Human King

Chapter 10: Goblin (3)

Chapter 10: Goblin (3)

Today is a great day, I thought. The scenery of the forest doesn't change no matter how many times I look at it. It eases my mind. I feel like I am myself when I see this scenery. Of course, the one telling or making me feel that way is the instinct that I have no knowledge. Anyways, it is time for my departure. I have my horn tied to my circle shaped wood that I made. I'm surprised that after all that I went through, it didn't break. I guess the trees are stronger than I thought.

My monkey snacks are tied to the wood too. It's perfect. I just have to begin and start my walk in the forest. Now the only problem is... Wanwan.


The little guy got big in a single night! I looked at him suspiciously but there's no denying it. He's taller than me now and he is fierce. His fangs that were child like before can't be seen at all. Well considering that I became a Goblin Baron in my first day of my life, he isn't that weird.

---Do wolves grow this fast? I don't believe it...

I don't know what to do with this guy. If he's that big and he comes with me, I won't be able to walk the path sneakily. Just why did it happen now? At this rate, I'll be forced to change my route and look for wider paths.


"You look like you can fight by yourself now. You think you can hunt and live on your own now?"

Even though I said that I'll raise Wanwan, I can do nothing at this point. His form right now is that of an adult wolf of his species. If he evolves now, he will be strong as his parent. If he lives too dependent on me, he might become useless in the future so I would like to avoid that.

I also noticed something off about him. Despite having no experience in battles and in life his aura is different from that of an ordinary wolf, it's like a proud being standing at the apex. I can't believe that he was just a cub days ago. I knew that I was a prideful being but Is this my influence perhaps?


He walks towards the center of the place and I follow after him. He looks at me with eyes full of affection and then he motions with his mouth at the path that I took every time I went hunting.



He holds his head up high and then he points at the path with his claws. Ah! Is he telling me that he'll hunt from now on?

"You'll go there?"

"Wof! Hrrrr"

"Hmmm if you think you can, go for it. I'll go to my destination as well."

I said, pointing to the direction at the opposite side of where my hunting ground is. I hope he understands me. Wanwan looks at the place I pointed to and pushed its head against my chest. Doing this, he looks pretty adorable though that is if you ignore his size.

"Woah! There, there."

I patted his head that is full of fur, it was soft. I guess it can't be helped. He is a magical beast and I'm a goblin, we can't live together for long as we have our difference. The time we spent together was short. It hasn't even been a month. I can just hope that he will be safe.

As such, we parted ways. He moved towards his path and I too walked my own. I can only leave it to fate if we will ever cross paths again.


"Are we late? Raizen!"

"Of course we are, I can't wait to see those brat's faces when we rescue them! I am sure they didn't expect that the commander will send reinforcements. "

"Oy, they are still nobles so show some respect. You don't want problems, do you?"

The two people conversing with a light tone on their voice are the commanders of these units running across the plain. 500 man commander Raizen is a man skilled with the sword, his techniques was enough to mesmerize people. Given time, he would definitely be able to be promoted in a high ranking position. The other is called Guy, he is a man with a sharp mind. Combined with Raizen's unit, he is able to show off his prowess to the battlefield. They are known in the southern army as the twin blades.

A 500 man commander was a position that can change the situation on a battlefield greatly. They say that becoming a 1000 man commander is easier than 500 man commander. The reason for that is because people who already experienced being a commander of 500 men will be able to lead 1000 men efficiently and correctly. A soldier getting promoted to 500 man commander is something that needs guts, talent, skills and leadership in other words the quality of a general. The responsibility of taking care and making sure that the 500 people is doing their job as a unit is no joke.

Now, two of those with the quality of a general are dispatched to save the noble's unit. According to the reports of the scouts, the threat of the goblins has not been eliminated. Furthermore, monsters that are local to the area are attacking them. It will be a bad situation if three units gets eliminated this early, thus resulting in the dispatch of the two commanders.

The commander, Prawler, regretted the fact that he sent numerous men to their deaths. He had not expected that the knowledge regarding monsters of the nobles that are leading their units was so low that it could be said that they do not know how to fight monsters. He sent his capable commanders to save soldiers in the units of the nobles as many as possible.

Incidentally, the reason why the three of the nobles have been able to lead hundreds of men was because they were nobles. That was definitely not something related to their skills.


Guy pulls the reins on his warhorse and orders his men to stop their march. Raizen follows suit and gives orders after seeing Guy. He trusts Guy so much that he didn't even question his decision.

After some wait, the sound of something kicking the ground could be heard and a dust cloud forms in front of them. They merely watched as this something gets closer to them. Upon closer look, it was a messenger.

The messenger, with a relieved look upon seeing reinforcements, saluted to the commander and said with a voice full of passion.

"I am with Sir Mane's unit! I was tasked with the requesting of reinforcements on the front. Seeing you are here now, I will lead you the way."


Guy said with a powerful voice. The messenger looks back with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?"

And that was the last thing he heard.

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