Human King

Chapter 140: Mastering Aura

Chapter 140: Mastering Aura

Dawn was currently standing in the middle of this place.

There weren't many trees, but, of course, that was only in here.

If one walks a bit more, they would soon enter the swarm of trees.

Well, Dawn didn't really care about the trees at this point as he was just concentrating inside himself.

Right in front of Dawn, who had his eyes closed, Moris was standing.

Moris was the one instructing the king right now as he watched it all.

It was weird as the subordinate was the one giving orders to the king, but that was because Dawn allowed it.

No, Dawn specifically ordered Moris to tell him things.

After all, Moris has more knowledge about this stuff than Dawn.

And this stuff was certainly connected with Aura.

"Hmm..." Dawn hummed as he tried to grasp the Aura within himself.

There was only one reason why he was doing this, and that was because Moris said that it was necessary.

It was weird that Dawn was using his Aura inside himself, but Dawn was still able to do it.

However, Dawn wasn't sure as the Aura was not on his skin. He just felt that there was Aura surrounding his insides now.

And because of that, Moris spoke as he watched his king do his thing.

"This type of using Aura is called Reinforcement. It could be used to fool your opponent as the Aura cannot be seen, Your Highness."

"The more Aura you could use, the better your defenses would be."

"Although on the surface you would have shallow wounds, you won't really be affected by it."

"As the Aura is protecting your insides, as long as you maintain it, you shall not be cut or be damaged."

Moris said as he bowed his head slightly. Of course, he would. After all, Dawn opened his eyes.

And while he was in that state of having his insides being guarded by Aura, Dawn was thinking.

---Hmmm. I never thought of this. Really, just by having a single one who knows things makes it easier.

Moris knew things, and that was why Dawn could now do things like this.

And it was absurd since this was just the first one. There were many other things that Moris knew, and there were many things that Dawn could still learn.

Just because of one goblin, Dawn would be able to have more arsenal to his attacks, defenses, and other things.

What's more, the impact of this is huge.

If Dawn had this type of technique before, he probably wouldn't be one-sidedly defeated by the Warmen.

This technique was, after all, protecting his insides much better.

Well, that's just Dawn's thoughts on the matter.

Either way, Moris definitely had the help of a century as Dawn could feel himself becoming stronger just with this technique.

And because of that, Dawn was satisfied. He was really satisfied with this.

He then spoke with a wide smile on his face. Although it was a smile, it certainly didn't look that way.

The way Dawn's fangs glowed was just deadly!

"Good. This is good. Is there anything you know about Aura?"

As Dawn knew that the Five Great Clans is basically the strongest village, he knew that there would be more techniques.

Although this technique of putting his Aura inside his body is cool and good, it doesn't really do that much.

It could save his life in a critical moment, but of course, what Dawn wanted was the power to destroy his enemies!

He wanted the strength to be able to smash any creatures standing in his way!

He wanted supreme power! And Dawn knew that Moris, a member of the Five Great Clans, had something like that.

However, it seems reality was sometimes disappointing as Moris spoke.

"There are other ways to use Aura. The most efficient way to use Aura is to have it become Presence."

"Presence is a better version of Aura, and it is a thousand times better than Aura."

"Even a tiny bit of Presence would be able to destroy a goblin who is fully-clothed with Aura."


Moris trailed off his words as he bit his lips. After all, the words that would come out of his mouth weren't really pretty.

"What is it?" Dawn said. He was getting patient as this Presence seems to be good.

He wanted to know everything about it now.

"Your Highness, pardon me for saying this, but..."

"You're not strong enough to use Presence."

And when Dawn heard that, he...was fine.

He didn't become angry or anything like that. He just calmly nodded his head as he started thinking.

---So, I must rank up first before I can do anything with this Presence.

Dawn's reaction to this was calmly weird as Dawn was just told that he was weak.

However, Dawn didn't really mind it. 

Why? As long as Dawn was weak, he could become stronger.

And that was why he even appreciated being called weak.

After all, he could become stronger! As long as Dawn becomes stronger, he would be satisfied with it.

Of course, it's not like Dawn would let himself stay as a weakling for any longer.

And that was why he asked Moris, who had his eyes wide open right now.

After all, even Moris didn't expect that Dawn wouldn't lash out at him for saying those words.

Even Moris felt Dawn's determination to become stronger was strangely hot.

"How strong must I be before I can use Presence?"

And because Moris was shocked, he wasn't able to answer as fast as possible.

He was just staring at the air, and that caused Dawn to go off.

"Why aren't you answering? Are you making me repeat myself?" Dawn said as he looked at Moris.

Dawn didn't like repeating himself. After all, he already said it.

It was a waste of time to repeat himself, and what's more, this was a subordinate of his.

That was why Dawn thought that they should respond immediately so that they would be able to do things much faster.

In the end, Dawn was thinking about how they could move much faster.

And that was all for the goblins. After all, if they finished their tasks much earlier, they would be able to do another.

And doing another would definitely contribute to rebuilding the village.

It was all for the goblins.

It was then that Moris finally spoke. He snapped out of himself as he noticed something heating up in Dawn.

Well, it was the usual rage.

"N-no, Your Highness. I was just thinking."

"There is only one condition for you to be able to use Presence. And that is to master Aura."

"And mastering Aura...that would take you at least a year."

"What's more, you must become a Duke."

And when Dawn heard an unfamiliar term, he tilted his head.

After all, he didn't know what that was. It seems something important, and that was why he immediately asked Moris.

"What's a Duke?" Dawn said.

Although Dawn was getting familiar with the Blessings of the Battlefield now, he still wasn't used to the terms.

After all, he just learns them as he goes on in life.

It's not like Dawn also knows everything there is to know about the Blessings that were given by the Battlefield.

And that was why Dawn didn't know about the pattern that he was undergoing as he evolved.

"Although Your Highness has a very unique form, I can tell that your current rank right now is a Count."

"And for you to be able to use Presence, Your Highness must become a Duke, which is the rank you would get after the Count."

Moris said as he bowed his head.

Dawn was...shocked. Shocked is an understatement in this case as he was shaken to his core.

After all, he didn't know about these things, and to think that there is a goblin who knows about things like these.

---Hmm. Dawn hummed in his mind as he tried to calm himself.

After all, it wouldn't be funny if he were to lash out and try to get Moris to speak everything.

Even if Moris did say everything, it would be bad if Dawn couldn't understand it.

That was why Dawn decided.

---I'll let Karkas and the others know about this. The important thing right now is...

"Since Duke is the next rank, that could be done by fighting stronger opponents."

"However, what do I need to do in order to master Aura?"

Since Duke is something Dawn would get in the future, the thing that he needed to focus on is to master Aura.

That was why he asked Moris.

However, it seems that Moris had a piece of bad news for Dawn.

After all, Moris could only lower his head as he spoke.

"Your Highness...You need to achieve Duke rank before you could master Aura."

"It is only when you are a Duke would you be able to understand the mystery of the Aura."

And when Dawn heard that, his eyes widened a little bit.

After all, this was something that he hated right now.

And that something was...

"Does that mean I would have to waste time?"

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