oh no, please don't.'

'Please don't take an interest in me in any way, shape, or form.'

Landing on this guy's curiosity and interest list meant certain trouble, especially since this

was real life, not the confines of a game where consequences were scripted and actions


From my recollections of the game, Cheshire enjoyed anything that caught his fancy but vehemently despised anything that threatened Alice.

It was one of the reasons why conquering Alice in the game was nearly impossible; Cheshire's loyalty knew no bounds when it came to its master.

"Oh yeah, before I get too excited here," Cheshire chimed in suddenly, handing me a letter

with an air of nonchalance. "It's a letter from the student council. They asked me to deliver it

to you."

The student council? I racked my brain, trying to discern any reason why they would involve themselves with me.

Was it because of the incident with Alice? Considering she held a position as the student council secretary, it would make sense for them to send a letter, perhaps a formal apology.

But something about this letter didn't quite scream "apology."

And why was it so thick for a seemingly small letter? Running my fingers over the textured paper, I sensed something metallic inside.

"Thank you," I mumbled, accepting the letter, my mind racing with questions and suspicions.

"You're much welcome~!" Cheshire's response was chipper, its enthusiasm undeterred as it

leaned in closer.

"So now, young man, please tell me more about these stories you've heard of me..."

This narcissistic cat, reveling in the attention like a child with a new toy.

'Just how much did you like compliments?' I couldn't help but wonder, feeling a growing

desire to escape this conversation and retreat to the safety of solitude. With a heavy sigh, I summoned the most flattering compliments I could recall from the game,

each word feeling like a begrudging concession in the face of impending chaos.

Riley Hell, your life and future were already hellish enough.

Now, it seemed, chaos was about to sprinkle itself into every corner of your existence.

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