How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 19: Tears of Chronos interlude

Chapter 19: Tears of Chronos interlude

[33X33 Cube]

As the giant floating cube materialized before me, a nostalgic smile tugged at my lips. It had been a long time, old friend. I could still vividly recall the countless hours I had wasted trying to decipher its secrets, the frustration mounting with each failed attempt.

Though I could have easily resorted to cheating to bypass this part of the event quest, I refused to compromise the integrity of the game, as I didn't want my immersion the time to be ruined.

No, I was probably just determined to conquer this challenge through sheer skill and perseverance, just as I had done in the normal playthrough.

As the buttons on the cube's surface illuminated before me, I cracked my knuckles one by one, preparing myself for the task ahead.

This cube had been the greatest obstacle standing between me and the coveted item in the past.

But now, it was time to show it the true extent of my speed and agility.

'There was a reason other players referred to me as their god and lord in the game... allow me to show you the power of dedication oh dear grand magus'

With a final deep breath, I steeled myself for the countdown.

My hands steadily put at the buttons before me.





The series of patterns flashed before me, each one etched into my memory from months of practice and repetition.

'Left, right, right, center, left, right... '

With lightning-fast reflexes, I began to execute the sequence, my fingers dancing across the buttons with precision and fluidity.

As I worked, the once chaotic array of colored cubes began to meld together, forming a cohesive structure before my eyes. Each movement was calculated, each action deliberates, as

I navigated through the intricate maze of patterns with unwavering focus.

And then, finally, with a triumphant flourish, I completed the final sequence, the cube

morphing into its solved state with a satisfying click.

As the last cube fell into place, a surge of adrenaline coursed through me, a testament to the thrill of overcoming a challenge long thought insurmountable.

[Time finished: 6:31]

[Congratulations you have beaten the fastest record]

I glanced over at Lavine, who stood beside me in utter shock at the speed with which I tackled the cube. A chuckle threatened to escape my lips as I watched her bewildered expression. Oh, there were far more surprises in store for you, miss great celestial magus...

"T-this can't be..." she stammered; her disbelief palpable.

I mean I can't exactly blame her reaction right now.

Who wouldn't be shocked? Solving that cube on the first try was practically unheard of.

But little did she know, the pattern of the cube was etched into my memory from countless runs in the game. The paths I had memorized were still as relevant as ever, giving me an edge in this unexpected trial.

Lavine floated closer to the cube, her expression a mix of astonishment and curiosity as she observed the harmonious mana stabilization within. How did I know about this? Well, she had told me about it during my previous runs.

"You... how did you do it? Could it be that you're secretly studying magic despite the pathetic mana inside of you?" she speculated, her tone a curious blend of disbelief and admiration.

Was she insulting me or praising me? It was hard to tell.

"No... I'm a bona fide knight," I replied calmly, my voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions swirling within me.

"What? There's no way you're a knight! What kind of knight solves a problem that not even the great mages of my time can solve?!" she exclaimed, her anger simmering beneath the surface.

"Maybe they were just dumb? It's quite simple though," I remarked with a smirk, eliciting another wave of anger from Lavine.

"There's no way that was easy! It took me a few hours myself befor-you know what, forget it. It must've been just a fluke anyways. There's no way a muscle-brained knight would ever have the brain needed to solve such a thing..." she muttered softly, her tone a mix of frustration and disbelief. It was amusing to see her in such denial, but who could blame her?

To her, this puzzle was likely one of the most challenging tasks she had ever created. Little did she know, I had access to tutorials and guides from my previous world, giving me an unfair advantage in this mystical realm.

"Next!" she exclaimed abruptly; her voice hurried as she signaled for the system of this place to present the next test.

With a smirk of satisfaction, I turned my attention to the looming challenge ahead, ready to face whatever trials awaited me in the realm of the Tears of Chronos.

I'm sorry Grand Magus but this whole test... I'm going to speed run all of them.

[Geo guess]

As the trial known as "Geo Guess" unfolded before me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This game, inspired by the popular GeoGuessr, tasked me with identifying various locations within this mystical world.

It was a challenge perfectly suited for a lifelong nerd like myself, who had spent countless hours immersed in exploration and discovery.

With a sense of determination, I prepared to speedrun this game, confident in my ability to recognize even the most obscure of locales. As an image materialized before me, my hands moved instinctively, navigating the virtual landscape with ease.

[Free City of Freessia] I declared confidently, my voice ringing out as the system confirmed my answer with a satisfying chime.


The next locations came in rapid succession, each one met with the same level of certainty

and accuracy.



[Secret gardens of Elowyl]


[Emerald Palace]


[Luminous islands]


[Dark lands]


[Mage tower]


With each correct answer, a sense of satisfaction washed over me, bolstering my confidence for the challenges that lay ahead. It was as if I were back in my element, navigating familiar territory with the precision of a seasoned explorer.

As the game progressed, I couldn't help but marvel remember the beauty and diversity of this world and to offer, each location offering its own unique charm and allure.

Even though I've lived most of my childhood here, seeing sceneries like this made me realize on just how little I had appreciated my new world.



As I effortlessly navigated through each location, Lavine's suspicion grew palpable, her gaze fixed on me with an intensity that bordered on accusation.

"Child, you're not a polymorphed dragon, are you?" she questioned, her voice laced with


I couldn't help but chuckle at her absurd suggestion.

Did she not realize how ridiculous her theory was?

With my negligible mana reserves, I was about as far from being a dragon as one could

possibly get.

Oh, how wished I was a dragon myself, with that I can probably end or progress my relationship with Liyana without anyone dying.

"Why would you say so?" I replied, trying to maintain an air of innocence despite the

absurdity of the accusation.

"I mean, how does this make sense? There's no way a child like you knows about all of these places," Lavine continued, her suspicion mounting.

"There are things called books you know?"

"The dark lands aren't mentioned in any books" she said as she looked at me suspiciously.

Well shit...

I couldn't argue with her logic.

After all, the Dark Lands were considered a lost continent of this world, with no mention of it

in any known books. I had overlooked this crucial detail in my haste to impress Lavine with

my knowledge.

"Well, I heard about it from my grandpa a long time ago," I offered lamely, hoping to divert


"You're lying..." Lavine's gaze bore into me, searching for any hint of deception.

"Tell me, are you really a dragon?" she pressed, her tone edged with frustration.

"No," I replied firmly, relieved to finally tell the truth.

"Now you're telling the truth..." Lavine sighed, rubbing her temples in exasperation. "Ah,

this is making my head hurt..."

"Are my actions really that important to begin with?" I questioned, unable to shake off

Lavine's persistent suspicion.

"No, it's not, but... I worked so hard for all of this, you know..." she muttered softly, her voice

tinged with disappointment. It seemed my effortless success had struck a nerve, causing her to feel as though her efforts had been in vain.

With a resigned sigh, Lavine opened her hands, conjuring a massive screen displaying the iconic game of Tetris. Buttons materialized before me, beckoning me to continue my winning


And just like that, I demolished the all-time record.



[Congratulations! You've beaten the highest score!!!]

Lavine could only stare at me in disbelief as I shattered the record in under a minute. It was

clear that my performance had left her utterly astounded, perhaps even questioning the very

fabric of reality.


"Hey, are you crying?"

I asked, noting the glisten in Lavine's eyes.

"No, I'm not!!!"

"It doesn't seem like that to me, though," I replied, unable to suppress a smirk.

Lavine's expression twisted with anger as she glared at me, clearly irritated by my teasing. Yet, for some reason, the sight of her frustration filled me with a strange sense of satisfaction.

Watching her struggle to maintain her composure was oddly entertaining, especially considering the added disbelief stemming from the fact that I, a non-mage, had effortlessly conquered trials designed to challenge the most adept magic users.

As mentioned before, the trials for the Tears of Chronos were designed to test both the mind

and the heart.

Typically, those with a focus on physical prowess were steered toward the trial of the heart,

while mages tackled the trial of the mind. My unexpected success in the latter undoubtedly dealt a significant blow to Lavine's pride as a mage.

While it might have provided some solace to Lavine to believe that I was secretly a genius

prodigy, the truth was far simpler—I was just a regular knight, a nobody at that navigating these trials with sheer determination and a touch of knowledge from my previous world. "Should I take the second test now? As promised, double the rewards, okay?" I asked, unable

to resist teasing Lavine once more. Her reaction, another glare directed my way, only served to amuse me further.

It was almost comical to see how her composed demeanor from our initial encounter had crumbled away, leaving behind someone who appeared worn down by life's challenges. The Trial of the Heart, the second test in question, didn't pose much of a problem for me. It

consisted of three questions centered around moral dilemmas, each offering only one possible choice.

Like which one you would sacrifice your lover or your mother... things of that nature, honestly although the questions were only three most of it were fucked up terrible situations. While the answers were open to interpretation, once selected, you were committed to them until the end of the trial, which actually affects Lucas's mental strength in the game.

Like the Trial of the Mind, I was confident in my ability to navigate this challenge. I knew the

specific answers required to succeed.

"No, you don't have to"


"Honestly, I don't have much to reward you with to begin with, so the prospect of doubling it

can't be done," she explained, her tone tinged with resignation. "And young man, you have already proven yourself with the first trial. There's no need to take the second one."

With a snap of her fingers, reality shifted around me. Gravity returned, and I found myself back on solid ground, surrounded by the familiar CG background that signaled completion of a task in the game. It seemed Lavine was prepared to present me with the Tears of Chronos.

In a flash of shining blue light, a book materialized before me.

"Take it," Lavine instructed, gently pushing the box into my arms.

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome," she replied curtly, snapping her fingers once more as a magical circle

enveloped me.

It was clear she was eager for me to leave, her disdain evident in her actions.

Not long after, I would likely wake up back in the real world. Right now, I was probably passed

out in the library. I wondered how much time had passed since then.

As the teleportation spell began to activate, I realized that I probably wouldn't see Lavine

again for a long time.

So, as I gazed at her one last time, I made an offer that I knew she would wholeheartedly


"Lavine, will you make a contract with me?"

"So, you know about my circumstances as well?" she responded, her tone tinged with


"Just a little bit," I admitted, keeping my answer deliberately vague. "You really are quite mysterious, young man..." she mused, seeming intrigued by my proposition. "But I'm sorry, you can't have me."

"I see," I replied with a smile, accepting her outright rejection. Truth be told, even if she had agreed, I didn't possess the mana to form a contract to begin with. "Well then, goodbye." It was a bit anticlimactic compared to what I had expected from our meeting, but it had still been enjoyable to tease her. That was an aspect I hadn't been able to explore in the game.

Lavine nodded silently in response to my gesture, and before I knew it, a bluish-white flash engulfed my vision. When the light subsided, I found myself back in the library, clutching two pieces of sapphire earrings in my hands. [Item: Tears of Chronos (Unique)]

[Description: Crafted from the essence of celestial realms and imbued with arcane energies, this mystical artifact is a marvel of both craftsmanship and enchantment. As if plucked from the cosmic tapestry, they shimmer with an otherworldly glow, their crystalline surface

etched with intricate sigils that dance and shift with the passage of moments.] [Effects: Time dilation (Movement slow: 50%)]

[Description: When danger looms, time itself seems to slow to a crawl, granting the wielder

precious moments to assess their surroundings and react with unparalleled swiftness.] [Note: effects will act automatically If the user does not respond to certain dangers...]

[Note: the skill will not dilate S rank skills, Unique skills and beyond] [Congratulations you have gained your first Unique item!] [Bonus status points: +10]

Damn... the system was quite generous today.

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