Human King

Chapter 109: Returning home (19)

Chapter 109: Returning home (19)

"Goblins! Kill these mutts!"

Mos ordered the goblins to strike now as he was sure that the wolves wouldn't be able to fight back.

Although Mos was sure that there would be some casualties, it wouldn't hurt if they were able to kill the two wolves now.

After all, there were other wolves waiting to be killed. And what's more, those two other wolves were stronger, and bigger than the two wolves that the goblins were about to kill.

Mos thought that it would be better to take out the two cubs out of the picture, and join the game with the big bad wolves with no worry.

Well, that was indeed the best choice in this situation.

It was then.

As Mos ordered the normal goblins to step up and proceed to attack the two wolves while he and Garistoka was restraining them, one of the wolves howled.

"Ahouuu!!" The wolf howled even though it was being chocked.

It was quite an amazing feat if you think about it, but of course, Mos didn't give a fuck about that as he tightened his grip once more!

"Shut up!" Mos spoke with his eyes so wide.

Right now, Mos looked like he was about to 'pop' even though he was the one doing the choking.

Veins were bulging all over his body right now, and even his muscles were stretched just to keep up with what he was doing.

Of course, Garistoka was also looking like that as he too did the same thing as Mos was doing with the wolf.

The size of the two wolves were so big that it was even weird to categorize them as cubs.

Either way, Mos and Garistoka was having a hard time restraining the wolves.

And the wolves knew that as they kept howling.


The wolves tried to get out of the goblins' grasp as they moved their body roughly.

They did whatever the hell they could think of just to escape.

They were that desperate.

After all, the normal goblins were now upon them.

The sense of death was entering their brains, and invading their instincts!

The two wolves knew that if they don't do something, their doom would be a certain thing!


"Chweee!!" A goblin cried out in delight when he found out that the wolves couldn't reach him.

Although the wolves were moving randomly right now, the goblin was satisfied that he wasn't hit by the claws of the wolf.

And that was why the goblin moved fast and he punched the wolf's open belly.

However, the impact wasn't that great as his fist bounced off from the wolf's belly.

"Chwee?" The goblin titled his head, but his head soon flew to the air.


It was because of the wolf's tail that cut off his head by just a single swing!

And the wolf who knew that its tail was able to kill the foolish goblin had a smug look on his face.

It was clear that the wolf was feeling proud and arrogant for being able to kill a goblin despite being locked down.


And of course, Mos saw the face that the wolf was making right now.

However, despite his usual fiery attitude, Mos actually had quite the 'peaceful' look on his face right now.

Mos knew that he was being ridiculed by the wolf, but it seems like he really didn't care.

He just spoke peacefully, but his voice was hoarse and rough as he was struggling with the lock.

"You think you're safe, huh?"

Mos brought his face near to the wolf's face.

Because of the wolf's huge size, Mos was able to bring his mouth near to the wolf's ear while having his eyes staring directly at the wolf's eye.

That was why the wolf could hear, and see everything that Mos said clearly.

"Look in front." Mos said as he pointed in front with his face.

The wolf's eyes moved a little bit towards the front, but it didn't really change.

However, Mos was sure that the wolf could see what he wanted to say.

"Do you think you could kill them all?" Mos' voice was calm that it was soothing to the ears.

However, for the wolf, it was definitely not.

"Look at them at those goblins, waiting to kill you."

The wolf could see the goblins who were trying to look for ways to attack the two wolves.

However, the wolf didn't really care about those pieces of shits who couldn't even do anything to him.

After all, the goblin who punched him before didn't even make him feel any pain at all.

"Ah, I guess you're thinking that they're weak?" 

It was then.

The wolf who was calm about the situation suddenly had a change in its emotions.

Nothe change only happened on its eyes as it moved back towards Mos.

Why? It was because Mos knew what exactly the wolf was thinking.

"Don't worry; all of them will have a turn at you."

Mos then brought his mouth closer to the wolf's ears that it looked like he was kissing the wolf.

"If one fist won't be enough, then two. If two won't be enough, then four."

"If four won't do the trick, then eight. If eight won't kill you, then sixteen."

"We have all the hands we need to bring you down." 

"The goblins down there will punch you all day until you die."

"And if that isn't enough for you, we have our fangs too."

Moris then opened his mouth wide as he showed off his fangs to the wolf. It wasn't sharp, but his scary look was traumatizing enough to the wolf.

That was why the wolf's eyes were shaking right now.

Noit was because the wolf imagined how it would be a punching bag for the goblins.

The wolf imagined how the sharp fangs of the goblin would pierce its flesh and strike the bones while it was alive.

The wolf imagined how much pain he would have to experience. And those imaginations fed its fear.

And Mos noticed the fear.

That was why he decided to do something funny.

"Roarrr!!" Mos decided to bellow out a roar as if he were mimicking the wolf.

It was stupid, and childish. However, it seems it had a different effect to the wolf as it spasmed.

"Awwww!!" The wolf howled as it noticed the goblins who were approaching.

Their green-skinned body, claws, fangs, and scary facesthose became the source of fear for the wolf.

"Not so tough now, huh?" Mos said as he gestured for the goblins to attack.

And because of their excited state


The goblins replied back with much enthusiasm as they ran towards the wolf, not minding the power of the tail!

It was the start of the death sentence of the wolf.

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