How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 4: Liyana's lies

Chapter 4: Liyana's lies

Glancing at me from head to toe, Liyana's eyes widened with admiration, her captivating red gaze gleaming brightly.

"You look so handsome, darling," she purred, circling me with a grace that seemed almost ethereal, her fingertips lightly brushing against my attire.

"Thank you..." I replied, though inwardly marveling at how even in simple clothing, she radiated an undeniable beauty. It was said that true elegance lay in the way a person carried themselves, and Liyana exemplified this concept effortlessly.

"You're very mean, you know, darling. How come the thought of visiting the duchy never crossed our minds? I was waiting for you there, you know?" she teased, her tone playful yet tinged with a hint of reproach.

This liar... I knew for certain she wasn't at the duchy but instead had been hovering above me while I traveled in the carriage.

Having spent enough time with her already, I had grown accustomed to the depths of her obsessions and the lengths to which she would go to just to.

Looking around, I couldn't spot the usual butler who always accompanied her, nor the maid who attended to her every need.

In the game, those two servants were steadfast in their loyalty, never leaving Liyana's side. Their absence was a clear indication of what was up.

Observing Liyana's disheveled appearance-her tousled dress and slightly messy hair-it was evident that she had likely flown here on her own after noticing me heading straight for the city.

I can counter her argument entirely by asking why she was here and how she knew I went straight for the city.

However, pointing out these discrepancies would undoubtedly land me in trouble.

So, ignoring the obvious, I mustered the best excuse I could conjure.

"I didn't want to bother you..."

"Since when were you a bother to me, darling?" she countered.

Then, with a tight hug, she enveloped me, drawing the already hateful gazes directed at me to intensify.

"I know you don't like me, darling... but shouldn't you at least say your goodbye?"

Her voice quivered with emotion, tears glistening in her eyes.

As she muffledly cried into my chest, I felt like my neck was now on the chopping block. Every eye in the vicinity was fixated on me, their glares piercing through my very soul.

Making such a beautiful lover cry was perhaps the greatest sin a man could commit in their eyes. If they knew she was the duke's daughter, they would likely have strung me up in public square.

After all, this city of Hamen fell under the duke's protection and jurisdiction, making her essentially their princess.

The only reason they didn't recognize her was because of the skill she possessed, one that rendered people unable to recognize her true identity.

It was a remarkably potent skill, extensively discussed in the game lore. And yet, they chose to elaborate on a mere skill rather than delve into Riley's backstory.

It begged the question: just how much did the developers despise or neglect Riley?

Right now, she was behaving in a manner so different from the usual game character.

The affectionate gaze, the lingering remarks, the lovable whispers-even the genuine sadness-I hadn't seen this side of her in the game.

If only I didn't know her other side, I might have fallen for her already.

It was baffling to witness the world ender behave so nicely and affectionately towards


If the game developers saw this scene, they would probably bawl their eyes out of sheer disbelief.

With a heavy sigh, I found myself returning her embrace instinctively.

"I'm sorry..." The words spilled from my lips, laden with genuine remorse.

Despite being showered with her love for so long, the thought of reciprocating those feelings never resonated in my heart.

I knew I was being selfish, but the fear of the impending future with her was too overwhelming to ignore.

Looking at her smile upon hearing my words, my heart ached with a mixture of emotions. As much as I was afraid of her, I didn't truly hate her.

It was just that I couldn't bring myself to reciprocate the love and affection she always showered upon me. Conflicting emotions brewed inside me, blocking any genuine response.

Sure, I could probably deceive her and start acting more affectionate, but ultimately, that would still be a lie-to her and to myself.

'I'm sorry, Liyana, but our future together only ends in your own happiness together with the protagonist....'

The system remained online, intertwined with the main scenarios in the game.

This meant that my inevitable death, along with a future with her, must come true, or else I would fail.

My future seemed set in stone. If I deviated from my fate in an attempt to hope for a future with Liyana, the system would ensure my 'bad end'.

If I followed the main scenarios, Liyana herself would be the harbinger of my end.

No matter what path I chose, the outcome was predetermined.


I will die.


Hearing the magical ship that had just arrived outside the tower, I reluctantly let go of Liyana.

She looked very disappointed as the ship heading straight towards the academy was here.

"I'll see you soon"

I said, trying to inject reassurance into my voice.

I gently patted her head before planting a kiss on her cheek.

Observing my actions, Liyana froze, her gaze locked onto me in a daze.

Her eyes widened, her cheeks flushing red against her pale complexion.

In that moment, she looked so adorable and flustered that it stirred an impulse within me to

hug her once more.

As I boarded the ship, determination filled every fiber of my being. I had made my resolve to secure my happy ending, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

With two whole years stretched out before me, I knew I had to make the most of every


The system may be forcing me to follow the main scenarios, but I refused to be bound by its


Instead, I vowed to explore every supporting scenario, every divergent path the protagonist

could take.

I would manipulate as many variables as possible to defy my looming fate.

But in order to succeed, there was one crucial sacrifice I had to make: 'I couldn't allow myself to fall in love with Liyana.'

Two years from now, Liyana would inevitably cross paths with the protagonist of this world.

In an instant, she would fall for him, ensnared in a fate from which she could never escape, Afterall a dragons heart could only truly fall in love with their fated one... and sadly I wasn't


That role belonged to the protagonist.

Tragically, that fate would seal my own demise, as she would ultimately kill me in pursuit of

her newfound love.

Despite the darkness that loomed over our shared future, I was determined to carry a torch of understanding and compassion.

No matter what twisted turns our destinies took, I vowed to ensure that Liyana knew one undeniable truth: I never hated her.

In the face of impending tragedy, I would hold onto this shred of humanity, clinging to it like

a lifeline amidst the storm.

As the ship slowly vanished into the distant horizon, Liyana stood there, her fingertips grazing the spot where Riley's lips had briefly touched hers.

It was a rare occurrence, one that stirred a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her.

For the first time in a decade, Riley had taken the initiative, a surprising move that caught

Liyana off guard.

Could it be that he was finally breaking free from the confines of his passive demeanor?

The thought intrigued her, and a faint smile played upon her lips, revealing a glimmer of


Her crimson eyes shimmered like polished rubies, reflecting the sinister glow of her inner thoughts.

Around her neck, ethereal black scales danced, casting an otherworldly aura around her.

"Has your heart finally stirred for me, Riley?" she whispered softly to herself, her hand

drifting to her chest, where no heartbeat echoed.

Liyana's heart remained a void, untouched by the affections of others.

Not even Riley had managed to breach its icy walls.

But what had drawn her to Riley was his uniqueness, his divergence from the mundane.

He was the only one who didn't like her. While others showered her with adoration and affection, his gaze held a disdain that intrigued her.

It was a refreshing change from the usual fawning she received, a unique dynamic that piqued

her interest.

There was something captivating about his indifference, a challenge that she found oddly

exhilarating. In his eyes, she saw not admiration, but raw honesty-a rarity in the world she


But if he were to succumb to the same fate as countless others, then what was the point of

keeping him around for fun?

'Should I kill him now?'

The question echoed in her thoughts, a tantalizing prospect that offered a swift solution to

her dilemma.

With a mere gesture, she could eliminate him and be done with it, sparing herself further complications.

Yet, as tempting as it was, Liyana hesitated.

His presence served as a deterrent against unwanted suitors and undesirable marriage proposals, a convenient shield that protected her autonomy and independence.

With a resigned sigh, Liyana shook her head, dismissing the notion of ending his life


Despite his flaws, Riley was still somewhat important to her-albeit in a peculiar way.

Although her heart doesn't beat for him for some reason, she still likes him.... a notion she

couldn't quite understand.


As the ship sailed off into the distance, a palpable sense of excitement swelled up within me.

Finally, I was about to see my favorite character in person.

Above, the announcer's voice crackled over the speakers, announcing our impending arrival at Arkein City, a neighboring city of Hamen, to pick up the students there.

It was a fairly close city, situated just a few kilometers away from our current location.

Arkein City also happened to be the hometown of my favorite heroine, the character I had admired and rooted for countless times as I played through the game.

The thought of finally meeting her face-to-face filled me with a mix of anticipation and


I only saw a glimpse of her last time...

This time I will savor her entire presence along the ride.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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