Human King

Chapter 196: Take Advantage

Chapter 196: Take Advantage

"I'm coming for you, white goblin!" Mabi shouted out loud as he ran up to the goblins with insane speed.

He then disappeared from the spot he was standing on and reappeared right in front of the goblins.

His speed was just insane as he was able to go from point a to point b so suddenly!

What's more, even Dawn was not able to notice right away that Mabi was now right in front of them!

He was only able to notice Mabi after a few seconds of running!

That was Mabi was.

And when he noticed them, there was something that entered Dawn's mind right away.

---One of the three legendary hyenas!

Right, Dawn was able to tell that Mabi was one of the three legendary hyenas right away.

And that was why he moved fast. He moved fast as he disappeared from the back lines of the goblins as he reappeared right in front of Mabi!

After all, if Mabi was here, that would only mean that he was here to stop the goblins from escaping from this situation.

And since Mabi was here to stop them, Dawn is forced to fight against Mabi.

That was why...with his eyes shining with the shade of red, Dawn appeared right in front of Mabi with his fists enshrouded with some kind of light.

"Great Force Punch!" Dawn shouted out loud as he swung the fist that he prepared with Aura.

The way he swung the fist was so strong that it cut the air and destroyed the trees around them!

However, Dawn was sure that he...didn't hit Mabi at all. He couldn't feel any flesh that came into contact with his fists, and he couldn't feel Mabi in front of him anymore.

---Where is he?!

Dawn thought as he tried to find Mabi's location with his senses. And it seems that Dawn could find Mabi with no problems as Dawn whipped his head back to the goblins.

After all, Dawn could feel that Mabi...was about to kill one of the goblins right now!

It was then that a voice resounded out in the forest as Dawn...could see Mabi appear right behind a goblin.

"Shik! Shik! Since you are so caring of your goblins, how about we kill one of them?! Eh?!"

With one of his legs about to kick the goblin's head, Mabi's movements were so slow for Dawn right now.

Dawn...could see Mabi's every movement as he watched Mabi...kill his goblin.

However, even though it was in slow motion for his eyes, it was not for his body.

It was as if...Dawn's perception of things has become better. But, of course, it's not like Dawn could move so fast right now that he would be able to stop Mabi.

Although Dawn was really fast if he was to go at his full speed, he wouldn't be able to stop this from happening now.

Right...Dawn was too late. However, as if it was all a joke, Dawn could feel his body moving on its own.

His body was moving on its own and his instincts started to work as his Aura suddenly started to appear all over his body.

And when Dawn became aware of things again, he...was in front of Mabi, who was about to kick the head of the goblin.

---What the!?!

Dawn thought as confusion set in his mind, but it seems that his body was decisive as his left fist made its way towards Mabi's face!

The sound of his left fist and Mabi's face colliding resounded out and even Dawn could feel the sensation of contact with his fist!

However, that was not all as Dawn could see Mabi get blown away with his fist covered in Aura!

And as if the trees around them were a joke, all of them got blown away as Dawn's fist made its full swing!

Right, Dawn's punch was so powerful that it even affected the other trees staying in this place.

And it was then that time returned back to normal for Dawn.

---What the hell happened?

Dawn thought as even he was surprised by just what happened in this situation.

After all, he basically caught up to Mabi in a split second and even punch him right in the face with enough force to blow the trees away.

Even though Dawn didn't know that Mabi's forte was speed, he knew that what he just did was something amazing.

That was why Dawn was confused right now as he whipped his head to the goblin.

"Go! Go! Run!" Dawn shouted out loud as he noticed that the goblins have stopped running for a while.

However, when he ordered them to run again, the goblins started to run again without any care for the world.

It seems that Dawn still knew what he had to prioritize. After all, it's not like Dawn had to wrap his head around this...sudden time slow or whatever it was called.

---I have to take advantage of this.

Dawn thought as he whipped his head to the front where he could see the monsters.

The monsters were...still fighting, but it was not that rowdy anymore as some of the monsters were actually eying the goblins now.

It seems that the monsters were just waiting for orders and if they received the order, they would immediately start pouncing on the goblins.

That was why Dawn didn't really mind the time slow that happened or whatever it was.

It was then that a voice resounded out in the forest again and in Dawn's ears.

"You're fast! As expected of a white goblin, so special!"

And when Dawn whipped his head back to Mabi, his eyes soon widened when he saw that half of Mabi's face was gone!

It was literally wiped off from his head, was even weirder that Mabi was still alive even with that kind of injury.

However, when Dawn soon squinted his eyes to look at Mabi better, he soon saw that Mabi's head was starting to regenerate by itself.

Smoke was emitting out of his head, but it wasn't that visible thanks to the fog that rose up when Dawn punched him.

But Dawn could clearly see that Mabi's head was healing by the minute.

However, Dawn didn't really care about Mabi right now.

After all, Mabi was injured and half of his face was gone from his head. This situation was good for the goblins.

What Dawn needed to do in this situation is to make sure that the monsters around wouldn't battle the escaping goblins.

If Dawn could do something like that, the goblins would probably be able to escape from this situation and Dawn would just have to mind himself.

Though, Dawn didn't really have to mind himself as he...can just grab Oz who would fly him away from this place.

Although calling Oz down in this place would allow him to be seen by the three legendary hyenas, it wouldn't really matter if it is only for a second.

Oz's speed would definitely leave these guys behind, and Dawn was confident about that.

That was why Dawn prepared his body, and let his instincts take over his body.

And as soon as he did that, he could feel his Aura roaming his body around, and his feet being enshrouded with mana.

He then bent his knees as he disappeared on the spot, and the way he kicked on the ground was so powerful that the ground caved in!

And all this happened in just a single second, and when Mabi realized that his target ran away from him, his right eye widened!

"Ah! That bastard planned to run away from the start!" Mabi shouted out loud as he whipped his head to look in the direction where Dawn ran to.

"So, he's planning to fight against the monsters to give away for his goblins." Mabi murmured as he used his powers on his head.

He...forced his powers to instantly regenerate the missing part of his head, and it seems that Mabi could do something like that as...his head, starting with the skull, returned back to normal!

It was such an amazing sight to see, but Mabi didn't care about that as he prepared to take off.

He prepared by enshrouding his entire legs with his powers, and kicked off the ground powerfully!

"I won't let you escape!" Mabi shouted out loud as he began to chase after...the goblins.

Right, he didn't plan to chase after Dawn, but instead he chose to run after the goblins.

If Mabi could just hinder the goblins from running away, the white goblin, who seemed like he was escorting the goblins away from this place, would definitely put Mabi in his attention and fight against him.

As long as that happens and the white goblin gets trapped in here, no matter how many goblins escape, it would be fine.

After all, no matter how many hands they cut off, as long as the head is still alive, the body will just regenerate.

And Mabi knew this very well as he was one of the rulers of the southeast of the forest.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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